PAGE IOUR ECONOMY SPECIALS Arc Worth Watching! Look For Them Every Day! APPLE and PLUM JAM QCn lXli PICKLES Frase'r Valley, Sweet Mixed and Mustard OQr bottle PINE-OLA Miracle Cleaner for anything 50c per tin ORANGE MARMALADE Empress, Seville iQp XU 16-oz. useful jar FRY'S HOT CHOCOLATE Of Oil p Bulk, per lb MAGIC BAKING POWDER 12-oz. tin 23c 22-lb. tin 65c 5-lb. tin $1.25 For Perfect Baking EMPRESS COFFEE 42c 1-lb. glass Jar CREAMOLA CUSTARD 15c POWDER, 8-oz. pkt SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE OQp 2's, 3 tins Aol, Cash Specials Good Till March 23 MU&SALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Hollar Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 60 PHONE 60 Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Grades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bone Dry Kindling I always in stock. We also operate 60 Messenger Service PBBBBaanHHHB 'l SPECIAL if Chevrolet MASTER SEDAN with Trunk Complete 1936 Licence Just Like New $950.00 Kaien Motors Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. Phone 58 Hyde Transfer Coal I Wood Carlage Storage PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue ONLY FRUIT-A-T!yES GAVE LASTING RELIEF FROM CONSTIPATION Constipation and stomach trouble banished quickly. After suffering months from constipation, Mr. W. Huddlestone, Belleville, got quick relief from Fruit-a-tives. He says, "Constipation troubled me severely for months. Nothing did any good until I tried Fruit-a-tives. They brought me quick and complete relief." A famous doctor made Fruit-a-tives by concentrating into convenient tablets extracts of APPLES, ORANGES. FIGS, PRUNES and HERBS. The result is a remedy as natural, as it is effective. Fruit-a-tives bring, not just temporary relief, but relief that lasts because of their amazing tonic effects. FRUIT-A-TIVES Ntuf ' FrulU and Hrb IN THE SI ritt.ME COUIT OF HIMTISII rUl.lT.MKIA ix ritoitvn; ii I lip Matter of thp "Administration Act" Ami In the Mailer of the Estate of Margaret TAKE NOTICE that by order of His nmraur juage w. is. nsner uie 25ln day of February A.D. 1936 I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Margaret Macintosh late of Atlln, Bri-tlsh Columbia. Deceased, and all parti ei having claims aglnst the said Estate are hereby required to furnish samo properly verified to me on or before the 5th day of April A. D. 1938 and all persons Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. HERBERT F. GLASSEV OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR -ATLIN, B. C Dated the 26th day of February 1936 (Mar. 26) JONES Family Market PHONE 957 PHONE 95. SPECIALS Round Steak, 2 lbs. & . 50c ID lbs. Spuds 1 Sirlo.n Steak, 2 lbs. & mn. OUC' 10 lbs. Spuds Round Steak, 2 lbs. & 50c 1 ih Kirinpv Rump Roast Beef, 6 lbs. $1 10 lbs. Spuds Sirloin Tip, 5 lbs. & $1 1 Green Cabbage T-Bone Roast of Beef 20c per lb P ot Roast of Beef 10c per lb Hamburger Steak 25c 3 lbs. Short Ribs of Beef 25c 3 lbs .. Lamb Stew, 2 lbs. &' 25c 1 tin Peas Veal Stew, 2 lbs. & 25c 1 bunch Carrots Shoulder of Lamb 15c per lb Leg of Mutton 18c per lb Veal Chops 35c 2 lbs : tLamb Chops 1 20c per lb Rabbits each 25c j Edinburgh Roll Sliced 1 30c Bacon, per lb Back Bacon Sliced 30c per lb. Ayrshire Bacon 25c per lb . List Closes This Week For Named Varieties of ROSES at 25c each Latest novelty seeds just arrived ARTHUR BAYNE Successor to Glennle's Second Ave. Phone 635 The Letter Box MEDICAL EXAMINATION'S Editor, Dally News: May I have some space in your paper to answer a few of' 'the questions which I am being asked repeatedly by parents in the city on the subject of medical examination of school children? There is, apparently, considerable misunderstanding regarding the reports which are sent horn.; with the children and I would like to endeavor to clear this up First of all. in rezard to thf examination of the eyes. You can easily understand that there is neither the time nor equipment available to thoroughly examine the eyes of each child in the school. The test we use is reading a card of graduated letters at a specific distance. Those children iwho are able to read th prescribed as normal for that distance are marked as normal on their card. If the child has diffi culty or is unable to read the letters with either eye a note is made to that effect and the Dar- ents are advised that the ohiM needs, attention for his eyes Till? uues not mean that the child re quires glasses, although In mosv 1 cases it does. Whether thpr sufficient disturbanep nf pvit. to necessitate the use of glasses ! should be settled bv some nn. specially equipped for and trained in that type of work. Wc only attempt to detect the variation- from normal. Again, in regard to tonsils, I would like to point out that the report to the parents that a child needs attention for tonsil trouble docs not necessarily mean that the tonsils have to be removed. Jn the cursory examination which v.v ire able to give in the school we make a note of any tonsils which appear to be disease nr ahnnmni , " -.- . y vay WUnou' the oppor tunlty of talking to the parents wc are unable to find out whether tne cnim nas been suffering from tonsillar trouble or not. Such I things as freauent frequent colds, rheumatic paint, 1BI11, aaa oincr ais-iume in the garden. It must have turbances of health are factors', been a great disappointment to taken lnt0 slderat .m m on when the Droblem cf w. ucuuig wun tonsils and adenoids is to be solved. Obviously, all these xacis are not before us .ind thn family physician is the one who should make the final decision garding the child's tonsils. 1 Thanking you. sir, for the opportunity of clearing up these two points, I am, R. G. LARGE. M.B. Med. Inspector of Schools. The Daily News Is an A. B. C. paper, ! "Build B.C. Payrolls" j ' Adds ffesi I III I New . &m Aest j Pacific Milk adds new zest to every meal. Its extra richness, purity, freshness and flavor lend a taste and relish that has given it a preferred place in hundreds of homes. Wc t have letters from patrons In which they say they use no , other milk. Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE "RaMMB 1 DAILY NEWS Monday. March 15 Beverly Nicholls, the British author, Journalist and playrlght, in his book "Down the Garden Path," suggested that he was par ticularly well oualified to write a book about gardening because he knew so little about the subject. That is why I write notes about gardening.. I can see the things that interest the ordinary amateur without becoming technical. At any rate I hope I see them and I am told I do. Those who have not read Beverly Nicholls' book should do so. It has been out about four years and deals with gardening in Huntingdon shire, England, where the climate Is snmpwhat. clmllnr tn thnt. nf Prince Rupert. One particular fea - ture is a chapter on winter bloom- ing plants that might very well be adapted to this coast. I take a lot of pleasure from walKi"S arnd the garden when it clear of snow and. watching for luc Plenums to snuw uie nrsi ,lsn f erowth after thelr long winter deeP- yeai thev have jc-eu uormani longer man usual and their comlne is more interest ing than usual. Most interest is in the flowers that may have been frost-killed. Most of the roses have a dead appearance Just now but that does not mean anything. Verv soon some of them will be sending up shoots and it will be a month or two before one can be sure that GOOD BILL ON SCREEN Kay Francis Starred in one Picture and Warren William in ! Another at First of This Week "I Found Stella Parish," a powerful and thrilling drama with Kay Francis heading the cast, and "The Case of the Lucky Legs," an exciting murder mystery, starring Warren William, comprise a double bill of unusual interest which is being presented at the Capitol Theatre here at the first of thts week. In "I Found Stella Parish" Mlsi Francis has the role of a beauti ful and talented actress who Is beseiged by suitors but rejects all offers of marriage. The fact Is that she is already married and has a small child. In fear at 1 blackmail she flees from London j 1 on tne vefy nl8m of scorlnS ai sensa"onal success. She goes to Amerlca and on the way en-1 counters a young Journalist, Ian Hunter. Complications ensue and there are many dramatic situa-! tlons leading up to an amazing, climax. Paul Lukas. Sybil Jason, Jessie Ralph and Barton Mac-' Lane are other important mem- bers of the cast "Case ' Lucky Legs" is the is tiii: sitki:.mi: coi ht or imrrisii 01. 1 Mill v IX PKOHATK 1 III tlie Mil Iter ol the "Administration I Act" j Ami I In the Matter of (lie IMiitr of M Liiru.irttr Herts, letni.rtl. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Kin Honour Judge W. E. Fisher the 2Ut 3i5 i.J " persoiw lrxiebted to th Estate nre iTS" to th mouit of their no me iormwun. iuujc-uix-unnin HERBERT P. OUA8SEY OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR, ATUN, B. C Dated the 6th day of March, 1936. (83 any are dead. Last year two of my Lafayette ricets late of Atiin Br -roses looked dead and it was well ?XFS$ SSSS" uTUd ffiS", on in May before they commenced are hereby required to furnuh same to shoot but they eventually grew ThTisfh Ta'yf & Tn?To uiuic wuun man any oincr DUSU in the bed. At the week-end I heard of an enthusiastic eardener wlm f nnt his with the intention of spending the. e ground covered with snow fnr npnri,, -w. vmwj (4 VT W i. I am told this is a good time to rc-pot indoor plants, giving them ISZJ slightly o . -.jnnc 1 uiu some 01 mine at the week-end and put in a number of geranium cuttings. Most 01 mese will be to give away as I shall not have room for any more geraniums as soon as the begonias are ready to pot. The begonias are Just showing their first buds. In my benogia box there was a little spare space so I nut. tvn nr three dahlia roots in the cornpr They started to shoot at once and are now about four inches above ground. When thev eet lar 'enough I plan to take cuttlnes nnri jhave good strong . .. plants ready for V. J J J 1 - ucuumg in May h. f. P. ui. w. t. Kersrin sailpri in night on the Catala for a brie trip to Stewart and Anyox. (chapped! To quickly relieve 111 chapplmj and roughnet, HI apply oolhlng, HI cooling Monlholtum. Hotel Arrivals Savoy It. G. Cunningham, Mrs. J. R. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wing, Port Esslngton; S. Ortqlust, Lewis Island; Herbert D, Gray, Vancouver. Itoyal H. W. Clark, Terrace; F. .Wezek and M. Johnstone, city; A. Jacob-sen and Robert Jacobsen, Shames. Prince Rupert J. S. Brooks, Terrace; Martin Miller, Billmor. third of a series of detectivs stories In which Warren William has played the part of Perry Mason, the brilliant lawyer-detective who solves crimes which the police are unable to fathom. In the cast are also Genevieve Tobin, Patricia Ellis and Lyle Talbot. Tomorrow being St. Patricks Day the presentation of scenes of "Come to Southern Ireland'' In COnnertion with tho nmnrom nrlM be of particular interest. Try a Daily News want-ad. SWEAT OUT THAT COLD! Colds mean poisons in the body. It's easy lo sweat Ihtm out with mustard baths. Soak your wholo body in a lofjbath with 3 table-spoonsful of Colman's. Or wrap yourself up warm and take a steaming mustard foot balh. Then get into bed right away and perspire. Just try it. You will find Dr. Mustard's way is the best home remedy . . . Simple and old-fashioned lint. Vfrv iflVrt5v 746C Of ! MOVi, I SEE MARK CHARTS For Fishermen British Admiralty Latest Charts Corrected to January 11)36, Chart 1927 Cape Caution to Port Simpson $1.80 Chart 1933 Cape Caution to Caamano Sound $1.80 Chart 1923 Caamano Sound to Port Simpson .., $1 80 Chart 1737 Eddy Pass to Portland Inlet $2:40 Chart 2430 Banks island to Cape Omaney $1.80 Chart 2431 Port Simpson to Cross Sound "'ZIZ'Z. $20 Chart 2453 Browning Entrance to Prince Rupert ... $2 40 Chart 3751 Parry Pass to Port Louis . ... $3 00 Chart 3754 Dixon Entrance $1 80 Chart 1917 Vancouver Island ZZZ!Z""Z'Z$1.80 Also Charts on larger scale covering waters from Vancouver to Kodlak at standard prices U.S. Department of Commerce & Hydrographlc Charts, each $1.00 Canadian Government Blue Prints and Charts Local Waters B.C. Coast Pilot, Trawlers' and Fisherman's Guide Tait's Seamanship Brown's Rules of the Road carried in stock Dividers, Parallel Rules, Course Finders, Barometers Tide Tables Free eMoeMvs.JM "TILLIE THE TOILER" m VHVHHMIHIMWWBMVIHIBll1"iRVBVHMiRRRiiiiiiHMa Mac Knows His History Now Zr,.ZrtZ UflJ pHANCS 1-tHlS IS HV COSTUME tOt2. i,r 1 N, .., 1 TONIGHT and TUESDaT i Last rnninlnl. c. "' f reatot triumph" 1 htI I J FOUND STELLAPAJISI JAN HUNTER PAULLUKAS SVIIUASON rim national riltwtfl (At 7:00 & 10:07) - PLUS ST. PATRICK'S DAY SPECIAL! "Come To Southern Ireland" A 20 Minute Tour of Erin's Beautv Snnti (At 8:24 Once, Qnlyi PLUS - ; . . Join dathing, debonair PERRY MASON . . . as he olve the teason'i most Kan-,daIou tUytng,.,in the most enutional aucccttion of shocks, screams and sweeties .since "The Thin Man"l f At 8.50 Once Only FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE SPECIAL Ostermoor Spring Filled Mattress, reg, $37.50; Cable Spring With Spircl Spring Support. Special spring SLm 42-50 : Walnut Finish End Tables Special $1,95 each T Phone 775 Third Avenue NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Propiletoi "A IIO.MK AWAY FKM HOME" Hntcs $1.00 tif SU Iloonu Hot St Ould WaW Prince Rupert, BC Phone 281 P.O. Box W By Wstover CLEO- NOVaJ VaJHxT bVaOVfE? AMTOMy OCOP