11 . i PAOE FOUR DAILY NEWS Monday, January 'M State Of Inspection Conditions Of Plans to Open New Aeroplane Designed to Cross Atlantic in 12 Hours W ork Are Evaded Church at Easter WASHINGTON, DC. Jan. 20. Charges that contractors on a tunnel at Gualey Bridge. West Va., . dodged state inspection of working Stock- Cash Assorted. 4 -lb. tin Coal Specials Get Them While They Last Wood 81.49 20c2 ! 37c 17c 29ci 27c Fresh Fruits and Vepetables at Low Prices WE DELIVER MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Whrn Dollars Havr More Cent' P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE FURNITURE FLOOR COVERINGS, BEDS SPRING .MATTRESSES All Kinds Phone 775 Third Avenue COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL HUI.KIXY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 Hyde Transfer Cartage Storage PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Natives About Of Kitkatla Have Completed Erection Large Edifice Notice To Placer Miners Where located : Whitewater Tuleequah River. Just Of k.-"u . I Mathlas J. Shaw, leader of ' the bor sub-committee Investigation of !church . KItkat, wh ,e J?" silicosis deaths on the project. jclty todaVi announces that the. - I fine new church in the vIILipp ut Taking almost completed and It Is plan-1 jned to open it on Easter Sunday. I jOn that occasion special services! !will be held. The new building has been erec ted by the people of the village, this being the second church, the old one having fallen Into disrepair. Also In the village there have been two church halls erected, tne I first of which has fallen down and ithe second Is now in use. The new building Is eighty feet LIB3YS TOMATO JUICE- Op J long and forty feet wide and by 14-oz., per tin .Easter will be complete except for 3 tins .23c 'the organ. LIBBY'S PORK St BEANS Qp! 2 squat, per tin v v 3 tins - 25c HOLLAND HERRINGS Milkers To clear 10-lb. keg EMPRESS PURE JAMS C7 New England Cafe Building Is Not Worth Much Now VICTORIA, Jan. 20: The famous old New England Hotel and 40-oz. jar 35c! Cafe, a four storey structure HEALTH BRAN Large per pkg BRAID S COFFEE 1-lb. tin QUAKER PEACHES 2 squat, heavy syrup, tin RED PLUMS 2 squat 3 tins 'SHELLED WALNUTS Pieces, per lb. Halves, per lb 37c auction for $1100. Baby Bond" Bonus on Government Street, has been sold Bill Given Right Of Way in Senate WASHINGTON, D.C.. Jan. 20: The "Baby Bond" bonus bill has been given legislative right of way in the Senate with the debate scheduled to continue this week. Small quantities of clean placer gold, weighing not less than three pennyweights and not more than two ounces, will be purchased from placer miners at the rate of $28.00 per ounce, until further notice, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Saturday 9 ajn. to 1 p.m.) at the office of the. Gold Commissioner at Prince Rupert. B.C. NORMAN A. WATT, Gold Commissioner. '4-10-16-221 LAM ACT Notice of Inlrntlon to ilj to Iam I -anil In PRINCE RUPERT Land Rcordinf District of Range 5 Coast, and sltuau .bout 1-2 mile south at the W. A drown Homeslte Lease on fiklaki Bay Stephen bland. Take notice that William Anthonj Brown of SklaM Bay. Stephens bl occupation Flherman and Trapper ln tends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore lands: Commencing at a pc4t planted on mall Wand wltbln an Inlet of Ski-akj Bay, about 20 Feet west of mf boathouse. which Is located approximately 3-4 miles south of the W. A. Brown Homeslte Lease thence West 1,200 Feet; thence North 800 Feet thence East 1.800 Feet; thence South 900 Feet; thence West 600 Feet to point of commencement and containing Thirty acres, more or less. WILLIAM ANTHONY BROWN CERTIFICATES OF IMPROVEMENTS SILVER KINO No. 1 TAKE NOTICE that D. C. Sharpstone, acting as agent for Raymond L. Walker. Free Miner's Certificate No. 64891-D; Daniel H. Moller, Free Miner's Certificate No. 648T7-D; Harry C. Bracken. Free Miner's Certificate No. 64876-D; Arthur Hed-man. Free Miner's Certificate No. 64890-D; Alaska Juneau Oold Mining Corporation. Free Miner' Certlflonu Nn annin. ',D; Walter Barron, Free Miner's Certifi cate NO. 64888-D; D. J. MacDouga.ll, Free Miner's Certificate No. 64889-D. Intends sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for Certificates of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining Crown Grants of the above claims. And Further take notice that action, under section 85 of the Mineral Act, must be commenced before the Issuance of such Certificates ol Improvements. Dated this first day of December. 1035. f Well Known Pioneer Woman Passes Away at Advanced Age Member of a prominent United Empire Loyalist family of the Maritlmes which traces its history pathy of their numerous friends parlors B. C. Undertakers and the funeral will take place to Creek, morrow afternoon. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAV FROM DOME" Kates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Culd Water Prince Rupert,- B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box IBS "TILLIE THE TOILER" The annual meeting of the local Jugo-Slav Canadian Association took place 'yesterday. The election of officers resulted as follows: President, John Gurvlch. Vice-President, George Pavich. Secretary. Sam Bill. Treasurer, Louis Pustak. Local Organizer, Sam Gregovich. The local branch Is showing a steady growth In membership. WfflFFLETS From the Waterfront Union steamer Catala, Capt. The remains are resting at the amef f'lndlay' arrlved in Prt at .-I,,,., of the i, n -. t.-j...., " oclock last last evenlnc evening from from the the south and sailed at 9 p.m. for Stew art, Anyox and other northern points whence she will return here on Tuesday southbound. s. F. Boomer, inspector for Lloyds underwriters, who has been here for two or three days to make an Inspection of the steamer Prince Rupert which is undergoing annual overhaul at the local dry dock, will sail by the Catala tomorrow afternoon on his return to Vancouver. Albert Farrow, steamboat Inspector, who has been here for the past week making his annual Inspection of the Rupert, will return to Van couver on the Prince George Thurs day night. 0 ME ) I do You Mean THE SILK-ELUN3 T J5fr5L) TO&k A WAMT TO COUTEST AMD M3U V vSSsT i MARRY Me, VMOM ME,Tll-UE.) JLsCj C iM MreTER VAJHEN DO VaJB , ' ...WKiSSsCr v L IVM-ENTIM 5ST HTC This' queer-looking, but speedy craft, Is the Crusader, newly-built aeroplane which could get you to Europe In twelve hours, If you so wished. The craft, designed by Thomas M. Shelton, will travel at a height of 26,000 feet and will make 300 miles an hour at cruising speed. The aeroplane will make a Miaml-Chicagp nop shortly. S. F. Bal-lantine, engineer; Captain J. II. Cordner, test pilot, and Thomas M. Shelton, designer, (left to right) are shown with the PASSING OF iPrince George Man NOVELTY IN MRS. LOVE Hurt at Crossingj THIS FILM J. D. Gillis Suffers Sralp Injuries As Result of Automobile And Train Colliding John Duncan Gillis of Prince George Is suffering from scalp in juries as a result of an accident ;n this country as far back as 1765 was struck by a train on a level and an esteemed resident of Prince ' crossing at f he interior town, ac-Rupert since 1911, Mrs. Charlotte J cording to word received at divl-A. (Callbeck) -Love passed away at'sional headquarters of the Drovin- 3 o'clock Sunday morning at her cial police here. The automobile was home on Fourth Avenue East after badly damaged. It appears that a brief illness. The late Mrs. Love, Gillis saw the train coming and en- who was in her eighty-second year, deavored to stop the car but he had had been In good health, consider-, trouble with the brakes and was ing her advanced age, and only re-; unable to prevent It from running cently had returned from a five on to the track. weeks' trip to California. Early' Saturday afternoon she was taken i TTn i t pf i suddenly 111 and her condition be- I(-S.SI A V came swiftly worse until she ex- : VJ'ULttX f plred. The late Mrs. Love was born In Charlottetown, P.EJ. She was the daughter of the late Hon. Henry J. Callbeck who was a member of a Liberal government of Prince Edward Island prior to Confederation and who was associated with the late John Stanfield in the founding of the famous woollen business. Others of Mrs. Love's ancestors had figured prominently in the early history of the Maritlmes and New England prior to the Declaration of Independence. Mrs. Love was predeceased in 1929 by her husband, the late A. H, Love. Since then she had made her home with her sons, Harry and Ray. She Is survived by four sons, H. R. Love, A. B. Love and W. R. Love of Prince Rupert and Ernest Love of Stewart. There is one sister, Mrs. H.i silver king;h- Schaffer of Shediac, N.B. The ;No. 2: SILVER KINO No. 3; SILVER KINO No. 4; SILVER KINO No. 5; 8IL-1 VER KINO No. 6; SILVER KINO No. 7; ! SILVER KINO No. 8: BLUEBIRD No. 1 & BLUEBIRD No. 2 MINERAL CLAIMS, Situate la the Atlln Mining Division of casslar Llstrlct. bereaved will have the deep sym- OFFICERS John (iurvicji Is Elected President Ofi Association ! i"Tr.nIM1l'!ll.rl....D .. Fred Astaire, Tells Love Story In Different Way "Top Hat," lavishly produced new musical comedy starring Olnger when an automobile he was driving R3ers and Fred Astalrc. which comes to tne screen or the. Capitol Theatre here for the first half of this week, introduces a novel wav of telling a film love story. Prac tically all of the love scenes in the picture take the form of song and dance numbers, For these unique love scenes the stars have been provided with songs by Irving Berlin who wrote the complete musical score. Six sonz hits. "Piecollnn "Top Hat." "Isn't This a Lovely Day?" "Cheek to Cheek." "Get Thee Behind Me, Satan," and "No Strings," were each written to fit a situation In the play. London, England, and the Lido In Italy are the locales of the story with picturesque backgrounds adding to the romantic flavor. Canals, drifting gondolas and graceful bridges are prominent In the "Plc-collno" number. Helen Broderlck, New York comedy star, and Edward Everett Horton are important members of the supporting cast. Mrs. F. C. Freeman and two children, who have been visiting in Vancouver, were passengers aboard the Catala last evening returning to their home In Port Simpson. "Build B.C. Payrolls" Keeps Its Strength And Flavor Li I rviMurrs "l have used Pacific Milk in all weathers and notice It is always the same, that is to say, it keeps its strength and flavor in any season of the year." This Is a true observation. It is quoted from the letter of a prospector. It means quality. It means good packing. So. when it Is opened, Pacific Milk is always In condition! Pacific Milk Marching Orders OVJOOLES WAS IIVAJEUL, NQVi 3UST A PART CP "WE ISVoOlZE SOtUCa -uwt o ct i okokRSJ ITO SET OREfSE I " ' ' h 3 i i ii r wbA t H;IJ.M1 ASTMRE See Them Dance The "Piccolinol". . . Hear The Songs You Can't Forget! EDWARD EVERETT HORTON HELEN BRODERICK ERIK RHODES -ERIC BLORE Special 3 Day Encasement Tonight, Tues. and Wednes. Hit uft,fcmU!lcandlyriciby RADIO A" (At 7:30 St 9:40) ALSO i SrORTHGfll CARTOON IRONITE PRODUCTS IRONITE PORCH PAINT, per qt. IRONITE ENAMEL UNDERCOAT, per qt. IRONITE QUICK DRYING ENAMEL, per qt. IRONITE QUICK DRYING VARNISH, per qt. IRONITE QUICK DRYING FLOOR ENAMEL, per qt, We Deliver THOMPSON HARDWARE CO LTD. sui tin i.n nn Good News For Our Library Subscribers FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS Tell your friends about our library bring them is with you to join and vou wil be credited with one month's rental. (New subscriber must be persons who have not held active membership since last October.) SPECIAL INDUCEMENT For quick action. Any person joining our library before February 1 will re ceive books for the balance of this month FRKE. fa entitles you to all the bdoks you can read fronrnow until March 1. (Double subscription, $1.25.) Act quickly and give your friends the benefit of tnese extra days. Win a subscription or more for yourself. One month given for each new subscriber you bring in. This is the time to read make the most of your lib rary subscription. New books added every weeK. eMcuMvs.JJd -By Wtover UGET OUT AMD TAV" JUT.' lit