V1 IP GYRO CLUB HAS PARTY To Departing Member ECONOMY SPECIALS Every Day. Watch Tor Them m . .- s And Save! ECONOMY TEA-High OVs QQp grade, per lb. PEARS-l'oliy Prim 91?n 2 squat. 2 tins m a B. & K. PASTRY FLOUR dUl OQp 10-lb. sack I FKEEt Shopping Bag with each purchase of Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. CLASSIC CLEANSER 3 tins SLOANE'S MALT EXTRACT. 2V2-lb. tin 19c $1.13 GRANULATED SUOARf- CCn 10 "lbs. ... 331'1 Fresh Fruitsjand Vegetables at lowl prices. See our windows. I MUSSALLEM'S, ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollar Nf Morr P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 j the endorsation by the club menv bership of a proposal from the ex ecutlvc to concentrate the club", number enjoyed a delightful din- anQ Mrs- J- H- Bulger, Mr. ani ner dance last night ln the Com- Mrs- N- Lepage, Mr. ana wn modore Cafe, One of the features !Bcrt McWaters, Mr and Mrs. T. Brown, Dr. and Mrs. N. M. of the evening was a novel dij-!w- course on ''Chemical Magic" b7jCarter. Dr- and Mrs- H- N- Brock-Dr. H N. Brocklesby of the scien-,cby' Mr- and Mrs- Arthur Sutton, tlfic staff of the Prince Rupert iMr- and Mrs- c- E- starr- Dr aniJ Fisheries Experimental SUtlon ,Mrs- H- L- Alexander, Mr. and Mu. This consisted of a number of s- J- Jabour, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. rather spectacular and novel Mllls Mt and Mrs- h- n- Haworth chemical experiments, Introducing Mr- and Mrs- - A- Hunter. Mr several surprises. and Mrs' N- L- Freeman, Mrl and Occasion was also taken during 'Mrs- c- p- Balagno, Mr. and Mrs the evening to farewell C. W. Daw- D- Borland, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. son. the active and popular treas- Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. William urer of the club, who is about fi Cruickshank, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. move to Pehtlcton. A handsome Tobey. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Parlow engraved gold cuff link set wai Mr- ana mis- - v- ,vltl" Mr presented to Mr. Dawson, who replied suitably; Community singing was enjoyed during the dinner and for a couple of hours before midnight then was .'dancing: with music by Charlie Balagno's Orchestra and W. II Tobey acting as master of ceremonies. Dr. R, G. Large, president of the club, was in the ehalr. A brief Item of business wa. Mrs. J. C. Johns, Dr. and Mrs. J. Wearing of swastika armbands has baen forbidden to Polish Nazis on the ground that it Is the em blem of another state. The Polish Nazi party is small. WHAT A LUCKY FIND. -THIS QUAKER. PUFFED; RICE SUR.E HITS THE SPOT ! Deceased had been taken ill while working at Morgan's logging camp at Sedgewlck Bay. He was brought to the hospital here but, despite everything that could be done, he gradually sank and finally expired. His death cast a gloom over the whole Inlet. There were many gifts of flowers. Over forty people sent wreaths or crosses including the two schools. 1 Bryant leaves to mourn his loss hU parents and three brothers in Queen Charlotte, a sister, Nancy, who is training for a nurse in Prince Rupert General Hospital, a grandmother in England, and oth- resourscs this season on personal ers Miss Pal,ant was unable to ar. supervision of playgrounds ana ive here ln Ume for tne funera, ' Among those sending flowers Program Includes Novel Address, Those present were: Dr. and were Dr. and Mrs. Charter,-Mr. and Mrs- R- G- Lar8e. Mr- ant W. Dinner Dance and Presentation Mr, j Mathers and familv. Mr. M. Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. . T nnA ... Meadows. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mlt-. . lrVIr ..... Ua,0 n pnell Hr anH Mrc C w nin'CAn T I MemDers pi xne rnnce uupcrt - - tCarmlchael, Mrs. O. G ovro uiud ana auests in rooaiv 4Vlto- w- """j". Mclntyre and family. Falrbairn girls, Mr.; and Mrs. G. Newberry and family, H. Carson, Miss A. F. Watt, Mrs. I Edna and Harry Beaven, Mr. and J. Gavin Johnstone, Miss M Black stock, Norman A. Watt, Mrs. M. A. Burbank and Kenneth Harding. POLAND IiAUS SWASTIKAS WARSAW. April 23: (CP)- Mrs. Frost and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ingraham, Mr. and Mrs. A. Christcnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. Olsen and Martin, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. McKenzie, The Skldegate School, Arnold Pallant. Mr. and Mrs. Pallant and family. Mr. and, Mrs. C. M. Mclntyre and family,: Edmund and Demmey Stevens, j Mother,, Thomas Cummings, Mr.i ind Mrs. Chastcnay and family, E. S. Richardson and family, G. Leary ! and family, Mrs. S. DeBucy, Mnj and Mrs. C. A. Moses and Clark, j Dr. and Mrs. Size, Mr. and Mrs. B. i Munro, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Beaven, 1 Mrs. Osawa, Mr. and Mrs. W.j Wachsmuth and family, Capt. and Mrs. J. Haan and family, Mr. and j Mrs. R. Scharffe, Mr. and Mrs. .J. Mnlitor and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Atkins, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. C. Haan. Mr. and Mrs. V. Douglas, Mr. andMrs. N. S:ha-fer, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. P. Christenson, Mr. and Mrs. A, Duval and family. YES, IT TASTES sZ &R.AND AND IT MIGHTY ) 600D FOR, J VOUJOO -I'M -vv Quaker's famous 'Shot from Guns' process makes Puffed Rice quickly diccstiblc. Then it is DOUBLE CRISPED the special Quaker way that makes it extra crunchy, extra delicious. Look for the Red and Blue packages that are TRIPLE SEALED to guard freshness! QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT is delicious too-tryit with the 'defence fund for the Re-1 gina trekkers was drawn in tne c L. D. L. Hall last night. The prize winners were as follows: First ( nrlze. $10 in merchandise. No. 378,. , ,rnnMrc McKenzie. - . . DiuiKlliU uacfivtf, held toy O. L. Nilson (Knox Hotel); ,frelght c N Ri steamer Prince second prize, $3 In merchandise,! Johnf .apt Nell McLean, arrived No. 128, held by J. Makella (Prince . nnrt t 10 .clock last niEht: EASTER SERVICES QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, April 23: Easter services were held In the United Church In Queen Charlotte City at 10 a.m. and tKara wis fha ttcuol CnnrlflV Rrh.lfll talned In being cut off at so early hymns wm an age as 17 years, the loss to the Pnl1nwIn thls the Dastor family and also to the community. rirtonhoH tn n PpnrpcpntaUvP aud- had lived the islands Bryant on lence Seyeral ngw faces werP all his life, having been born at present ' Sandsplt. Afterwards the body was con- s! veyed to the cemetery where many of deceased's friends again Gathered. The casket and the mourners were transported to the cemetery by Capt. A. Christiansen's boat Chapa, Capt. John Haan's Dot and Capt. H. Falrbairn's she will sail on her return south over the same route. C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. William Palmer, Is due In port at 3:30 this afternoon from Skagway and other Alaska points and will sail at 5 p.m. for Vancouver and wayports. Frank Waterhouse freighter Northolm, Capt. A. W. Ogden. was FRESH CREAM FLAVOR To get this fresh, creamy flavor, always insist on St. Charles Milk. You will know it by the "Gold Cow" on the blue and white label. 730?tl&H ERADIATED ST. CHARLES ii i ii i 1 1 1 ii i i i a ifc mm 1 WISH THIS FOG WOULD LIFT I'M STARVED.' -SAY, ISN'T THAT A . PROSPECTORS CABIN? NOW IF WE CAN ONLY FIND SOME SUGAR. YOU SHOULDN'T LET j A GOOD PROVIDER. & LIKE ME GET AWAY W. HERE'S SOME mtua PUFFED RICE AND A CAN, OF MILK 'XT' 'look for I THE RED A dangerous snag, partly submerged, Is reported at the entrance of Salt Lakes lagoon. Small craft have been warned- mail and EUGENICS FOR TROOPS Rupert), and third prize, $2 ln)f Vancouver via the Queen! BERLIN, April 23: (CP)-Ger- merchandise, No. 410. held by T. j-charlottfc IsIands and wm remain 'man army recruits, under a new night when decree, must attend lour lectures over here until Friday their first year in the service. WANT A LORD MAYOR JOHANNESBURG, April" 23: (CP) Amendment may be asked to lo cal government ordinances to pro vide that the mayor of this city be styled In future "lord mayor." We sell circulation. We nave It. A AMD -I AlK 2 MAKE THIS DELICIOUS CREAM SOUP FOR W A PLATE Here is soup that will make a hit every time you serve it! Rich and appetizing, with fresh, creamy flavor. Smooth, nourishing and satisfying. Yet so easy to make with St. Charles Milk. Try it for lunch or dinner. CREAM OF CARROT SOUP 4 medium-sized carrots H tap. salt, few grains pepper Ismail onion 1 cup St. Charles Evaporated Milk 2 tbisps. bacon dripping 1 cup water in which carrots wero 3 tbisps. flour boiled. Boil vegetables in salted water until tender. Dram, saving liquid. Chop finely and force through puree sieve. Melt fat in double boiler. Add flour and seasonings. Blend thoroughly. Add sieved vegetables, St Charles Evaporated Milk and water in which carrots were boiled. Allow to cook 10 minutes longer, stirring occasionally. May be sprinkled with chopped parsley. Serves 6. This is only one of many wonderful cream soup you can make with St. Charles Milk. Try it too in mashed potatoes,, puddings, cream sauces, cakes and custards. Or for a delightfully better cup of tea or coffee! St. Charles is whole, fresh, country milk evaporated to double richness and irradiated for extra Sunshine Vitamin D in spotless Borden plants. ADD (QUAl QUANTITY OF WATER TO MAKE RICH FLUID MIIK Made in British Columbia at South Sumas. MILK KREF f S3r luephotot.ciit o.V 1 Hi. d tnd up byih ' ' VM ,ht ur lble Vour crowd " nJ .,. coupon be- Rice for t.ch 4 i,. '?ct you I n Joan Bennett I Joan Blondell D &eorge Brent D Jamet taeney n Claudette Colbert Ruby Knter .MAIL THIS COUPON -71 1- The Quaker Oati Company, Dept. G, WG-31 i aasicacoon, oasit. L . E,h,ZS,!!!!'dfme Polo.MtueUet of Ihe movie tt.n wh!..!i 1 O Dinnie Birnci I Nam-- I, AND BLUE 8treel P Onry Conner Q Binj Croiby 0 Betta Davit n Marlcng DictrUh M Ruck fnr.. D Carole Lombwd Fred MacMuirav CI Diclc Powell n Gtorjo Kaft D Kandolsh Scotl n Margaret SuDavati Wirrcn William Bmi 2 boi toti for .h photo lUtuetie winlcJ. PAC KAGES aty - ,. I BR SURE TO Pi5.lS2pP?,?- PO!TAOK ON YOUR ENVELOPE Thursday, April 23, PAQE BES DAILY NEWS 1938 TENNIS NEWS! New 1936 Slazen-gcr and Wright and Ditson Tennis Raquets have arrived. Choose the one that suits you while stock is complete. "SURPRISE" $2.50 "SCHOLAR" $3.50 "PARK" $5.00 "PALL MALL" $5.50 "ECLIPSE" $7.50 "GOLDEN ARROW" $8.50 "VARSITY" $11.50 "QUEENS" $22.00 m I Slazenger 1936 Tennis Ball, the new flf super quality, each EXTRA While they last! 1935 British "Club" Tennis Balls Q4 A A 6 balls in a box ?A.WU Many Attend Funeral At Q. Charlotte QUEEN CHARLOTT& CITY, April 23: A very large funeral was held for Bryant Pallant, popular Skldegate Inlet b07 who died of bronchial pneumonia recently. The body was conveyed to the church where a crowded audience rigid gathered. Two hymns were sung, "Nearer My God to Thee" and Abide With Me." Rev. B. Black read the service and gave a, short address, emphasizing the. threefold loss the loss Bryant had sus- C. L. D. L. PIUZE DRAWING The prize drawing m connection WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront In port yesterday with local cargo. After discharging, the vessel sailed on her return south. LAST TIMES TONIGHT Last Complete Show at 8:27 CLAUDETTE COLBERT - in - "THE BRIDE COMES HOME" With -Fred MacMurray Robert Young (At 7:05 & 9:37) PLUS - CARL BRISSON in "SHIP CAFE" With Arlene Judge (At 8,:27 Ones Only NEW 1M Tennis Rackets Just in Stock See the WorlJ's Fastest and Finest KackcU .HENTLEYS and SPALDINCS Come In now and pick jour's out Trices From $2.50 to $23.00 Kaien Hardware KACKLTS UEPAIKED Fresh Delicious Cottage Cheese Daily VALENTIN DAIItY Phone 657 Manure For Sale $1.50 a Big Load Phone Red G08 Dominion Dairy TRAPPERS AND DEALERS 50,000 MUSKKATS 5,000 BEAVER Wanted at once for ImmedU" delivery HIGHEST PRICES PAID Also all your other FURS full market value Ship once and convince yourselves. J. CLONES n I'vtinrtrr ntlNCE GEOItOEjv Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockcyc Look for the WHITE. LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the y round payroll in Pnnce Ktipen.