jay, January Mi 6. 1036 DAILY NEWS JPAQX TORE? 77lW i i I LOCAL NEWS NOTES Pure NprwegiAP Cffjl Uyr Qil Extract qf Mlt aJ Cq4 Myer Oil Extract of iyiclt and Halibut Liver Qil Hajibpt Livpr 0)1 Capsules Halibllf Liver Oil Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil We suggest that any of the ahpve will guard your Ji.ea)ii durjnjriJje winter season See our ,li?I?)ay Qf these rernpJies Ormes Ltd, lit Ktjfll BUr P10?,"! 5 & Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and llelldayj from jinoon till Z p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. SATIN-GLO m THE OLD, OLD WISH We wish you all A HAPPY AND .PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ..... . . 4 j , j . :. . , . . I pit, Evilt & Co. Ltd. .tafttlje new year right by resolving to use Mtm-CIo Varnish Satin-Glo Euan'iel ptin-CIo Finish Bapco I'alnts I 1C .ux,e )Va)J FJnsi . Anents iHOiylPSQN HAKDWARE CO. LTD. 1 0 N S TEA M S II I P S, L I M I T E D liiPr!hl.Low W"" Excursion Rates effective November 1st, 1935 (Moo y ?ln' 9??- PrlP Rupert to yan.cpuyer and rpturn r n steamers l,eave Prjnce Rupert for Vancouver: ue Vancouver. Thursday p.m. rv D"e ripA,M)l'A F'WAY, 10:30 VM. 1 Vaipuver, Mfohday'a.m. Vefkly filings to pprt Simpspn. Stewarjl, Anypx. and Naas River, u Shday.'S p.ta further information regarding sajiings and tickets from li- SMITH, Prince itnnert Arent. Thirri Ave. Phone Rupert Brand" SMOKED 5C8 BLACK COD J Prcpttrpd pajly By Canadian Fish & Cpld gtprge p, rKINCE RUPERT, B.G. Early Ad. Copy is appreciated you can rent & ,cat at Walker as tow u ' liii) a day, pliujrc. i mile. The conation of Mrs. Jack Malr, wno. is quite ill af the Prince Rupert General fyospitai, remains much, the same. Mr. and Mrs. P. LeRoss of Paclfjc are. paying a brief visit to the city. They arrived from .the Interior on oafuraay night's train and wilt re turnj to' Pacific tills evening. J. A. Bryant, Metlakatla school teacher, returned ' pii' ihe e'atala las,t evening after spending the Chrlstmajj and New Year holiday.; season yisiung in Victoria at rtis home. Election of officers for 1936 will take plaice, at th'e ' next regular meeting, .tomorrow, Tuesday, January 7,' "at 7:30 'pin. ' 'Member's .rer quested J.o attend. B. C. Fishermen's Federal Union of' Prince Rupert, " ' BJC: (4) Roy Fisher appeared In city police court before' Magistrate M.c- Clymont this morning on a charge of freehtln4"'a disorderly house ana was remanaea ior eigni aays. Milton Gonzales Is aciing as defence counsel. Rev. M. H. La.wren,ce, Anglican Church missionary at kltkatla, arrived In the city at the end of the week after haying spent the Christmas and New Year holiday season at hjs home in Victoria and proceeded on Saturday to jthe .village down the coast. Reports have been current locally of a possible early change h1 train seryice to Prince Rupert but. as far as can be learned at Jo?al offices pi the Canadian National Railways, no change is contemplated until summer service starts about the usual tlnje in June. ' THRIFT Moneysavers Effective Tuesday to Friday CORN FLAKES Quaker fjJp Brand, pkg. GRAHAM WAFERS Of p I.B.C.. 1-lb. Cello iXy EGpS Scptts "A" Large 9.Qn U per doz, . SWFT'S BACON Premium OAp Cello-Wrapt, 2 lb. CORNED BEEF Llbby's f f p per tin ! Af-V JAP ORANGES New Shipment, box CHOICE PRUNES 3 lbs CLAM CHOWDER HedlundX tin CATELLT MACARONI 3-lb. pkg CVT BEANS Royal City per tin pATHROQM TISSUE Paragon, 8-oz., rou 63c m 10 c 25 c 75 PRANULATEP SUpAR CCp Limit '29 ips jo lbs. x' DEL MAIZ CORN per tin PUMPKJN Royal ,Clty 2 s, per tin TEA "Thrift" Blend per lb P'jt'Q SOAP 3 bars PUFFED WHEAT per pkg. 11c 10c NAVEL pRAlGES ' 'OSg i per ' dpz. -fif!? I ' Juicy, nice ,slze, 3doz. iQ7c I I ; . FLOUR RoyaV HousehPld, 49 lbs. LIBBY'S CATSUt' per bottle C.QWAN'S COCOA '2 lb ? mm i?9 "CARpi AND SAyr iljfjj Orders Have pit .Prompt Attention For messenger or taxi phone J35.- Members Canadian Legion and Women's Auxiliary banquet tonight, 7.30, Legion Rooms. . v ' . : p4df ellpws, gebekahs i Jplnt ilnj. siawauon, a p.m. .yyeuiicsuayjyiei jbVrs and visiting members cor-oUajly invited. " ' I a U) Charles qrafiam, -inspector of pines, sailed on tiie flatala last nigpt for a trip to tewar); pn official (i.uties. Fred Rlffqu, wjio ha'beerTjon 'a rip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the. south on the Cataia last evening. Miss yenetla Feero was heard in planp solos frpm the 'local radio statipn saturaay evening, juuus W$lle gave accordlan solos today. WiJlJam Anderson, whp recently served time .on a similar, charge, fs apeparing again in city ppllce court tpjdy qji a jejjarge of supplying li quor io xnaians. Mr. and Mrs. Jp)in Rukln and child were passengers aboard the Cataia last night returning to ,Port Simpson after a trip to yancouver.i Mr. Rukln Is teacjier pi tne public school at Port Simpson. . Juen Llm, Chinese, Is appearing In city police court tpiday on a charge of keeping liquor Jpr sale; The pharge resulted from a raid by the police earjy Sunday morning on premises on Fulton Street. : Dr. Soward, professor pf hWry at f hp 'University pf ' C, will speak Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 8 In the Council Chamber pit pie City fijfilitfo adi mission. Both addresses . .will be broadcast. The Junior JChjmber.,pf uornmerce is sponsorm thp prp- gram- Miss R. Horton R.N., Port Simp son nurse, ,and Miss L Kinley, school teacher from the same pojnt, were passengers aboard the-Cataia last' night returning north after a visit in Vancouver. Duncan Munro, after spending a couple of weeks In the city visiting with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Munrp, Second Avenue, West view, sailed by the Cataia last night on his return to Premier. Lpcal sch.ool teachers returning to th.e. city on the Cataia last eve ning after spending the Christmas and' New year holidays yisjtlng at their nomes in tne south included Miss Lang, Miss Kate MacKay, Dr. E. E. Lucas, Miss Tracy Currle, Miss Marjorle pimock. Miss Molly be-laney, Dr. A, Poole. Miss Mary,D. .Sim, James Ci Hutchison, 1-Miss E.; P, Grassie, Miss Jessie Mof fattvMiss Mary Easthope, Miss' Edna yickers and Mrs. B. Walker. The Cataia also made a special call at Ocean Falls oii the present trip north with paper town; teachers; and "this causr ed her to be somewhat later than usual In arriving here. Notipe Tp PJacer Miner Small quantities of clean plaper gold, Weighing not less thanf thr'e.e pennyweights and pot more than twA ounces, will be purchased from pla4cer miners' at the ratp of $28,00 per punce; until further notice, be tween tne nours 01 9 ajn. and ! p.m. (Saturday 9 ajn. to i'p.m.)' a thp office of the Gold Commis sioiier at rr'ce nupert, piu. ' NORMAN A.jWATT,! I 4.10.il;6- nnouncemnts r.t Junior Chamber Snowball Frplie, Jaiuiary 2j. t - t tf' s SffipseHall o:9S.e Iodge nieets 8 o'clock Nomination of Officers .1- -V MJss Ruth pjllies returned to the . city on tne uataia last nigni irom a trip to Vancouver. . : - V W. H. Tobey. C. N. R. divisional superintendent, returned, to the'eiiy on Saturday night's train from "d trip '.to the Interior as far as Prince George on Inspectlonal duties. Miss .Margaret McCaf fery, ; who has been spending the Chrfsjtmas and Nw Year h.bll(ay season hi .Vancouver, retupe to the lty from the south on the Cata!-ia?t hig'fit. Capt. Joseph . Peterson of the lighthouse tender Birnle ani Mrs. Peterson and child returned to the .city on the Cataia last night from a holiday visit to Vancouver and Victoria. CJJ.B. TRAINS For the ast Mondays, 'Wednesdays and Fridays - 6 pjn. Fr9m the East Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays 10:20 p.m. Ladies' Msic Cljib Paid Its Annual Visit to Hospital The Ladles' Music Club gave Its annual Christmas program of car ols at the Prince Rupert General 'REPAIRS OF TPXS (Continued from vatre one) Grotto. Cigar Store apd Watts pro-- I eery for altowlng boxes to be placed on their counters to receive dona mons towards 'experisfs, and to1 members pf Tpc H who gave their time In repairing r.nd distributing toe toys. The dolls were repaired and games fixed up by the piri Guides uhder th(e direction of Captains M. Brewertoni and kidei-; back. Th,? activities were under the' supervision of' Scoutmaster P. C.' Miller. ) . Qver 2000 toys have been distrl-j butpd since ihe opening of the toy repair shop In i928: j I 4NTEUESTED IN PULP MILL pal Thomas, yell known Welsh' Investor and promoter, is reported to have peepme interested in the; Prhice Rupert pulp mill project, f financing of which' Is now bing proceeded with preparatory to ah anticipated early start on actuall construction work. NEW YpRK, Jan. ?: (CPJ The prife p bar silver was unchanged ajt 4934c 'per ounce on the New York metal market today. Hospital. There were a number of last night after spending a vacation choruses, y.qeaj spwjws. .were Mrs. J visiting in Vancouver. J. A. Hinton, J. E. Davey and Mrs. Ernest Anderson. Miss Nellie Law rence Rendered violin solos, and ac-. companists were Mrs. c. E. cumn, Mrs. W. L. Stamford and Mrs. E. ij. Splth! At the conclusion of the program tea was seryep by Miss Jean Harrison R.N., lady sijp?rln tendent, at trie Nurses' Home. A. C. Ballard, sehopl teacher at Sunnyslde, arrived In the city aboard the Cataia last evening pp his way back .to the Ske?na River after spending the .Christmas and New Year hpliday season in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vlckers returned! "tP the city on the Cataia ,On NPvemher 30 iast at Ashton Under-Lyne, bear Manchester, Eng., twins, a son and a daughter, were; born to Capt. and Mrs. E. L. iyli. nuuicjr ouAiiujr, uaugiiici ui te late George G. Bushby and Mrs. Bushby, formerly of Prince Rupert. Follow This Plan fpr Better CONTROL 4 COIDS For Fewer Colds yicks Ya-tro-nol helps Prevent many Colds I At the first warning nasal irritation, sniffle or sneeze, use Vidcs ya-tro-pol just a few drops up each nostfU. va-tro-pol is especiajty designed for the nose and upper jhioat-uftere mosf colds starV It stimulates Nature' pwp functions in the nps&r-to help prevent colds, and to throw off hea colds in Jheif early stages.' Used'iri time, ya-jro-nol helps avoid many colds. For Shorter Colds . . yicsVapoRub helps End a Cold Sooner SJZE 79 Regular price $?t50. aie rice ...... . SIZ)3 9, Regular price $.pp. Sale price1 .......i.. LIpLEUi)! RUGS, ' SIZE' Gx9 Regi'ilar price $7.50'. Sale Price . . . SIZE 9xl0 Regular price $13.00. Sale Price .............. ',7S . . . .... PRINTED LJNQLEUiV ' - Sy Square Yard Regular ' " price, 9,0c square yard. n V' TV 1' 1. aaie rric.e, square yaru . follow yickt..J?lan fgf Better Control. of. (Colds A helpful guide to fewer colds and shorter colds. Developed by Vicks Chemists and Medical Staff; tested in extensive 'clinics by practicing physicians further proved in. everyday home use by millions. The Plan is fully explained in each Vicks package. I If a cold has developed, rub Vicks VapoRub on throat arid chest at ljcdtupe. VapoRub acts direct two ways at once: (I) By stimulation through the skin like a poultice or plaster; (2) By Inhalation of its medicated vapors direct tp inflamed air-passages. Through the night, this corhbined vapor-poultice action loosens phlegm, soothes irritation, helps break congestion. New Year ResoliiJion Sale CQNCOEUM ,GOLI) SEAL RIJGS $5.50 I6t60 $55 9,75 m New Year's Sale Cqntinued NEW REDS COMPLETE Regular price, $35.00, Sale Price P0 D. ELIO -Exchange For hjcjr?M Trjere Is npthins better han t MUSTARD BATH A mustard bath is sq soothing; it works quickly ..and children like it. JIaye )Ju qiiil'e quite hoi hoi le water a and and add'. add 1 1 Want A . 1 or z laoie-noorisful COLMAN'S Mustard. A? they soak in a mustard bath, warm and comfortable, the.pol-poh's are awealed out. A quisle rtip dwn, pop them, jnj.o .bfd ,aiid see thejr kffR warm.j. What a diffefepce in the inprriiiog . . arid you haven't upset the Jjttle stomachs. 7c Ads PQIUtElsIT FOR RENT Furnished 4-rcbm apartment. Phone 547. (tf) FOR SALE FRESH Fish for sale aboard Helen II. Cow Bay. tif (tf) f THE SITIIEMB COVRT flFAHifcll COM MISIA . In Probate In ftie Miittfr of the "Administration . Aft" ' - And " In thr Mattrr of thr Estate of James O. Putklea. Dereaxe'd. ' , TAPE JIOTICE that by order of rl( Honor Judge Fisher. Local Judge ' 3t the Supreme Court of Brltlsl) .Columbia made the Bth day oi pecember 1935. I Sheweli. Mrs. Shewell was formerly ' appointed AdmihistraUir oi th ... j d.uv... j..v.'- -lEstate of James O. Patslcaa.' Deceofed, Intestate, late of Prince'. Rupert," B.C. Alt persona having claims, against , the said Estate are hereby' required' to' jfur-ntsh'same properly verified' to me on-Or before the 15th day Qf January 1936; oinerwise aisposition 01 the said Estate will be made without regard' thereto All. parties Indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the. amount or thlr Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED this ?th -.. day of ..... December 1935. NORMAN A: WATT.' ' Official Administrator. - - - : Prlnc iRjipert.. li C. 'tXsft ACT .Vol Ire of Intention (0 apply to Lease Land , In PRINCE RUPERT Land Recordlnc District of Range '5 Coast, arid situate about 1?2 mlle s6uih of the W. A Browp HomeSite Lease on Sklaki Bay, Stephens! Island. Take hotlce' that William Anthony Browh 61 Sklaki Bay, Stephens Isl. occupation Fisherman and Trapper In- lenos.to apply ior a lease 01 tne follow-I Ing described foreshore "lands: j Commencing at a post planted on a J small Island within an Inlet of Skt-lakl Bay, about 30 Feet .west of my boatbouse, which Is located approximately 3-4 miles; south of the W. A. jPrwD Homeslte. Lease thence West i.uu reei; inence norin huu reel thence East 1300 Feet; .thence South 900 fleet; thence West 600 Feet to point of commencement and containing Thirty acres, more or less. ' WILLIAM ANTHONY BROWN Tinted Nnyemhr 4th'. '1935. ckrtifiHats oFiMrAqyEMENfp"" SILVER KINO No: 1; SILVER KIM3 No. 2! SILVER KINO No. 3; 6ILV2R KINO No. 4; SILVER' KINO No. 5; SILVER KINO No. 6; SILVER KINO No. 7; SILVER KINO No. 8: BLUEBIRD No. 1 & 'BLUEBIRD No. 2 MINERAL CLAIMS, Situate In the AUln Mining Division 'of Casslar District. Where located: Whitewater Creel", Tukequah River. TAKE NOTICE that D. C. Sharpstone, acting as agent lor Raymond L. Walker, Free ' Mlner' Certificate No. ?4S91-p; DalJJHvMc4lr.-rTee Miner's Certificate No. 64877-D; Harry C. Bracken Free Miner's Certificate No. 64878-D; Arthur H ea rn an. Free Miner's Certificate No. 64890-D; Alaska Juneau Oold Mining Corpora tion, Free Miner's certificate No. 98023-D; Walter Barron, Free Miner's Certifi cate No. 64888-D: D. J; MacDoUg&U, Free Miner's Certificate No. 64889 -D, intends sixty days from the date hereof, to ap ply to the Mining Recorder lor Certificates of Improvements lor the purpose of obtaining Crown a rants of the 'above claims. And Further take notice' that aotlcn, under section 83 of the Mineral Act, must be commenced before the Issuance of such Certificates of Improvements. Dated this first day of December. 1935. Dpn't Put a Dollar On Any New Car Until Ypu Sec the . , . New Chevrolet Solid Steel Turret Top Perfected Hydraulic Brakes Improved Six Clyinder Motor Fisher No Draft Ventilation Kn$e Action Front Wheels Kaien Motors. Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. Thone 52 I ;i ;t ' s t i i t '.a it it ;t ii w IT itoi! irrrtn I'lin '! in ! ntjl (I !', liiv JlltJS iCOa tMlM . till. ... 54'rn "III It . ' !! . 4lU) ii .it; i l tar. n 11 v. iii! liita mi tVMlft t toV ki:;i ;1 -m thilil lla i t S3 1 1 6 a :.'! 'I i A V iT-ii ni -ir ii ii in i - i i it I, n -i"- i im ' tmi iitnt'iOii ' w