PAQB FOUa Girls' Softball Play Yesterday Frances Roberton's Tram Defeats : Betty Barber's 12 to 7 Another game of the High School Girls' Softball League was played 1.85. Gardener Makes Queer Discovery , WINNIPEG, Sept, 17: (CP) Animal, insect or plant George Aubert Is not aulte ture which h fouric-Ueisiibject here iri his gardenit appeared . be. a .crpss between a spider and'K sfrtflli'rnuih- room. The legs are transparent and the body globular-shaped and about three-eighths of an Inch in dla. meter. It Is light fawn colored on top and brown underneath. To add to its, weird appearance, the animal, insector peripatetical plant has a rude Impression of a human face on the back of the body. ...UNDOES OWN WORK TULSA, Akla., Sept. 17: (CP) Twenty-four years ago as con Btructlon foreman, Patrick Fagan laid street railway tracks which now, as superintendent of a re lief crew, he is tearing up. 1901 Miss L. 1902 Miss John, N.B. 1603-Miss Ont, . 1904- Mlss Ont. 1905 Miss John, N.B. 1906 Miss John, N.B. 1907 Miss John, N.B. 1008 Miss John, N.B. F. 1909 Miss V. H treal. 1910 Miss ton, Ont. 1911 Miss ton, Ont. 1912 Miss ton, Ont. Thompson,. Saint H3rvey, Hamilton, F. Harvey, Hamilton, - , V . . M. Thompson, Saint M. Thompson, Saint M. Thompson, Saint M. Thompson, Saint Anderson, Mon- D. Campbell, Hamll-D. Campbell, Ilamll-D. Campbell, Hamil- 1913 Miss M. Dodd, England. 1914- 1918 No. championships. 1919 Miss Ada Mackenzie. To ronto. 1920Miss A. Stirling, Atlanta, Georgia. ,' 1921 Miss Cecil Leltch; England .1922 Mrs. W. A, Gavin, England 1923 Miss O. Collett, Providence. Rhodar Island. 1924 Miss O. Collett, Providence. Rhode Island. ; : Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE New York ,.,.86 At St, K-'f .'V- ? Pet .601 Chicago ,,,,.82 3 56tf Pittsburg : 78 7 .536 Cincinnati .......7,1, 73, .493 Bon - - :'7a .451 Brooklyn i ..'434 Philadelphia .. .sa 4 .341 AMERICAN LEAGUE ' w; pet New York w 41 .667 Chicago ;..78 -65 Ml Washington ..77 68 .531 Ettrolt .77 68 .531 Cleveland 76 68 .528 Boston 72 74 .493 St. Louis 51 90 ,362 Philadelphia ...49 95 .340 Try a Dally News classified ad vertisement for best results. dlok CI Mtt. EE! This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by tht aovrament of BritLsh Colurab. U. S. and British Golf Captains Admire Team Trophy Freeman, the Belfast Celtic full back, has been signed by Sunder land, English league first division team, the fee being nearly $9,000. H. G. Owen-Smith. England's gby fullback will captain Hamp shire, the champion county, In the coming season. Richard Payne, known better as Dick," trainer of the Pony Turf Club at Epsom, Eng., died after a short illness. Joe Davis, British billiards and snooker champion, wants physical training and has started sprinting amKexwcislnir iwlhtheChelsea Football Club. T. F. Smalles, Yorkshire cricket pro, will probably go to South Af rica for six months to coach the Klmberley club. Too much taxation has persuad ed Lord Howard de Walden, prominent In British horse racing, to sell all his horses in training, and; most of his yearlings and foals. V. I shall not. gve up riding," de clared Johnny Dines, popular Manchester, Eng., lightweight Joc key, after fracturing a vertebra of his spine, two ribs and his, collar- pone In a racetrack crash. Vancouver Senior l Baseball is Even A. C. and Arrows Have Now Each Won Three Games Final to be Played Tonight VANCOUVER. Sept. 17: Arrow? evened up the Senior Baseball League finals here Tuesday night at jthree games all by defeating Vancouver Athletic Club 3 to 1. The seventh and deciding aramo will be played tonight. 1 - Ppfl DISTILLED, BLENDED Vrll AND BOTTLED . toSiiH IN SCOTLAND BY Pi DEWAR : .; : This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Beautiful Walls Bring Contentment There Is nothing that goes into the home at a similar cost that gives more pleasure and peace of mind to the entire household than when the walls are tastefully decorated. When this Is done, rugs, draperies, furniture yes, find the occupants of the home themselvesall look their best and an air of contentment pervades the entire domicile. So pay us a visit and spare us time to show you our stock of "SUNWORTIIY" Wallpapers, the original and best light-resKlng wallpapers. You will be surprised at what small a cost you can buy beautiful papers for your rooms, GORDON'S HARDWARE McIIrlde street Phone,311 Thursday, TITLE PLAY IN GOLF ON Canadian Women's Tourney Royal Montrel Golf Cap MONTREAL, Sept. 17 i (CP) iTle "naaian women's Open golf vP.-rdav afternoon. The earne was ehamploruhlp, with the best fe- well nlaved on both .sides and came . ,nne otmakers In the United to an exciting conclusion with the wP hPlnr 12 tn 7 In favnr nf Stat8 d Canada entered. Is now Prances Roberton'. team over ing played oyer the Royal Mon- ' ter Uo1 pup' Betty Barber1. 1 The championship. Is being play TODAY'S STOCKS Courter 8- D. Jobaiuwi Co.) Vancouver B. C.Nlckel, ,38, Big Missouri, .55 Bralorne, .08. B. R. Con., .15, B. R. X., .0454 Cariboo Quartz, 1.90. Dentonla, .15. Dunwell, .03Vi. ' Minto, .26y2. Meridian, .09. Morning Star, .01 ?4- National Sliver, .03; Noble Five, .02Va. Pend Oreille, .5 (ask). Porter Idaho, .'04?. Premier, 3.17. Reeves McDonald, 05. Reno, 1.18. Relief Arlington, .41. Salmon Gold, .10. Taylor Bridge, .10 j. Wayside, .102. United Empire, .02'2. Toronto Beattie, 1.30. Central Patricia, 4.20. Chibougamau, 1.55. God's Lake, 1.00. Inter. Nickel, 57.75. Lee Gold, .072.' Little Long Lac, 6.00. McKenzle Red Lake, Pickle Crow, 6.95. Red Lake Gold Shore, 2.20., San Antonio, 1.77. Slierritt' Gordon, L67. Sisco, 4.80. Smelter Gold, .10. Sturgeon River, .38. Ventures, .2.17. McLeod. Cocks.hutt,"60. Hardrpck',.- 2.90, . .. . OkJend. .32. Mother, .63. Bousquet, .11. Bidgopd Kirkjanrt, 1.56." Gilbec, .05. . Lake Rose, ..58. " " ; ' Madjun, i.95. " ' . v May Spiers. .55,.' . WJnpga Patricia, .27. Spllivan, 2-20. Stadacena, ty2, Green Stabell, .63. Frontier, .23. Francbeur, 1.28. Manitoba & Eastern, .20. Perron, 1.83. New Augarita, .50. South Keora, .15. Moneta Porcupine. .80. ed over over a a courae coure .noted .noted for iti toughness. It has a woman's par of 79 for its 6,525 yards and requires accuracy for its narrow fairways, Toughest problem facing the feminine stars, besides the ehnrt openings to the greens, is the heavy number of traps, mostly deep bunkers, around the putting greens. The grpens are noted for ability to "hold" approach shots. Previous Winner Following is a list of holders of the Canadian Women's Open Oolf title: . Young; Montreal. 1925 Miss Ada Mackenzie. To ronto. 1926 Miss Ada Mackenzie. To ronto. 1927 Miss II. Payson, Portland, Maine. .1928 Mlsa Virginia Wilson, Chi cago. 1929 Miss H, HlcfcViHewlett, L.I. 1930 Miss M. Orcutt'. Enelewood. New Jersey, 1931 Miss M. Orcutt, Enelewood. New Jersey. ' 1032 Miss Margery Kirkham. Montreal. '.. ' 1933 Miss Ada Mackenzie To ronto, i 1934- Mrs, W. 0;:Frtser,Ottawa. 1935 Mlsi Ada Maickehjle. To ronto. At I III Francis Ouimet (left), and Dr. William Tweddell .right), rival captains of United St te and British Walker Cup teams respectively, inspect the trophy that is emblematic of international te un supremacy among amateur golfers. Britain sent a youthful squad under Tweddell again t the brilliant U. S. shotsmlths that Ouimet captains, but they were unsuccessful In their quest of the cup. America retained it by winning handily. The University of California in cludes among its athletic equip ment this year 15 pacing shells, valued at $18,000. T. D. BUck of the Rover Cycle f II h nlAitnoetaP nr-n trio fira and four-fifth seconds. 1 T Tt 1 . - CATCH UP SCHEDULES Pirates spilt a double-header In vawwy VUI,V'JV 9 WIS! blib tTb 1 w-vH.s M mile British national grass cycling f1"6 National League yesterday tne championship In 13 minutes, seven ormer maintaining their four and . ... . a 111 1 f trn ma mm w n ava V butiiv llMt 111. UC1 tllC , I .second place St. Louis Cardinals won WOI1 the LilC I lwho broke even wltn the Phllliej . . . 1 'Tllft tMrrl tn,rd rtlota pUce PVilAn,t r.,U . iUgUUJIJ Ul OrtllUlU . British parks bowls championship Th! chlW Cubs tookj in omcnds r a double bul Ironli Manchester, beating J. Leach of dhv, 01-1Q i tu ui the Boston Bees to creep ud with- In the American league the Detroit Tigers won over the Philadelphia Athletics to Join the idle Washington Senators in a tie for third place. Cleveland Indians had an easv vletnrv nwr Rmt.nn Ppri Double-Headers Order of Day In Sox and other National Uajue Cubs Nearly (poned on account of rain. uaicn uarainais j l NEW YORK. Sept. 17: (CP) New York Giants and Plttsburr Yesterday's Big League scores: National League Pittsburgh, 1-4; New York, 2-3. St. Louis, 3-5; Philadelphia. 7-2 Cincinnati, 4-2; Brooklyn, 7-10. Chicago. 3-4; Boston, 2-2. American League Boston, 3; Cleveland, 13, Philadelphia, 2, Detroit, 6. Others postponed. W.UU i-,U ill IrilC filial. , . , . . I ' 1trlr.n r i t 'loU 130 MANCHESTER. Sept. 17: (CP) m uau a game or tne cardinal 'Another day of sunshine, warmth Gourlay of Camberley i m a aouble-header, the spreads, temperature over 80," Brooklyn Vrtgers took a pair of heads the Guardian, England, lland. won won the the Swedish Swedish up welcoming Heath, women's golf championship, 9 and 8 In the 36-hole final. a"ico iium iwic vmcinnau near recovery irom a wet summer CHECK UP Your Radio Performance Time has no respect for your radio. No matter how formance used to be, to derive full benefit your u ' 100 percent right. If for any reason you are not satisfied with result. " A, at once. consult GUAKANTKKD RADIO SERVICE Your set in ntrf,ct rn at lowest possiMe cost. K. U. A. replacement parts usfd.deeft nartf rrinrtiPfi iu vou. LAlliST RAOIO SERVICE EQUII'.MENT-l'rumpt and Jn analysis of radio ills. SKILLED RADIOTRICIAN All makes and f of radio vlctd to your tntire satisfaction. Phone 6 For Radio Perfor ibiuwivm.Mi MA K . lm. H 1 B H 1BBH f 1 I a 1 ' II TORONTO ) OTTAWA ( MONTREAL QUEBEC -HALIFAX BARGAIN FARES RETURN LIMIT 45 DAYS IN ADDITION TO DATE OF SALE !' I I 'II I' I III UftIMI La 11 IILIi Hil 1 IWI rnintL AurcrAi duu nami Coach Tourist Standa 56.50 70.50 M 57.20 7U5 W 60.45 75.45 72.10 90.10 19U Good n Tourl. filMiri on rrmtnt of ifiulur hr!h hra T Ijoiii It sundard SlMpvri on pymnt of rtulf Urth fr CTillriren, 5 yer and under 12, Half Fire Stopovers allowed Winnipeg: and East J?!!"i!,.t.T..l,Jllu.rMI " thh mint STATJtatS. ALU Tl ITHU rillTS IN UJTIH For AddUitmal Information, Ark Your Ticktt A?nt Used Goods BoughtrSold-oi Exchanged HEATERS BEDS Of all sizes KITCHEN RANGES SINGER SEWING MACHINE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS or Banjo, good make; Flute, Guitarfi,Ktc. RADIOS, GRAMOPHONES T t HDIMI 111 A II) in irnOfi CI tion NATIONAL CASH oni D. ELI0 FURNITURE EXCHANGE rhone (ireerf 421 Third w