PAGE FOUR 1 11 TEE DAILY NEWS Tuesday. K0TtahM Clark Cnhln t Crawled Upstairs - ' V. CATCHING Cold?! cAUGHT a Cold? New York; Denies On All Fours divorce ueport NEW vnnv It Pays to Buy From MUSSALLEM'S Our prices are always right with the markets and we sell for' less. Mail or phone your order and save FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Dinner Set and Rogers Silverware. Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE FOR FRESH MILK Phone Red 608 Produced from our own cows dally You can whip our cream but you can't beat our milk. Dominion Dairy NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. . Phone 281 P.O. Box 19G PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. L Hyde Transfer i . Quick Delivery COAL WOOD Chairs & Tables For Rent PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue HOOP PLAY SCHEDULE November 5 Grotto vs. Moose, High School vs. Grotto, Scythians vs. Ben's News Stand, High School vs. Junior Moose. November 9 .Lambie & Stone vs. Moose, Moose vs. Scythians, Annettes vs. High School, Scouts vs. High School. November 12 Orotto vs. Lambie & Stone, Annettes vs. Grotto, Ben's News vs. Regiment, Seal Coce vs. Jr. Moose. November 16 Moose vs. GroUo Ben's News vs. Moose, Grotto vs High School, Scouts vs. Jr. Moose. November 19 Moose vs. Lambie & Stone, High School vs. Annettes Scythians vs. Regiment, Seal Coze vs. High School. November 23 Lambie & Stone vs. Grotto, Regiment vs. Moo so, Grotto vs. Annettes, Scouts vs. Seal Cove. November 26 Grotto vs. Moose Tligh School vs Grotto, Scythians vs. Ben's News, Jr. Moose vs. High School. November 30 Lambie & Stone vs. Moose, Moose vs. Scythians, Annettes vs. High School, High School vs. Scouts. December 3 Grotto vs. Lambie l& Stone, Annettes vs. Grotto, Ben'2 SNews vs. Regiment, Jr. Moose vs Seal Cove AuctionSale of Household Furniture To be Held in the METKOPOLE HALL Third Avenue on Thursday, Nov. 5 Commencing at 2:15 P.M. Consisting of Massive CHESTER FIELD SUITE (4 pieces), 6 Dining Room Chairs, 2 double Beds, Desk, 2 single Beds, 1 China Cabinet, 2 Dressers, 2 Centre Tables, 3 Card Tables, 1 Medicine Cabinet, 1 Heater, Kitchen Chairs and miscellaneous articles. Goods on view Wednesday eve ning and Thursday morning. TERMS: CASH Phone: Blue 171 Geo. J. Dawe AUCTIONEER "TILLIE TftE TOILER" IS 60H6 lO EEDlld SO SUE Can cIeT BIcjaSg in3 OFF HEfc THAT WV3 LOJEL.V MEAL..TILUE, BUT VLX GET vourz R-lUel OFF Ul- REDUCIMS THRILLS IN HOOP GAME Season Opens With Grotto Eking Out Close Victory Over Lambie & Stone With fa fast and thrilling finish which had the spectators on their feet and left many of them with hoarse throats and more than one weary larynx, the Grotto quintet of sharpshooters managed to eke out a 37 to 33 victory over the snappy Lambie &, Stone squad in the Senior League feature game of last night's basketball card. With MacPhee, Ratchford and Campbell clicking to perfection on the forward line, the first half ended with the score 24 to 11 in, favor of the tobacconists. The; Lambie Si "Stone snipers just' couldnt locate the hoop and" vic tory seemed assured for. the Grotto. ! After the rest, interval, the Clothiers, went to town. Baskets by Santerbane and Johnson brought the score to 26 to 22. With MacPhee heavily checked and the clothing boys gradually closing the lead the game began to get rough. Calderoni and MacPhee Were banished to the showers. Five minutes from time, the score was tied up at 30 to 30 through quick baskets by Lindsay. Play edged back and forth at a terrific rate but, with three more baskets and a penalty, the Grotto raised, the ante to 37 to 33 before the final whistle sounded. Grotto Ratchtord (9), MacPhee (10), Stalker (5), Murray (1), Campbell (4), Morgan (8); total, 37. Lambie & Stone Johnson (7), Santerbane (10). Calderoni (3), Arney (1), Lindsay (10), Beynon, jDomlnato (2); total, 33. 1 Other Games J In the Intermediate fixture, the Moose had things pretty much .their own way and set back the Regiment 30 to 15. It was a rough (and lively tussle with -Crpmp and iHusov domar the mtwtV Ha ma an - ... 0w ; . wiuie me. wegimenr- artillery could not seem tor function; " V Moose Husoy' (8), Cromp (10). Greer (6)', Erickson (1), Blake. Ritchie, Wirtslow, Eby (5); total, 30. Regimentt-Johnstone, J. Coma- dina (4).. Miller,. (.2), Nelson (3)'. Davis (2). F. Comadlna (2). Burnett (2). Eastman? total, 15. In the Ladles' League, Annettes wiped out their first half deficit6f eight points to emerge victorious over last year's champion, Grbt- tettes by a score of 21 to 17. Eva Morris 'and E. Dickens were best for the winners while Beale and Croxford played well for the losers. The Boy Scou:s, in the opening game, walked all over Seal Cove with the final score being 28 to 8. The winners were nil irnnn Eastman and O'Neill each eampr. lng ten. points. IVOO "5H0ULO TAKE SETTIU6 UP EXERCISE'S 7V7 : : GYRO CLUB LOCAL MODEL YACHT TIL.UE, VM Y QOIMS TO THE SPCRTS OEPAirtMEMT AMD "SE. SECOND IN CANADA CHAMPIONSHIP RACE Wearing the red ribbon of second prize, A. J- Croxford's local model yacht Talisman Is back from Vancouver where, in recent races, she placed se- cond in the Canadian Class A. championships. Mr. Croxford is one of Prince Rupert's most ardent model yacht racing en- thusiasts and he is hoping to revive here. interest Max Asemissen's Bowlers Defeat Ciccone's Aeain in the sport 4 4 For the second time a bowling team captained by Max Asemisseh defeated a quintet led by Jimmy Ciccprfe at the end of the week. Asemissen's outfit won two out of three games with a margin of 72 on the night's play. Eddie Smith shot the high average of 188 pins tier eame. over Calderone's. Table Tennis Schedule Noyember 3 Scott vs. Japanese. November 4 Allen vs. Mcintosh. November 5 Smith vs. Currie. November fl Japanese vs. Al len. - --'--. - - November 10 Mcintosh vs. Smith. November November Scott. November one. November 17 Brown vs. Japan ese. November tosh. 11 Currie vs. Brown. 12 Calderone vs. 16 Smith vs. Calder- 18 Scott vs. Mcln- November 19 Allen vs. Currie, IS IN LEAD Assumes Exclusive Possession Of First Place in Commercial Bowling Gyro Club took exclusive leadership of the Commercial Bowling League last night by defeating Ranee & Hardy two games to one in a league fixture. In the other fixture of the evening McMeekin's won three games 'o nil over Ballinger's team which had been tied with the Gyros for first place. High average scorer for the evening was Jack Bulger of the Gyro Club with 184. Individual scores were as follows: McMeekin's 1st 2nd 3rd J. Jack 138 134 150 McMeekin 125 149 155 Menzle 154 126 160 J. McLeod 136 157 143 Handicap 41 41 41 Total ..: 594 Ballinger's 1st Rutter 151 Another match is on the cards Bellinger 132 for the coming Saturday night. IBljou 106 Individual scozlnf: Asemissen's Team 1st 2nd 3rd Gunderson 157 201 174 Todd 177 140 161 Bury 170 125 168 Moran 171 195 184 Asemissen .. 173 143 165 Total - 848 804 852 Ciccone's Team . 1st Coverdale .. 179 Ciccone 170 Mcintosh ...i 109 Schriaber 157 Smith 169 2nd 146 192 153 141 197 3rd 161 161 168 130 199 Total 784 829 1.819 ' , . TABLEc TENNIS In the opening t?ame of the se-conH .quarter of the City Table Tennis. League last night, Brown's team' scored a close 17 to 15 victory F. Smith 84 Handicap . 41 Total 514 "Ranee & Hardy .1st Hardy 116 Ranee 115 Houston 138 Dickens .135 Haudenschild ..119 Handicap 40. Total 658 Gyro Club 1st JBrocklesby 115 Balazno 173 Bulgrfr Roaf i. Morrif ..172 144 155 Handicap 0 i Totl i 607 2nd 134 117 111 108 41 511 2nd 105 125 135 191 125 40 721 2nd 114 129 211 1S7 162 0 .759 753 League Standing; 1 W. Gyro fClub 7 Ballinger's ',.......'.'.'.5 McMeekin's i, ..5 P. R. Butchers 5 Biological Station 1 Ranee & Hardy 1 649 3rd 154 100 109 Rex Bowling Club Exchange Block Sixth St. and Third Ave. Phone 658 A Misleading Sign OKAV, 'LL MEET YOU THE12E l WAMT TO V m I-OOIC AT trr. . 11 y - 1 A T E 9. 99 41 493 3rd 162 115 147 119 120 40 703 3rd 96 122 163 137 117 0 641 L. 2 4 4 4 5 5 Owing to Rheumatism in Her Knees It was not a very Signified way of going upstairs, but she had rheu matism in her knees, and it was the best she could do, at the time. Since then, she has been, taking Kruschen Salts and now feels much better. Read her letter: LET'S -SEE NOVO- MHOV you One PR. BinoMa? "2. PR. aie ATHLETIC SUIT , 2. "SPorvr sHirvns 3 PR. HALF-HOSC-Xi' KJB PK, TENMS SHOES Absent Proof S?.'AS1 IJiSsl 8 I we MV WORD Foa I chakmimgI rn Jg&JBkmi M M& 3et iPJWnKla THS tS TILUE TONES VMS HAVE A SLOAAMJ MAKE VOO CLEVER. ME A Ml MUTE r "I had very painful gout in my big toe and could only get upstairs 1 on all fours owing to rheumatism, in my knees. It !s over three years ago since I commenced taking Kruschen Salts. I must say on damp days I still have a little gout, but my knees are quite better. I am over 60 years of age, have a complexion like a girl's and feel very fit. I am fully repaid for taking a half teaspoonful of Salts each morning in a cup of hot water." (Mrs.) A.W. The pains and stiffness of rheu matism are frequently caused by deposits of uric acid in the muscles and Joints. The numerous salts in Kruschen assist in stimulating your liver and kidneys to healthy, regular action, and help them to get rid of the excess uric acid which is the caure of so much mamm 1 CHETTIMtS 5 i ir i&yvv n kH,eUTtTHlMW 1 1 SHOULD BE, MAKES THE M 7 run . Gable, screen actor, arrive?? yesterday from u-.. . ntt rded that hU tVrPX7aHedt- tO dO With bMJH edlngs against hi es M:i;nrrm 3a3EMENT IIN43 VOOTCE" VJciciNtj THE VEKV l-ATEST "SETTIMS CAM 1 Aiio VOO FUiTHEti Mac- VJHHZS J 1 amck f hfbuTj 1 1 AULL WOT TAKE NO PJfZ. AM ANSViSlJ TDU MUST rWJE? VJLUMCH VA1VTH ME f TUT-CU-iTl IP VCU LAST TIMr t,uT "The Prinrpic rnm.. 1 By Wstover 1 . VJE12E EM6A6BDVOU I Al fX Hit Mrr A ' IDJAMOND KlMQ ON it I mm. : tS K 1 y .a 1 AT PAlMvy FIMfi QOT Tt)U SEE, SifU I'M EM AED 4"-nuHT Last t Complete Shnw -n Loretta Young Franchot Tone - in - "THE UNGUARDED HOUR" . , with Lewis Stone - Koland Younr At 7:00 & 9:45 ALSO Gertrude MiVIidaI in "Women Trap- at 8:43 only .icws at a:z7 only Comin? Wednesday CAROLE I.OMRAKii 1- , lul mrvss' Plus Zane Grey's 'Drift Fence' ana -ine Capitollana" ADVANCE SHOWING OF eccano The Ideal Christmas Gift for Girl or Hoy Th s year, for the first time; MECCANO is featuring Model Fur-Hl tJ?r uh' s.old "P31?1 or in sets, strong actual replicaj of fine furniture in operating models from 5c to 30c each. Complete Sets for Dining Room 85c Bedroom $1.00 Kitchen' . Bathroom MKCCANO For Boys from 6 to 60 O Set 93c C Set A Set $1.25 D Set B Set .: $2.00 E Set F Set $8.00 Me K VAItDKN DOLL HOUSE-Very strongly made and easy to Hnil"' c?mcs comPlete w"h driveway and attractive set-" ?"J"lor ' ru; rooms decorated to match Meccano fuml. tuie. price, packed flat fnSF5n,Hh?-INKy I01rIIui!dreds or exact models- Practically indestructible and brightly colored. Racing Cars, Commercial vans, limousines, Aeroplanes, Etc, each lot uU...c 14aiu Oct 00c neguiar Train Sets 65c Model Queen Mary 35c Model Singapore Flying Boat JJc Mecacno Aeroplane Sets $1.00, $1.50. $3.50 & $4.00 Meccano Clockwork Motors C0c, ' S1.J5, $2.00 Meccano Clockwork Aeroplane Motor $1.00 XI Set 35c X2 Set .50c OOO Set ...70c $1:5 Jl.OJ $3J0 Accessory Sets To make jour present set into the next Urrer A Acc 75c B Acc 83c C Acc. Keep This List For Reference eMlaeMvs.Ml