Following is the text of reasons lor juugmeiib given The appellant will have illU 1 lAtu ilk ?IU I 011 I AAmttlA i ii i Funeral of Boy by Mr, Justice D. A. McDonald in the appeal of Alerander J. Prudhomsie t$ City of Prince Rupert In Sup-preme Court here last week: llU and Has Sold Out UtH.. .. . . I t 1 iftiirr itriK. irnn rp univrrai 1 Pictures Corporation HOLLYWOOD, March 16:-Carl' "MWIIL ICLLlilll llllll I HH1ULL1. i iinirm nf iti ......ii n .i nnm 1 1 n . - . wuvutUUV kU TVUlllVt UIU7 cmmip tt'hn ctiirfnH 1 f a In Tin . wwtirs as an lmmicrani dov uiLbuirA in i n ir u'nnn no nr. quired, small Chicago movie show. 11 was not many years before he entered the production end of the " ousmess in which for many ytars hc has been a prominent fl- EWe, Held on Sunday Itilcs For David Main, Aged Seven : A number of, sympathizing friends ere In attendance yesterday af-"noon at the funeral of David ' 7' scven-.yea,r old son of Mr. ! Mrs- Donald Main of Porcher I and Cannery, whose death oc- u?? .at the cnd of thc wcek ln e Prince Rupert General Hos- - . :ev. c. D, Clarke, pastor of FlrstUnltprt ......... -j ...j lh7 owan"a Olafson presided at "lc organ 1 Gay aud Mitchell Oay were Pallbearers Fin,.,.. (. ivrvivco irom uic 2r ,and class of (he Seal Cove "J family, Mr. and Mrs Joc Qay W m y' AIcx- Minnll, David and Marri ,""-"uverj, Mr. and Mrs c i and Marion, Mr. and Mrs. D Mr, ZTl and pc?ey. and Da' V - mrs. a, Main and family cousin. . auntls. "clcs and Sunn,?. ;u. vacouver, St. Peter's Ur?l cl1001. Thclma. Gene and Wen and Mr nnd Mrs- Jl T' VANCOUVER REPORTS LOCAL PULP MILL MACHINERY COMING The Vancouver Province Is responsible for the following: "Machinery believed to be for the construction and equip- ment of the proposed paper mills at Prince Rupert is re- ported coming into, this port for trans-shipment to Prince Rupert. It is understood that the output of these mills will be dc one one source source oi of supply supply oi of Having neara reaa we impon-T jnt portions of the Judgment oil paper for Hearst publications Gregory J. delivered in 1927 in of the United States." the appeal of Canadian National ; Mlwavs. no good purpose can be served by repeating what was there said. I can, only say that 1 1 entirely concur In what the! learned Judge said, In so far at least as his remarks arc referable to the facts before me in the present case I Another Prince Mdivani Killed 'I have given the best attention : ocrscl ins liic as uesuu ui of which I am capable to the cvl I ,linJt Thrown From Horse dence as it was delivered, and I, ' ,,ol Game have re-rcad my notes in an ef- j lort to reach a conclusion upon PALM SPRINGS, Fla., March 16: that evidence Keeping before me (CP) Prince Sergei Mdlvani, aged that has been said In previous 33, one of the widely known "mar-asesand particularly the opinlonr rylng Mdlvani brothers," was killed o the learned Judges of the Coui', when thrown from his horse and oi Appeal in Bishop of Victoria vs trampled while playing polo yester- CTf ol Victoria 1933-3 W.W.R day. He was kicked in the head and i'in lots in question at $750. lutes after bclne thrown. He was a brother of Prince Alexis Mdlvani who was killed last year in an auto- .mobile accident In Spain. Sergei's wife, the former Louise Astor van Allen, who was a former wife of Alexis, was present when the accident occurred. Pola Negri, motion picture actress, and Mary McCormac, opera singer, were former wives of Sergei. Maple Leafs And Black Hawks To Visit This Coast TORONTO. March 16: Connie Smythe, in an Interview Saturday night, confirmed reports that ne gotiations had been practically completed for the Toronto Maple Leafs, of which he is managing di rector, and the Chicago Black Hawks to make a tour west as far as the Pacific Coast after the close of the National League Hockey sea son At the end of this month. to enter the post-season play-offs this spring than It was last. Complete Custody Now Being Sought Another Suit in New lork in Con nection with la Vanileruiii . NEW YORK, March 16: Mrs ...1.11..... hnn I 1 C H - Harry Payne wniwey i..rrf.Kiilt in thc Supreme Court of thc United States seeking complete custody of her niece, muc uionai Vanderbilt, on the grounas wuu u-i mother, Mrs. oiorm viuiunu. .o unfit to share in any way care of the child. Today's Weather Triple Island Cloudy, Stewart-Snowing in the ) strong southerly wind; Daromewi, .. moderately rough. Lanirara Island-Cloudy, rrv! stronc southwest rough. wet snow, Tcrracc-Hcavy show- wind; sea south- cast wind, 32. A.,.,vnnlnlnir. west wind, 35. calm, 32. TRAGEDY ON FARM Case of Double Murder And Suicide Near Lelhbridgc At End of Week LETHURIDGE, March 1G: (CP) The bodies of Alaire, aged 18, and Laureen, 16, daughters of C. R. Lliason, were found in the burning Eliason farm home near Turin, twenty-five miles northeast of here, late Saturday. Tiie remains of Louis. Czaba, aged 36, Eliason's hired man, burned to a skeleton, were found In the smouldering ruins of the barn. The police believe that it was a case of double murder and suicide. The girls are believed to have been slain while other members of the family were absent and Czaba suicided in the barn after firing both structures. Neighbors discovered the fire and took the girls' bodies from the house. Floods in New At England Still On Least Ten Persons Have So Far Lost Lives BOSTON, March 16: Flood con ditions are still general today ir the New England States although slightly lower temperatures have caused the waters to recede at some points. At least ten persons have lost their lives and damage has been extensive. Hawaiian Clipper Coming to Coast Third Flying Boat for Pacific Service to Get Tests This Week Smythe expressed confidence as tof I Baltimore. Maryland. March 16 The Pan American Airways big .... u i iav.nffs and the Will UIC H-Uftuv 1""J .... ,, in Stanley Cup. His team, he sug-flying boat Hawaiian Clipper will a., nnM.Miv in better shane! be given test flights by her build leave for the Pacific Coast to Join her sister ships, China and Phllllptne Clipper, for transpacific service. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, March 16: (CP) Wheat was quoted at 827sc on the Vancouver Exchange today. province- LIBRARY, VICTORIA. B.C i I Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides prince Rupert Overcast, strong v 21:37 p.m. 15.6 ft southeast wind; barometer, 29.24; High 7:50 a.m. 17.2 ft. .a X ; Low 1:16 a.m. 10.7 ft. temperature, 41; sea choppy. 14:41 p.m. 6.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXV, No. 64. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1936 PRICE: 5 CENTS GERMANi 'S equality is conceded EXPLAINS JUDGMENT Reasons for Decision in rruu-liomme Appea League Council, However, Refuses To Accept Conditions of Hitler For Discussing Peace Proposals France and Other Nations Line Up Against Talking About New Treaty in Connection With Remilitarization of Khineland Weck-End Developments ' In European Crisis LONDON, March 1G: (CP) The League of Nations council, in secret, session here today, agreed to Reichs-fuehrer Adolf Hitler's demands for equality but flatly rejected his "conditions" that the council must discuss his peace, proposals. 'Hitler had offered to send a representative' to the council's deliberations on Germany's remilitarization of the Rhineland only '. . ,;n the basis of full equality, in the-vards Germany. Britain was be-conference and with the under-, "-red to be svmnathetlc towardr .tending that his re,cant offer of Germany's claim for equality. Mes-!iew peace pacts wou'd be consld-:. en?ers are keep'ng King Edward cred. VTII constantly rested on inter Six nations headed by France national negotiations at Windsor. opposed Hitlers insistence cn bringing his peace prpposals up simultaneously with dlstujsion of the Rhineland re-o:cupation. The other nations with France were Turkey, Spain, Russia. Poland and Rou- nanla. The council then voted unanimously to accept Hitler's first condition and to reject the s:cond. The vote was interpreted as tanta- ler's conditions It is understood that the council decided to draft still another invitation to Germany to attend the League of Nations. Taking No Backwater BERLIN, Marcn 16: A fiery speech made by Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler Saturday night before a wildly enthusiastic assemblage of hree hundred thousand persons in 3avaria and transmitted through-jut the country by radio Intimated Germany's rejection of the Invita tion to attend a conference of League Council nations ln London today to discuss the situation arls- ng cut of the military re-occupa- tlo not the Rhineland unless Ger many was received as an equal.: Hitler flatly declined to permit j Germany to face the League coun-1 France Holds Ont PARIS, March 16: Premier Albert Sarraut declv-sd yesterdav that France wjuld never negotiate for peace with Germany as long as German troops . remained in the Rhineland. Germany, not tnmg a League member, cannot enter ne gotiations with the League council unless all other mpmhprs nf the mount, to qualified, refusal ofcHlU .c0-uncn..are- agreeable, .-Therefore: there is so far an impasse. Mussolini Is Warned LONDON, March '16: Germany -ent a sharp note to Rome last night warning Prerfiier Benito Mussolini that, if he adopts art unfriendly attitude toward Germany 'n regard to the Rhineland situation, Germany would cut off all ex-oorts to Italy. This was stated in a Hspatch to the London Telegraph. Third Avenue Store Entered Another Case of Rurglary Last Night Boys Arc Suspected ell in the role of an accused nation ; During last night the store of when "right is unmistakeably on Thomas Ballinger on Third Avenue our side." Nor would he allow was broken into. Entry was made Germany to be dictated to by any j through a skylight and departure neutral nations. If France and Bel- i was taken by unlocking the back slum continued to insist upon mill- i door. A check-up was being made tary withdrawal from the Rhine-1 this morning of the goods which land there could be no peace nego- had been stolen. Boys are suspected, tiations and Germany's participa- tion in any conference would be; BAR SILVER i 1 1 1 l impugn:. i jjEW YORK, March 16: (CP) Strive For Settlement i Bar sliver was unchanged at M3,ac LONDON, March 16: British per ounce on the New York metal statesmen are continuing their ef- . market today, forts to reach a basis in the Euro- pean crisis which will obviate the necessity of Imposing sanctions against Germany and a possible European war, Belgium Is showing a more conciliatory attitude to- EINSTEIN HAS BIRTHDAY NEW YORK, March 16: Albeit Einstein, celebrated German scientist, observed his fifty-seventh birthday Saturday. New British Fighting Tlane Claimed Bullet-Proof Thc British air ministry ln rep )rted to have placed a large order with Vlckers (Aviation) Ltd., for the type of new super-warp'ane, pictured above, for the R.A.F. Much mystery surrounds the construction of this plane, mys ery that Is said to be enigmatic even to the experts, but the main feature of the ship has been announced as being almost perfectly proofed against bullets. It Is constructed of wafer-thin spars and tubes which can be stamped out by the presses of any big automobile manufacturer, and easily assembled, and its frame can be riddled with bullets without causing it to collapse, or bringing It down. The new plane, a monoplane, Is known as the Wallls Geodetic, being named after its creator, Barnes Neville Wallis. ; V PORTLAND WINS OVER VANCOUVER IN FIRST OF PLAY-OFF SERIES PORTLAND, March 16: (CP) Portland defeated Vancouver by a score of 3 to 2 last nighty in the first game of a two out of three semifinal series for the right to meet Seattle in the final of the Northwestern Hockey League play-offs. FRANCE TO BUY GRAIN Crop Failure at Home Will Put Country in World's Market PARIS, March 16: It is expec-'ed that France, in view of crop failure in this country, will be Importing large quantities of grain this year, especially if the govern ment continues its preparations for war. STRIKE IS NOW OVER .New i one sicyscrapers ior me pasi wo weeks, causing much inconven-' lence and discomfort, was reached ?arly yesterday and the strikers re turned to their Jobs today. Settlement of the strike was reached af ter an extended conference between civic authorities and representa tives of the workers. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, 31. Big Missouri, .64. Bralorne, 6.75. B. R. Con, .04i2. B. R. X .12'2. Cariboo Quartz, 1.32. Dentonio, .20. Dunwell, ,033. Golconda, .I8V2. Minto, .37. Morlng Star, .02. National Silver, .023,4. Noble Five, .04. Pend Orlelle, 1.02. Torter Idaho, .04i2. Premier, 2.18. Reno, 1.03. Relief Arlington, .35. Salmon Gold, ,09i2. Taylor Bridge, .10. Wayside. .183.4 Toronto Bidgood Kirkland, .81. Bcattle. 1.35. Central Pat., 2.69, Chibougamau, 43. Gods Lake. 1.10. Granada, ,18V-.. Inter'l Nickel. 48.50. Lake Maron, .0514. Lee Oold, .03i'j. Little Ixmg Lac, 6 53. Macassa, 3.85. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.35. Noranda, 47.50. Perron, 1.27. Pickle Crow, 4.40. ' ; Red Lake Gild Shore, .91. ' 1 San Antonio, 2.75. Slsco, 3 07. Smelters Oold, .06. Stadacona, .30. Sturgeon River, .33. Sudbury Basin, 4 00. Tcck Hughe3, 4.50. Ventures, 2.07. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.14. admiral AT REST Highest Honors Paid to Earl Beatty At Rites Today Interred Alongside Jellicoe LONDON, March 16: (CP) The coffin draped with the same Union Jack which flew from the Lion, flagship of the battle cruiser squadron which Admiral David Beatty commanded at the Battle of Jutland during the Great War, the body of the famous British admiral was taken with due pomp today to rest beside that of Admiral Jellicoe, close to Nelson's tomb in St. Paul's ' Cathedral. The funeral followed lines such as were adopted at the burial of Earl Jellicoe last November. The Duke of York represented King Edward VIII at the funeral. New York Stock Mart Moves Up i 'Steadied on Saturday With General i Gains After War Scare NEW YORK, March 16: After a week's depression on account of I the European war scare, the New I York stock market showed a dls- ' tlnct steadying and- upward trend Settlement of Building Service Saturday when 1,430,000 shares i - : Workers! .Dispute JnXey . changed-. hands., durlngrthe'.short, York Reached session. Closing averages were: in dustrials. 154.07. ud 3.65: rails. 47.13. NEW YORK. March lfl:-6ettle- up u7; utilities, 31.84, up 1.13. aent of the building service work- j . rs' strike, which has tied up jani- . torlal and elevator service in many 'UfitllCatlOn v1 New Furnishings Impressive Service at Salvation Army Citadel Last Nisght An Impressive service was held last evening in the Salvation Army Citadel when a riew flas. new carpet and matting and hangings were dedicated, j This presentation was made possible by the gift In cash of a local friend who had been 111 for some months but had so far recovered that he desired to give a Thank offering to God. Wonder-in gjust through which channel to ! give the offering, he thought, of the v v Armv nnrt thp 1 " J service held last night was the outcome. One of the comrades gave of his time and labor in cleaning and painting. Adjutant Eva Laycock made suitable reference .to the gift and based her Scripture Lesson on the 25th chapter of Exodus where the Children of Israel brought their gifts for the building of the tabernacle In dedicating the gift, Lieut. Hilda Bridge prayed that God woul dbless the giver, and sanctify I the gift to his honor and glory. QUEEN CHARLOTTES MAY GET NEW SALMON CANNERY Reports published in thc south Intimate the Intention of Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd to establish n new salmon cannery on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Donald Main and family wish to thank Dr. Cade, Miss Harrison, Miss Gordon and other friends for all their kind nesses during the sickness of their son, and to especially thank Earl Gordon who gave a blood trans fusion. And in their bereavement they wish to thank those who expressed sympathy and sent floral tributes. ..