COLD? Do These 2 Things Instantly! A Simple Method that Anyone can Follow . Tlse ! "AP'"n" Tab-1.,e" Make sure you get "Aspirin-" y Drink a full glasS of water. Repeat treatment In 2 hours. . .nmcnt you feel a cold coming "Aspirin" Tablets in a third of a lono" W ow the pictured directions glass of water; gargle twice. Do not on above. vmi'r doctor will approve this as perhaps V'm the quickest, . easiest way i, nm s,, nnn 10 S'" - - rinse mourn. "Aspirin" Tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company, ijimicu. j.ook. ior uic name Haver , inrnau . . ,, ,t(in jnternnllv in the form of nrrnssnnivprvlnM((t 'hp 'nc M ' 1 " ' - - 7, " ' ' J -"-.. .,.1.1 Qimni intinntlv! JshVnd stir 3 ft QQI p K DEMAND AND GET MDrlKIIM Let This Drug Store PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Be Your Drug Store We Can Supply Everything the Baby Needs We Keep a Complete Stock of Various Makes of Baby rood FUNNELS- For filling nursing bottles. GLASS GRADUATES For measuring milk. HOT WATER BOTTLES For stomach pains. NURSING BOTTLES For baby's food. RUBBER NIPPLES For nursing bottles. ABSORBENT COTTON For plugging nursing bottles. BOTTLE BRUSHES For cleaning nursing bottles. GAUZE For cleaning baby's face. RUBBER SHEETING To prevent baby wetting bed. BABY TALCUM POWDERS For baby's delicate skin. BABY SOAPS For baby's bath. ' SAFETY PINS For fastening baby's clothes. THERMOMETERS For taking baby's temperature. BORIC ACID SOLUTIONS For baby's eyes. RUBBER SYRINGES For baby's ears. SPONGES For baby's bath. Our Baby Scales Arc Always at Your Service Thisisthc Store that gives SERVICE that SERVES Ormes Ltd. Jim Pioneer Druqgiats The Keull Stw Phones: 81 & 82 nn llallv From 8 a.m. till 10 pjn. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., J p.m. till 9 p.m. HON STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT 32 00 UF'TUUN- AllMals FROM PORT SIMPSON Off Q RETURN. Berth ipOOtOO Included, Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1935 and February 29th, 1936, inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, 1936. Children Half Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, p.m. S.S. VENTURE Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday, aim. Tickets and All Information from Prince Rupert Agent - R. M. SMITH - Third Ave., Phone 568 or Pursers S.S. Catala and S.S. Venture. TheFxsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ' Cash for old gold. Bulger's (tf) Bargains in winter coats,, fur trimmed, at cost and less. Demers. (39) You can rent a car at Walker's as low as $1.50 'a day, plus '7c a mile. Organ recital, Si. Andrew's Cathedral, tomorrow night 9 o'clock. P A. Lien, organist. Len Crlpps, baritone. (39 Rev. George Knox, United Church castor1 at Bella CooJa. was here aboard the Venture last night go ing through on a trip to Vancou ver. J. L. Edgar of the Holt Fur Co., Vancouver, was here aboard the Venture last night in the course of making the round trip north on the vessel. Mrs. Frank St. Amour, who has been on a trip south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Princess Adelaide yesterday after noon. Thomas B. Black, who went south I .to represent the local Trades and I J Labor Council at -a conference of the British Columbia executive of the Trades' and Labor Congress of Canada with the provincial govern ment, returned home from the south on the Princess Adelaide yes terday afternoon. On motion of James H. Thomp son, the Prince Rupert Genera Hospital Association, at its an nual meeting last night, passed a resolution of appreciation to the press and all organizations and persons who in any way had assisted Or contributed to the support of the hospital during the past year. Hotel Arrivals Royal George Munroe, Surf Point; Harrison, G. O. II. Little and S.' Highland, Vancouver. Central S. Grodln and J.i Pedersen, city; O. Hunt. C. N. R.; E. Carlson, Oona River; J. Smith, Vancouver. Knox H. White and E. Peterson, city; J. Southey, Vancouver; W. L. Brockway, Toronto; II. T. Anderson, Grand Forks; S. Billings, Ed-son; J. Jacobs, Rose Lake. Family Meat Market PHONE 957 ner lb Specials PHONE 95" fto,. 1 Steer Beef T-'Bone Roast of Beef CIp 4 lbs Sirloin Tip of Beef 18C per lb Prime Rib Standing j5C ner lb Pot Roast of Beef 10 P 6 lbs Hamburger, 3 lbs. & 9P 2 lbs. Onions Round Steak, 2 lbs. & 50f 10 lbs. Souds Shoulder of Veal "I Op Veal. Stew, 2 lbs. & 25C l m rcua Lamb Stew, 2 lbs. & 95P 1 tin Peas .. Leg of Veal- IgO ner lb Small Leg of Mutton 18'C per lb Shoulder of Lamb ISC fAhniif !i lhO npr lb Shoulder of Pork A Qp per lb Leg of Pork 22C Loin or-Pork i20C ncr.h Corn Beef Sfip 6 ibs: Frying' Chicken 7(lC 'nth Boiling Chicken 75(5 "each , Roasting Chicken $1,00 CONFESSES TO ERRORS tint Inhn f. McFarlarid Believes Hisil Wheat 'Policy Saved Canada j From Hardships nAl.OARY. Feb. 15: 'booking' backward." said John I. McFarland, former head of the .Canadian Wheat Board, in an address here j j - "i confess" to errors in iudement. But I believe sucn er rors were tainor only, and did not matPriniiv affect the final out come of the major problem involv ed. The best was done from day to day and year to year. Adoption of anv other oollcy would have im posed intolerable hardships on the people of the country, or, on the other hand, cost the public trea sury laree 'sums. Our designed con trol has operated to the great ad vnntnap nf this Dominion, and to the benefit of Western Canadian nroducers." It had been charged he had been opposed to the Grain Exchange, but no man had done more than he to nrotect and maintain its facili ties in operation, said Mr. McFar land. Under his stabilization opera tions every department of the ex change wis protected. The futures market was kerjt in operation not withstanding that speculative buy ers had practically ceased to oper ate. No legitimate interest 'was ever Denallzed or injured during his term in office. Stabilizing'Prices A spokesman for the exchange had said It merely recorded prices and had nothing whatever to do with fixing prices directly or indirectly. "Now if that is a sincere "tatement," continued the speaker "I would ask why the exchang should object to the government tabilizlng prices on behalf of pro ducers, or to the appointment of a wheat board to fix and control prices?" Defenders of the open futures system had contended speculators were afraid to buy wheat because of government stabilization and Wheat Board operations. Wheat as cheap as 40 and 50 cents did not tempt them to take the hedges. But oats, barley and rye had been left intlrely to the open futures system, and Mr.. McFarland.asked If farm ers had noticed any evidence of big speculative benefit in the price they received in those grains delivered at Fort William. DEFICIT IS DOWN (Continued from Paee 1 dlcal Association and all those who had assisted the students of the training school, members of the board for support during the year, Miss Jean Harrison R.N., lady superintendent; H. W. Birch, managing secretary, and the staff for loyal co-operation, Hill 60, Queen Mary and Cambral Chapters of the Daughters of the Empire and all persons and societies who had in any way promoted the welfare oi the hospital. House Committee The house committee, .Frank Dibb, chairman, reported that no extensive Improvements had been undertaken to the hospital during thp vear as it had been deemed alse economy to do so on the an- tiauated building. Therefore, mere ly necessary maintenance had been carried out. Some improvements had been made to plumbing and heating at the Nurses' Home. Unless a new hospital was provided shingling of the western wall of the present building would be neces sary. The fire marshal had agreed that It w6uld be false economy to make Improvements to the present hospital building. The same official had declared that housekeeping conditions in the local hospital were second to none in the pro vlnce.. The erounds committee. G. P Tinker, chairman, reported an 'ex pendlture during the year of $72.05 on the Nurses' Home grounds, the splendid appearance of which' was largely due to Miss Harrison, the lady superintendent. Lady superintendent's" Report The lady superintendent's report Showed that 729 patients had been admitted during th$ year as compared with 897 the, year Jpccylous. The average stay of patients had been 22 davs. on Increase of slightly over two days in comparlsdn with the previous year. There had been a total of 10.092 hospital days, decrease of 1636 from 1934. Births had totalled 80 and deaths, 30. Ma lor operations numbered 142 and DENTISTRY Dr. Lcroy L. Hartmn assistant professor of Dentistry at Columbia ' sily, iTev Yorfc'has evolved a .liquid which Ave arc informed dcsensUiz tizes . L'ADIES' BOWLING Brunettes defeated C. N. R. A. 1195 to 1157 and Blue Birds defeated Prince Rupert Grads 1374 to 1370 in the Ladies' Bowling Thursday night. Allan M. Davies sailed last night 6n the Princess Adelaide for Van couver to attend Grand Lodge ses sions of the Loyal Orange Lodge. Tonight's train, due from the east at 10:20, was -reported this morning to be two hours and fifty minutes late which would bring It In at 1:10 a.m. minor, 249. Anaesthetics had been ; administered as follows: general, 286; local, 39; spinal, 22. There had! been 571 x-ray examinations. Fivei student nurses had completed! gaining and six new students had been admitted. I i open again for business. . Why at 40 You Think You're "Growing Old" It' Frequently Jutt an "Idea." Not "Old Age." And According to ScientUt, May" be Something No More Alarming Than i A Touch Of Acid Stomach At about 40, many people. think they're "growing old." They're tired a lot. I lave headaches. Stomach upsets. Dizziness. Nausea. Well, scientists say the cause, in a 'great many cases, is merely an mid condition of the stomach. The thing to do is simply to neutralize the excess stomach acidity. When you have one of these acid stomach upsets, all vou do is take Phillips' Milk of Magnesia after meals and before going to bed. Try this. You'll feel like another person I Take cither the familiar liquid "PHILLIPS' ", or the convenient new Phillips' Milk of Mag- ncsia 1 aulas. ;wuue in uuiiaua, Abo In Tablet Formt Phillips' Milk of Magnesia TaS Ia,b am nmv ftn call nt all rlrtior stores everywhere. Each tiny tab let is me equivalent or a teaspqonful of Genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Phillips' AitL vf AlatjiieHcL i I Univer- teeth in such a way that all ordinary Operating procedure can apparently be pur- . . t j j i - : a - V i 1 sued wnnoui me paiieni iceiing any nam. THIS PREPARATION ISXOW AVAILABLE AT JOS 'Phone 525 HIGH CLASS PLATE WORK Tuesday Catala :1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince George 10:30 p.m. Friday ss. P. Adelaide....l0 p.m. j Ss. Cardena 10:30 p.m.! Feb. 13 ss. Prin. ttorah . !5 p.m. Feb. 27 ss. Prin. Norah .. .5 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn.J Wed. ss. Pr. George 10 a.m j Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 p.m. Ss. Cardena P ! Feb. 9 ss. Prin. Norah a.m. Feb. 23 ss. Prin. Norah a.m. For Anyox and Stewart i Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Wednesday-ss. Pr. George 4 p.m. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala ... 11:30 a.m, Thursday Prince George 8 p.m. For Naas River and Port Simpson- Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday ss Catala ...11:30 a.m. For Queen Charloite Islands Feb. 14 and 28 ss. Pr. John a.m. MAGUIRE Rooms 7-8-9, "Smith Block LOW COST DENTAL WORK p n i Miss Barbeau who has been on, OteamSHiP OailingS fa months spring millinery buying trtn as tar smith as Seattle, re-! For Vancouver . turned to the city on the Princess ; f Adelaide yesterday afternoon, and j - her store on Third Street is now: Lady Assistant "Scientific Extraction of TEETH Announcements Varden Concert, February 19. Valentine February 20, tea, Oddfellows' Hall, C. N. R. A. Annual Dance, Elks' !Hall, Friday, February 21. Sons of Norway dance, February 21, Skuespill and Catholic Social, February; 24. Toe H. Bridge, February 26. Canadian Legion Whist, February 26. Bridge and "I will! I won't I" C6medy, United Church, March 5 and 6. Philharmonic Society , concert Presbyterian Church, March 11, 8:15 p.m. Anglican Pageant; 'March" 20. ' Presbyterian Easter1salei,pril''2, St. Andrew's sale, April 16. Cathedral Easter NEW ROYAL - - - IMPORTED from SPAIN ' Jf & PACKED IN NABOB'S .TSm DAYLIGHT KITCHEN VSWgSp IN THE NEW mml TUMBLER . CONTAINERS viK J... i.f.Ji. I,,-.!,;. mni IA ,lC. tS iF-lMFW i convtnicnt bolll. liitt (' oirnctt Jffyijjp f t. 34 euncti. Aik yew yo lor tny 'i4;l535jrf J y VC QUEEN. COCKTAIL, fUvCNTO V: I W?' STUFFED, CELERY STUFrED, NUT l3S'J I I STUFFED- mi , MINCED OLIVES 'gCmwffly XSMi- MOOSE HALL RENTAL RATES Concerts ; .$25.00 Dances 25.00 Public 'Meetings 15.00 A room uitable for smaller meetings 'is now available on the ground floor, rental rate, $4.00 For engagements phone the Club Steward. 40 or Red 412. HOTEL , J. Zarelll, Proprietor I HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O, Box 198 Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockcye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL fit Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. E i i t i it '! !l 't r. ti . tr n . J '4 i