kinir Endand had ever had. His; Income was placed at as high as 5,000,000 per year although It appears difficult to ascertain definitely what it was. His Interests In clude valuable property In thei heart of London including build- J lngs, a theatre and a hotel, mines in Wales, ranches In Canada and the Argentine, the holdings of duchies as well as other Industrial and business enterprises. There Is much speculation as to the exact extent of his wealth. The Duke of Windsor will now receive nothing..! rqr$,.thewej$atc f, his father, the late King oeorge. whose benlflclary Is named Impersonally as the reigning monarch now George VI, the second son. London newspapers gave little space yesterday to the movements and affairs of the former King, some ignoring him altogether. Now a guest at the chateau of Baron Eugene Rothschild at Voeslau near Vienna, Edward rose late in the morning and had a twenty-three minute long distance conversation with Mrs. Wallls Simpson. Then he took a short stroll through the park on the Rothschild estate and played a round of golf. Meantime, It Is jnow reported that the ex-King may spend Christmas In the company of Mrs. Simpson at the castle of the Arch duchess of Hapsburg near Vienna. An Invitation has been extended to the American divorcee. Report has It that, soon after Mrs. Simpson gets her absolute decree of divorce on April 27, she and Edward will be married at a simple and niilet peremonv with only a few close friends attending. New King Distressed King George VI, In an address to Parliament yesterday In which he pledged himself to uphold the honor of the realm and the happiness of the people, said that the circumstances of his accession to the throne had caused him great personal distress. The new King and Queen with their daughters are still In resl-sidence at Piccadilly. They will not move Into Buckingham Palace until extensive alterations are made there. However, the King attends at Buckingham to attend to mat ters of state. The remarks of the Archbishop of Canterbury In regard to the "social circle" In which the former King had moved caused a storm in the American colony of London yesterday. Today's Weather ( Ooveriuiioiit Telegraph) Terrace Cloudy, northeast wind, 30. Anyox Raining, southwest wind, 38. Hazclton Cloudy, calm, 23. Smlthors Part cloudy, calm, frosty. Burns Lake Bright, oalm, 15. Stewart Snowing, calm, 33, ROOSEVELT FORMALLY RE-ELECTED MONDAY BY ELECTORAL COLLEGE Stocks in New Over 4 WASHINGTON, Dec. 15: Franklin D. Roosevelt was of- ficlally re-elected President of the United States with John Nance Garner as vlce-presl- dent when 531 members of the electoral college assembled In the capitals yesterday to for- mally name the nation's lead- ers. 1 Late Telegraphs FOrE HAS RELAPSE VATICAN CITY Pope Pius suffered a relapse this afternoon. His Holiness' personal phy- .sician administered a heart sti mulant. HAS HEADACHE v EN7.EFIELD, Austria Intensive strain of the past week kept Former King Edward VIII In bed today with a headache. York Go Down One Million Shares Chang Hands Saturday NEW YORK, Dec. 15: Stook, transactions on the New York Exchange in Saturday's short session totalled 1.240,000 shares. The downward .movement of Friday continued with the inausinai av-at closing 180.92, off .18; rails, 54.93, off .04, and utilities, 35.26, off .14. The Industrial average yesterday was up .95; rails, off .11, and utilities up .95. ARE HELD BY STORM Two Vessels, Going North With Relier Supplies For Alaska, Anchored Near Wrangell KETCHIKAN, Alaska, Dec. 15: (CP) Winds of hurricane Intensity forced the steamer Arctic and the crippled motorship North Star, enroute from Seattle to Alaska points with relief supplies due to the maritime workers' strike and shipping tie-up, to anchor in Scow Bay near Wrangell Monday. The North Star's propeller and rudder were damaged in an Arctic Ice pack near Point Barrow to which point it had recently carried goods for the relief of near-starving .Eskimos. Power Corp. Pays Dividend Directors Declare Twenty-Five Cent Payment on' Common Stock MONTREAL Dec. 15: Power Corporation of Canada has declared an Interim dividend of 25 cents a share on Its common stock, payable December 21 to shareholders of record December 5. for a break In the tie-up remained high. The only issue that remains to be settled is that of the hiring halls and indications are that agreement on that should be a simple matter. The other, main points at issue have been Ironed out. . , ReresenteUves vot the three principal Unions and owners of 250 ships which are tied up along the coast were In conference a jood deal of yesterday and are again in session today. Progress Great Britain, France and Italy vas evidently being made in their: Among Fourteen Nations Fail- .legotlatlons and distinct optlm 'sm prevails. Edward S. M:Gready, assistant ecretary of labor, hopes for a settlement within ten days. Harry Bridges Charges NEW YORK, Dec. 15: Saying hat he did not expect an early settlement, Harry Bridges, stormy longshoremen's union leader, charred in New York yesterday that hlp-owners .were deliberately prolonging the strike on the Pacific Coast through their attitude. He predicted the establishment of a National Longshoremen's Union Including workers on all coasts. Efforts were being made today to prevent the sailing for Europe !of the liner Washington with 510 passengers and a large quantity of Christmas mail. Union sources say that seventy- eight vessels and 13,000 workers are tied up on account oi inc strike on the Atlantic Coast. Fruit Tied Up SEATTLE, Dec, 15: Bananas and Japanese oranges for the Uni ted States, which have been un loaded at Vancouver, have been tied up In railway cars after frekht handlers refused to touch l,hem. They were declared "un air" cargo. France and Great Britain Work To End Civil War 'GENEVA, Dec 14: France and Great Britain ill concentrate their energies at once towards bring lne about an early end to the This Is the first dividend on the Spanish civil war by means of Junior security since May 20, 1932. when- a quarterly disbursement of 50 cents a share' was made: During the fiscal year ended June 30 last. Power Corporation reported earnings of 50 cents a share on the common, as against 42 cents a share In the preceding 12 months. At the same time equity back of the common was shown at $15.01 a share, as-against $4.63 at the close of .'the 1935 year. mediation, the League of Nations Is advised. Italy yesterday announced ac ceptance In principle of the Franco-British mediation plan but with reservations under which dip lomatic observers felt that lmmedl tate poace would be quite Impossible. Italy said It favored an end of the civil -var but could not take steps which would embarrass I own position. LONDON, Dec. 15: One of the moct severe storms of the winter, with wind velocity of 70 miles per hour, swept In from th Atlantic Ocean on to the western coast of England late yesterday and left in Its wake 17 known dead, 12 of whom were on one small boat which foundered, many In- jured and large property da- mage. Numerous vessels sent out distress signals and com- munlcatlon and transporta- tlon facilities were badly ham- pered. Ing to .Meet War Obligations 4 DEFAULT ON DEBTS WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec, 15:-Italy followed Great Britain and France last night by announcing it would default on war debt payments due today. This made four teen nations that had given offi cial notice of intention to default Italy intimated to the State Department that it regretted It was not In a position to offer any suggestion as to either part or full payment. The French answer was con strued by the State Department officials as meaning that Premier "lum had the will but not the Tay to meet the debt owing to in ternal fiscal committments. Due tr his program of expansion he ts al ready faced with a huge deficit TURKEY FOR UNCLE SAM Christmas Consumption Expected To Be Double That Of Last Year WASHINGTON, D.C. Dec, 15:! The United States Department of Agriculture estimates that turkey I consumption of the nation this Christmas will be more than double that of last year, the reason being that turkey Is almost as cheap as beef. A statistical statement yesterday placed cold storage holdings of turkey yesterday at ,18,550,000 pounds as compared with 9,114,000 pounds a year ago. Seattle Storm Proves Fatal Three At Dead, Sixteen Injured And Least 200 Traffic Accidents. Counted SEATTLE. Dec 15: Seattle district counted three dead, sixteen Injured and at least two . hundred traffic accidents as a result of its the week-end storm. There was high wind and heavy rain, -v f Today's Weather Tom orrow s Tides (8 AJW.) lie Trince Rupert Raining, southeast High 2:50 a.m. 19.1 ft; wind, C miles per' hour; barometer, 14:24. p.m. 21.4 It. 29.72; temperature, 40; sea Low 8:36 am. 8.1 ft, rough. 21:11 p.m. 3.0 ft.: NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol, XXV., r PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1936 PRICE: 5 CENTS St40US WINDSOR . WEALTHY Abdicated King of England Believed to Have Vast Personal Income From Many Sources Xmas With 'Wally' Wedding: Plans Are Already Being Made American Colony Aroused LONDON, Dec. 15: The former King Edward VIII may have to undergo a means test before any Income from the state Is settled upon him. He Is known to have a large personal Income and, at the beginning of his reign, was commonly reported, to have been the richest SITUATION IN CHINA NOW PRINCESS ROYAL AT WINDSOR The seldom photographed Princess Royal, sister of king George, Is shown above as she inspected the Berkshire branches of the V. A. D, at Windsor. With her Is ths Lord Lieutenant of Berkshire, A. T. Lloyd and in the back behind the princess is her son, Lord Lascelles. General Chiang Kai Shek And I Other Leaders of Nationalist Government Killed by Rebels (STRIKE END IS LOOMING: indications ''Still Appear Hopeful For Ending Tie-up SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 15: In dications appear hopeful that a basis of settlement for the marl- time workers' strike and the Pacific Coast shipping tie-up may be reached within the next few days between the shipowners and the striking workers. It was the .forty-seventh day of the strike yesterday and prospects FIERCE STORM SWEEPS ENGLISH WEST COAST; SEVEN1EEN ARE DEAD ! MARTIAL LAW IS PROCLAIMED THROUGHOUT COUNTRY AFTER COLD-BLOODED SLAYING SITUATION IS TENSE WITH JAPAN AND RUS SIA BOTH WATCHING CLOSELY. SHANGHAI, Dec. 15: (CP) Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek and several other Chinese military leaders were killed at Sianfii after mutinous communist-inclined troops had rebelled, Marshal Chang Hsueh-Liang announced by radio today. Martial law was proclaimed throughout China by the Nanking central government shortly after the rebellious marshal had announced the killing. Cold-blooded and without equivocation, Chang told an anxious-China of the slaying of the head of the state. His statement ended intense hopes for the Premier's safety. It followed contradictory reports of assassination and escape of Chiang Kai Shek ever since last Friday when he was detained during a military uprising in the inner provincial capital, his captors demanding an im mediate declaration of war against Japan. In the hope that he was still alive Chinese nationalist troops were being rushed last night to Sianfu. Sot his, relief- Marshal Chang also announced that General Chiang Tso-Poin, former Chinese ambassador to Tokyo; General Chiang Fang Chen and General Chen Cheng, commander of bandit suppression forces, were also killed. The situation in China continues extremely tense. Both Tokyo and Moscow are watching developments closely. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy 3. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .24. Big Missouri, .51. Bralorne, 7.55. B. R. Cons., .042. B R. X., .10. Cariboo Gold, 1.65. Denitonla, .11. Dunwell, ,032. Golconda, .10 Vz. Minto, .19. Morning Star, .02. Noble Five, .04. Pend Oreille, 2 80. Pioneer, 5.15. Porter Idaho, .06. Premier, 3.65, Rrcves McDonaM, .37. Reno, 1.25. Relief Arlington, .31. Reward, MW Salmon Gold, 07 V. Taylor Bridge, .07. United Empire, .01. Wayside, .06 Vi. Toronto' Beattle, 1.24. Central Patricia, 4.80. God3 lake, 1.00. Int. Nickel, 63.75, Lee Gold, .06. little Long Lac, 7.00. , McKsnzls Red Lake, 1.82. Pickle Crow, 7.25. IV.l LVe Gold Shore 1.47. San Antonla, 2.35. Sherritt Gordon, 2 60. ; '; S'scoe, 4.30. Ventures, 2.30. M:Leod Cockshutt, 5.00. Oklend, .54. Mosher, .66. GUbtt, .07. Madsen Red Lake, 1.50. May Spiers, 37. .Stadacona, .90. Frontier Red Lake, 10. Francoeur, 1.10. Manitoba & Eastern, .5'2. Perron, 2.24, Mcneta Porcupine,' 1.60. Sladen Malartlc, 163;; Bouscadlllac, .58. ' " Lapa Cadlllac,; .97.' Morris Klrkland, .69. Astoria Rouyn, .1 1 V4, 1 BACK AT CAPITOL President Roosevelt In Washington After Trip to South America WASHINGTON, D.C, Dec, 15: President Franklin D. Roosevelt Is due back In Washington tonight ' from the inter-American peace conference at Buenos Aires. He will immediately set to work on pre paring his Inauguration address and his next message to Congress1 which will Include his plan for balancing the budget. The President disembarked from the cruiser Indianapolis Charleston at 7:30 this morning to a twenty-one gun salute. He was tanned and rested in appeax-lance and said he was in the best Chicago Wheat Prices Away Up New High Mark for Recent Years Reached in Windy City Market. Yesterday I ! CHICAGO, Dec. 15: WhMt 1 prices on the Chicago market yei ' terday went to a new high matJF j lor recent years. In Winnipeg the wheat price Jumped the limit of 5c today to $1.213e, this being the t highest price In seven years. 1 King of Italy Is HI in Bed ROME, Dec. 15: King Victor Emmanuel of Italy is under -n doctor's care suffering from . an attack of influenza which caused him to 'take to bed yesterday. His indisposition Is described as being "slight."