fl Commerce, at Its meeting last night, decided to proceed with plans for the holding of the annual fall carnival here towards the end of August. The carnival pill centre In the Exhibition Hall fand the feature attraction will oc ,ine Home Oil Distributors enter- tJlnitri! ,U - l . . iLocal talent may also be used In -aaiuon and there will be a program of outdoor sports. It Is honeJ Ithat w til f Uj ttilUUW V tfllf 1..UU i. .. - t wit-noui me necessity or goiiy financial assistance. It Is ex- Pted that the event will draw ;many visitors to the city. Mention was also made at las' plight's meellnz of the Junhr Chamber of, a carnival to be held 'he first week In July In support f the Boys' Band. This carnival 'lll follow a subscription canvass. jThe funds to be raised are for the Pwpose of rehabilitating the band new instruments, etc. The Junior Chamber decided to "-operate with the local radio station this summer in putting on wiai proarams thrcp mnrnlncs tfk lust nrlnr tn t.hn nrrlv.il ot tourists steamers. These proems would direct the attention j mc ujfi uaniiiiK Vcssels to the attractions and re cces of Prince Rupert. Taxi WltlS Would nrnvldo fho nnpciirv '-nue by ttfklng advertisements . Import Silver Dollars As a gesture of encouragement wards the greater1 use of silver currency, thp Junior Chamber pMcd to approach the three 'ocal banks with a view to each "n8uig In $1000 of silver dollars, lne Junior Ch.nnhnr nffnrlinr In of tne cxpress charges, in n m the event of the banks declln-"8 to co-operate, the Junior wiambcr would pay the full ex- Z,r cnarges on $1000 of sliver "uuars. Ml PnnMo.i i - "ivcuon with the essay con-sl 'or school children of the l River on the subject 'Continued on Page Four) honorary degrees were conferred upon Mr. Justice Denis Murphy. Roble L. Reid K.C.. and E. A. Cleveland, all of Vancouver; Sir Samuel MacMlllan, principal of the Toron to Conservatory of Music; Dr. Harold Hlbbert of McOill Univer sity and Dr. David Thomson of the University of Washington. William Patmore of Prince Rupert, who graduated in arts last year, was the winner of the Carnegie Graduate scholarship In connection with post graduate work In geology. If he secures his. M.A., word of which has not yet been received, he plans to continue his studies next year at Princeton University which specializes In geology. Two years there should give him a doctor's degree. Those securing Bachelor of Arts degrees Included: Richard Sargent.Hazelton. Archibald Thompson, Prince Ru of pert. Second class, third year, John Jade. Passed in certain subjects, R. Falconer, Alice Arm Second year, Percy Gladstone, Skldegate. Passed, Allaire Lips, Terrace. Second class, first year, Eva Di-mock, Smlthers. Second, Edith Lansdowne, King-combo Inlet. First class, Adclla Thurber. Passed Applied science graduate, Basil Bailey. Fourth year electrical engineer ing, Roger Obata (supplementals). Third year, Colin Macdonald, Kincollth (supplementals). Second year, Ralph Skinner, Usk (supplementals). Prince Rupert Tax Rate is Approved Fifty Mill Impost For Year 1936 Is Ratified by Provincial Government at Victoria VICTORIA, May 6: (CP)-Prlnco RuDcrt's annual tax rate oyiaw, whrh fixes the levy for 1030 at fifty mills one one hundred per cent of land assessment ana twenty-five percent of Improvements, has been approved by the provincial government. Halibut Arrivals American Onah, 13,000, 7.5c and 0c, Atlin. Canadian DOWNFALL EXPECTED Sarraut Ministry Not Expected To Last Long; in France Following Election PARIS, May 6: Downfall of the present ministry of Premier Albert Sarraut now appears to be a certainty as a result of the decisive swing to the Left In the French general elections on Sunday; The new regime is expected to proceed with steps to nationalize Industry, banks and utilities, taking over their ownership and operation. One of the objects Is to take the profits out of war. WILL NOT WITHDRAW Stuart Henderson, Victoria Lawyer In Appeal Case, Defies Court Says Chief Justice's Manner Disgraceful VICTORIA, May 6: (CP) Four 'udges ot the British Columbia Court of Appeal decided yesterday to defer until the close of the :ase consideration of Stuart Henderson's refusal of their reques' that he withdraw remarks concerning the conduct of the George Indian brothers' trial for the mur der of Dominion Constable F. H Gisborne on the Canford Indian Reserve by Chief Justice Aulay Morrison in Supreme Court. Attorney Oeneral Gordon Sloan vigorously defended the Chief Justice against a statement by Mr Henderson that he (the Chief justice) had acted in a "disgrace ful" manner in handling the sec ond trial arid said that, if such attacks were allowed to contlnu without rebuke or comment fro.v the bench, then it will not be Ion; before the people lose confident' In the Integrity of our courts. MINE WILL I CONTINUE Moose River Gold to Keep On Working Unless Government i Closes it Down HALIFAX, May 6: Operations! will continue at the Moose River gold mine unless the government orders them discontinued, It was announced yesterday. It was in this mine that Herman Maglll who died from the experience Dr. D. E. Robertson and Alfred Scaddlng were recently entombed as a result of a cavc-ln. Name Selected For Dionne Film Parents of Famous Quintuplet Are to be Featured in "Where Are My Children" HOLLYWOOD, May 0: Warner Bros, have selected the title "Where Are My Children?" for the picture which they will film featuring . Mr. and Mrs. Ollvi Dionne, parents of the famous Canadian quintuplets; STOCK MARKET IRREGULAR NEW YORK, May 0: The stocl: market was Irregular on Monday. ,Thc Industrial average at closing D. 8. T., 3,500, 0.4c and 5.5c, Cold ( was up .55; rails, up .13; utilities, Storage. off .02; bonds, up .07. hOVINCIAL ! iBRARY GTORIA, B.C Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides " (8 AM.) wm High 1:14 ajn. 21.0 It. Prince Rupert Ral" g, ngrit 14.04 a.m. 18.5 ft. southeast wind; ?' ,a , 30.13; Low 7:55 a.m. 3.0 ft. temperature, 43; sea yo 19:54 pjn. 7.3 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXV., No. 117. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1936 DAMAGE OF SALES: TAX Eight Percent Impost Will Hasten End of Capitalistic System, Declares Bennett OTTAWA. May 6i. (CP) The economic fabric of Canada will rip apart under an eight percent sales tax, IU. Hon. r! B. Bennett, Leader of the Conservative Opposition, warned the House of Commons' yesterday in leading the fight against the Dunning budget. He predicted the sales tax would hasten the. end of the capitalistic system. Turning to the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation group, Mr. Bennett said they must be rcjoicin? at this feature of the budget because they, must know "nothing will strike a greater blow at capitalism than an eight percent sales tax." TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy E D. Jo'liaston Co.) Vancouver . B. C. Nickel. .32. Big Missouri, .60. Bralorne, 7.30. . B. R. Con., .06',i. B. R. X., .15. Cariboo Quartz, 1.40. Dentonia, .17Vi. Dunwell, .04 'A. Golconda, .12 Vz-Minto, .79. Meridian, .08. Morning Star, .023i. National Silver, .023A. Noble Five, .03. Porter Idaho, .05. Premier, 2.28. , . Reno, 1.21. Relief Arlington, .30. Salmon Gold, .09. Taylor Bridge, .13',V Wayside, .11 Vi. Xi( ' Toronto , Beattle, 1.40. Central Patricia, 3.37. Chlbougamau, 1.35. Gcd's Lake, 1.10. Granada, .21V'z. Inter. Nickel. 46.25. Lake Maron, .06r4. Lee Gold, .04. Little Long Lac, 7.00.;i Macassa, 3.95. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.49. Ncranda, 53.75. Perron, 1.55. Pickle Crow, 6.60. . Red Lake Gold Shore. .1.21. ' San Antonio, 2.30, , Sisco, 3.35. . Stadacona, .36 Vfc. '-,,' Sudbury Basin, 3.63. . Teck Hughes, 4.C0. Ventures, 2.00. Sherritt Gordon, 1.15. Argosy, 1.55. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.90. Hardrock, 1.75. Oklend, .38. Mosher Long Lac, .30. Former Clerk Of Victoria City Is Guilty of Theft VICTORIA, May 6: (CP) Norman H. Lord, lormcr'clty road and poll tax collector, was sentenced yesterday in city police court to ono year's imprisonment l on a charge of stealing $4,743 from the corporation of the city of Victoria. PETITION Aj I is Not Clear Sailing; For Pro. posed Amendment to Early Closing Bylaw Consideration of a petition lor amendment ;ofithe Earh Closing Bylaw- whereby Several classes of retail stores would bf required to close at 6 o'clock Saturday evenings Instead of 8 p.m. a; Upson, Steve King, Bryant Co Ltd., and Sam Woods. Partiality To C. P. R. Charged Hon. II. II. Stevens Critical Of Government Attitude to Railway League of Nations must go on." ! Ownership By Conquest ADDIS ABABA. May 6: (CP) The Italian flag flew over Emperor Halle Selassie's palace today. Natives raised their hands In Fascist 'salutes and Italy owned Ethiopia's capital by right of conquest. Marshal Badogllo, who led 'Rome's legions Into the riot- wrecked capital, said: "We made It. There Is no enemy. Therefore, this must be the end." He appointed Gulseppe Bottal, former Gov ernor of Rome, as governor of the captured city. Italy Celebrates ROME, May fi: Fifteen million1 parlous cities of the nation yester at present has been deferred until,, lay to celebrate, with a mass mo- next Monday afternoon by City Commissioner W. J. Alder In his capacity as a city council. On behalf of these petitioners, J. T. Harvey appeared before the council this morning. Acting for s number of boot and shoe merchants and clothiers, W. O. Fulton appeared to oppose the petition. The question as to the ade-quecy of the signature of the petition came up and it was to check on this that the meeting was adjourned. Those opposed to the earllcl closing are: Boot and shoe stores Family Shoe Store, Acme Importers, F. E Hunt Ltd., Edward Llpsett Ltd.. Cavenalle and Hannan, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd., B. C . U t A T T-IY- M 1 1 r. . I )Rate Shoe Store, Mayfalr Ladles ' Wear. Clothiers H. Yamanacka, Cav icnalle and Hannan, Edward Lip-isett Ltd., Sharmon Co., A. J PhlU bllizatlon of loyalty called by Premier Benito Mussolini, the conquest of Italy over Ethiopia. League To Meet GENEVA, May 6: The council it the League of Nations Is called ( to meet on Saturday to consider the question of reparations arising out of the Italo-Ethiopian war. France To Protest PARIS, May 6: (CP) High sources said today that France would throw its full weight against outright annexation of Ethiopia as an Italian colony or the raising of an army there that might be used In a European conflict, AVIATRIX WEAKENS Amy Johnson Finds Her Schedule For England to Capetown Flight Too Strenuous LONDON, May 6: (CP) A tele- 'gram received last night by Capt. James Molllson from his wife, Amy Johnson Molllson, at Cotonu, , French West Africa,' In the course of an attempt to better the London-Capetown record, said: "You were right. The schedule is too ambitious but I have hope." OTTAWA, May 6: Hon. H. H Molllson Interpreted .this to Stevens, in the House of Commons mCan that his wife would be un-yesterday, declared that the gov- able to make the whole distance ernment was acting as fairy god- without sleep as planned, mother to the Canadian Pacific - - Hon. C. D. Howe, minister of , Cftl Jlpj.-' Rnrmc 'ransport, declared that thcgov-lJulllCId J-JUIlUd ernment had treated the Canadian ; National and Canadian Pacific! Railways fairly and alike. I Roosevelt Carries Maryland Without Any Difficulties Bonds Sold Out Oversulicriptlon of One Hundred Percent on First Issue Of $50,000,000 WASHINGTON D.C., May first Issue of $50,000,000 treas- BALTIMORE, May 6: President jury bills In connection with the Franklin D. Roosevelt overwhelmed payment of soldiers' bonuses has Col. Henry Breckenrldge of New been oversubscribed one hundred MONTREAL, May 6: The jCana-) York by a vote of six to 6ne In the , percent, It is announced by Sec- dlan gold price was up 2c yesterday Maryland State Democratic prl- at $34.85 per ounce. , marles retary of the Treasury Henry Mor genthau. ' i PRICE: 5 CENTS PROMMS PRESENTEDBY CONQUEST THREE HUNDRED U. B. C. GRADUATES Government to Consult Vancouver Student Is Winner of Medal For Leading Science -Art Honorary Degrees Awarded to Prominent Personages At Special Congregation Today When Diplomas Were Presented VANCOUVER, May 6: (CP)-The names of three hundred University of British Columbia students successful in their graduation examinations were announced by the University of British Columbia today. Morris Bloom of Vancouver was awarded the Governor General's medal for ranking highest in the graduating class in Arts and 1 1 I I U 11 I 1 1U CARNIVAL junior i namurr or i nmmfrre De cides to Hold Annual Event This Year at End of August Big Program lUdio Programs For Tourists To ray Charges on Importation Of Silver Dollars Here With T. N. LePage as chairman a charge, the Junior Chamber Science. At a special congregation today With Dominions on Situation As Result of Italo-Ethiopian War ACQUITTAL AT REGINA REGINA. May 6: (CP)-J. Fascist Flag Flies Over Selassie's Palace and General IJadoglio Announces War is Over League to Meet Saturday France, to Oppose New Colony LONDON, May 6: (CP) The British government will j. s. Lumsdcn Freed on charges of consult with the Dominions on "problems involved in Rioting and Assault Arising Out of July Trouble Italy's Ethiopian conquest," Capt. Anthony Eden, Foreign Secretary, told the House of Commons today. Capt. s liueii niuue nu enuri iu conceal nis disappointment over Lumsden, aed 24, was acquitted the failure of the League to end the conquest as he ad in ine uourt oi Kings Bench last rcswa me nouse. tie aeciarea inr nlsht on charges of rioting and "trm tones, however, that "The a;ault arising out of the Domln ion Day disorders here last sum mer. PROSPERITY OF RUPERT Rev. C. p. Clarke Sees it in Development of Fisheries Along; Co-operative Lines Not in a pulp'-or paper mill, not- Italians went Into the streets of fn a peace River railway outlet, not 1 w . f- j is is Other Things Vain Does Not Think Much ot Pulp Mill, Peace River Outlet, Casket Factory or Brewery a caa&ci, iaciuty aim jiui hi u (brewery but rather in the develop ment of the basic fishing industry along co-operative lines lies the future prosperity of Prince Rupert In the opinion of Rev. C. D, Clarke, pastor of First United Church as expressed last night by Mr. Clarke In addressing the regular monthly dinner meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. He told of how a start was being made by the salmon fishermen In cooperative marketing of their fish. He would like to see such a scheme started among the halibut fishermen. After all, declared Mr. Clarke, fishing was Prince Rupert's basic Industry and on it depended the livelihood and economic welfare of the community. Speaking of the tendency of communities to depend on governments to do things for them, Mr. Clarke stated that the government had already been a great Santa Claus for Prince Rupert. It had provided the dry dock, ocean dock and elevator. But it was wrong to expect the government to do everything. Prosperity was not to be looked for from the outside. It should come from within, he thought. Without going into the natural advantages that Prince Rupert might have In Its claim to be made the railway outlet to the Peace River, Mr. Clarke proceeded to dls- icuss the possibility of getting the outlet. First, the Canadian Pacific Railway, which he believed had :nore Influence at Ottawa than the whole Canadian Chamber of Commerce, would oppose an outlet at any point other than one on s own lines. And. even should a Peace River outlet be built Ho Prince Rupert, It would be found when It was ready that the Canadian Pacific would meet Us rates for shipping grain to Vancouver. Even as a political scheme, Mr. Clarke did not think much of Prince Rupert's chances to get the Peace River outlet. The Hudson Bay Railway had been built, because of the political pressure of three entire provinces. Not more than three ridings would be Interested In the Peace River outlet to Prince Rupert. Then was there any neces-( Continued on Page Four)