V paoi roup i"" j, ,;, if ' '' New Chevrolet Solid Steel Turret Top Perfected Hydraulic Brakes Improved Six Clyinder Motor Fisher No Draft Ventilation Knee Action Front Wheels Kaien Motors Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. Phone 52 Hyde Transfer Coal Cartage Storage PHONE 580 Qficc 315 Second Avenue Lcding Household Science Authorities recommend Quaker Flour and Quaker Method of Easy Baking MISS A. J. ROE, Household Editor The Country Guide says: "I have no hesitation in recommending Quaker Flour and the Quaker Easy Method of Baking as system that saves time and trouble and gives excellent uniform results." Quaker Flour 'lP Always the Same Always the Best FOR BREAD CAKES AND PASTRY : COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY - Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS; EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL '-'PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 ljon't Put a Dollar On Any Now Car Until You See the . . . Prices Slashed -- on Box Chocolates Lowncy's, Moir's, Ganong's Reg. $1.25 to $1.50; Special, 09c Reg. $2.25 to $2.65; Special, $1.69 All boxes guaranteed In good condition. Come In and pick yours out NOTICE: Starting Sunday, Feb. 16, our Confectionery Store wili close at 10:30 p.m. except Saturday, open till 11:30 p.m. This is only temporary. MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY 319 Third Avenue SNAPp CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtubs, Washbasins, Window, and Mirrors. Cannot scratch. ROSES Order your roses now for spring planting. Per dozen, $3.00 and up Other Shrubs same price ARTHUR BAYNE Successor to Glennle's "Baking is no longer hard work for me" say Mr, a riley, i i i i MRS. G RILEY I Nanu- "TILLIE THE TOILER" Valuable Baking Book FREE The Qulcr Oati Companr, Dept. lr -54 Saskatoon, Saak. rtcaseaend me copy of booklet "The Quaker Method of Eaay Bread Baking." I I AdJreia ; I I Vtalert$ Name-. Valentine Program At Story Hour Is Greatly Enjoyed A Valentine program took place iaC the Story Hour this morninj jbufore 94 chidri between the ages of 4 and 8. Mrs, Neal Carter i was in charge of the hour assisted by Mrs. J. A. Barry. Valentine j stories were told. Two -casts of children acted a very amusing CLASSIFIED FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished 4 room apartment. Phone 547. (tf FOUND FOUND Horn rimmed glassc on Third Avenue between 6th and 7th Streets, Owner may have same by calling at Daily News and paying for this advertisement, tf FOR SALE FOR SALE Cary Safe, Apply Daily News office. Phone 98. (tf) MALE HELP WANTED LESSON from the depression-Be a Civil Servant Postman, Customs Examiner, Clerk, Stenographer, etc. Free Bookie. "How to get a Government. Job." M.C.C. Civil Service School, Win. nipeg. PERSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay. Wp. start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. (tf) MOW -TVAT VOU'ME BOUOHTll vmy, SELtJ THOUSAND DOLUA,V.HAV rWS.5ff ACE VOO GblMG TO rr AS ITT -J JSCOMASi - "J 5E DAILY NEWS Saturday, Februarv ,. WATERFRONT WHIFFS ', Albtrta "I use the Quaker Easy Method of Baking with' Quaker Flour and I not only save half the work and trouble, but I get much better results in half the time." And no wonder Mrs. Riley is so completely satisfied with Quaker Flour and the Quaker Easy Method of Baking. Just imagine .-. . no heed to knead . . . you don't have to set the sponge over night and it prevents failures, that are expensive and exasperating. If you haven't written for your FREE copy of the booklet explaining all about the Quaker Easy Method of Baking, send in the coupon rjght away and ask your grocer today for your supply of Quaker Flour. If CANADIAN "AKoVij'j i fQu&frerl ! story about bears. David Jones sang two solos. The Hour was brought to a close with the distribution of valentines by two small boys. Mrs. W. L. Stamford was pianist for the morning. Next week the program will be in charge of Mrs. J. R. Morrison, Mrs. F. E. Robertson and Miss Kay Watson and will be for children 9 to 12 Inclusive. Cambrai Chapter Valentine Dance Delightful Affair Held Last Night I l'r Elks' Home The annu'al'-St. Valentine's dance, under the auspices of the Cambrai Chapter Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, held last evening in the Elks' Hall, was a most enjoyable and successful affair, there being over 130 persons present. The hall was appropriately decorated for the occasion in red and white with red hearts predominating. Splendid music was furnished by Charlie Balagno's Orchestra and Walter Smith made a genial master of ceremonies. At midnight delicious refreshments were served and dancing continued until 2 a.m. Mrs. J. A. Barry, first vice-regent of the chapter, was general con vener, assisted by members of the chapter. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilder and Engi. ! mmi Bwmm CmUb. BeatrU and AetjlM elding. SpeUlUu n SawatH 4 Mining Machinery. AH 7jv mi Caa EngiiMa Repaired and Orerhaaled. Local Sea Cadets Arc Going Ahead Newington Has Rough Voyage "Strong Room" For Catala "During the past year the work in connection with the Prince Rupert Sea Cadet Corps continued with unabated zeal and, we believe, to the great advantage of the boys who arq members of the corps' said the report of the retiring president, T. H. Johnson, which was presented at the annual meeting of the local branch of the Navy League of Canada this week In" spite of continued ill-health, Lieut. Robert Blance has done everything he could in his capacity of commanding officer and the instructor, Chief Petty Officer R. T. Ross, did not fall to do everything possible for the best interests of the boys. During the year camp was held at Tugwell island which camp was considered both by members of the Navy League as well as by visitors to have been the best camp ever held In connection with the corps. The officers of the Corps continued to arrange social evenings fori the boys and their friends during the winter months which have been much, enjoyed by all. At the present time there are sixty-two boys on the roll, nearly all in uniform, and they look particularly smart when on parade. The Inspection of the corps by Majo R. O. O. Morton, Esqulmalt, took place June 5 and some very complimentary remarks were received on that occasion. There are twenty-nine members of the Navy League in good standing in this city. W. O. Vlgar, our efficient secretary-treasurer, Is carrying on the duties of his office to the satisfaction of all." a trip during the past week to the Queen Charlotte Islands to repair the light and buoy at Lawn Hill. The Newington had a rough trip across Hecate Straits In a northerly gale. In the course of her annual overhaul this year, the Union steamer Catala is to have a strong room for express and bullion shipments constructed on her lower deck, it is announced. The Catala will be here this Sunday on her final voyage north before. being withdrawn from service for overhaul. She will be off for a couple of weeks during which time the run will be taken by the steamer Carcteria. Union steamer Benturc. Capt. J. E. Boden, arrived In port at 7 o' clock last evening from the south and sailed at 10:30 p.m. on her re turn ito Vancouver and waypolnts. Owing to ice, at .some points a foot thick( the Venture was unable to get very far ujj the Skeena River yesterday, calling only, at Claxton and- Inverness. J Freight for Port Esslngtdn was unloaded at Claxton whence It will be taken up the rlver.j.by small boat, when Ice conditions permit; Dona Brothers Leave After spending a couple of wepks here, the 3f-foot vawl Marip. In which the brothers Dona, Frank and Pete, from'Holland are essaying a cruise around the world, set sail on Thursday morning for Ketchikan. It is the intention of the Donas to go as far north as Juneau or Skagway and then turn back down the coast, probably going as tar as the Canal Zone and then proceeding across the Pacific Ocean via the South Sea Islands. Up to last night there was no word of Johnny Larsen, local fisherman, who was living on his boat Shrimp at Cow Bay and who has not been seen here since Thursday of last week. The police are still A Smooth Silk Robbery HAVE SOL.ITr rL VOOfc 2 IWh, Mac "j v-or'it: or TO "THE LOOK f endeavoring to ascertain the whereabouts of Larsen. C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert was taken on the pontoons at the local dry dock yesterday afternoon for hull work in the course of her annual overhaul. The vessel will probably be out of the water for about ten days. Certain unforeseen repair work has had to be carried out on the steamer Prince Charles befbre she can be recommlssloned In service on the run between here and Van-couver via the Queen Charlotte-Islands In place of the Prince John and the vessel, which wa3 to have left at noon today, will not get away until 10:30 tonight. The Charles Is going on the run temporarily in place of the John in order to handle a movement of loggers to the Moresby Island camps which aiv- about to resume operations after a two-month shutdown. One of the largest gas and whistling buoys of the Marine Department on the coast broke adrift from Solander Tslnnri on t.h Lighthouse tender Newington, Wcst Coast of Vancouver Mami Capt. Harry Ormiston. has been on at the end of last November. Last baturday it was picked up by the steamer New England off Warrior Rocks in Edye Passage, just outside Prince Rupert Harbor, and is (NOTE: Last Ci.mnioZT to Starts Nightlyjtjy Britain's BiK 77 "eli Seas! ht 'BORN FOR GLORY' DESTINY WROTE Tills SAGA OF IMMORTAL HEROISM . . . of Storm Swept Seas Ships of Steel . . . 0f r ' Sweethearts Whose MtnT "orn For Glory- - v 'th BETTY BALFOUR JOHN MILLS BARKY MACKAY 'At 7:13 & 9:42) - PLUS "TWO FISTKD" - With -r --wi i.v A im o;ju once Only MACKENZIE FUUNITIIRR Writing Pad Specials . . Fine Quality Writing Fads With Envelopes to Match Ravine Vellum and Ravina Linen Fads 1 pad and 1 pkjr. envelopes Ladies' Size 1 pad and 1 pkg. envelopes White Wove Fapcr Ruled or plain, letter size; 1 pad and 1 pUg. envelopes . 0 FURNITURE FLOOR COVERINGS, BEDS i SI'KINH MATTRESSES i All Kinds Plume 775 Third Avenue FRESH JMILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY IMionc 057 thing was that, thrnuehmt - now anchored at the Digby Islanil entire long northward drift, it t iawuv atauun, nouut unnsimas never gone ashore and it was signiea in Queen Charlotte damaged nor had Sound. The unique feature of the extinguished. was li the light fer 35c 25c 25c Hridgc Fads 1 pads in cellophane 4 E0 & Offn wrapper JLeJl uO Scrap Hook Large size, good quality paper 4 Kfl Special value at JLt;v By Westover - W (' UV? SEBoov H5ACkEo J i it" looks Ajx k'w5,'rjf