PORK A IV ttlilAiVS or a Beneficial Change Specially s'rdvvh b:e$ns, carefully selected pcrlc, tomato sauce arid seasoning to conform with an ever popular recipe. Of appetizins appearance and delightfully flavored. MACKENZIE'S' FURNITURE 6 Sets Chesterfield Suites th latest upholstery and construction CQQ Heed from V"J Third Ave. iCaUKEBxwicmamBm Prfepfcftd Daily By Phone 775 il Heaters ! lis the time to prepare for the winter, be warm and com- Ebler buy a new type "QUAKER ilEATEU" made in sizes to all requirements. NO WICKS, no moving parts, cheap to ate and the most modern and beautifully designed heater !ihe market, passed by the Research Rureau at Ottawa. We are also apcrits for tESKY" Hotel and Restaurant Burners for all size ranges, "AETNA" Oil Heaters and Marine Stove Burners. We can any demand, let us give you a demonstration of the lAKEU." kti Electric & Marine Supply Co. Cow Bay, Prince Rupert W1QN STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER M PRINCE RUPERT 'CO AH RETURN. t?UaUUU M PORT SIMPSON flOC? OC RETURN $3535 All meals and Berth Included. frnm Intermediate uoihts. tool..) w, . . . ..1. - V-. - r"4i nckets on Sale Between November 1st. iguana a eoruary 8'h. 1937, inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, 1937. unuaren nan rare. amers: Leave Prince Rupert: A r. Vancouver CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, p.m. CAHDENA Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday, a.m. 4 - ' Tickets and Reservations from Dnfe Rupert Agent - A. W. NEWMAN - Third Ave., rhonc 5G8 vunvenieni r lease rurcnasc nmrts . wfisft which mdePrinceRapertFamous Rupert Brand w SR40KED BLACK COD dian tisli & M Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCB UjPiSRT, B.C. M Spanish and Hawaiian guitar In-, structloh, Miss Elizabeth Currle. Phone black 294. (258) J. Morrison ari'd'DMSr'rison Called this afternoon on 'the Ca'tala for Vancouver. Mrs. C. G. Ham sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a vacation trip to Vancouver. Mrs. B. J. Bacon returned to the city on the Catala this mo'rhihg from a visit to Port Slnipsdh. See the window display o'f shoes specially priced at 2.S) at fashion Footwear. (258) Mrs. A. E. Perry 'of Vort Simpson was a passenger aboard the Catala today going through on a trip to Vancouver. Presbyterian bazaar, Thursday, Nov. 5. Hdmecookihg, candy, dolls, sewing and fish porid. Carnival fn evening. (259) Miss Alma Evlridsen of Alice Arm Is ia visitor In the city, having arrived from the north on the Catala this morning. Norkap meeting tonight at 8. Social for visiting sailors at 9, Boston Hall. Refreshments and dance. Adm. 25c. All welcome. (257) 5. A. C. Small, local manager of the Swift Canadian Co., returned to the city on the Catala today from a brief business trip to Stewart and Anyox. Canadian Legion B. E. S. L Poppy Day committee meets Wed nesday, 7:30 p.m. Monthly executive meeting Wednesday, 8:30 p.m General meeting Friday, 8 pjn. (258) Mrs. H. J. Horton and daugh ters left on last evening's train for Prince Albert where they will take up residence, Joining Mr Horton- who has been transferred there In the service of the Can adlan National Express Co. hotel Arrivals Cecil Batt Royal and Clarence John- son, city. Central James Hart and Thomas Wood-house, Blllmor; I, Martlnsen, J Pederson, C. McPhall and H. Seif-Jord, city; P. J. Rolls, C. N. R.; 6le Welle, city. Knox Mr, hrid Mrs. D. Roche, Salvus; M. L. Clark, Georgetown; W. Jones, Winnipeg; M. Bentley, B. Suridberg, H. Lilllgard arid P. M. Rlngle'y, city. Announcements Presbyterian bazaar, November Armistice Dance, Boston hall. Teiday("No'vl0. Sereriaders. Catholic Tea at Mrs. Burbank's November 12. S, O. N. Bazaar, Moose Hall, No-. vember 13. L. b.'B. A. Bazaar, November 19 Cathedral Chrlitmas'bazaar, Nov 26. Lutheran Bazaar, MetropoTe Ha ', Nov. 27. C. C. F., Bazaar, December 2. trav w-V DELICIOUS , SUMMIT ICE CREAM In H-GkTlons arid Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PriONE-657 COAL TO PLAslS EVERYBODY Satisfacilbn Guaranteed PASlOUS ALBkRT A VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE ftUPMT FEED COMPANY FUONEi 88 and 551 3,1936 a, DaULY HIBl FAOE THREE ' " ' " ' - I " . -. - .... I irrS ! Bride Mi Groom S2X54 JLUUAL lNCVYa INWIBO M ' Low prices on good shoes prevail all this week at Fashion Footwear's second anniversary sale. (258) Stanley Veitch . sailed,, this af ternoon on the Catala for a tdp to Van6ouver. Tonight's train, due from the east at 10:20, was reported this morning to be oh time. Mrs. W...S. Hlckey sailed Sunday night on . the ''Catala, for Stewart where she will take up residence. You can best honor the dead by helping their needy living comrades. Buy a floppy. Tag Day Sa turday. (260) H. Sj Parker left on last evening's train for Houston and other Interior, points on his usual monthly business trip. The case of OttoOlsen, charged with supplying liquor to Indians, Is proceeding before Magistrate McClymont In city police coi'rt this afternoon. Hugh MacDonald, road superin tendent for the Portland Canal district, is a visitor here on offi cial duties, having arrived from Stewart on the Catala this morn ing, Mrs. J. W. fixley of Smlthers was removed fust before noon today from the home of her daughter on Eighth Avenue East to the Prince Rupert General Hospital having had the misfortune to break her arm in a fall. Major C. . Hearn, who arrived in the city on Saturday, night's iram irom Terrace, sauefl inis ar ternoon on the Catala for Van couver. Major Hearn was formerly superintendent of the Lakelse Lake hatchery which has now been closed down. jf L. Buckley of Vancouver and W. J. Clarke of Quebed, who are here in, connection with he local pulp and paper mlil project, returned to the city on, Saturday night's ,taln from a .'brief trip to Terrace and .sailed this afternoon by the Catala for Vancouver. Frank Cade, Melbourne, Aust ralia, newspaper reporter, who has been spending the past week at Stewart and Anyox, In tho aboard the steamer Catala going through to Vancouver "whence he will travel across Canada to embark for England. if 4- Peop! 9 es Sodifeties Have er The social parlors of First Uni ted Church was the scene of colorful and highly enjoyable Hal lowe'en ma"sa.uerade last evening Some fifty young people we're pres I ent in all manner of c6stumcs which Were well set ott against the appropriately decorated hall, Those present Included members of the Anglican Young People's Associa tion as the guests of the hon denominational Young People's Society of, this city. After a personally conducted tdur through the "chamber of horrors'" all gathered In the main nan, wnere stuiya ana games were enjoyed, with Bruce Stevens as a very capable master of cere-mMles, asslstfeU by Wilfred Hicks and Bob Irvine. Prizes for the best costume's were awarded to Miss Helen Stamb-Vincent and Ken Hardlntr. A deilcldujS lunch was "served by the Missies 'Rubv Krikevskv. Frilt.h IWllkihson, Edith Connery and wuiui uuneron, nerwaras, ispedal attraction, came lh the ahsweflng of questions in sealed envelopes by a very ghostly look Ing "wizard." Reach the most people in city ah'd tifttrld't with aft Wvertlsemeht lh thl Dally Nowi. I ' 4 -a i Elect Honore'dA't Shower Saturday On Saturday evenlrig Mr. -and Mrs. D. V. Smith entertained at a deilghtf ul --Hallowe h party with the rooms artistically decorated lo suit the 'occasion. The evening vvas 'spent In playing- novelty games of which the prize winners were Mrs. Hugo Kraupner, Mrs. Frank Glass, Charlie Bennett arid Frank Glass. At midnight the guests assembled In the dining room at a beautifully laden table. After sumptuous refreshments had be'en partaken of, a handsome gift Vas presented on behalf 6t those present to Miss Beulah McKlnley Slid Gordon Daniels In view of their forthcoming marriage. Quiet Wedding Last Evfeftirig Jlfa s Eleanor Isobel Johnston Re-conies Bride of William 'O. Lund, Local Fisherman The wedding took place last sight at eight o'clock at. the An glican Rectory of William O. Lurid, a well known local fisherman, to Miss Eleanor Isobel (Nellie) John ston, sister Of Mrs. W. Barton of Prince Rupert, Very Rev. J, B. Gib son, dean of St. Andrew's Cath dral, officiating. The bride who was attired In navy blue silk and carried a lovely bouquet of white chrysanthemums, was accompanied by Mrs N. E. Pedersen as matron of honor. William Duff was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Lund will live In Prince Rupert. Bronchitis Asthma Suffeirfers GET QUICK RELIEF Sleep Sound All Night Long One or-two done of the Fa mow buCK-LEY'S MIXTURE tipped slowly Juit. before retiring rnaurea a reatful nfht'i ileep. BUCKLEY'S famous MIXTURE-rmade fn Canada ia guaranteed - often a few alpa atop an' ordinary cough, t Althma-Bronchltia sufferers enjoy, a 'coughless night ; you'll sleep sound and wage refreshed if you will be juat wise enough to get a bottle and take t or 3 doses before you go to bed. BUCKLEY'S is sold everywhere. mm FOR SALE world, will be here again today oil Burner. Phone Black 461. TWO Large Float-houses suitable for camps. 16 h.p. Vivian engine several boats. Apply Dally News. 1261) FOR SALE At a real snap, either cash or terms; 5-rootn hou? fully modern,, heated, sun room "fth Ave. W. See. Collart & Mc- .paffery Ltd., , . , . ..,tt FURNITURE Factory samples foust go "this week. Three-room groups, 60 high-grade piece's, guaranteed the hiost sensatlbnal bargain ever offered In 'Western Canada $160.00: 10 -niece Chesterfield Groups $65.00; genuine Walnut Cedar Chests $14.50. Terms if desired. Free storage. Write Jo-day. Julius Shbr'e Mall Orfter House, &6l Bekins Bldg., Vancouver.. FOR RENT II FOR RENT Clean, well furnished 3-room apartment. Phone Red 444. (259) PERSONAL MEN'S !H6mespun work socks for all out-of-door Use. Give the maximum In warmth and we'e'r. Yarn well-shrunk, homespun and knit. 75c. per pair. Mrs. Fdster, "Stillwater, B. C. tf. GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Paclfk Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. MEN Get vigor at dnce. New Qs-tfex Tonic Tablets contain raw ovster lnvieorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up or trans, glands. If "not delighted, maker refunds few tents paid Call or write. Ormes Limited, tf. ;SALAM TEA mwn SAMM : Starts Early Wfedngsday Morning and cfthtihucs Thursday, Friday & Saturday Avoid disappointment shop early Terms strictly cash arid carry. No 'delivery Telephone or mail orders will not he "accepted Ormes Lid, TTiitt Pioneer Drutzgr fats lUt Bxall iWril Fhories: '81 ti'ti Open Dally From B a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From IS noon till 2 p.m., Vp rnl 'ffil I Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide," every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct SS. "Princess Norah," Nov. 3rd, 19th, bee. 3rd, 17th. To Ketchikan, Wraheell, Juneau 'and Skagway , . SS. "Princess Norah," Oct. 30th, Nov. 15tlx, 29th, Dec. 13th. EXCURSlbN FARES WINTER c O l A A to VANcouT:n XSi) return )6aA33 Tickets '6n sale Nov. 1st, 1936 to Feb. 28th. 1937. Final return limit March 3 1st, 1937', For Information, and Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. For the :,,mt Cold Weather Good ileat'ers for the cold Good Ranged for the kitchen Eight-piece suite for the dining roorti B6ds for the rest of your lifer A gdod Book to read A Book of Knowledge. The above can be purchased at D, ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Furniture Bought Outright Phone Green 421 Third Avenue Business Hours Open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thurs. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1 if 1! 1 3 i S i I tt '! S !i ,i ll I J i I i I t t i wJ I If !! t!M Ait () U.' ,11 ( rt'; to :H -,i iT All ill i.l rrr HI . r ' t Hi