i - . Weather J AVv . ; . Today's Tomorrow's Tides (S A-M.) 7fr Rupert Part cloudy, prince High 12:05 pm. 21.1 ft. fog; barometer, 30.00; temperature, drifting smooth. Low .. 5:55 am. 4.1 tL 55; sea 18:23 p.m. 3.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXV., No. 228. Inine PERSONS TOWNS ON OREGON COAST ARE DESTROYED BY FIRE Bandon and Prosper Wiped Out and Other Communities Menaced Several Persons Missing Northern California Also Ablaze BANDON, Ore., Sept. 28: Nine persons were known dead and several were missing last night after this thriving little town of five thousand people at the mouth of the Coquille River had been virtually wiped out by uncontrollable forest fires. The village of Prosper, some three miles ud the river, had also been practically destroved and the people of Coquille, further up and( across tne river, were preparing iu evacuate. Up the coast the Mayor of North Bend on Coos Bay near Marshfleld was asking for aid as the forest fire situation there be? came menacing. Never before has Coos County faced a more serious situation, Northern California Too SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 28: Serious and extensive forest, fires were sweeping over thousands of lucres oi vaiuame limner lands in arlous parts of Northern Callfor- :1a at the week-end. threatening ntire communities In some cases. long the coast some valuable tands of redwood were ablaze. Ten lies of coastline was a wall of ire north of Trinidad which town itself was In danger. Across the op of the state two towns near he Nevada border were being men- ced by approaching flame. ILL NOT LOCK-OUT sployrrs on Seattle Waterfront Will not Take Initiative Against Unions SEATTLE, Sr.pt. 28 The Seattle atcrfront Employer's Association, a statement at the week-end, eclarcd there would ba no lock-'& of union marine workers fol ding exp'ry of the agreement the union on September 30.! legate Anthony C. Dimond cf ika has asked the federal gov- mtnent, in the event of a marine ic-up hre, to ensure a servlci 'or Alaska by .taking over ships nd operating ,thcm If necessary. Mcfiready on Scene SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 28: f 3 rake a final effort, by a series or inferences, to brina about a settlement of the dispute between j ie shipowners and marine, work 's union which will reach a rtsls this week with the expiry of the present working agreement, ard F. McOready. assistant retary of labor, reached the wst on Saturday. The first of the onferences was held yesterday. FOREIGNERS ARE BANNED Man fJovernment Not Permit ting them to Take Part In Political Demonstrations BRUSSELS. SeDt. 28: The Bcl- iian government Issued a decree Be3tertt.iv t ..4vujr limit; uuu iviif I'de Belgian citizens win ho, rcr- ed to take part In political! femonstratlons in Belgium. ALL ENGLAND A WHEEL WNbON. Sort. 2R: irun.nl. 1 four years, accordlne to cen- IUS, great lu iu. lns problems on the highways. Weather Forecast s Pillll?" trough (the courtly of llstaSnlnlon "rtologlcBl Bureau at K t s!T,pllrt Tom observations t- t"nr . 'rr'' Bna . cover tne a? J m'Hr,,. K ! 1 "nee Rupert and Queen Char tan, cloudv. llaht 'uiune uiuri: winrf.. ". Uh Z TLTay DEAD AS Movie Actress And Leader Of Band Married HOLLYWOOD, Sept. 28: Ann Sothern. well known screen act ress, and Roger Prior, noted band leader, were married in Hollywood Congrotatlonal Church at one minute after midnight Sunday morning and yesterday were flying across the continent to Chicago were the bridegroom had a, band engagement. TODAY'S STOCKS Oburtety 8. D.'Jobruton CXj.I Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .37. Big Missouri, .51. Bralorne, 8.40. B. R. Con., .05V2. B. R. X, .13. Cariboo Quartz, 1.90. Dentonla, .14. Dunwell, .03". Oolconda, ,10. Mlnto, 22. Morning Star, .OH. 'National Silvcf..03 Noble Five. .0214. Pend Oreille, .80. Porter Idaho; .04, Premier, 352. Reeves McDonald. .05. Reno, 1.43. Relief Arlington. .40. Salmon Gold, .08 Vi. Taylor Bridge, .10. Wayside, .10. United Empire, .02ft. Toronto Beattle, 1.40. Central Patricia, 4.10. Chibougamau, 1.55. God's Lake, .94. Inter. Nickel, 61.00. Lee Gold, .06ft. Little Long Lac, 6 30. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.79. Pickle Crow, 6.75. Red Lake Gold Shore, 2.09; San Antonio, 1,73. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.63. Slsco, 4.75. Smelter Gold, .08 Vi. Sturgeon River, .38. Ventures, 2.34. McLeod Cockshutt, 4.70. Hardrock, 2.60. Oklend, .32. Mosher, .72. Bousquet, .12. Bldgood Kirkland, 1.45. Gllbec, .04 V2. Lake Rose, .53. Madsen. 1.00. May Spiers, .52. Wlnoga Patricia, .45. Sullivan. 2.07. Stadacona, .68 Vi. Green Stabell, .61. Frontier, .22. Francoeur, 1.22. Manitoba & Eastern, .142. Perron, 1.73. South Keora, .12. Moneta Porcupine, .56. Sladen Malartlc, 1.17. New Augarlta, .45. PREFERRED A WHIPPING BIRMINGHAM, En., Sept. o' (CP) 'The magistrates rejected the plea of a 16-year-old boy who said he would rather have the 'birch or the cat" tihari1 go to a reformatory school for taking a car without permission. nnnniN LOSING GRIP ,nnmj RPDt. 28: (CP) Dc - crease of 27 pen '"'",1 T-.T.T," t ,t PA.tfttAwti traffic on ting- rZz been reported, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1936 Made Baronet T :l KT :B Mk 'HR SIR PRECY VINCENT ; LONDON, Sept. 28; A baronetcy has been conferred by King Edward' VIII on Sir Percy Vincent, Lbrd Mayor of London; who visited the Pacific Coast recently. Today's Weather . (Government Telegraphs) , Terrace Cloudy, calm, tepipera- ture 55.. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 50 Hazelton Part cloudy, calm, 43 Smlthers . part cloudy, calm, mUd. Burns Lake Fog, 38. Stock Market Go Into Slump Uncertainty Over Devaluating Of Franc Causes General Falling Off in Serurities TORONTO, Sept. 23: The uncertainty of foreign exchange fol lowing the devaluation of the French franc at the week-end caused all stock markets to slump. The Industrial average here was off 1.61 and In New off 2.78. Lettuce Strike Still Deadlock Two! Clashes Occurred In Salinas. Cal., on Saturday as Dispute Remains Unsettled SALINAS, Cal., Sept. 28: Negotiations for a settlement of lettuce pickers strike in this district seem ed at the week-end to be as badly deadlocked as ever. There were two clashes Saturday between un ion pickers and strike-breakers. HER BODY IS FOUND Mystery In Connection With Death Of Victoria 'Woman and Dis-: appearance of Husband VICTORIA, Sept. 28: (CP) The body of Mrs. Doris Gravlln, who had been missing since last Tues-day.'was found Sunday In a shallow depression on a beach hear Oak Bay covered with logs. The police, who said they believed death to have been due to strangulation", are conUnufngan intensive search for the husband, Vic Oravlln, former Victoria sports editor, who has also been missing since Tuesday. He had been recu perating from a lengthy illness. CHURCH OBJECTED. LEWIS, Hebrides, Sept; 28: (C?! Fearing children may fair to the temptation of "cinema-going, so hurtful to the youth of today," the . Free Church presbytery has pro- oeing rasen xo see -eaucawonai travel-films. BIG DRIVE I CONTINUES Spanish Rebels Last Night Captured Toledo Bilboa Under Heavy' Siege TOLEDO, Sept. 28: .Alter heavy and bitter f.'ghting during which 300 loyalist soldiers were slain and the streets ran red, Toledo fell to the Fascists at 9:25 last night. The fall of the city was at first denied by the government but later admitted. WITH THE FASCIST ARMY NEATt TOLEDO, Sept. 28: (CD-Advancing rebels, -driving their outputs to within a few miles of Toledo at the week-end in preparation lor a decisive advance, seized an ' Important bridge head on the Ouardaraimma River. At Bilboa ten insurgent planes rained bombs into the city as' an-anlhists continued to kill insurgent sympathizers he!d as hostages. The bombing killed' hundreds. SluiekJng mob3 killed sixty hostages. Many parts of the seaport were set afire. - . President Manuel Azana had asked for refuge in the Argentine embassy or on an Argentine war-shlp off the southeast coast it was said His requesi being fot- warded by the embassy to Buenos Aires. Supplying Munitions WASHINGTON D.C., Sept. 28: Fedcal authorities are Investlga- tlnB reports that American mur.l- tions makers have been shipping arms to Spain via another coun try. Report Denied MADRID, Sept. 28: The report, attributed .to Fascist propaganda that President Azana had asked Argentina Jor refuge;.was -declared. here, following- a conference last night between the President and the Premier, to be absurd. With five government warships speeding to the north coast in the Bay of Biscay to relieve beleaguered ports there, it was though. the first major naval engagement A the civil war might be Impend- J FATHER COUGIILIN IS NO COMMUNIST CINCINNATI, Sept. 28: Father Charles Coughlin, De- r troifs radio priest, declared here yesterday that he would not hesitate if necessary, to take up arms In defence of American liberty against com- munlsm. This was not to be taken to mean, however, that he was not as keen as ever for a new social order. ( Big Air Race Is On Tuesday Fifteen Planes to Take Off From London Tomorrow For Johannesburg LONDON, Sept. 28: The great , London to Johannesburg air race commences tomorrow morning with fifteen planes taking to the air for the sprint. Donor of $50,000 for the London-to-Johannesburg air "derby" to celebrate' the opening of the British Empire Exhibition at Johannesburg, Isadore W. Schleslnger, is a millionaire and head of- numerous companies. He Is reputed the biggest sheep farmer and fruit grower In South Africa. He was responsible for the development of the broadcasting service in the Union of South Africa. . COMFORT POOR SAILORS DOVER, Eng. Sept. 28: (CP)-Successful tests have been' made I with an apparatus of metal fins to be attached to iships to keep them on a more even keel In stormy seas. More Glory m BENITO MUSSOLINI ROME; Sept. 28: Premier Benito Mussolini will be .further g.'irlfled on the occasion of the observance of the fourteenth anniversary of the March on Rome on October 28 when he will be proclaimed Grand Chancellor of the Italian Empire, It Is reported here. Diana Dollar To Wed 'Frisco Man Heiress of Shipowners' Millions T Announce Engagement to Jeweler SAN FRANCISCO,. Sept. 28: -Mi?s Diana Dollar, heiress of thf Captain Robert Dollar millions, I pected to announce her engag Harmsworth Trial Comins: This Week Former United States Naval Of ficei Charged With Selling Secrets . To Japanese WASHINGTON, D.C., Sept. 28: Trial of John Harmsworth. former united States naval officer, on charges of selling American naval secrets to the Japanese will take place this week. If found guilty, he Is subject to a term of up to 20 years' Imprisonment. Such an of-j fence during war would be punishable by death. MANY ARE HOMELESS j City of Waco, Texas, Hard Hit By Flood Waters When Levee Breaks ! WACO, Texas, Sept. 28: Tvn thousand persons were rendered homeless yesterday as a result of the breaking of river levees which caused the flooding of a considerable portion of the lower rcsldcn-. tlal section of this city Of sixty thousand persons. GET NEW DRUM HORSE EDINBURGH, Sept. 28: (CP)- Rex, famous but aging drum-horsi of the Royal Scots. Greys,. will b succeeded by the black Irish gelding Lalrdsburn. (The Greys' drum-horse Is never grey). WOULD CONTROL RENTS MANCHESTER, Eng. Spt. 23' (CP) The city council has asked ithe British government for a new Rent Restrictions Act to control house rentals of less .than .'$175 Ja' year., v. if FRANC DEVALUATION PLAN APPROVED; DEPUTIES BACK UP NEW MONETARY POLICY Effect is Widespread and is Expected to be Forerunner Of Permanent World Prosperity Switzerland, Holland, Latvia and Greece Go Off Gold Standard . ' LONDON, Sept. 28: (CP) Five nations have joined in he break-up of the gold bloc and the march toward cur-ency adjustment led off by France under protection of a "monetary equilibrium" agreement with Great Britain 'nd the United States. It is generally felt here that the international monetarymoves since the week-end will lead . fto a stabilization of currency such Governor of New Jersey Will Retire 1RENTON, New Jersey, Sept. 28 Governor Harold Hoffman ci New Jersey will retire from tn: governorship on the expiry of hi. term of office In January 1938 tc enter the insurance business. It I learned. New Jersey governor! .jnnct succeed themselves Halibut Arrivals American Arrow, 35,000, 9.8s and 7c, Pacific fisheries. Federal, 15,000, 85c and 6c, Cold Storage, Oceanic, 16,000, 10.1c and 7c, oth Fisheries. Onah, 15,000, 10.1c and 7c, Atlln lsherles. Canadian Oslo, 22,000, 9c and 6c, Cold Stor age. '' . Margaret, 7,500, ?.5c arid, 6c. Atlin " --- Fisheries;'"" - Unome, 5,000, 7.5c and 6c, Booth Fisheries. DEATH OF INFANT District headquarters of the pro- .incial' police here have been ad - ;isea oi tne aeatn at Bmitn s miei :f Marilyn June Anderson, three aonths' old baby, on September 3. Jeath was sudden and Is believed to have been due to malnutrition. Coroner Hill of Ocean Falls is in vestigating. The report of Frank Widerson's death is announced to have been an error. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Sept. 28: (CP) Wheat was quoted at $1.05('2 on the Vancouver Exchange today. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, (CP Bar silver was unchanged at 443,ic per ounce on the New York metal market today. WILL STILL PLAY IT LONDON, Sept. 28: (CP), Because it is a good martial tune, "military and other bands may still play "God Bless tne Prince oi Wales" although there Isn'J any.) a war unite uiuci aap. FEARED BURIAL ALIVE LLANDAFF, Wales, Sept. 2C. (CP) Because he feared burial alive, Albert C. Macintosh directed his body be not burled until uh-disputable signs of desomposltlcn set Jn. PLAYGROUND FOR SHEFFIELD, SHEFFIELD, Eng., Sept. 28 1 (CP When 200 acres of Derbyshlrn countryside were threatened by building speculators, $35,000 wasjjonn raised and the place turned Into a playground for the city's workpeople. Sixth Japanese ejects Violent Death In China PEIPING,. Sept. 28: The sixth violent death of - a Japanese In China within a month occurred here at the week-end but was con sldcred accidental and not an In - tematlonal incident: raiCE: s cents as Is held to be essential to per- nanent world, recovery. ' While the Socialist government of Premier Leon Blum in France won a majority in the first Parlla- nent test of the devaluation pro gram, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Latvia and Greece announced cur rency stabilization programs. Switzerland announced Saturday night that it was going off the gold standard. Holland yesterday forbid the export of gold from the country and today followed up with the de- Islon to go off the gold standard. "The Blum government presented to Parliament sixteen bills embody ing Its new devaluation of the franc program from gold content, of 65.5 milligrams to 43.49 milligrams. Pending readjustment, the Bourse will remain closed until Tuesday ind possibly later. It was reported early today that Italy had decided to devaluate. The effect .of the French devaluation I upon Germany and Russia will also lbe followedwi with interest.. The Russian State Bank at Moscow denied accusations that its sales of British pounds were intended as an effort to, force down the British currency rate. The sales were "ordinary banking transac- jtlons," the Bank declared. TAKES UP NEWW0RK Rev, W. D. Grant Ilollingworth Given Leave of Absence By Presbyterian' Church Rev. W. D. Grant Holljngworth, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, advised his congregation yesterday that he had accepted appointment as missionary organizer of the Presbyterian Church In Canada for British Columbia. Expressing regret at his departure, a congregational meeting granted Mr. Holllngworth a yeer'sjleaye of absence from the pulpit here. Mr. Ilollingworth will' be leaving here for Vancouver about ythe end of October to assume his new duties as from November 1. He will travel extensively through the province including the central Interior, At a meeting of the Presbytery of .Westminster on October 12 ar rangements win De mcae lor a suo-stltute for Mr. Holllngworth. Mr. Holllngworth will- go south next week to attend the Presbytery meeting as well as sessions of the provincial synod. Aged Terrace Man Has Narr ow Escape Dool Nearly Perishes When His Small Home is Destroyed By Fire TERRACE, Sept, 28: The small residence of .John pool here wg.s destroyed by. fire early Friday morning. Mr. Dool, who Is aged and Infirm,' narrowly escaped being burned to death. VANCOUVER, Sept. 28: (CP) Vancouver egg prices at the end of the week 'were '34c,J(30c,;arid'24c 'wholesale. . , . VTlW';- V"-