hay, September 19, 1836 lotel Arrivals Royal irCSli, rwww Pr'nce Rupert esters, Vancouver. Central prison and Alfred Hadland. liver 3. Mclntyre, B. Koines Dan McConvllle, city; Mrs. S., bbbie. Copper River; R. Nlch-; Victoria; E. P. Anderson.. C , ;j v Turner, KetcnlKan; torris, Smithers; J, H. Oul-. Vancouver, Knox 3urns, Nanaunu; w. u. uen-irictorla; J. H. Rogers, city; jrd, Kamloops; M. S. Jones, j uver R. L. MacDonald.j George; J, Alien, Masseu. LOCAL NEWS NOTES j Cash fpr old gold. Bulger' (tf)f Tonight's train, due from the M-!' George Rorje left on last eye-inlng's train for a business trip to Vandcrhoof, Junior Moose will meet 8 p.in. Saturday. Election of officers. (219-221) :M1ss -E. M. Earl left on last evening train for a trLp to Montreal, by way of Chicago and Detroit. Oeoffrey Willett, accountant in the local branch of the Bank of Montreal, and Mrs. Willett and child left on last evening's train for a visit In Montreal. WEEK END SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Rum & Butter Toffee 9Qo Earps Special, per lb. ,. fffines Autograph Chocolates . QQf Special, per 1-lb. box Oo, mebuoy Shaving CreamReg. 35c 9Q Special, per tube ... iterine Travel Kit Special Consisting of 1 Lis-erine Tooth Paste, 1 Tooth Brush, IQn Moire Bag; all three for eh Special Fitch Shampoo, 55c; Fitch Hair tonic, 25c; Fitch Scalp Brush, 50c; fiOo 1.30 value; all three for less- OOn 2 fl o er pkg. .. for .... Ormes Ltd. 'JftA Pioneer Drut&ists rbe RcxaU Mm Phones: 81 & 81 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. dap and Holiday From 12 noon till Z p.m.. ) pra, till 8 p.m. .Rsh which made Prince RapertFamous Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By inadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Co., Ltd. EATERS , Make sure that you have adequate heat . T 1 1M - - i u M in your home this winter, uruj) m aim inspect our stock of -heaters. We carry several different models including different sizes of Quebec bricklined heater, and brick or steel lined circular heaters. One of these well built, attractively designed heaters is your assurance of a warm comfortable atmospnere in uie iu-. H you lose anything, advertise for it. McBrtde ' St-eet RDON'S HARDWARE East at 10:20, was reported this morning to be forty-five minutes late. William ElWns sailed last Jiieat on the Princess Adelaide for '-Van couver whence he plans' on making a trip to California. All Oddfellows, and Rebekahs arc requested to attend meeting in Lodge Room, Monday, Sept. ,21 at 8;30 p.m. to welcome Grand Master Brother Pitzwater. Mr.ond Mrs. James Watt and daughter returned to the city on the Cardena last evening from a trip to Vancouver. Greater bargains than ever ai Demers' record breaking sale all jnext week. (221) j The fire department had a call at 9:30 this morning to the residence of Mrs. Richard Edgar, 528; 'Seventh Avenue West, where there ; !was a chimney fire which did no' damage. The Grand Master will pay an official visit to Prince Rupert Lodge No. 63 Tuesday Sept. Jl. C. Harradine N.G., H. M, Daggett Rec, Secy. Mrs. Arthur Alger arrived In the city on Thursday night's train' from Usk and Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris, Second Street. The tea and sale of home -cooking by the Woman's Auxiliary of .St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral at the home of Mrs, O. A. Bryant Thurs day afternoon was a very success- lul allalr. Many ladies called and an enjoyable time was spent. Lieut. Arllss Miller, after a week's visit here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Eckerman, sails by the Princess Adelaide tonight on, his return to Fort Lewis, Wash. Kenwood Green, who has been identified with the staff tof "th! rnnce Kupert fisneries Expedition, left on last evening's train for Edmonton to attend the University of Alberta. A few copies of the government booklet "Gardening on a City Lot" by E W. White, judge at the Prince Rupert flower show thlr year, "Peat and Muck Boils" by Paul c; Black, and "Soil Fertility" by the same author, are left over from the supply secured by the Horticultural Society last spring;. They may be obtained without cost at the Dally News. f ' ' II j Announcements j Bazaar for Boys' Band Septem ber 19. Harvest Festival Sale, Salvation Army Citadel, September 21, 8 p.m. C.inadiaji.vIfflon Brtdtfe'and Whist Rpntpmhpr n U Presbyterian Tea, September 23, 25. Orange dance, September 25. Vlmy Pilgrimage, Inspector Hall, Presbyterian Church, September Queen Mary tea. Mrs. broner's. September 29. October 7 and 8. Jfell- Violin Recital. William Balagno, Presbyterian Church, September 129, tickets at Orme's. Junior Chamber of Commerce Dance, October 2. (212) Come to Bazaar. Catholic Hall, United Church Supper, October 9, Ladles' Music Club Tea Muslcale, Oct. 14. Canadian. Legion Bazaar, "Octo ber 15. Baptist bazaar carnival, Oct. 24. Oyro Hoedown, Moose Hall, October 30. St. Peter. -Church Bazaar. November 12. L. O. B. A. BU4II, w maim i dsjxz wuwa Rev. Fattier Joseph AUard, 0. ii. I., who arrived earlier In the week from Atlln, left on last eve ning's jtraln for. Prince" Oeorge, ( stopping at Lejac enroute. James Alexcee," Indian',! for drunkenness, was Jlned $10, with option of seven days' Imprisonment, In city police court this morning. Dr. J. T. Mandy returned this week from a departmental visit to Stewart and Premier. He was In the Portland Canal district about a month. Mrs. William Keith, who has been visiting here for the pas'tl for Montreal where she will em bark October 2 aboard the steamer Capt. K. Murata, port captain of the Matsuoka Japanese steamship line, who sustained a broken leg tn a recent accident at Sedge-wick Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands while a Japanese freighter was being loaded with logs and who has been In the Prince Rupert General Hospital for the past week, sailed last night on the Process Adelaide for Vancouver. Cambrai Chapter Dance Enjoyable j Seventy-Five Couples Crowded Oddfellows' -Hall for Popular Affair Last Night Oamhral nhnnter TmtvirUI nr. nual dance In the Oddfellows' Hall wa?, as usual, a very pupu-lar and enjoyable affair. 'Seventy-five couples filled the hall to capacity from 10 pjn, to 2 a'.m. The hall was attractively decorated In fall colors with maple leaves predominating. Music for dancing was pro vided hy Johnny Saunders' Ser- enaders' Orchestra. Walter Smith was master of ceremonies. At midnight dellclou buffet re freshments were served. Miss Muriel Morris was general' convener. Mrs. T. A. McWaters, was responsible for the arrange ment of decorations and Mrs. T. N, LePage was in charge of Robert Irvine presided at the door. Three Kalagnog In Recital Here Opportunity Is to be given at the ; end of the month to hear the three j musical Balagno's In recital. Wil-j--11am Balagno, who has been leader j of the Seattle Symphony Orchestra ' Whist Drive And Dance byLabor League Enjoyed A very successful whist drive and dance was held by the Wo-j men's Labor League In the C. L. D. i L. .Hall last night. ; Prize ' winners were: ladles' first, Miss June Gomez; second, Mrs. H. Ldhg; men's first, A. Krulula; second, P. Goreen. The dance was well attended and enjoyed by all. FINED THRASHING TEACHER three months with Mrs. Peter! nmnr.R .3nth jfru, cf ,n. Ml a Lr 1 off rr lat-f tirvnt vsta 1 . ... ' r ,v,v . . ..w.,Ba I (CF)-AlIda ' -nwjua fiprlnnteirv oeiiujiuiui, ? I so, a teacher at a girl's hostel, was fined I tin nr 111 riovo fn tho.klnn 11 SI rrturn to j pupil with ; Cane. " ' WM. RECITAL BALAGNO Violinist Assisted by Marie Balagno Pianist C. P. Balagno Accompanist Tuesday,, Sept. 29, at 8:15 p.m. First Presbyterian Church ADMISSION Adults 50c Children 25c Tickets on Bale at Ormes mm FOR SALE der: Daughters f th RmnirP nn .FOR SALE BiTy the best, Bunsen Oil Burner. Phone Black 461. FOR SALE Kitchen range, double bed, dresser, heater, sewing machine. Apply 711 Seventh Ave, West. (221) FACTORY SAMPLES MUST GO We need the space. 10-Piece Loose-Pillow-Arm Chesterfield i Suites $72.50; 10-Plece Bed- Chesterfleld Suites $79I; 3 Room Groups, 60 tygh-grade pieces, sensational bargain $160 Terms if desired. Free storage. Julius Shore Mail Order House, 1402 Bekins Bldg. Vancouver. FOR SALE House of four rooms and bath, garage, on beautiful Graham Avenue, Fine view. Price $2,000. Reasonable terms. Residential lots for sale at very low prices to proesepective home builders. Taxes on homes arp lower In Prince Rupert than In most cities hi British Columbia and now is the time to acquire a home. See City Commissioner, (223) FOR RENT for the past seven seasons, will be for RENT 2-roomed furnished the violinist. His brother, Charles cottage. Available soon. Apply 241 Balagno, will accompany him and, Fifth Ave. West. Phone Red 103. he will be assisted by his niece,' ' ' Miss Marie Balagno, of this clty, !F0R RENT-Steam heated apart- who is looked upon as one of Prince I Runprt.V Iparilncr irtlctp .QplHnm ! has there been a more promising! group oi muslctansnthe city at Liverpool, the freighter Justltla loaded a cargo of 5,690 tons of Nova Scotia newsprint for the Aus tralian market. The freighter came here. In ballast from Cardiff, Wales, NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 51.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupertj B.C. Phone -81 P.O. Box 196 MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Card Tables from 7.75 to Ob Ash Trays can be attached to any of these tables. Just arrived a full shipment of Spring Filled Mattresses from $zo up AIMt a new lot of Carpets just arrived. 817 Third Av- Phont 771 nivni'. juarge ana ongnt. furniture for sale, Apply 305 3rd Ave. Phone 655. (211) LOST 6tiipii-.-iLpST --: Shaefer -.fountain pen LIVERPOOL, NS.. Sept. J9: (CP) Setting a record for the port of MALE HELP WANTED LESSON from the depresslon-r Be a Civil Servant-?" Postman, Customs Examiner, Clerk, Sten ographer, etc. Free Bookie "How to get a Government Job." M.C.C. Civil Service School, Winnipeg. 1 , . m PERSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. (tt) MEN Get vigor at once. New Os- trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgorators and pther stimulants. One dose peps up or gans, glands. If not dellghtelt. maker refunds few cents paid. Call or write, Ormes limited, tr. GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Paclllc Supply, 751 Granville.- Vancouver. VOU CAN MAKE MONEY Home Permanent Way-fEwi 1"? and Curling Machine itf CJO.D. $3.ou. no eiecin-WC,f city or experience need- ed. Will not harm the finest hair. Curls cuaranteed to last seven months. All supplies for six heads. Postage prepaid, waiivel WAVE CO4 1J8S East list Ave. VaneUTr, B.C. w nam i 1. 1 .... .j . Km PERSONAL . XMAS CARDS Special 15 for $1.00 Regular $1.00 per doz. All orders placed before Sept. 30th will be filled -t the special low price of 15 for $1.00. Place your order now and obtain this genuine saving. This offer positively ends September 30th. e . j ,i We are featuring a splendid line of Personal Xmas Greeting Cards. Do not fail to see them at an early date. ' What are you Reading? Our Rental Library is the One Best Answer. '. 7oc for a month and the Books of the Month are at your disposal. New books added right from! the publishers every week. Read as many as you like. MaSm.M Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert :f or Vancouver: T,S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJft Due Vancouver, Thursday pn. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJVL Due Vansouver, Monday aan. ROUND TRIP FARE leaving Sunday 8:00 P.M. calling EL Simp, son, Stewart, Anyox, Naas Rl ver returning Tuesday, $1M Further Information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5M Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct SS. "Princess Louise," Sept. 9th, 17th, 25th, Oct. 4th, 15th. SS- "Princess Norah," Oct. 25th, Nov. .3rd. To Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Junean and Skagway SS. "Princess Louise," Sept. 4th, 13th, 21st, 30th, Oct. 12th. SS. "Princess Norah," Oct. 21st, 30th. For Information and Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. Used Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged HEATERS REDS Of all sizes KITCHEN RANGES SINGER SEWING MACHINE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Tenor Banjo, good make; "B" Flute, Guitars, Etc. ' RADIOS, GRAMOPHONES 1 . BARBER CHAIR in good, condi- I tion II NATIONAL CASH REGISTER D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Third Avenue it 1 6 at ii il