aaa So er ee ce eee es + A Ses Nt Sr Le CRO oth TST A 90 00 et ON BOTH SIDES OF THE GLOBE gai {2 CURZON CLOTHING ¥ is known and appreciated. Clothing is sold with a guarantee. Every garment idditional credit on the “ House of Curzon.” Style, quality and fit are the points studied in the producing of every garment, and it is for this reason that “The Curzon- dressed man is the well-dressed man.” For years past Curzon tailoring has been popular among men residing in Canada, for by means of the Curzon Service residents over-seas are able to enjoy absolute “ Clothes- comfort’ and can secure their clothing at very little more cost than in the Home Country. Curzon $20 Suit or Overcoat for $8.60 is an investment. Built entirely of English materials, tailored by experts, cut by artists, it embodies all the necessary features Curzon turned out reflects that go to make a shapely and stylish garment. That is why our clothing is sold with a unique guarantee, a guarantee made without any restrictions whatever, and not eaualled by any tailoring house on either side of the Atlantic. fe. to refund money in full where complete satisfaction is not given. Made from Reali British Materials. SEND POST CARD FOR FREE PATTERNS. — Fill in a post card and address same to us as below, asking for our latest assortment of materials, Together with patterns, we send you fashion-plates and complete instructions for accu- rate self-measurement, tape measure, all sent free and carriage paid. We dispatch your order within seven days, and if you do not approve, return the and we will refund the money. goods, Address for Patterns: CURZON ®880S., c!o TH= CLOUGHER SYNDICATE (Dep sr) 449 Spadin» Averue, Toronto, Ontario, SUIT OR OVERCOAT TO MEASURE “s:c"s.12° from $8.60 URZON tin The World’s Measure Tailors. 60/62 CiTY ROAD, LONDON, ENGLAND. West End Depot: PEMBROKE HOUSE, 133 & 135 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, ENGLAND, Please mention this paper order without party designations. Commission Lewiston —__—___—_____- es = . § THE DAILY NEWS serves to keep the officers responsive to popular sentiment. Municipal Ownership The city owns operates the public water system maintains certa'n parks and libraries. It is gen- erally believed that the water ’system is operated less economically and effi- ciently than pyivete enterprises, It is also felt that the public is compen- sated by reason of the fact that ex- tensions and improvements have been made from time to time which enable new sections of the city to be platted and developed without favoritism, Lew- iston is in the semi-arid belt, and lots cannot used for until the water system is extended to the prem- ises. Under ownership, the conditions would enabled the private owners to retard the develop- ment of tracts in which they were not interested. It is probable also that they would have been less liberal in the matter of extensions and improvements than the city has been. Municipal Accounting The city has a thorough and com- plete system of accounting. All de- partments and officers account to, and settle with, the controller, whore records are :leared by his cash payments to the treasurer. Disbursements are made upon warrants signed by the mayor and controller and paid by the treasurer. General Results It is generally felt that the govern- ment is more democratic and more responsive to the popular will than formerly. It is also felt that all ad- ministrative departments, by being re- | moved from politics, have become more efficient. It cannot be said that | the character of the elective and ap- |pointive officers has been materially changed under the present system. | This city, however, has always been | governed by a fairly representative |body. It is believed that, under the | present system, both elective and ap- | pointive officers have their duties more ' definitely defined and their responsibili- j ites more certainly fixed, and that there | is a resulting increase in efficiency. Taxation There has been no decrease in taxation under the present system. This is partially accounted for by reason of the growth of the city, and partially by increased activities and new functions | which the city has undertaken. } Corruption There is no known official corruption | existing in the city. There has been | in the past but little evil of this kind. Finances | Lewiston’s bonding credit has been | very moderately used. All except | $86,300 of the city’s bonds outstanding were issued for the purchase, extending and improvement of the water system | owned by the city. Two thousand | dollars of the outstanding bonded debt | is the balance of an old bond issue and and homes private have Dominion Fish Market FULTON AND SIXTH AVENUE Dealers in Fresh Fish, Oysters and Game in season. Fresh Poultry, Vegetables, Butter and Eggs - ‘ é e PHONE il7 P.O. BOX 150 | SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: Srd Ave. Phone 174 Workshop: 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and 8th Sts How Commission Government Works at Lewiston A thoughtful and fair-minded article specially written for Daily News readers by Eugene A. Cox, Lewiston, Idaho Capgemini e General Statement |*° the present charter to be more easily The population is 7000. Charter Lewiston is one of the oldest Idaho} made. cities. It has always existed under a special charter enacted and amended | from time to time by the legislature. | is governed by a mayor and six cou Its present charter was adopted in 1907.|men, all elected at large for terms of The mayor is elected every councilmen Prior to that time, it existed under a|two years. charter by the terms of which the city|second year, was governed by a mayor and by six | every year. councilmen elected from the different|June. No other officers and three The elections are hel lr wards. Many of the administrative offices were elective. Its present charter|and nominations may be made is the commission form slightly modified | petition. The names of Under its present charter, Lewiston are elected. | ferred upon petition of electors. Elective | There is 2 primary prior to the election, | officers may be recalled upon like peti- Tot candidates | far been actually used. The meyor is the chief executive of | which will soon be retired. Twenty-two the city. Each councilman is made| thousand is for the payment of the commissioner of some one department| city’s portion of the recent paving. of the public work. All administrative| The balance of $62,500 was issued to officers are appointed by the mayor | refund and reduce the interest rate on and council acting together, and all | the old warrant indebtedness incurred administrative officers, except the city|before the adoption of the present controller, who is the chief fiscal officer,| charter. The condition of the city is hold office at will of the Mayor and coun-|shown by the following abstract from cil. The controller is appointed for a| the controller’s books: tem of two and is removable years only for cause. The sails Bonding capacity under 1910 tax roll... : $988,000.00 Water works bonds outstand- Initiative, Referendum and Recall may 217,300.00 86,500.00 36,894.12 98,252.27 477,105.00 . 827,491.72 pitt ing.. initiated or re-| Other bonds outstanding Cash on hand sinking fund : : ‘ al cash on hand None of these provisions has so| Tot oan al assets It is the general | To¢a) liabilities. d in| Ordinances be by | tion. t» enable the change from the o'd form | are printed on the ballot ip alphabetical opinion that their presence in the charter inate. o> . 0010 cage " = Past due obligations none wes ss ee at Se ema ok Judgments and suits pending p= (et AOKED) ee By) Wa AMES) CROKE SD)| against city... none ay) \@ (@ an A new city hall has been constructed In| “y within the last two years and the fire ‘chi ! he Pa er HE f || department equipped with a modern RS p Ng auto engine, all out of current revenues. Ye) iby) General Summary FU (@f}| The opinion of. thoughtful people IRS, ie seems generally to be that the experi- hy for &) | ment with the commission form of hs @v'| government is too new for any final We cceannenmeeel a) conclusion to be reached as yet, but (Gh 99 (ah the general impression is that the leS| ¥ ur Home ! A || System as applied in Lewiston is better KW Oo e A) | than the system which proceded it. Hy ii 1 EUGENE A. COX. & ¥) eee eats It gives you all the news of your own city and district as in all parts of the world. » some. It is a paper you need in your home, The adverti The news is well edited, its news columns are clean and whole- you in touch with opportunities for getting the full value for your money, : BOY’S EXTRAORDINARY TALE “Shanghaied’"’ but He Didn't Know ; ; : How sing columns of the News bring ‘ i well as the principal happenings it a San Francisco, Nov. 2.-Home again >| after an unexplained absence, Daniel i | Cohelan, aged 15, is painfully recovering In Commercial Printing we have a large stock of i ae Bill Heads / ue Price Lists 8 ee eT See) REZ AF) We handle Blank Ledger Forms for Loose Leaf System ! ! Memorandum Forms Commercial Cards CAE; ph ee c = VEL, coer Invitations and Dance Programmes. i, Daily News Building i PHONE 98 = c= EX _ SS TRE Ta EN ROL HED SIS DES UES UES TAU For society printing, we ensure correctness of style and taste in Visiting Cards, Wedding For any kind of printing from the humble ‘‘dodger’’ to the highest grades of multi-color printing consult the ‘*News Job’? 0: 0: 0: _— AR ® QN)| a kitchen bouquet for flavoring a Ir ve soups can easily be made. Take a few UP) | from the effects of a drug which he says ch was given him by two Italian sailormen. EY Two unknown men met him when he i left work last Tuesday and took him from a crowded part of town to their ship. Cohelan says they drugged him but he cannot explain their methods. He awoke on a ship in the bay the following morning and threatened to kill himself if they took him to sea. Finally the captain ordered him taken ashore, but saw that he had no opportunity to learn the name of the vessel. Cohelan arrived home early today, told his story briefly and fell asleep. Detectives are now trying to locate the “‘shanghai’’ party. eee { Letterheads ] Stock Certificates i a aT >, ew Articles of Association Illustrated Pamphlets Br a Sa te SS A Kitchen Bouquet sprigs of parsley and wrap them around pepper corns, whole cloves, 4 bay leaf and other herbs that are at hand. Tie up tightly. This can be removed from ee PHONE 98 New Knox Hotel | BESNER f& BESNER, PROPRIETORS | The New Knox Hotel is run on the European | lan. First-class service. All the Latest Modern mprovements. etete BEDS Sec UP | FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE aT | SILVERSIDES BROS. } j SIGN PAINTERS ject getttlencs taint thalipicetijeptnctiiaghtatiliaiiiinitimats § | ae | INTERIOR DECORATORS P.O. BOX 120 | | | | PHONE 166 GREEN Second Avenue, near McBride | j Windsor Hotel | FIRST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET Newly Furnished and Steam Heated Rooms A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING | ROOM IN CONNECTION | | RATES 50 CENTS AND UP BATHS FREE TO GUESTS W. H. Wright, Prop P.0. BOX 37 KS J _Whites Portland Cement... G. C, EMMERSON AGENT Naden Block | | | Phone 125 Second Ave | TAKE THE BEST 2 EOI OID THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY From Vancouver or Seattle | FOR ALL POINTS EAST OR SOUTH Sheek TICKETS T0 THE OLD COUNTRY vere Through Tickets and all informa- tion about your trip metre Roger’s Steamship Agency Pibadatadrtatatadin tata te) putaiiair, tellus v @ F "3 cgi f M L ; {GS el Absol, ulely p The Best Procurable. NWPSA LSD ALL ; “FROM HOME TO nome.” | HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-t | Excellent Cafe. M ate | 1142 Pender Street West - ~ Phone 850 Vancouver, BC. eee SAL ALS When in Vancouver You Should Stay at th Finest Cafe in B.C. European Plan. Rates $ to $2.50 per day Hot and Cold Water in ea CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE_ STREETS Vancouver, B.¢ ww py’ YOUR FOOD WILL BE WELL COOKED ON A Crown Favorite Cooking Stove Price from $45 to $58, th a WE HAVE ALL YOU NEED IN THOMPSON HARDWARE CO’ Second Avenue Telepheae POPPI II IDOE AA nen T | KAIEN HARDWARE COMPAN THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PI Nad mer" HARDWARE" MONARCH MALLEABLE Builders’ Supplies Plumbers’ Supplies Paints Oils SOR ORUEDID EI k IDE I Ip The Prince Rupert Hardware and Supply Co HAVE A Complete Line of HEATING and COOK | STOVES {!} FROM | $1.50 to $100.00 | WE ARE AGENTS FOR || THE FAMOUS MAJESTIC AT THE Eyestrain? The use of suitable glasses save the eyes from strain and all the evils which follow, Profit by the experience of others, The bene- fits of properly fitted glasses are testified to by the thousands who nse them. Our Mr. Stevens will examine your eyes free of charge and guarantee satisfaction. 400 R. W. Cameron & Co. G.T.P, Official Watch Inspector. Cor, 6th St. and Second Avenue, PHONE 8&2 AKKKKKAKKXKKRKHKKRKKKROC Cor, 8rd Avy. The James °:"*: Nicely furnished rooms. Good table board Board $4.75 Room and Board $7,00 QUALITY HIGH PRICES LOW be the soup without trouble. Buk ir 2nd Ave. Head of Centre St. Phone 116 | Prince Rupert Hardware and Su pply Compal) | THIRD AVENUE : i SOUOUOOUOKXXXKXXAKAKXKAKO UE EIDE IDE OE OF BF Gk Dt OEE ere Pees ~~ FIRST: “CATCH YOUR PRINTER” | me DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING A MA SPRREY FIRST:—-""CATCH YOUR HARE To produce good printing you mus" good printer, . . You can’t gel Lae +f poor printer, even if he work with é i equipment. If he lacks the "! a " + taste, the single-minded fondness , f real printers have, he will do poor | If he has all of these, and in add to qpaie modern equipment, your | a e of tyl istinction, salesmanship, th« lur As this office produces good prinvins “oatchable the presence of a good printer fe THE NEWS © wegee x 2 ) t FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING OF ALL KIN! 7 Third Aven Daily News Building PHONE 98 1 3 —_or Oren meri LOLS II NIE