r id SNAP i u f i i r i n t OWDER ClIAMJ -4 fOtBHtJ Mm ,4 "TASM tABNV CAMMOt PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye III to) DOfM PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Jasper Telkwa and Black Diamond COAL Dry Vood PHONE. 580 Office 315 Second Ayenue ope, Mr. Collart said there was too much unrest In France for business conditions to be pood. However, tlon. Wages were low and business poor. This was in strong contrast to the conditions h Britain and Belgium. In jtjgsg countries there was l building ! boom ' and everybody semed busy.ctn passing through After the closing on September 25 of all salmon fishing in Prince Rupert district with the exception of Queen Charlotte Islands and Rivers Inlet areas, the B. C. Pac- . - tesy extended to them was thor- kers salmon cannery at Namu will t.. be the only cannery oughiy appreciated by the visitors, still in operation in the district., It;,v'ill continue to pack Theo coiiart, who returned home ' chums f rom the Islands and Rivers Inlet. Butedale can on Thursday night and who was nery in ne central division, Car- with the party, acting mucn or tne itsie. Claxton and Inverness on the time as an interpreter, expressed skeena River and Lagoon Bay on himself as particularly pleased the Queen Charlotte Islands are with the trip and the reception packing up to September 25. All given in France. Speaking of conditions in Eur-'ed, other canneries have already clos- Despite dragging operations and other search measures, there was most of the Inhabitants are small 'no trace up to last night of George property owners and for that rea--lLetts or Oona River, Porcher Isl-son have little use for Communism and, fisheries guardian at Gull and it is thought the country will; chuck Inlet near Bella Bella, who soon settle down. In Germany the ( has been missing for a week and Hitler boom was for the purpose of wno Is believed to have been iceeping tne minds of the people off drowned the rather bad Industrial condl Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the 1936 season 'up to and including yesterday had reached a total of 9.218,100 pounds as compared with 9,544,650 pounds the countryVbuildings could be seen 'at a conespondlng date last year, going up ?Hiwhere, mostly dwell-) The Canadian total now stands at Ings. In too, there was a 5,058,100 pounds in comparison good deal; of building. with 4,656,350 pounds a year ago In Belgium times were good and the American total at 4,160,000 mainly as a result of the large , pounds as against 4.908,300 pounds number o visitors there, attracted in 1935 at a similar date. During the 'argely by the low cost of living. 1 week ending yesterday landings French, Dutch and German visitors totalled 287,000 pounds comprising were seen everywhere. The trains 121,500 pounds from Canadian ves-were loaded yet they ran very fre- sels and 165,500 pounds from Am- quent services, there being a train erican. Prices during the week every few minutes. The roadbeds stayed at a very satisfactory level. were excellent and the cars up to The top bid of the week for Cana Even on the farms there were d'an Pce was 8.1c and 6c received flower gardpns. Crops were good by tne Vera Beatrice for a short and the whole country was beau- catch of 2,500 pounds. The high tlful. The cemeteries were well kept American price of the week was and especially the war cemeteries. H-lc and 7.75 which the Lituya In Belgium the visitors saw one was paid for 11,000 pounds and the cemetery where 20.000 unidentified low 9.1c and 6c which the Summit French soldiers were buried. That received for 17,000 pounds. j was at Notre Dame de Lorette. i - Mr. Collart returned from Eng- Having practically completed her land on the Empress of Ireland, a calls In the Skeena River. Union large, fast vessel which made the steamer Cardena, Capt. John Bo-trip in five days. While on the den, arrived in port at 8:15 last rther side he visited in Liege, Ant- evening from the south and sailed werp and Brussells ori the contln- at 10:30 p.m. on her return to Van-ent In addition to the pilgrim sche-: couver and waypotnts. The vessel dule. Returning again to London he had a full cargo of canned salmon also was at Banbury, Stratford-on- on board, loaded at cannery points Avon, Hastings and Leonard-on- on the way here. She carried ten Sea, which was Mrs. Collart's for- round-trlppers. mer nome. He louna evervthlnei changed since his former visits. Mr. ' Flyine an Eastman ilvlm? hnnt Collart says that Percy Tinker and with two passengers on board. W. H. Wilson-Murray expect to re- Pilot Staples of Carcross arrived turn to Prince Rupert next month, here from Ketchikan at 9:30 yes- "TILLIE THE TOILER" T ILL Us, TOM AWO HENUESV PAP at AicS iic- IN3 TO TAE MACON TWS Twzcfey .HAT MUSIC M-XTH LET'S G13 SOO& 3R.EPJ KEEP PUAV- TOM. HAC'5 C3&TTW3 ajILD A6AU "QOYS. VOE'ME C3QT Tt L rVnu aja-t S2fE MAC KNOW HE'S I HEEE.TlLUB A111 rs Ul iT LJ I. . . I I 130 VMM WHEM HE TRACE TO C'.VVUlTlATiOW terday morning and, after refuelling, left an hour later for Vancouver via Alert Bay. The destination of the passengers, who have been in the north on mining business Is New York. Dr. Neal Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Statioiureturned to the city on the Cardena last night from Vancouver where he attended a meeting of the Pacific sub-executive, of the Biological Board of. Canada. John Dybhavn, who attended the same meeting, will be returning to the city later. This Is a story of a Newfoundland skipper who lost his crew, sailed his, schooner home unaided despite j a storm and found the crew safe ashore. Captain Patrick Whalen with a crew of three was fishing on the Cape St. Mary's grounds In Placentia Bay on Newfoundland's rugged west coast. The crew left the schooner to fish and shortly after It began to blow. When dusk fell and they had not returned, the captain became anxious. As he came on deck with a lighted lantern which he intended to place on the mast to guide them, a wave came over the vessel's side, knocked him down the companlbnway and the minute, all the old rolling stock dlan fish was 10.1c and 6c which u ulc , , ,a having disappeared. the Gulvlk. Morris II., White Hope MW"CI T " w a, n 135 ea I Alongside the mil fwD, and Takla ri H fnr rnfphpJ the wheel and with difficulty broke were seen everywhere and the sta- f 10,900, 8,000, 23,000 and 42,000 uons all had beautiful gardens, pounds respectively. The low Cana- out a riding sail. All night the schooner ran before the wind but before nightfall the following day he made port. He found the crew there, sorrowful at what they thought was the loss of their VMOOD5 ARE "THICK There were no halibut boats in with catches today. The Bum and Kalen were in with back cod for the Canadan Fish & Cold Storage Co. i Bob Tobey returned to the city yesterday from North Island wh;re he has been located during the past summer with the Home Oil tank scow. The Armour Salvage Co's power tug Algie, having towed an Alas- kan tug and oil barge which had; broken down in Wright Sound, south of here, to Alert Bay, is leaving Alert Bay today for Namu to start salmon packing to the B. C. Packers salmon carnery there from District News SM1THERS Donald Colllson. son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Collison of Smlthers. was brought in from Topley, where he had recently been employed, 'on Tuesday evening for an emergency operation at the Bulkley Valley District Hospital here. He was In a verv serious condition but is re- satisfactorily from his operation and is expected to make mnlri nroeress back to normal health. Local golfers made an expe ditlonary trip to Hazelton on Sun dav to demonstrate to the Hazel 'on followers of the game how it should be played. It Is reported .hat the Hazelton players waited :or them with "clubs" and sort of imbushed them. The Smithereens returned home and have been diligently practising up to get revenge this Sunday when the Hazelton players come to town to continue their onslaught. KEEP WORKERS BUSY NEW GLASGOW, N.S., Sept. 19: (CP) Announcement was made here of an order for the building of 265 rail cars received by the Eastern Car Company. The order will keep 800 men busy for four months and although the contract need not be completed until next year, It was decided by officials to start work immediately to relieve unemployment In the Trenton and New Glasgow Industrial area. the Queen Charlotte Islands. The Algle, In command of Capt. Reg Green, reached Alert Bay this morning with her tow. The service boat Erne, Capt. Tom Harrup, and scow, which have been under charter during the summer to the Armour Salvage Co. for general service work here, are leaving today on their return to Vancouver. Mac Prefers to Toot His Own Horn (60SH, TOM, I f Wai The Big Stick YEAH . BOT VJE'VJS SOT TO -SEARCH evERy &verv foot foot SPECTACLE 0FDESERT Great Picture, With Claudette Col bert and Ronald Colman, Here A notable dramatic spectacle of the French Foreign Legion amldl the sands of Sahara Is seen at the Capitol Theatre here at the end of this week In "Under Two Flags," featuring Ronald Colman and Claudette Colbert In the leading roles. Miss Colbert plays the part of Cigarette," a lovely flirt, who toys vlth the affections of Victor Mc-aglen, Leglonalre major, until he meets Colman, a member of the ranks. Then she Impulsively loses her heart to him and the drama jalns In power and intensity with the appearance of Rosalind Rus sell, fragile English beauty, with whom Colman falls In love. When McLaglen finds that, despite this, the soldier stands between him and Miss Colbert he makes every effort to destroy his subordinate by placing him in posts of danger. A thundering climax shows, how a Legion attack, headed by Miss Colbert, rescues Colman from the tortures of the Arabs, bringing the story to a happy ending. The supporting cast of character stars Includes such prominent players as Gregory Ratoff, Nigel Bruce and C. Henry Gordon. Jimmy Durante Back in States 'Schnozzlc" of Moves Returns After Visit to Native Land Of Italy NEW YORK. S?pt. 19: Jimmy Durante, "schnozzle" and alL returned here Thursday after a visit with his parents at Salerno, Italy. He did considerable travelling in Europe while away. la year if she remarries. MALKINS BEST THIM35-. nc A s V MAKE HtS 0 OWN MOSlC Sturdy, Septet PAQ1 fOUB DAILY NHWB 'Ml, fc JONES Family Market PHONE 957 TUONE 957 Specials NO. 1 VEAL Boned & Rolled Veal -I A3L Cp per lb Shoulder of Veal 50 C 4 lbs. ... Veal Chops-y 35C Leg of. Veal "fl Cp JL,l per lb Fllelt of Veal-- 9ft P per lb. NO. 1 LAMB Legs of Lamb 2t)C Loiri of Lamb 9n per lb Boned & Rolled Shoulder ol OAp Lamb, per lb Not Rolled Shoulder of 4 XO p Lamb, per lb Mutton Chops Qs JH' 2 lbs NO. 1 BEEF Pot Roast of Beef 5QC Rump Roast of Beef Cp J-Ui ; per lb T-Bone Roast of Beef t)An per lb Sirloin Tip Roast "ffip XOi' per lb Round Steak A. (in 1 3 lbs Ul Sirloin Steak 50C Loin "of Pork 9n per lb Frying Chicken 50 C RECEPTION IN FRANCE WONDERFUL It was a wondenul reception the French people gave the Canadians J gpsjEgi nn on thpfr their return rpturn tn to that mat countrv country 1 irom England a few days after the unveiling of the memorial at Vimy. i jsothing was too good for them.' They ware wined and dined and shown a number of the outstanding sights &glW VA of the VWUtJ country and the vv cour , Waterfront Whiffs Namu to be Last Cannery in District No Trace Found of George Letts-Week's Halibut Business PLAN Ny Hospjj. TAl KENTVILLE. No -PlansforahiuTS? are rapidly going Io'SH moriai Park Commissi a 30-bed pavillion C(Z $100,000. mki m LAST TIM ps Last Comnleto ml . 1 --v auavi j Ouida's Immortal storj The ForciEn Lsion; 1 Ronald Colman Claudette Colbert Victor McLaglan Rosalind Hussell in - "II-J- - T pi . I mi ur. i iir I. r At 7 26 tt 9:43) Also NEWS and CARTOOJ Coming Monday LIONEL IJAP.KYMORE it "ine voice of Bugle Am' Plus MAIIY ELLIS la "FATAL LADY" DELICIOUS si mm t ir.v. rppu In H-Gallons and GiHoa VALENTIN DAIRT HIONE-tt7 It Pays to Uuy Froa MUSSALLEM'S the markets and we vllfrirt man wk Liiu4i juui viuci lxu rA i n.u mi Prince Rupert, BC nnnnv t ci in. on 'lU II H f ill Til! F. J. Whltlock, real estate agent, ' wmiiuwwi left his wife $750,000 while she re- 1 mains a widow, to be cut to $2,500 hi 1 1 (VI I VI Y Sill iti .1 riiiini nil II IM IH WW IrTmnir ORANGE PEKOE QUALITY rt m&d&tate cast 2 u i n "7 At2 Vim KM mrs vnu l M L ' IT u " : ' rrFsrvr r r lua ik m v zitfw rrrrrsrr roil : v m w.. . jvi r v nff77M7TTm,.7r. ' wm iszvtxp?9' i By Wstnvei