sor _— ; 4 ; a — hie Lia lett wisiative NEXT MAILS ti twenty-four hours ending 5 a,m., efi ” Nov, 4 , For souTH } Ax x , Camosun, Sunday......... 9 a.m. “A ogi ver if Te}! ; Princess May...... Monday, p.m. Te Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist — _—_——— $$ $$ iH VOL. II, NO. 262 PRINCE Rupert, B.C., SATURDAY, NovemBer 4, 1911, Price Five Cents 'f GOVERNMENT WILL APPOINT TARIFF COMMISSION vcore CHINESE TROOPS MURDER California Game. ALL THEIR PRISONERS (Canadian Press Despatch) San Francisco, Nov. 4.—Either Reggie idl of ae ae i Ghastly Sights Followed the Re-Capture of Hankow— ackay, Manager o e “ote ° ° o anly taehk so Worst Outrages Were Committed on Innocent HON.W.T. WHITE SURPRISED 07. ee, Mountains on His Transcontinen- AT OFFER OF PORTFOLIO, “** (Canadian Press Despatch) Yuma, Ariz., Nov. 4.—Avietor Rod- | Says He Had Broken With His Party Over Reciprocity |®°™, ‘he ‘t#nscontinental flyer, has reached the mountains, and_ barring May Roberts’ Farewell to Prince Rupert “I wish to thank the people of Prince Rupert for their many kindnesses to myself and to the ladies and gentlemen of my com- pany. We will all have and Had Gone Back to His Desk After Elections accidents is expected to reach Los many pleasant memories Rugby team now in California, will be Was Surprised When the Call Came Angles on Tuesday next. It is the/s> of Prince Rupert,” said gq|°ho8en referee for the annual struggle Persons—City is Now in Flames | greatest long distance flight yet accom- Miss May Roberts in a between Stanford University and the : Canadian Press Despatch) |with the Liberals over reciprocity and | plished. fay ag il 7 message tc thi University of California. (Canadian Press Despatch) In advance of October 27, rewards | . ‘ ye ‘ A arewe -ssage ) 1e , 1 e, Ont., Nov. 3.—In his | after the elections had gone back to his 3 een etree News, this morning. Tiger dic Me Pekin, Nov. 4.—Ghastly teles are 7 ct te shai Gerace saa = nor tion address here today Hon.|desk. Hon. Mr. Borden in forming his May be Made Archbishop Special preparations are | NEW COAST TARIFF being told of the atrocities at Hankow. | UCT er 1 er iii -. - a Rear oo aly 7 : Toronto, Nov. 4.—(Special)—Bishop 4 . tia ; | iss After the Imperial troops broke loore, manding the Imperial army stood wit me WV. T. White, Minister of Finance, said| Cabinet had sent for him and. vol- a itd being made to make _ the revolvers in their hands and shot all im there was no immediate change in the | untarily offered him + rtfoli I MacDonald, of Victoria, is talked of as presentation of Sardou's | Affects Freight Rates at Prince Ru-} they made the streets run with blood. | ™°Y° hs ; rd dott re ieee ea im & porttoho. It! the possible successor to the Catholic comedy “Divorcons’’—the pert All Steamship Companies | The fighting took place at close quarters | ™€" Wh° refused to fight. ie (rill ntemplated, and none would} came as ; : ' } ’ |} came as a surprise to him. archbi i T ‘ i i vi intil such time as a careful | archbishopric of Toronto. farewell offering—a_ great Being Directly Concerned. Altera-| owing to the congested streets, sfubie : isi London, Nov. 4.—A despatch from success tonight. Large ; tion cf Clauses but None in Rates. No prisoners were taken, those cap- been made and the rights i i hes of industry considered. | Here at last Our delayed shipment UP RIVER HOTEL bookirgs have already been tured being immediately shot or be-| Shanghai reports the city of Hankow to He | haw he became a minister | of corsets. Latest models, many styles, | Prince Rupert Architect Commis- made and the farewell per- Announcement is made today on headed. The most barbarous outrages | be in flames since Monday, and still He said he had broken | all sizes.—Wallace’s, sioned to Survey Site at Kitsum- formance promises to be 4| behalf of all steamship companies doing | were perpetrated on innocent persons. | burning. quite a society function. | Prince Rupert business that a new itl ial kalum. From Prince Rupert, 3! coast tariff of freight rates hes been ’ . A! Miss Roberts and her hus- yg| prepared which will convenience all SHIP S LIFEBUOY FLOATS band, Mr. Victor Gillard, | concerned. The tariff does not provide 4 will go direct to their home | for any reduction in freight rates but FROM APAN TO ETLA D on Vashon Islend, Puget 3] eliminates certain clauses affecting the J SH N Sound, to enjoy 2 well yg|basing of these rates which included SENTENCES WERE AWARDED By the up river train this afternoon 1 Mr. W. Nicolson Lailey, of the firm of Munro and Lailey, left for Kitsumkalum AT THE SOUTHERN ASSIZES to look over the site for a large new) hotel to be erected there by local and Prince Rupert enterprise. A new hotel Ishibashi, the Jap Who Killed a Compatriot in a Skeena carned rest after fifteen ya) in the old tariff were found to be in-| Memento of the Wrecks of the Stanley Dollar is Picked up i , : is already nearing completion there, and months of continuous tour- yg} consistent. The clauses eliminated are : : River Cannery, Escapes With Four Years in Peni- the Grand Trunk Pacific have plans for ing in harness. 3{| measurement clauses, and the alteration After Six Years—Has it Found the Secret . tentiary—Old Man Gets Two Years another. Kitsumkalum prospers, and | 3 mj applies to all steamship companies of a Northwest Passage? will prosper. |32 BE BE BS BS EO OMS OBE ME OBS OBE BME BE | touching Prince Rupert coast trade. Drifting half way around the globe,|it navigated the northwest passage, is N 2 life preserver from the wreck of the| 4 Mystery to seamen of the coast. | \ ‘ Nov. 3,-—The sentences | mented severely on the latter’s breach ; : wert ‘ ut at the assizes today, | of faith with his clients. steamship Stanley Dollar; which went Altough the preserver had been in ] o was found guilty of At Westminster assizes two Hindus ashore on the Japanese coast in Aug-|the water more than six years and had ust, 1905, was picked up recently on} drifted more than 10,000 miles, the n Press Despatch pretences, two years. The Judge com- ieee Vet 1 8 COETY UR the Skeena were givén ten years each for an assault : : ¢ River re i four years; John Channel, Gli acbiveihed dite vitbiabten Modis —— _ PGA 15-5 BETTE Gly the beach at Cullivock, Shetland Islands, }m@me of the steamship was said to be ¥ eae eh, th i “a full f » "| Party of Prince Rupert Nimrods Have a Nice Juicy Buck Deer Roasted Whole and | according to word received in Victoria; Clearly deciphered, as were also the b aughte wo years; Robert Allen, a| Saying that the case was full of perjury . ae i; a yesterday from San Francisco. A| Words, ‘Passed by J. G.,S. F., California, if foal entate agent Gikemd Wutite- at Males] tries berladiie th an. Hold a Forest Feast in the Vicinity of Borden St.—Venison Tasted Good letter has been received by Stanley|Jung 1, 1905.” “J. G.” is said by ; Details of a magnificent hunters’|he. Over the harbor the noble trophy | renown as bush-cook is unrivalled. With Davai of the Doliar Steamship Co., at eae Le ¥ wet a ice uberis j f 7 af | ca het i, gees Nag Sib fas ’Frisco, wri jear, Cul-| Guthrie of Sen Francisco, who passe m4 , PARTNERSHIP DISPUTE feast held in Prince Rupert on Thursday |of the chase was brought, and up to | the aid of Esty the splendid juicy eu ritten by John Gear, of Cul ais : Pp hi eer | venison wes made resdy fer the spit, | livick, wheseson the employ of the |n the safety appliances on the vessel i : _ | hignt have just been unearthed from}the hunter’s home on Borden street seasoned to perfection, and cooked to | Doller Company. |} a short time before she left on her last ; TO ESSAYISTS Matter of the Pony Express Co.’s|the retirement into which they were|that most elite neighborhood. I, hy just he Sther monarchs of| Whether the drifting cork-jacket made | Y°Y#8®- i i : ja st as t or ar ‘k- Funds not Brought Before Magis-| intended to slip by the modest men Round amongst the hunter's friends ee ae ; ; megs ee | The lif ver will trate After All. May be Settled|of the mountain to celebrate whose ‘i | the chase began to arrive. its way to the other side of the world | ne life preserver will be sent to Mayor and Bishop Du Vernet Present Biloakels ah coisa beaeh ree held. That “q] Demag some more heap big hunter! Then ensued such a feast as it has| by currents Sweeping around the Cape | 'Frisco and kept as a memento by the 3 at Interesting Little Ceremony at aie Aha shat stig a on tad ne the | men of fame, went the fiery cross as in| been the lot of few to enjoy since the | of Good Hope or Cape Horn, or whether | Dollar Company. ; Schoo sate ry SiP.CA. - ™ ¢ si : B ig ‘ibe avs, calling ays i 8 | 4 ie on a eae A. Med The differences between the members most consummate bush-craft should | thé a i tribal Baye oes ee days" of - ee pw pe agin ano wt a apy tae eee e S nt Z P apd esprit gc! ie) a sente S ‘ , 4 ‘ , ‘ . > r toa y feas 2! airies. aunch, 2 steak, a y af & of the Pony Express Company though|be brought home in triumph roasted a e on : ee ke raat owe at of rar yerb venison vanished | hunters responded. Merrily went the WHARF STRIKE i ied by the Prince Rupert jinvolving a question of the possession | wyhole (or very nearly so) and practically ; aa he ne Re an ood 2 th ay bv a cs tin ie ee nidity washed |&#me and its gains and losses were led by the *e Ruper ‘ pee | ay we valled such as se | W xtraordinar i y; asned | ! B. C. Society for P 8 of funds amounting to nearly $1000) all consumed at one sitting by the Orc ow “ i aay hee 2 aay le witt “Bush-tea” and enjoyed to | “/most as those of the chase. DAY’S DETAILS . ’ : . "| | will probably be settied sensibly enough | redoutable hunters is too good a story |° “* ™: eaten Re ee tae ee ee ; ea “igo But one of the great hunters, he of the y to Animals for the best sut of court. The case scheduled to|to lef sl und he little bird hat | Tifle, Lee Baker his henchman, Charles | the limit. Round the board the faces deal cid hi ee ess to Animals,’’ were AAP <. : Racks D1 BOE NPs SANE IER, ENO ALE ODER, SEM | Lindsay who was never known to miss,|of those six mighty hunters shone geometrical name ‘te esid, found the! G T. P i iddi , ; (in a t x - oy |come up for hearing before Magistrate|sits up aloft and looks after the dope |» 1 y< ith ao : aoe sa wey ak d 1y ee hie otek’ trethea game less glorious than the chase, and| @:_ T+ P- Posts Notices Forbidding 8 Ei {ft J " ; mn *¢! MeMullin last night was not pressed. lfor the Daily News columns got busy ob Smith the Coatrayer, an eater 8 = g “* 8, * viel "eh | hied him homewards eerlier than the | Trespass. Steamers Continue to ol yeaterday afternoon! white the dispute might be made the|on this item, |shot William Angle, all were summoned | as appetites were appease 1 ae” leah ao that tha creat hunting sextette| Discharge Cargo Without Shore ) | closed iad Gt an abtion in the elvil-courtl ° cx, : . | by Arthur Esty hero of the hour. Long|of hunting lore and anecdote was let pik | elp. Constables Posted. ) Bishop Du Vernet, Re a I I t ve ne t I I 1| Pivet ani Speamone: tle- Gian, | 8: Se before the hour of the feast there strode|loose. When but the bones of thet|W@S broken before midnight to the| a . wu SI RSy, SCV inless the yarties com oO a persona oid ~ 7 : | FP. W. K Dr, Reddie, president of | agreement privately, there is no ground buck, was shot way out beyond Denise | to the home of the hunter the bulky | noble buck remained, someone proposed | regret of the five. Nevertheless it was/ Notices forbidding unauthorised per- ‘ the branch in Rupert, and for supposing that the funds in dispute Arm by Arthur Esty, a heap big hunter | form of C. C. Westenhaver whose | a game of solo and right readily the|2 great and glorious occasion, and will| sons to trespass upon the Grand Trunk { i \ go down in history in Prince Rupert. Pacific Company’s wharves are now : ; ecretary, were pre8-/ were criminally misappropriated. The posted upon the warehouses there. The , cipal Hunter and the} amount in question-—-$825-——was lodged ae ate | —_—<$ __—__ ane at Prise wore with his solicitors by the accused partner, LLO } D- GEORGE CEN] RAL FIG URE | POLICECOURTPANTOMINE "e508 ee sin oe there was a ee the presence of the other} ~, A, Elliott, immediately the charge | ae j Sight tendency of the part on the } tue ceremony, Short speech-| was laid against him by M. Rootjes, | Magistrate Carss spent three querters | 8ttikers to make free with privileges BE ‘ en by the leading men present, | the other partner. ~ ] of an hour this morning wrestling with | of access so far allowed them. It was | ' f eee lee te ree a case of alleged theft of some $130|{0Und that men were passing across ey | from Frank Morris by Mike Mikalovich. barriers set up to secure ships dis- e re he Bishop and Mayor ae é e keynote of the occasion, and FREF. WORLD TOUR Famous British Chancellor is | fi } — Pe . , ; Sas eof | chargin ihe interference ' the school and_ staff Dtakinad tv: eben Tinie Mike indigngntly protested his innocence | charging cargo from interference, and . , t talent developed in| Attractive Novelty in Real Estate In- 8 g he wes twenty-nine years of age he | “hough there was no friction of any j ¢ t ] : 7 7 z : ° . is > r ass ice is £ ‘Ss proved by their work as vestment in Prince Rupert Famous Insurance Bill-— said, and had never been in prison before, | SOF the trespass notice is posted as a € t } 2 mati : nak ut To be able to invest in excellent real May be Premier of It was too bad—too much shame hale AAIDEE the possible inter- will be remembered, | estate property in Prince Rupert with Bnotand resented the charge keenly. ference of agitators, ‘ hose most original|in addition a good chance of securing ngian Complainer told the kind of money | Chief Vickers has detailed two con- : : > let ini ; i stro; ‘s. It is to be known in the|that Canada is busy !a a firm | man ee se as 1 gt Roig cestam | THE MAN OF THE HOUR IN GREAT BRITAIN princip —" the energies of the within the vast dominions of the Empire. Sa NnOMica . t 4 rcoak see - 2ader " ars, . } y yr p “te 2 4 bien nical records as G, 1911, having | foundation for a great Empit , and that overco A ot _ - } Lloyd-G s 1 his little d 5 oak haken government will be directed to the|He spoke of the establishment of a : . | tailors, Helgerson Block. yd-George and his e daughter Megan encouragement and development of agri-| permanent tariff commission, US name te ° 7 ~» Med by Professor Biljawsky, | the work had only just begun.