Thursday! Jun , 1638 DAILY JUWK LOCAL NEWS NOTES House Paints Floor Enamels is delicious SPECIALS Klenzo Child's Tooth Brush and Rubber Sponge Ball Both for 19c 25c Mi 31 Shaving Cream and 20c Mi 31 Tooth Paste Both for 35c 35c Mi 31 Tooth Powder and 25c Klenzo Tooth Brush Both for 39c Sharp's Assorted or Rum and Butter Flavor Toffee 30c lb. Cadbury's Dairy Milk Chocolate Buds 50c lb. Ormes lid. "3Jut Pioneer Dmqgists Ibe Kcxall Star Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 pjn. Sundays and Holidays Prom 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till t p.m. MODS HAPCO POUCH PAINT Marine Paints Copper Paints Is prepared especially for front steps and verandah floors. It stands wear and weather. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. FURNITURE FOR SALE D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Two Dining Room Suites Six Extra Tables With Leaves Twelve Complete Beds of All Sizes Six Kitchen Ranges Four Folding Camp Cots RADIOS - One 6-Tube Kolster Battery Operated Ideal for Camp or Boat One 5-Tube Victor Battery Operated One 5-Tube Victor Electric Set We Buy Household Furniture Etc. PHONE-GREEN 421 It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the pioplK of the whole district are doing the lame. Senior Football tonight. 6:45. i George Eales sails tomorrow 'night on the Prince John for a Bifger and Better Values. Grat-! business trip to Massett. lion's Variety Store. U32 A valuable set of caribou antlers I has been presented to the Prince Rupert museum by Theo Collart. Roy Maconachle of Premier, who has been paying a brief visit to the city, sailed yesterday afternoon by the Prince George on his return north. Mrs. George Matheson of Stewart, who has been In ill-healtn for some time, arrived in the city early this week from the north to receive medical treatment. Capt. Gerald H. Barry, who has been In this city and district for several weeks in his capacity as inspector of Indian schools, will sail by the Prince George tonight for Victoria. Rev. C. D. Clarke, pastor of First United Church, sails tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver where he will sit as member of a board of conciliation representing pursers and stewards of Canadian National Steamships In a dispute with the company. Prof. Harold Hlbbert of the De partment of Industrial Chemistry at McGlil University, Montreal, was an Interesting speaker today at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club In the Commodore Cafe. Prof Hlb bert dealt with phases of the pulp and paper industry. W. M. Black-stock, president of the club, was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members with a few guests. Hotel Arrivals Central E. W. Trott, Cumshewa; J. BJork-qulst, G. Bexar and J. Sandman, Vancouver; F. Taylor, city. , Knox H,. F. Walace, Vancouver; . Jack McCrea, city; Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Kirby, Miss Gladys Kirby, Miss Violet Kirby, George Kirby, Lily Kirby. Vancouver; Jock MacCoy, Montreal; R. E. Roberts, Ocean Falls; H. Corbett and G. Johnson, Porcher Island; Joe Burns; city. Prince Rupert Mrs. M. Brown, Port Clements; J. Stannard, Nanaimo; E. M. Haynes, Victoria. Royal Mr. and Mrs. M. Levett, Sam Moldorvan, J. T. Davis and J. A. Dawson, Vancouver. Announcements Saturday Night Dancing Party, Commodore Cabaret. P. T. A. tea, June 5, at Mrs. Wln- slow's. Eastern Star tea at Mrs. F. W. Allen's, June 9. Prince Rupert Tennis Club an-i nual tournament Saturday, Jure Canadian Legion Picnic, Digbjt Island, June 14. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, on 'June 18. ' Hill 60 tea at Mrs. Macey's June 17. Anglican tea. Mrs. J. W, Nlcholls, June 18. Elk's Kiddies Day, June 23, Parade, Clowns, Sports, Football Baseball, Boy's Band. Catholic Tea. Mrs. Ward's June 25. United Tea. June 25. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. tarelU, Proprietor "A UOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Rate 91.00 mf 60 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box m Frank Glass sails tonight on the Prince George for a trip to Van-' couver and Kamloops. Mrs. Glass is already in the somn. , Mrs; Percy Cameron will sail tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver to obtain medical treat ment. She will be accompanied by j her daughter, Miss Molly Law fence. Get your share of the week-end specials at the Going-Out-of-Busi-ness Sale. Gratton's Variety Store. i (132) On a charge of assault, James Golden was fined $10, with option of seven days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont in city po- lice court this morning. In a fracas on Ninth Avenue East yesterday i afternoon, Golden attacked Ed. Hendricks and, in addition to other ; Injuries, knocked out four of hls! teeth. With George Rorie as chairman, the new radio committee of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce consists of Norman R. Redman, S. A. Prudhomme and Hugo Kraupner. The former members of the com mittee were C. R. Allum, J. C. Gil- j ker and Jaises Parker. i Owing to the failure of Norman Wllks, the famous Canadian arrive through the breakdown of transportation facilities. It is probable that there will be no Toronto Conservatory of Music exa- i ruinations in Prince Rupert this' yean Local music teachers will! commence preparing pupils iur next year's examinations. LAND ACT , Notke ot Intention to apply to Fur- I cnae l-ana In Prince Rupert Land Recording District ot Queen Charlotte Islands , and situate on the North shore or Cumshewa Inlet Immediately South ot tot 45. Q. C. I. Take notice that the Allison Loggln; Company Limited ot Vancouver, B. C Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands:- Commencing at a post planted at the 8. W. corner of .Lot 45. Q. C. I. thencr 60 chains East.- along South boundary of Lot 45: theme due South to shore line: thence West along shoreline to point of commencement and containing 40 acres more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON. Pres. Allison Logging Co Ltd. Dated April 21. 1936. IX THE Sl l'UEMK COIUT OF BRITISH Oi l MIUA IX ritOUATK IX THE MATTER OF THE -ADMIXIS- TKATIOX ACT" Al IX THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN' JOY, Debased. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of H's Honour Judge Fisher, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbi, made the 22nd day of May, 1936, I wa? appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Joy. Deceased Intestate, late of rruiLf n.up:rw, iwiiiu uieu vu 25th day of April, 1936. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to. furnish same properly verified to me on or before the 29th day ot June 1936: otherwise disposition of the said Estate will be made without regard thereto. All parties Indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount of their lndebtd-ness to me forthwith'. . . DATED Ithis. 22nd t day ; at - May 1938; .-. -5, V. NORMAN "A" WATT '" .Official' Adailflisttator, Prince Rupert? 1m LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Queen Charlotte Islands, and situate .on Cumshewa Inlet fronting on unsurveyed Crown Land which is situ aited Immediately South of Lot 45. Queen Charlotte Islands District. Take notice that the Allison Logging Coinnaas Limited of Vancouver, b.c intends to apply for a lease of the fol lowing described Foreshore Lands:- Commencing at a poet planted at the 8. W. Corner of Lot 45, Q. C. I. thence 20 chains due South; thence 60 ohalni due East thence due North to Shore line: thence West along shoreline to point of commencement and contain tng 30 acres, more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON. Pres. Allison Logging Co, Ltd. Uatw fiftru aa. 1830, Do You Return From Your Vacation 100 Percent Fit? SPUE, When You Holiday at 'THE DUNES' TLELL Write for literature and rates MADAME RAJAUT Tlell, Queen Charlotte Island . 1-1 r Girls' Silk Knit Vest and Bloomer Sets, in sizes 10 to 14 years ff An in peach, pink or apple, set Women's Vest and Bloomer or Dance Sets, assorted styles and fif colors, values to $1.50, set Skirts in white or colors, flannels, corduroy or linens Qff values to $2.95, for ... . Women's Spring Coats, tweeds, checks and plain cloths, from $8.75 $13.50 Ladies' White Coats in waffle weave exceptional value House Dresses in a large selection of styles and colors, organdy and izem. $1.00 All Silk Kimonas, figured design, contrasting trim, values to $5.95 Sale CO 7C price See Our Windows CEKTIFirATE OF IMPROVEMENTS j .fourth of July, I'lue Fraction. Durk Pond. Willow Fraction, Cranberry, Cah- III. llwrseKlio Fruition. Rainbow, Fraction, Krontal Krui'tkm, Portal. Com-. nuthtt Mouutalu Ihnixv Ajtiu-he, Itar-j ... Ti-il FriiMln1. I'.iivrnkee. "V", t'lalmt. Situate In the AilUi Mining Division of CBbalar District. Where located : East of. Fourth of July Creek and north of Craiter Creek. TAKE NOTICE that F. C. Undernlll acting a agent for Atlln-Ruffner Mines Limited, rree Miners teruncaie No. 1243-E. intends, slty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for Certificates of Im provements for the purpose of obtain ing crown urarvts or Hie aoove cuuum. Aiul further take notice inat action, under section 85 of the "Mineral. Act," must be commenced before the tseuarfe of such Certificates of Improvement. Daited this 25th day of May. 1936. (Thurv to Jy 31) WATER NOTICE Diversion and !' TAKE NOTICE ithat Consolidated Mining & Smeltuiy Co. of Canada Ltd. whose address Is Trail, B.C. will apply for a licence- to take and use IT cubic feet per second of water out of Boulder Creek, which flows soutnerjy ana annas Into Surprise Lake about two miles east of the west end of the lake. The water will toe diverted, from th bream at a point about the middle of Placer Lease 58; 2 cnUes from the mouth of the srtreaoi and will be used lor Hdyraultatng purpose upon the mine described as Placer Leases 690 to 634. 638. 639 69I- 586 S90 ' This notice was posted -on the ground on the 23rd day of May, 1936. A coov of this notice And an appli cation pursuant thereto and to the Water Act, 1914," will be filed In the office of the Water Recorder fct AUln, B. C ObjecUocu to the application, may be tiled wtth .the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Right. Parliament Buildings. Victoria, B.C.. within thirty day after the frt 4- .pearance of ithils notice in a. local newspaper. CONKOMMTKn MINIM! WMELTINO CO. OF CANADA LTD. The da,te of the first publication ot this notice Is June 3, 11)36. (J. I. 10, 17, 34). 12 big btscuitf in every box CHILDREN need vital nourish- V ment that helps to build strong muscles, and sound teeth and bones! And Shredded Wheat with milk is the perfect answer for the breakfast table. For Shredded Wheat is 100 whole ubeat , . . Nature's most perfect cereal. It contains a natural balance of food, essentials elements in their most delicious and digestible form. Order Shredded Wheat now. Serve it at least once a day. THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. Niagara Falls - - Caaada SHREDDED WHEAT MADE IN CANADA - OF CANADIAN WHEAT June Reduction Sale WALLACE'S We Offer Another Selection of Seasonable Garments at Very Exceptionally Low Prices Women's Crepe Dresses, a selection to clear GO QC each Shorts, in cream clydella flannel contrasting trim $1 50 Beach Suits, 3-piece style, skirt, shorts and waist, in fancy stripes and piques, sizes 14 to 20, from $1.49 t0 1.95 White Flannel Skirts, with pleats, patch pockets, button CO Qff trimmed, each Gossard Foundation Garments, in a full range of styles and prices at One-Third off regular prices Swim Suits, all wool, in children's, girls,' boys' and ladies,' from 79c t0 3.95 White Pique Skirts, pleated style sizes 14 to 20. ., QCn each Closing Saturday 8 P.M. Phone 9 CANADIAN PACIFIC To Vancouver via.. Ocean Falls and Way Ports lTaur k. - Princess Louise, Princess Charlotte or Princess Alice, every Saturday at 5:30 p.m. To Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Princess Louise. Princes Charlotte or Princess Alice, every Monday ajn. For Information and Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. The Fish which made Prince, Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Pish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. If you lose anything, try a classified ad.