PAGE TWO DAILY NEWS The Family Shoe Store Ltd. 'DON'T WAIT" Until the thaw comes. Prepare now apamstrold, wet feet. Onr "stock -of Rubber Footwear is complete for your protection. Get youVs now! Sl'ECIAWOMfcVS BROWN ZIPPER oVfcllSIIOES-To fit Cuban or Higher Heels; All sies up to 8. fi-f OF Regular 2.75; Special tJ)JLUJ WOMEN'S 'fclfiNOiflf A SltOES Get In on these values. We sell these ordinarily for $6.50, but due to the broken sizes we have marked them down for a "leader" special. You have a gtipd choice of patterns and fittings. Excep tional quality at this price. Special Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. ritXNCE RUPERT - BRlftStt COLUMBIA 84.85 Phone 357 PuVlish'ed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daly Wefs, Lunlte'd, 'Third 'Avenue "H. P. PULLEN -- Manag-Edfcor SDBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, toy mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $n.v By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and For lessor periods, paid in advanee, per week ,r,-,-r - -' - By mall to all other countries, pei year . ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per men, per insertion Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per insertion, per line Advertising and Circulation Telephone . 98 News Department Telephoht J. 8t' Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations 8.00 l.iii Mi 2ft Friday, February 21, 193(5 THE FRIENDLY NEIGHBOR President Rbosevelt speaks of CShada a a "friendly neighbor." So we may look upon the llrii'ted States .as a triendly neighbor and the people 'who come from there as among our nearest friends. Just now we in Prince Rupert are looking to the United States to establish an industry which, if it eomes, will be of inestimable benefit to the city. We also are ldoliinq; to an increasing number of tourists visi,tihi the city feafihi year and leaving behind them considerable cash, not In large amounts but considerable in the aggregate. Prince Rupert can do its part by trying to make Prince Rupert interesting to the visitors, proyidiiig them something to see and being courteous and helpful to. them while here. Mostly the visitors come in' touch with officials but occasionally a private citizen hits an Onnortunitv to do one of them a good turn and it pays well to do this as well as being our duty as "friendly neighbors." We have to 'thank President Roosevelt for the friendly expression which along with his general attitude of friendliness will help to cement the feeling, of goodwill that already exists between th6 two countries all along the line. - - THIS IS CANADA There should be a big notice at the two local docks read ing "This is Canada." Many people on the boats bound for Alaska seem to thiflk when they arrive at Prince Rupert they are in Alaska. They evidently do not read tourist literature but know that they bought tickets to Alaska arid feel when they get north of Vancouver they ought to be. in that territory; . In spite of all that has been done there is much yet to do in the way of publicizing "Canada and especially that important part known as Prince Rupert. We mUst never let up in dur efforts to keep .the city in the eyes of the world and to make it a nlade' that tourists Will wish to see. Incidentally there are some residents of Canada who often seem to for&6t that this is Canada and that it is an integral part of the British Empire, TliU dvrilracnt la not piiblUbtd or dUpUysd by the Liquor Control Board or oj in OoTrnrant of Brlil Columfcl. Annettes Win Ladies' BdwKfig League Leaders Given Good Competition, lloVever, by 1. It. 'Grads Last Night Annette's continued victorious in the Ladies fowling League last night although given stiff competition "by the Princ'e Rupert Grafts, 'ttfe 'final sc,cfrefbefng1l55d t6" 14l'6 in faVo'r o'f the Mdies' Teady-to-VeaT quintette. In the other Ladies' League fixture of the evening Bm- ne'ttes defeated Ma'ccabees 1310. to 12C9. High average scorer for the evening was Leah Basso-Bert of Annette's with 181. 344; Hallberg, 248; Nelson, 308; Mrs. BaHinger, 23G; Ballinger, 280; to'al, 141C. Annettes Skattebol, 2C9; Bas)-Bert, 362; Orfens, 300; Johnson. "362; Stone, 257; total, 1550. Maccabees Colussl. 287; Tur- geon, 269; Bealc. 227; Pcttenuzo. 20; Scott. 200; total, 1269. Brunettes Colussl, 243; Ddm!n- 239; Berg, 270; Garner, 2C5; Johnstone, 2C3; total, 1310. Standing of teams to date: G. Ttl. Annettes C 4817 Rangers 6 4552 Dboaads 0 4122 Bluebirds C 4115 P. R. 'Grads .'6 4077 Maccabees .6 3896 Brunettes 6 3761 C. N. R. A. 6 3273 Neal Cameron : : I Av. S03 759 687 1086 680 649 62" 546 Is Wihilelr In Billiard Final CLOTHIERS SPORT "THAT ll TAKE LEAD Lafnbie '& Stone Now "Senior Basketball The finals of the Canadian with three players. Legion billard handicap yesterdr.y resulted In ti decisive win for Neil Cameron who won from George Woodland by 150 points to 103. FOr the earlier part- of tht match the scoring was 'even arid although there were no big breaks, Vdodfcind held his 'own. A break rtf twenty-One brought Cameron oh nearly level terms and, 'from then On, it was Cameron's match Neither player struck his best form and the match was, on the whole, rather disappointing. HOCKEY SCORES National l.rasute Detroit 3, Montreal G. Chicago 1, Kew Y6rk Rangers 1. Cahadfens 1, Toronto 2. tibe'key Standings NATIONAL LfeAOUE American "Section W. b. L. F. A. P. Detroit 18 Chicago 17 Rangers 14 Boston 1C Inloiriatlonal Section Montreal Torbrito Americans Canadlcns russiHEll WB9 FOlVSALE ORltENT Lbsi LbST Package of private papers, j ' Reward. Call at Dally News; (44) F&UNaJ FOUND Four keys in leather case. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News office and pay- j ing for this advertisement, (tf ) I FiUND Ilorrl-rlmme'd "glasses1 oh Thlra Avehiie rJelwteh 6lh arfd '7th Stfcels. bwrieV rriay have ; same by calling' at Dally News; and paying for this advertlf went. tf on Top League In', It was a close game from star, to finish but Sonny Stiles seerrfc'l to have an off night, only getting ltW6 'points for himself. Johnny I T-I 1 1 Utn 41 a. tnt Prirfce Rupert Gradstomdalu, " " I W1C lllV.t blliO (AUll Ul season ana netted himself points. Moose-Styrcs (2), Wingliam (1). Mitchell (4), J, Monlson f8, R. Morrison (2), Pierce (10); total, 27. Lambic & -Stone Lindsay (Of, Viereck (4), Calderoni (2), Arncy, Armstrong (61, Johnson (9); total, 30. Intermediate League High School students won the intermediate game by defeating Canadian Legion with a score of 24 to 21. Half time score in favor of High was 10-9. Then the Legion took the lead by six points, only to lose It again. Both teams played 1 good game. High School McMeckin, Naylor O'Neill (2), Hirano '(C), Ihvis ft). Lear, Campbell (10); total, 24. Legion Bryant, Christlson, Sue-hiro, Viereck (14), Black (7), Ecy; total, 21. Ladies' League Annettes lost to the Grottetle;? oy one point, score being 13 to 12. Half time score was 8 5 in favor "of Annettes. Eva Morris and jtlatchford were sent to the showers. Annettes finished the gaihe Annettes Stone (1), Ratchforri .2), Eva Morris (3), Ehyd Monti (6), Stamp-Vincent, total, 12. GroUettes Smith (6. BeaIe (21 Dickens (4), MsMeekln, Brand. Menzies (1); total 13. Juior League Boy Scouts, defeated the Scy thlans In the Junior Leagiie with a score of 11 to 9. Boy Scouts Clauson (1), Erik-son (5), Dybhavn, Eastman (2 Montesano, Bremncr (3); total, 11 j Scythians B. Huston (3, A'.-tonelli, Roma (4), Montesano, Muf ray (2i, D. Houstbn; total, 9. C.N.R.WINS IN BRIDGE - - ... ! Earns Right to Meet .Musketeers,' Winners of First Half, For j City Championship 1 Canadian 1 Association 0 "7.'? 6fl00 to 0423 r16 7 13 89 87 39: . honorSi 17 3 15 93 83 37 12 7 17 85 89 .31 9 10 17 08 10 28 National Recreation . defeated Musketeers in the final Bridge 1 6 14 C9 C8 40 LeagUe fixtures last night to win 9 14 U 74 37jlhe seCond half of the season and; 3 17 75 58 35 iVin rllrht tn moot ILf iielrntnnre inln. i waf aawvv vh v Hill 1 ners of the first half, for season's j The results of last night's" play; were as follows: i C. N. R. A. 6900, Musketeers 6423. i Canadian Legion 7570, Ramblers ; 6069. . Swifts 9423, Grotto 6157. ' Rex Bowling Alley 6793, Sorts of Norway 6170. ; The final second half standing: 1 For Ag"st C. N. R. A 45026 39775 Musketeers 44642 36883 ., ' . ,G'rotto 44092 45913 FIVE-Room house for rent or Ramblers 43403 41233 saie, easy terms. Money neeaen .swifts 42815 40618 owing to sickness. Phone Black ! sons 61 Ndru-ay 9609 45564 ,., ... jjilj Canadian Legion 33067 42C83 I Rex Bdwling Alley 3M63 44068 The New Metlakatla, Alaska-. basketball team has sent word 16 the citv accenting February 57 Stone the land 28 as Writable . dates for "a Lamble & won over vv.s. t... on ni, (,-, n series of sames with local senior fast 'game 'of senior basketball """P"-'"- i Htu. 4 -. lao mm i team. The Alaskan which is one of the native fastest .v .Cs.i v. '.-. v.- -" .: i.. ViiYA ViW Vfnrtft. - will net here -at thai. d nan lime score was iu, -- ----- - - - and the series Is already to 7 in favor of the clothiers. Lme tfr .- ...... ei:. i Delfie anticinatcd with keen Jn- local fans of the h5op twest were hbth sent to the showers on by personals. game. Eddie Smith -and Stan florin have accepted the challenge cf Jimmy Cicco'n'e Sn'a Nels Guncter-s6n for a fen iim bowling tournament of rime gShfes 'to tie played tcrjin inree-ganie uiucks. itie tirsu three games will be played Sat- utflay night, total pins ror v.v.' series to count. Poll Howard, who some years ago was located in Prince Rupert, is now at Kamioops in tne soutnern interior where, like he was when here, he Is prominent in athletic circles. He ha.- been there for six years how and is a prominent member of the Gyr6 Club. He has bJen several times city tennis champion of Kamioops arid also galntfd the southern Interior title, lie also goes In for basketball, .base ball, football, golf and, In the win ter, skiing. Capt. W. F. Wade of the South Afican test team gave the kid crlc-; ket3rs at Capetown the time of their lives batting. to them. Two of the boys hit Wade's stumps but the padless expert was probably less Interested In guarding the wicket than his legs. Mrs. Frank Erne, whose husband died recently after five years in promoting boxing shows, has now been granted, a boxing promoter's licence by the state athletjc board at Detroit. Mrs. Erne is quite, con vmceci that woman's place, as far as she Is concerned, is in pugilism. 'A borrowed putter played a prominent part in the success of J. J Taylor (plus 2) the Potters Bar Rhus sendjbrtliis HOCKEY BOOK knd AUTOCRAPHES PICTURCS ! YOUR FAVORITE r LAYERS , Every bay win wist thii BaoV "JIow to Herorni t flock. j 8Ur", by T. P. (Tomniy 1 ('oriata, coach nl toiiltw of lb World Champion ilontrv! Maroona. Simply Ulit a 1.11 from a tin of "CaOW.N BRA.ND" or "LILY WHITE" CORN SYHCT-writi oa tha back your nam auil allraaa plaiuly antl th worda "Hcickry Book", llail tl'a label. to Tht CanaJa Startb Co., UmiU.1, yontraal, and you bmk will b taut you Icuoiad lately. alio FqJ In a label or, the front 0 a eiuioa from any product bt The Canada Starch Co., Limited miukad with your ttami kn4 avi-dreaa and the picture you waiit (one pteture (orranh tatel),'nd your choice of the follow hit picturee, mounted ready for framing, mill beaent toiuu. Croup Montreal "Maroon" Croilp "Lta Caa'a Jim '--jfo( Canadian Olympic llotWy Team7 Individual purtiirci of Daldy 'orlhcott, Gvori Mantha, Ruia Blineo, Art l.aiteut, pava Trotlicr, Armand Mondou, l.arl Kohinaon, Krank bouihar. "Ace" Bailey. EuwAiiosnchG CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE FAMOUS ENERGY POOD LfLY MfHITE CORN SYRUP ENSOre'S CORN STARCH CANADA CORN STARCH SILVER. CLOSS LAUNDRY STARCH . Product! of the CANADA STArlCIl COMPAN YMmlted MONTREAL y. 1 1LtJ!5- This advertisement (a not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. for Armv-Navv football one of the features or a project 10 Friday, February 21, 1938 professional, and his amateur 'part- night to soften the surfaces at the rier, ". Landes U2) in the Middle- goalmouths. The fogs, however, - - - sex "Golfing Alliance 27 holes our- hffl rfSmnetltinn. TavlOf left HS own n'niter at home but a clAb on alike. I loan 'Se rved him so well he was able to sink several long putts. ' - a J J r . r a nave Deen a more man usual worry for piayers ana spectators 'Up fn (he far Vibrth cdtintry of vlichlgan Tipper- peninsula the , . . .... LV,,i..hnT,jBictlla .boys arc proverbial in the seating 80,000 people, ..partlcu .ally U-fe. "Tv slV- AnVf 1 names. games. s siJ -v Leonard, w, wauor, ia; Paul, 17' 5 ad "be Sported 6n fn Aprfi "f was ten i 1' . w f Itnslst ln GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE" The 'drielnal Kr Sub at Vrmlore or direct from "Mail Drdur Iteitt. Llquur Control Hoard, BI7 lleatty SlrrrU Vaucuuect. II.U'v a'"lv"V, : , years old, had 'ridden "Mcide mil- d:. ?" lSfditIe attro,n 60 to 5 iiiuiiu illiu uiiici iuiiii.ajr unu -", crchtlonal accommodatldn. It's not the frost that so much bothers the Bolton Wanderers on IrteTr BuVriden Park Sb'cc'e'r field this winter as the ground-keepers liavk braziers burning day and miles an h'ofi'r. invitations to ., hold the 1946 Olympics In thefr Countries have already been received from Italy, Greece, Argchtm'e, Spain, Hungary! Ireland, Finland, Switzerland and Jttpan, JO BBBfJ -aTaV ! t 'S aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF aBBBBBU aaaaaw in i ' p It Afni Mettuirnett antl Ulch Highland Malt Confirm Itt CimhI Sanimt NEW LOW PRICE OVER WW J. ST PROCURABLE This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Hritish Columbia. 1 THE TOP WHITE PflSs!1 flXtrtead -4r ' felen at lha Taaf ? .S'Mninlit during tht ' RH Rf 41 Kloiuhka Cold Ru,h. jr. 111 tortk real quality men and heer to "get by" in thuho curlier (lays! Plioeiili Export Lager is still the favourite malt ' beverage of ttiroug, healthy pertple. It li brelvc'd to the Same' time-honoured perfec-j tion in the Victoria-Phoenix Brewery at Victoria B.C. One of the oldest established breweries lii th'o Dominion. PHOEniX EXPORT ftml l This advertisement is not published or displayed by theX'V0'' Control Board or by the Government of Britiih Clumbli