Vol Today's Weather j'rincc Rupert Snowing, light northerly wind; barometer, 29.94; temperature, 22; sea smooth. . XXV.. No. 39. Counterfeit Money Definitely Traced To San Quentin'c bills which wore believed to have been turned out from San Qucn tin Penitentiary. ias 'been definite i.. . - . i Vancouver Wheat vo. council authorizing a loan of $, Jon, have returned to their tern 300.000 to British Columbia and porary home in Wales after spend accepting a four percent treasury ing an entire week in London, bill for one year as security for Newspapers either did not know of the loan. ior ignored their presence here and The order said that British Col- they moved about the city Just umbla had made "urgent repres- as freely as would ordinary per entatlons" to the Dominion for sons. further assistance and had re- quested a loan to meet two debenture Issues totalling $5,000,000 which fall due today. i The province will meet the b?l-j ance of $700,000 itself. CONVENT IS TOTAL LOSS Heavy Snow Is Falling Today Weather Outlook Uncertain Al though Moderation is Recorded Snow and Cold in Interior The weather outlook is rather uncertain today. There seems to be a tendency to souen dui tnere Famous Villa Marie In Montreal was still a light north wind this Destroyed by Fire Late Yesterday ; morning and the barometer was steady. Snow started falling at 5 MONTREAL, Feb. 15: (CP) The a.m. and, by early afternoon, there famous Villa Marie Convent here was two or three Inches on the Is a complete ruin following a wound. The minimum tempera- $100,000 fire which destroyed It. jturc reading for the night was 14. One nun was severely burned above at 4 a.m. and, by 10 a.m, when rescuing six of the boarders , the thermometer had risen to 22 but will recover. 'above. In the Interior there are Many valuable relics were saveJ. cloudy skies and snow today with sub-zero temperatures continuing. I The days weather report Is as i follows: Trlnlc Island Snowing, light .Kiipriv wind: barometer, 29.86; 'sea smooth. T.nncrnra is and Heavy snow, overcast, moderate east noruieas. wind: sea moderate. northeast wind SAN oitkmttm m i.v-sonn-1 Terrace-Cloudy, of a large number of "spurious $10 temperature 1 above Anyox Light snow, 0 above. Stcwartr-Cloudy. calm. 4 above. Hazelton Snowing, calm, 14 be iy traced to the photo engraving "w. department of Um nrUnn when a Smlthcrs Cloudy, east wind, hrgc quantity of the counterfeit .cold. money was fo,md ronrP.ilpd- In Burns Lake Ciouay, to ceiling " below. of the shop. 20 to to Details of how the bcius money! Yukon Tempcratures-20 was put in circulation has not yet below, occn revealed. Three former convicts, each held, at $5000 ball In connection with the matter, have refused so far to talk. Funeral Notice The funeral .victoria Palmcri VICTORIA, Feb. 16: (CP) "I, am afraid my friend, Harry, must' have got out on the wrong side of ; bed this morning." Premier T. D. Pattullo said with a laugh whenj asked to comment on stories pub-; lished In Vancouver and Victoria' newspapers concerning correspond dence between the Premier andi Speaker H. O. Perry, The corres- Dondence dealt with a reauest of that a Liberal convention be held this year as early as possible. The request was sent to Mr. Perry as vice-president of the British Columbia Liberal Association. The Premier did not think the )f five vice-presidents prcsiut'iiis with wiin no no dis- HOPS FOR HONOLULU But China Clipper Returns To Base at Alameda from 1000 Miles Out ALEMADA, Feb. 15: Capt. Ed win Muslck soared Into a storm late Thursday as the Pan American Airways flying boat China Clipper left here for Honolulu on anotner trans-Pacific flight to Manila. The ship, In addition to mail, was carrying air express for the first time on this flight. Seven men were on board with Capt. Music'.:. After bucking head winds for c thousand miles, the ship turned around and came back here yes terday, the commander being unwilling to take the chance of running out of fuel. During their tie-up of the pas-. have revlvorl thorough overhaul and new engines have been Installed In both ships. c i- e: aj cast wind, oeiiaic ona ftlW 1 Adjourns Until Early in March t BOVlNClAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. Ethiopians Fear Italian Reprisal For Recent Massacre ADDIS ABABA, Feb. 15: (CD-Diplomatic sduncs expressed fears today that the Italians might retaliate with the bombing of Addis Ababa for the recent Tembicn battle on the northern front In which a neutral observer said 20,003 Italians were surrounded and "had no chance to come out alive."' CENSUS ON PRAIRIES Saskatchewan and Manitoba This Summer OTTAWA, Feb. 15: (CP) Mr. Euler points out. FINE GAME OF HOCKEY Czccho-Slorakia Britain Wins. European Title OARMISCH - PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany, Feb. 15: (CP) Behind the finest combination attack yet unveiled here ,the Canadian hoc- 7 to nil In the Olympic Winter Games today. Great Britain last night defeated Czecho-Slovakla 5 ! to 2 to win the European title, the Olympic title being still at stalce. Rain Turns Snow Into Deep Slush People of Washington D.C. Wade Ankle Deep Floods Feared In Southeast States WASHINGTON D. C, Feb. 15: Heavy rains have fallen since Thursday In the southeastern states and flood conditions arc now being feared. There was slush ankle deep here as the rain came J on top of a rather heavy snowfall. two months both the China cnp- per and the Philliplne Clipper i Ueich is EXPECTED TO EXPEL ALL JEWS 4 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1936 IcGffiK IS CRITICAL OF MILITIA fOUCl Instalment Purchases Protested by Members In House of Commons Order Declares at Ottawa OTTAWA, Feb. 15: (CP) Mayor G. G. McGeer of Vancouver joined other members of the House of Commons yesterday in protesting the purchase of armories on the instalment plan. He said that Vancouver militiamen had been unable to parade at full strength for the King's Jubilee celebrations last May because of insufficient boots Kfor all. He declared that It was jtlme the militia should be ended If I nsHffHr I I IVI IVI I Ailp INS tne government could not maintain VVlyllTlVllJ At without private co-operation. ADJOURNSiLindberghs Spend House Uies for Week-end Fol-J Wpft in I HTirlnn Wmirnr Tabllnr of It. C. Aid " VCtt 111 LiUllUUll ' 1 Famous American Flyer, His Wife OTTAWA. Feb. 15: (CP) The And Young Son had Quiet Time House of Commons adjourned tost: in Metropolis n'ifit uoU! jyipndav.. after Hon- - - , , Charles A. Dunning, minister of. LONDON, Feb, 15: Col. and finance had tabled an order-In- Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh and son, TALKS TO j PATTULLO Duff Suggests That Harry Got Out On Wrong Side of Bed About Convention Time to End Standing Army of Dominion if it Cannot Be Apparently a Difference of opinion Maintained Without Private Co-operation, Gerry As to Holding Meeting TO BOMB DEFICIT CAPITOL IS DOWN Hospital Lost Much Less in 1935 Than During Year Previous, ' Statement Shows Annual Reports Presented at Annual Meeting Association Last Night The principal been $18,283.87 wages, $8,809.85 plies. $3,690.10 Of The operating deficit of the .Prince Rupert Ocneral Hospital for the year 1935 was $1,530.75, the loss being just about half of the 1934 deficit of $3,037.83, It was revealed in the revenue and expenditure account presented last night at the annual meeting of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Association. Speaking to the financial, report, the Burnaby Liberal Association , ,,eaas lo "e A-ouiuea in moerw, w. M. Brown, chairman of the fln- ance committee, pointed out that there had been a decrease of 1636 In hospital days in 1935 as a result nf whlnh nrniMnrlal irnvprnmpnt. general censu.rof the provinces of and clvlc grants were lowerf thus Albcrta. Saskatchewan and Man- decreasing the revenue. Expendl- wU1 be held it convention was necessary and, lnitoba .this summer, tUKS had been hdd down to a course of correspondence, pointed;? Ul" u"' . minimum during the year and thel . UU1C1. Ul L1UUL UilU ,Ult . (ia m ,.., . out to Mr. ferry mat ne was one, ' . ... cost per nospitai aay or $z.i was ais-i . .. i , , , . quinr cicuiuiuie. lnrnlrlp until. nf thn nrnvmrM Unction as to their work. He- notedl- vsSr.nV. f. -Revenue for .the year,, the state that H. W. Herridge was the first name on the list of vice-presidents t is chosen at the 1932 convention in Nanaimo. Mr. Perry, replying caustically, suggested to the Premier that, in future, he should refer such ques tions as a Liberal convention to Mr. Herridge who since 1932 has become an adherent of the C. C. F. and ran under that banner in West Kootenay in the last federal The president elected In 1932 was the late Mrs. Mary Ellen Smith. ,ment showed, had totalled $66,- 329.77 and expenditures, $67,-920-52. The principal item of revenue was $43,355.90 in hospital fees charged. The government per capita grant for the year nad totalled $11,636.30 and the city grant, ! $6,333.31. Bad debts recovered : had totalled $3,049.79 and x-ray Canada Puts on Fine Attack to Beat fees had amounted to $1,142.45 expenditures had In salaries and for kitchen sup-for light, power, telephone and water. $3,312.18 for surgical supplies, $3,342.25 for laundry, $1,529.29. for heating, and key team shut out Czecho-Slovakla $1,019.51 for nurses' home main- tenance. An allowance of $23,189.73 for bad and doubtful debts was made. President's Report The annual report of the presi dent, S. D. Macdonald, stated that the premises were being kept In a good state of repair. The financial standing of the local hospital com pared more than favorably with! ! any like institution In the pro S. D. Macdonald, G. P. Tinker. W. M. Brown. Frank Dibb and G. V. Wilkinson were last night unanimously re-elected directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital for the year 1936. The election took place at the annual meeting of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Association, there being only the five nominations for the five seats on the board, other members of which will be City Commissioner W. J. Alder; Government Agent Norman A. Watt and F. S. Walton, re presenting the provincial govern-. ment, and Dr. J. H. Carson, repre senting the Prince Rupert Medical Association. George Rorle was re-appolnted auditor. The new board will hold Its first meeting next Friday night to elect officers and transact regular busi ness. vlnce. The question of nospuan iiue preaeut ui, mv- amiu financing was. however, getting to; meeting last night were: S. D. Mac-be a very difficult one that mustidonald, W. M. Brown, J. H. Thomp-have the very serious consideration son. G. P. Tinker. Frank Dibb, G. of the present governments. The V. Wilkinson, William Gilchrist, J. Individual must also be brought to S. Irvine. Thomas McMeekln, H. A. realize his responsibilities to hos-, ' Brown, H. W. Birch and Miss Jean pltal services and administration Harrison R.N. Tomorrow's Tides High :. 7:05 a.m. 17,7 It. 21:00 p.m. 14.3 ft. Low 0:29 ajn. 10.2 It 14:06 p.m. 7.9 ft. u a mutii gicun-i tAn... , 'nhllla The president's report reviewed near future," said tne report, "steps r scheme of hospital insur- will be taken to ensure the start ance had been submitted to tne of this very much needed project, j public during the year, being aban- Efforts had been made at all idoned. however, owing to scant re-r times to keep pace with hlspltal sponse. In July the hospital had Improvements and bring about a been visited by Hon. Dr. C. M. Weir, better feeling, better understanding provincial secretary, one of the and better co-operation between matters taken up with him being the public and medical and nurs- LONDON, Feb. 15: Accord- j that of providing more suitable ac- ing professions. Only recently x-ray j Ing to a dispatch published in ; commodation for tuberculosis pa- equipment had been purchased,! PKICE: 5 CENTS AUSTIN CHAPLAIN PRODS PREMIER BALDWI Prime Minister Calls His Colleagues Into Parley After Attack Two "Faux Pas" Are Seen One Was the Hoarc-Laval Peace Plan and the Other, Underestimating Of Germany's Re-arming LONDON, Feb. 15: (CP) Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin today summoned Capt. Anthony Eden, Foreign Secretary, to No. 10 Downing Street for conference following a bitter attack against the government in the House of Commons by Sir Austen Chamberlain. The Prime Minister subsequently summoned Viscount Bolton ''"vres-Monsell, First Lord of the Admiralty. ' C,r,TT,PTnir,T 1 UdV 111 bUIWilig WiV . wuavt to task for what he described as "two admitted errors of policy," meaning the Hoare-Laval peace olan and the Prime Minister's admission that he had underesti mated the extent of German BOARD IS UNCHANGED Mirdonald. Tinken Brown, Dibb And Wilkinson Still at Hospital Helm TO DEATH Harry O'Donnell is Convicted of "Ilavine Murder" in Toronto TORONTO, Feb. 15: (CP) Harry O'Donnell, 25-year old filling station attendant, was convicted by a Supreme Court Jury here yes terday of the diabolical "ravine murder of 20-year. old. Ruth Taylor and -was senfenced'by-MrWustic Nicol Jeffrey to hang on Mai 6. Defence counsel announces that the conviction will be appealed. Ten Thousand Children Are Not at School SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 15: Ten thousand San Franciscan school children are absent from their classrooms following an order of the health authorities that, owins to an epidemic which is currem, every child showing any evidence of a cold sould be sent, home. Hopes Now Held For Recovery Of Spanish Prince HAVANA, Feb. 15: Physicians were hopeful last night for the re covery of Don Alfonso . former Prince of the Asturlas of Spain. A week ago hope of his recovery had been completely abandoned. Now. however, he Is said to be responding to a new treatment for hemo- jMrs. Coolidge Is On Trip to Europe Widow of Former President Of United States Making First Voyage Abroad the Dally Herald, many Jews tlents. The hospital had been re- bringing this department on a pari YORK Feb 15" Mr-; in Germany are fearing that presented' at meetings held by E. with any hospital In the Prvince-;Grace Coolidge. wife of the lato the Nazi government will at an w. Neel for the purpose of recelv-! The presidential report acknow- Formr president Calvin Coolldg". 1 early date Issue a decree ex- ing criticisms and suggestions re- lodged kindness of the Kings su- salled thls week ab0ard the Ger- I 111.. All Tn... HnM 4Un J. II.. . 11, I i o i . t .ft I pelllng all Jews from the gardlng health Insurance. 'ver Jubilee celebration committee man Uner Bremen on her flrs country and confiscating all Mr. Macdonald also reported on and the Prince Rupert oyro uud trjp abroad. Mrs. Coolldge's" com- their property. The only rea- efforts being made by the 1935 In furnishing wards at the hos- panion on the voyage Is Mrs. R. 3 son that the decree, has not board to obtain a new fireproof pltal and of the Fish Packers Adams, a friend from Northhamp- . . . . i . . . . .... -. i i . rn n i 1 T r I t HnMitMM . .. (CPj After ' ocen aircany issuea, it is t modern nospiiai 01 m icuau iw rcueiui uwuu m picrcmiug u j0n, Massacnussetts. ..... ....' J, j... cj- ! snld. is that it Tins hern felt hpris The nroicct had been suDnor- handsome wheel chair. F. A. Mac of the late Mr.va onci sitting inuisuajr, ow -- ----- -- - ----- --- 7 ' . . . , . . wl vv- w . . . ' i.Ii.1-. I-. ... 11.1 1 J I L ....AM JL - 1...... . Un . 1 nrfnHUnHAnd , nnlliim Vtnl nlfn Hft i rt nlnn , will take place ate adjourned :::rrA, (Sunday) aiinuuyj afternoon at ....... .which time w it is nopea mat icg , HJli 1 W i " VANcmtvirn pk ir. (nv o.-jn fvnm Havnor Haynor Wwat was quoted at 82c on the Interment will be made at Vancouver Exchange yesterday. ivlcw Cemetery until March' 3 by aavisaoje to wunnoid it until ted by various local organizations unium naa aiso aonaiea an eitx- after the Olymnlc Winter and a delegation sent to victoria trie standing lamp. 1 STILL COLD IN CALUAUY , ....1.1 Tm l u . ft.ti imr Tnu ie. rn. 41. Bros, cnapci. rntion wm nave oecn sev up ui iw. . w w...v. ...... , o-- -- - r air- consideration Dy me iiuu u. ciuuipu u.,.k. ; . ... ...v.- ......v.w. ..v.. , I commons ' . , . consideration. "I believe In the very. 1 (Continued on page three) .grees below zero. vl