Thursday. April 23, 1938 DAILY NHWE PAGE FTvTI COMING MAINLAND TO SO RICH IT WHIPS CARNATION IRRADIATED MILK FOR SALE LARGE English pram. Phone Red 444. W FOR SALE-Wicker phone Black 594. baby LAND ACT buggy. (99) OENTLEMEN Personal drug sun dries, Highest Grade Latest Del lvered, 10 for $1. f plain wrapper' pacific Supply 751 Granvilli Vancouver. SEALED Tenders will be accepteo by the undersigned for the purchase of fully equipped salmon troller "Hope.- 8 h.p. heavy duty Vivian engine, now moored at Armour's Salvage Dock, up to noon, Monday, April 27th. Terms strictly cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Norman A. Watt Administrator of estate of Frank Aker, dee'd. (98) FOR RENT CLEAN. Well v. furnished modern apartment, Phone Red 444. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 6-room flat, Third Ave. for $20.00. Phone Green 399. MALE & FEMALE HELP 275 CLERKS Wanted at Ottawa by Dominion Government for 1936 Prairie Census. C to 18 months employment at $75 per month with possibility of permanent position in the Civil Service. Appointment by written examina tion to be held across Canada. Men and women between 18 and 35 (Ex-Servlce men no age limit), with three years high school may obtain full information and ad vice free from the M. C. C. Civil Service School, Winnipeg or To ronto (10). Dominion-wide and oldest In Canada. (tf) LAM) ACT Kotlre of Intention to apply ta Leatt Land In Prtnre Rupert Land Recording Dla trlct of Range fi Coast, and Bltuit close to Oalloway Rapids Bridge, sear Prince Ruoert. B. O. Take nuUce that X. Martin Miller o' Prince Ruoert. B.C. occuia.Uon Lumber' man intends to apply for a lease of the following deacrtbed Foreshore lands: Commencing at a post planted approximately 3,000 ft. north of Lota 115-118. D. L. 351. Range 6 Ouaat District thence about 600 ft. south to opposite shore thence northerly following the thoretlne to post of oommenoeovent and containing lVt acres, more or leas MARTIN MILLER Dated March S. 1938. Nolle of Intention to apply to Leane Land In Prince RuDert Land Recording Dl trlct of Range fi Coast, and situate or Kalen Island close to Oallovty Rapids Bridge. Take notice that I. Martin MUler of. Prince Rupert.B.C occupation Lumberman intends to apply .for a iease of tee. following described Uftds:- Commencing at a post planted ap-proilmatley S 000 ft. north of lota 118 116, D. L. 251, Range 6 Coast thence 660 f.t wrt: thence 100 ft. south' thence 600 feet east; thence 360 It, north thence following the shore Hue w it or commencement and contain "8 ten acres, mora or less. MARTIN .MILLER Dated March 0. 1936. Hyde B I - 1 II & I UllOlVI II i ii i i I Coal Wood ...Cartage Storage PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Transfer or Indian Aeent James Gillrtt to Bella Coola Greatly Ketretted by Islanders James Olllett, for ten years Indian Agent for the Queen Charlotte Islands and formerly Anglican Church missionary at Massett, has been promoted to the Bella Coola agency, where he will have seven villages in his charge. Mr. Glllett, succeeding Ivor Fougner, who Is; being superannuated after having been Indian Agent at Bella Coola for many years, will be relieved temporarily at least at Massett by Dominion Constable Howe of Kam-loops who ,1s due here from the south next Sunday on the Catala and will be taken to the Islands by the local Indian boat Naskeena. Farewell at Skldegate Last Saturday Mr, Glllett paid his last official visit to Skldegate Mission. That evening the Skide gate people gave him a farewell party in the Skldegate Community jlall and people from Skldegate were also present Including Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Mclntyre and Rev. B Black. The evening was pent In playing of games until midnight when delicious refreshments were served, Mrs. George W. Young and Mrs. Simon Wesley in charge. After supper an address was read by H. E. Greene and a beautiful slate totem pole given by Chief of Skldegate, Edward coliinson, was presented to Mr. Gillett by H. E. Greene. Some ten years ago at his appointment to this agency, the Skldegate people made Mr. Glllett chief of the Ilalda Nation and he was named Chief Big Eagle. tJpon receiving the address -and the totem pole, Mr. Glllett .came forward, and made a wonderful speech, thank ing Chief Ed Coliinson and the people and the ladles who had pro vided refreshments for the eve ning. At the closing of the gather ing the hymn "God be With You Till We Meet Again" was sung and Rev. B. Black closed with prayer. The address of the Skldegate people was as follows: The Address We the people ot Skldegate Mission wish to place on record our deep appreciation and sincere gratitude for all you have done for us since you were appointed Indian Agent by the Department of Indian Affairs. "We have had men before you who have sought to serve our best Interests but none have taken greater interest In our community and Individual problems than you have done since you took over this office. Your period of office has been long. For ten years you have served us faithfully and well. To some of us It stems but a few days since you first came among us. You have made many friends some life-long friends during this period. All our people will miss you, some of us feel we are losing our best friend We can assure you that you have won our hearts and, until we heard that you were about to leave us, we did not realize how much we have come to depend upon you "Your relations with our council have been all that could be de sired. Councillors come and go but the Indian Agent goes on for time If not forever. You have at tended many meetings and witnessed many chief councillors make i blunders, no doubt, but you leave with the respect and hearty good will of every man who has served in this office since your appoint ment. "We thank you for the wisdom intelligence, kindly sympathy and gracious attitude which you have THINK of whipping milk! You can if it's Carnation Milk. You can serve "whipped-cream" dishes whenever you like, Carnation is o economical. Carnation whips easily just chill it very cold, whip in a cold bowl ' with a cold beater. Whipped Carnation triples in bulk. Whipping is only one of the discoveries you will make about this fine milk the Improved Carnation Milk that is now irradiated, enriched with "sunshine" vitamin D. Carnation now has even greater nutritional value for baby's bottle, for drinking, for cooking, for creaming coffee and cereals. brought to our council meetings. While you have not given usall we have asked, you have, we believe, sought to provide for our best Interests. We realize that you can only do what the higher authorities allow you to do. If you, at limes, nave had to say no you have always done so with a pleas-, ant and agreeable manner that made its refusal easier to bear. In your dealings with us In our homes and on the streets or at public meetings you have acted more like a father than an official. R was never difficult for anyone to approach you because you always made us feel welcome In your presence. We rejoice in your Interest in our people when sick and the care you have taken 'to relieve 'as much as possible human pain. For visit ing our children in the1 schools and your co-operation with our school teachers we shall always be grateful. And, finally, your loyal and unwavering assistance to our church, clergymen and Christian workers. "Our people have learned to re spect you for what you are as well as what you have done. We think of you a Christian man. You have lived among us a life we can're- spect and would do well to imitate You have no regrets, nor have we regarding your Justice, sincerity, patience and diplomacy In all your dealings among us. If Skldegate Indians have a reputation for high type of life, they probably owe much to your influenze. "We feel that, In losing you, we are losing a big brother a man who has always given us of his best, and demanded our best In service for each other. JlUt Publithedl A beautiful new Carnation Cook Book, 16 glorious, full-page, full-colour photographs. pages of unusual recipes, menus, party suggestions, cooiery helps, etc. Yours for 21c, stamps or coin. VTtitg Csruatioo Limited, Co. 34 Abbott ht Vantoiner. II. C. cy-rrtpnxyvexiL CARNATION MILK IRRADIATED for "Sumhine" VlUmin D CANADIAN "Our people are exceedingly sorry to see you leave us. It saddens our hearts to think this will be your last official visit. We would, how ever, assure you that we wish both you and Mrs. Glllett a bright fu ture and a happy time among the people of Bella Coola. "Your new friends may appre elate your services and respond to your many kindnesses but we would assure you that they will not surpass Skldegate people In their loyalty and respect for the many services you have so gener ously rendered." The address was signed on behalf of the people of Skldegate Mission by Matthew Williams, chief coun Jllor, and Henry Greene, secretary if the council. "TIME THE TOILER" isuy shmt -ro "rtu,-ru.ue; DEVELOP PRODUCT AIRCRAFT tions)! Experts Planning Flying Boats For North Atlantic Britain Is pushing preparations for her first 'big step In the commercial air conquest of the North Atlantic. An all-metal, two-decked flying boat and the unique "plck-a-back" jombinatlon of a long-range sea plane and a flying boat designed to carry It into the air , for launch ing, are being made ready for trial flights: - Experimental trans atl antic flights, looking toward the co operative regular service of the United States, Canada,. Great Bri tain, and the Irish Free State, are planned for the coming summer. But not until mi do British air experts expect the projected regular service of four round-trips weekly to be In operation over what they call "the most valuable but by far the toughest" of the ocean air routes. While workmen are speeding construction of the British trans atlantic planes, a handful of airmen has embarked upon Intensive training at the "air university" at. Hamhlp. Southampton Water. In the leading edge of the wins, J two on either side of the hull. The boat will be entirely of metal, except for fabric covering small portions of the wing and tall. It will have a number of de vices to Insure short take-off and landing runs. These will Include, controllable-pltch propellers and flaps on the trailing edge of the wing to steepen glide and reduce landing speed. Riding Out Storms' The great overall height Is de signed to enable the boat to ride' out severe storms without serious harm, in the event of a force! landing on exposed water. The en- IHOVaI TUPilLUJCi ' t VJCMDET. IF S f?ON)EO VMIjO'S .EEf4 VMfc.lT- IN6 AV-u SHOSt UtTTElii fHb 0 OX . N. HE wAwts to j. .,,! tutu., from ines will be out of reach of alii put heavy ocean waves. Somewhat larger than this plane Is the flying boat being built as the "mother ship" or launching! been floated to exploit the inven " tlon. The "mother" plane, with four 900-horsepower engines, will carry on Its back a heavily-laden, long- range seaplane powered with four 350-horsepower engines. When an altitude of approximately 10,000 feet Is reached and good forwaid speed attained, the two machines would separate and the seaplane would continue on its transatlantic voyage alone. Calculations have been made that the Invention should double the range of the seaplane. Only one "mother" plane will be ready by summer but another "mother" plane to be stationed on the other side of the Atlantic will have to be constructed If the idea is adopted for the transatlantic service. IX THE Si ritKME COl'IlT or llltlTISII COLUMBIA IX PROBATE In the Matter of the "Administration Act" And H . . t . . .. . . . . -. Further groups are to take up tne A. Colburni t)(.Cfa,,,d. same work until 180 men will have i take notice that by order of hi been trained for the eventual reg-j - aT'iSTi. . ular service. pointed Administrator of the Estate of The British flying boat will be W rnrlaila- a. hlgh-Wlng monoplane Wlin no parties having claim against the said external bracine of the wine.,Estet hereby required' to furnish Floats fixed to the Wing-tips Whlifore the 4th day of May 1936 and rll help preserve stability 011 rough persons Indebted to the Estate are re-. .quired to pay the amount of their In- i Qpnuinnpu to iiim innjiwiin. i Four engines will be mounted! Dated the ath day of March 1936. i HERBERT P. OLASSEY, Official Administrator, AT14N, B. O. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor -A I10MF. AWAY FROM tlOME Kates 11.00 op M Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 21 P.O. Box 190 The Price of Silence Contented Cows DR. ROBERTSON AND HIS COM- Immediately whether hospital near Moose River mine. The two were met at the pithead ; by doctors and nurses and removed ' ' in ambulances. . Dr. Robertson's condition Is de-. scribed as excellent and he Is in good humor. He cheerfully em-. braced his wife when she met him at the pithead. I Scadding, however, is In consld- able pain, suffering from trench feet, malnutrition and fatigue. Doctors said; last night he would recover but It could not be learned TMEV ARE FltOM ROKAj.... .'.jOm2:0 vjBaT does hb look like SORR.V BUT CAN'T TEUL complica PANION IN HOSPITAL AFTER tlons had set In. ' LONG EMTOMBMENT. The miners who brought the men (Continuea irom Paze 1 to the surface on stretchers shortly after midnight sang hymns of plane for the novel "pick-a-back" I Halifax for hospital treatment thanksgiving that their, efforts combination. landed at Halifax today. Dr. Rob- hud been successful. Its designer is Major R. H. Mayo, 45-year-old technical adviser of Imperial Airways. British faith in J Hs possibilities is Indicated by the .,rr m no ,r, ... LONDON, April 23: (CP)-Great fn mm'9. ertson remains In an improvised : See these Wonderful Novelties MARIGOLDS Dixie Sunshine, Dwarf Mexican Orange, Tall Double Royal Scott, Yellow Supreme (sweet scented), All Double African Lemon, All Double African Orange. NEW NASTURTIUMS Golden Globe, Scarlet Gleam, Orange Gleam, Golden-Gleam and Golden Hybrids. ARTHUR BAYNE Second Ave.' Phpne 635 USED FURNITURE BARGAINS Beds, Spring, Mattress, in different sizes, $9.00 up Kitchen Ranges, from . $15.00 up Still Cribs, with new mattress $9.00 Radios $10.00, S15.00, $30.00 and $40.00 Water Power Washing Machines $5.00, $7.50 Hand Power Washing Machines $8.00, $11.00 NEW FLOOR COVERING Congoleum Rugs, size 6x9 $5.50 size 7.',x9 , , .$6.50 size 9x9 r . .:. . . . . ,$8.00 ' size 9xl0i A &Uai&- v . ,9.00 . Linoleum Rugs, size 6x9 $0.50 size 9x9 $9.00 size 9xl0i ....,.$10.50 Printed Linoleum, per square yard 80c D. ELIO tt6 Kirtr FMturci SvnJtM'l, W Oki tttttm nihu - V1 f ,"V -THH GUY S-' FURNITURE EXCHANGE Wc Buy Sets of Household Goods Outright PHONE GREEN 421 By Westover 1 z) t ME me r-'ive.LUCrCS-. rtyRCKSj r I mot to, tell f '