PAGE TWO The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Why Slip on Icy Streets When a Pair of New Rubbers Are So Easily Purchased? We have just unpacked a complete shipment of rubbers, all heels and sizes. Complete size range of Men's and "Women's and Children's GYM SHOES just arrived. Third Avenue DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. rRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA SOVIET PROGRESS Phone 357 Puntiined Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Saturday, Feb. 15, 1936 Sir Frederick G. Banting K.B.E., co-discoverer of insulin, paid a visit to Russia recently and, as a result of what he sa wand heard there, he writes very enthusiastically about the progress being made in that country in an article fn "Canadian Business," just published. He says that scientific research and the application of science to industry and agriculture is the most impressive activity in the Soviet Union. There is no country in the world that is progressing so rapidly in this regard. He quotes an array of figures, supplied doubtless by Soviet officials, to show the remarkable nvno-rps!? rnnrlp in many phases of activity. Sneaking of pdnrnti that in 1931 over nineteen million adult people learned to read and write. At present every child must attend school until 15 years of age. The difficulty of the task can be understood when it is stated that children are taught in 70 different national languages. Showing the application of science to agriculture, Sir Frederick points out that there was a shortage of pure bred stock. In order to make up for that, artificial fertilization was carried out with cattle and sheep so that the increase of high bred stock was tremendous. In order not to overdo the production of wheat much of the wheat land in the southern part of the country is being planted with citrus fruits, tea and tobacco. There has to be some export in order to secure foreign credits and that has led to the increase in production of .cold. It is exnectorl that, thp mir. put this year will amount to $500,000,000 and much of this is Demg used in paying ott toreign debts and securing uzeuiis 10 enaDie tnem to buy things they do not yet produce. In concluding an interesting article, the writer says: 4 "The Soviet Government is building a gigantic structure on the solid rock of science and research. For this reason there now remains not a vestiue of doubt as to the future success of the Soviet Union. Her future is doubly secure because no people in the world so fully realize that the science of today is the research of yesterday and the research of today is the science of tomorrow," While Sir Frederick seems to see most unscientifically uinv uue swe ox me picture, it snoum oe an, inspiration to other countries, including Canada, to keep up-to-date in the matter of industry and nprirnlriirp WW Piicoin no do Canada might also do. We feel strongly that the hutre vdccua areas m uanana snoum De tilled with ... people who - A 111 jiiavwj expscteu to oecome good Canadian citizens but to do this it will be necessary for the state to see that they get the proper start and that markets are provided in the early stages of pettlement. These lands are one of our chief natural resources but they are valueless as they are today. Thev are even a danger. It is for the government of the countw to pee that thev are utilized in such a way as to prove of lasting benefit to' Canada as a nation. SCOTCH WHISKY This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. CALGARY, Feb. 15: CP-Seattle's Sea Hawks scored a fire to three victory over Calgary Tigers on Calgary ice last nigh and resumed the exclusive leadership of the Northwestern Hockey League with a full game margin over the Vancouver Lions with whom they had been tied in the standing. The Tigers remain In the cellar, half a game below the Edmonton Eskimos. The league standing to date: W. D. L. F. A. P. Seattle . 15 4 12 95 100 32 tVancouver 14 4 15 95 100 32 ; Portland 12 7 10 63 49 31 i Edmonton 12 5 13 '78 76 29 Calgary 13 4 15 87 94 22 Trojans-Twirlers Still Leading In Student Bowling High School Bowling League re sults today. Boys Squirts 680, Punks 632. Tigers 613, Big Five 648. Wolves 737, Bombers 493. Cubs 678, Trojans 698. High scorer, Bjorn Wick. Girls Aces 629, Lucky Strikes 690. Best Bets 633, Five Clams faulted). Quintuplets 590, Twirlers 671. High scorer, Kay Fortune, 174 The league standings to date: Boys League Trojans 6 Tigers 6 Squirts 6 Punks 6 Big Five . I...f.6 Bombers 6 Wolves .6 Cubs Girls' 'League Twirlers 5 Lucky Strikes 5 Louis. 4573 4400 4342 4108 3751 3611 3352 2333 3440 3370 Quintuplets 5 3150 Best Bets 5 3066 Aces 5 3035 Five Clams s 2441 MaxBaer Takes de- 762 733 724 635 625 602 559 389 688 662 625 611 606 488 Comeback Trail ! Former World's Heavy weight "Box ing Champion Resumes Training At Oakland Oakland, Feb. 15: Max Baer, former world's heavyweight boxing champion, has gone into training ror what Is .believed to be a come. back campaign following his dis astrous defeats of last year at the hands of Jimmy Braddock. to whom he lost the tftle. and Jrr Old Country Soccer Fifth Hound, English Cup Barnsley 2. Stoke City 1. Sheffield United 3, Leeds United 1. 0. 3. Grimsby Town 3, Manchester City 2. Newcastle Uuited 3, Arsenal 3. Bradford City .0. Derby Countv Bradford 0, Tottenham Hotspun Chelsea-Fulham. Dostooned-foe. Middlesburgh 2, Leicester City 1. English League, First Division Birmingham 2, Liverpool 0. Bolton Wanderers -4, Aston Villa Brentford - Portsmouth, post- poned-fog. Everton '4, Wolverhampton Wan derers 1. 1. Blackburn Rovers 1, Sunderland Scottish League, First Division Alrdrieonlans 1, Queens Park 1. Arbroath 2, St. Johnstone 2. Ayr United 4. Clyde 3. Celtic 4, Kilmarnock 0. Dundee 2, Albion Rovers 0. Dunfermline 2, Rangers 6. Hibernians 3, Hamilton Acad emicals 2, Motherwell 0, Queen of South 2. Partick 'Thistle 3, Aberdeen 3. Third Lanark 1, Heart 5, Butchers DAILY NEWS Saturday. February 15. ij38 'SPORT' SEATTLE ISAHEAD Sea Hawks Defeat Calgary To Lead Western Hockey League BOWLING RESULTS Two Leagues in Action Last Night; Commercial and Five Pins Regular fixtures in both the Commercial and Five Pin Bowling Leagues were played last night. Three Two Taxi and Bankers won over Watts' Grocery and Kaien Motors respectively In the Commercial League by two games to one in each case and are Ued for the leadership in the standing. High average on the evening's play was! 151 by Cull of the Bankers. Pioneer Laundry retained leadership of the Five Pin League by winning two to one over Old Empress while Lambie & Stone won by a similar score over the second place Five Jokers. Jimmy Ciccone of the Old Empress had the high average score of 220. Details of play: Commercial League 32 TAXI 1st 2nd 3rd R. Mazzei 142 133 117 aL Gurvich .125 118 125 .Cinslor 157 163 114 Dickens 156 129 144 Donald 137 149 148 Totals :. ... WATTS' GKO. Hunt L French r McLachlan . Johnson Pierce .-. ...717 692 648 1st 2nd 3rd 114 159 112 ...-127 146 144 ...104 146 124 142 109 131 ....'131 149 118 Totals 618 709 629 BANKEKS 1st 2nd 3rd Allum ,. ....118 86 91 Fyfe .:.....,...;.....?. ...136 165 143 Smith 107 120 134 Commons .109 81 103 Cull .:........;..!:::Li36 160 158 Totals 606 612 629 KAIEN MOTOKS 1st 2nd 3rd Jack , ..........A. .129 138 97 P. Smith 94 100 93 Moore ':...'....'.';'98 112 121 frizzell :....102 150 123 Horton 81 128 112 Totals .504 628 546 The league standing to date: Three Two Taxi ..ML 7 2 Bankers 7 2 U N K A. ..5 Oilers '. 4 kaien Motors .4 Watts'Grocery 2 BiologicalStation 1 Five Tin League LAMB I E "& ' STONE 1st Comadina 116 Stiles 179 Horton 136 fOnslor 134 Mcintosh ; , 116 Handicap go 2nd 171 180 235 145 190 60 3rd 208 163 175 183 175 60 Totals ;74i 98i 974 FIVE JOKERS 1st 2nd 3rd Dingwell 189 202 165 A- Davles 164 136 132 F- Davies 268 166 121 Andrews .182 200 192 Low Scote 116 145 163 Handicap 102. 102 102 Totals 1021 951 880 riONEER LAUNDRY 1st 2nd 3rd Houston 135 147 143 Arrol 456 155 122 213 Jy 202 140 250 Wesch 182 178 168 Asemls-n . 213 188 145 T T f nanaicap 98 98 Totals 985 873 1017 UUJ EMPRESS 1st 2nd 3rd lMCIy - 1IG 159 169 ,6tacey 142 181 2na Calderonl :i42 175 I30 ciccone ., 179 209 271 Annley 114 157 149 Handicap 46 44 46 Totals 739 927 973 Grotto Taxi 3 OARS AT YOUR SERVICE Proprietors Bert Morgan & Bud Bdrrh . "Don't forget the number 15G MINERAL LECTURE Good 'Crowd Out 1o Hear Dr. .Mandy Kocks of Earth's "Crust Subject For Tonight , Before a good crowd of listeners Thursday night in the city council chamber. Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident mining engineer, in the second of his series of lectures for prospectors and others interested oi mining, went into the principles 3r mineralogy- including physical properties that can be used by prospectors in the; field for iden-ification of minerals. Such physical-properties included 'ustre, color, cleavage, fractures., specific gravity, structure, crystal form, odor, etc. Demonstrations were made with actual specimens if minerals. Dr. Mandy went on to discuss 'he subject of geology applied to jrospjcting including work of igencies that modify the- earth's turf ace such as wind, frost, changes n temperature, oxidation, rainfall, itreams, seas find lakes, glaciation, .yaters, volcanoes, organic life, etc. Tonight Dr. Mandy will discuss 'Ocks which compose the crust of iarth and their association with nineral deposits. High School Dramatic Club Secular 'Meeting Held With Betty Parlowin the Chair At the regular meeting of the 'ligh School Dramatic Club on "rlday, Miss Betty Parlow was In .he chair in the absence of Miss Molly Winsiow. The program cdn-. ;isted of the reading by the cast if the play entitled "The Mouse rrap." Those taking part were j race Atkinson, Peter Allen. Betty : Wood, Helen Valentine. Marcaret McLeod, Kay Fortune and Edith "romp. Hintoii Coal Phone 51 CENTRAL HOTEL Kaien Transfer For Coal and Woocl of all kinds Haulage & General Transfer Work Service is Our'Motto PHONE 60 For - - COAL LUMBER Building Supplies Phone PHiLPorr EVITT & Co. Ltd. 651 and 652 if COUGHS .nd COLDS Call for Dr. Mustard! Head colds, sneezing, couRhs, grippy aches and pains all call for Dr. Mustard either in u full-length hot mustard bath, a mustard foot-bath, or, in the case of chest couglis, a mustard' plaster. There is nothing better than the old-fashioned way of sweating out the poisons. It drives out the infectious germs and o stops coughs and colds spreading thrbugh the family. Keep Colman's hand to 'stop that infectious cold at the very first anillle or sneezel COLMAN'S ik s. f. M 11 t a r d Monarch Knitting Co.'s Guessing Contest 1 IJox of Monarch Dove FREE Each week for 10 weeks See Our Window REGAL SHOP 7MC CLEARANCE SALE AH Fur Coats 30 Off Don't Miss This Chance! We have large order for all kinds of raw furs bring anything with hair on it to us we pay the most v C, O L D B L O O M HOUSEHOLD HELPS Dusting Mops, from 75c to $1.50 Clothes Baskets, from 51.25" to S2.00 Galvanized Tubs, from".. Jfit ....sfe... r...50c to Slid Furniture Polish, from 15c to 25c GLAS-KLEEX Ideal for Windows, Mirrors, Windshields and Tile 12-ounce bottle with sprayer ,65c THOiVIPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Come and See Our NEW WALLPAPERS A large shipment of the newest patterns of "Sunworthy Wallpaper" has Just arrived. The prices of these popular light resisting papers are now so low that they come within the reach of every purse. And, while it lasts, we are going to sell the balance of our last year's stock of wallpaper at 25 discount! Get it now while the selection U large. Gord on's Hardware D. ELIO Furniture 1 BHMHHHHHHSMHH Exchange Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Cribs, Dining Room Suites, Standard Lamps, Buffets ancl Sideboards, Dressers, Chiffoniers, Kitchen Tables and Chairs, Coal Ranges in good condition at reasonable prices. Furniture Bought Outright Phone: 'Green 421