Grey or 'Brown Suede Two-Tone Brown . Black and White Combination-- . Smart & iDressylOxfords F Shop at The $.50 DECORATION DAY I AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. TRINCE RDPKKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 357 .Published Kveiy Afternoon, ; Except Sunday, by Prince ; Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H- F. PULLKN - - - Managing-Edrcor Advertising and CircuIaUon Telephone ftews Department Telephone DAILY EDITION Member ol Audit Bureau ot, Circulations 98 .86 Saturday, June 20, 1036 QUEBEC POLITICS There is an election campaign going on in Quebec and difficult one for the western Canadian to understand. The province has had a Liberal government for over forty years and Premier Taschereau had held office for several terms and evidently a good many people had become rich while hnldi hit nnhlip ntfiVa nnnc- - - O I"' " vrxj UUw ing suspicions to arise. The wealthiest of them all was the prime minister, who -was rdirector of banks, insurance L-uiiipuiueis aiiu uozeiis oi otner concerns, most of which were making money. The chief opposition to the government came from a group of young LiberalsJed by Paul Gouin who have been gradually growing in strength. One of the leaders was bought over a few years ago but Gouin refused all offers and prior to the last election made a working alliance with the small Conservative group to fight that election and with the Conservative leader in line for the leadership if Taschereau were defeated. The coalition did not win but the government was so weakened that it began to crumble and when the public accounts committee of the legislature began to unearth possible scandals, Premier Taschereau resigned, it was said in order t(T stop further investigation. In the meantime representations were made to Gouin by;a number of Liberal individuals and groups, that they were ready to support him but would not support a Conservative leader. This evidently caused the young , Liberal party, known officially, as "L'Action Liberale Nationale" to sever its connection with the Conservatives and go before the electors as another Liberal partv with a strong advanced Liberal policy. That Gouin will win .is .an accepted fact. Taschereau's temporary successor is not an outstanding man and he 'carries with him all the odium of his former leader without the olamor that Went with Hip fnnrmr lpnH Quebec will still ,be .Liberal, much more Liberal than it has been in the past ten years. Phoenix-like Liberalism has taken m a .new birth' from the brain of the parent stock, carrying pn the principles of Liberalism with all uie virility ui youin. Tomorrow is .Decoration .Day wben citizens gather at the cemetery after placing a wreath on the Cenotaph. There will be a short service ,vjth the Canadian Legion dim uie uaqgpiers oi tne -Empire uniting in arrange ments. Many people will wish to. attend this simple gesture of remembrance of those who fought overseas in the service of the Empire. Those who are unable to attend will remember the sacrifices made twenty years ago or more by uie nieji in uur own nqme iovn. This adverUsement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control .Board or by the Government of British Columbia, saniG Lambie 3b 4 11 2 2- Lindsay rf.,.p 4 2 112 L'frneau p.rf., cf. 4 1111 Calderone 2b 4 1 1 ,1 1 Campbell cf.,.tf. -n .1 .1 0 .0 Gurylch c 3 1 0 .7 0 Morgan If., c. ,3 10 10 Domlnato ,rf. ..jD .0.0 0 0 Totals 33 9 6 21 7 LEGION-r- Howe ss. ...... 7.....5 (1 0 1 4 Santutbane 2b 4 .2 17 2 Slmonson cf 2 110 0 Bury c ,3 0 1 5 0 Commons p., rf. ...2 0 0 0 3 Antonelll lb 4 0.18 0 Stalker If rl- .0 Rogers 3b 2 ,0 0 0 1 Montesano rf 1 -0 0 0 0 Arney rf., p. 2 :l 4 0 0 Totals :2Q Score by Innings: S. O. C 0 0 .0 LEGION .2 0 0 Summary 2-base pne, Arney; 3-base adina, Smith; scorer, .Da vies, W. .L. Canadian Legion .3 '2 Sons of Canada 2 2 Elks i 2 The Duke of Kent has entered a Percival Mew Gull machine for the King's Cup Air Race at Hatfield July 10-11. WIS In Twelfth Round Last Night At Yank Stadium "Impossible"',Happens as Brown Bomber, 20 to 1 Favorite, Suffers :gnominious Defeat at Hands of Former World's Heavyweight Chanjpjon HARLEM TURNS VIOLENT NEW YORK, June 20: (CP)-Harlem's disappoint-ment in Joe Louis' defeat took a violent turn today and efforts of seven hundred special pqlicemen were. required to quell an outbreak of shooting, stabbing, street fighting and other disorders. Two negroes were stabbed, another was shot and scores of passersby, both negro and white, were assaulted in the streets. NEW YORK, June 20: (CP) In the greatest pucilistic upset of modern times, Max Schmeling, former German wqrld's heavyweight champion, staged a smashing comeback . last night at Yankee Stadium here, knocking . out Joe r ' 11 11 1 ill .,-r-. L,ouis, me supposedly unueatauie 'irown Bomber of Detroit in the twelfth of their scheduled fifteen-round .'. . flght and earning the right to meet ft 1 nrn i 1 I James J. Braddock. the present EXCITING Sons of Canada Steal Game From Legion in Last inning Rally In an exciting City League base ball game last night Sons of Canada beat out Canadian Legion by a 9 to 6 score. title-holder, in September for the crown. This. great fight, In which Louis was considered such a cen-talnty to win that he entered the ring a 20 to one favorite, .showed that the colored man is not the omnipotent gladiator that he had generally been credited with being. It also Indicated that Schmeling Is well on the roati to disprove the modern axiom of the ring that heavyweight champions never come Lindsay and Johnson were the back. The battle took place In the j big hitters for the Sons. Lindsay same ring In which Schmeling lost collected a triple while Stalker and In 1933 to Jack Sharkey. The knock-1 Slraonson comprised -the Legion's out came In two minutes and( batting power, Stalker also making twenty - nine .seconds of the. a triple. . twelfth round. Louis was so com- Leglon gathered two runs In the pletely beaten that he had to be first Inning and three In the carried from the ring. It was the j fourth. Sons made two in the fifth first time he had. ever been beaten, j and Legion got one. In the sixth knocked down or kayoed. i Sons collected three and went to For the first two rounds there, town in the seventh, sending four was every indication that Louis men In. , would make a fight of it although For the Sons Letourneau started Schmeling, from the outset, made on the mound but was replaced by it evident that he was going to give Lindsay In the fifth. ia better acocunt of himself than Commons started on the mound ;had been anticipated. In the third for tha Legion .and was replaced In ' Schmeling, who had permitted the, the sixth by Arney. 'negro to lead out, started working In the seventh Gurvich hurt his on Louis with his wicked short hand handling a fast ball and right and Louis was never the same Herbie Morgan took his place be- after that. In the fourth-round the hind the bat giving a good account Brown Bomber took the count of of hjmself. S, O. The Box Score C AB R II POA Morin lb 4 .0 0 .6 1 Johnson ss 3 112 0 three, It being the.flrst, time he.had ever .been knocked down n the E Hng. Louis rallied sprne,what In the 0 fffth but, after that, it was all 3 Schmellng's. His right, operating 0 like a rivetting machine and caus-0 Ing Louis ever-increasing distress, 0 got good accompaniment from the 0 left. Schmeling, up to this fight, 0 had been considered a one-handed 0 fighter. The slaughter went on un-0 til the twelfth when the German 0'went in with slashing rights to j Louis' chin which made; the negro 3 groggy and finally sent him reeling I to his knees and turning over to ABR U POA Ehe- canvas. Louis vnlnlv tHpH tn Ijget up at the count of four but It 0 , was hopeless. He was helped by his 0t seconds to the corner and thence 0to the dressing room. 1 I Louis lost at lp,1tt. thrPA rniinHa l(by low blows. Schmeling had the disadvantage 0f suffering from an 1; almost closed eye which had been 0 injured In training. The. German 2 ; completely outgeneralled the negro; ! The. size of the crowd was dlsap- .6 -n 21 ,10 pointing, forty thousand pass-ting' the turnstiles. The gate 0 -2 3 4 9 i amounted to litUe over half a mil-. 3 1 0 0 :6 -Hon dollars whereas a million -had hits, -Calder-jbeen .expected. ,The .gae vwas hits, Lindsay, 'exactly $54.731. Eiich if tenter will Stalker; base on balls off Commons !6t about '$125,000. 12). Arney (l). Letourneau (4), I The supposed certainty of an LJntlsay t3) struck ,o.ut i by Com-1 early victory for Louis and rainy mons (2), Arney (2). Letourneau' weather dlminlshed the crowd. 6w- (6), Lindsay (2); -winning pitcher.) Ing to the rain, the fight was half Lindsay; losing pitcher, Arney; j on hour late In starting. stolen base, Slmonson; balk, -Arney; ' 'Schmelliif Acclaimed time oi game, 1:30; umpires, Com-! The fight world today acclaims max Hcnmeung. "the ,man who Pct.j walked alone," for achieving the i(500 supposedly Impassible the knock .500 j out of -Joe Louis. -The quiet, deter rt33 mmen, confident Teuton thrilled the crowd of forty thousand and broke Louis' heart by flooring the uomDer tor tne first time In his pugilistic . career In the fourth round and blasting him Into sub- puausnc For the Man Who Likes to Put on a Dash of Summer SPORT SHOES SCORES SMASHING VICTORY Joe Louis Knocked Out Max Schmeling whose defeat of Joe iouis last night threw sn-sat ion into pugilistic world. mission with his dynamite-packed right hand In the following rounds, finally ending the agony with a right hand clout In the twelfth. The finish was dramatic. The badly battered and crippled Bomber, his left cheek swollen to twice its natural size, both thumbs sprained and aching all over, all but crumbled after taking two pulverizing rights to the head. His eyes blinking, he staggered to the ropes. There Schmeling fired another right that barely connected. Jpe's legs sagged and he crumpled to the floor on his back. He stared at the sky with glassy eyes as the timekeeper droned the count. As nine was reached, his body Jerked convulsively and he rolled over on his stomach to hear the count of ten. They got him to his feet and out of the ring but he collapsed after a few steps and had to be carried into the dressing room. Louis' managers attributed his defeat to sprained thumbs which took the steam out of his punches. Louis said later that he had fought ' In a fog from-the fourth round on. The masterful Schmeling was In good shape at the end. His main difficulty had been with his eye which was almost shut. A S:E;tf A L L j June 23 Canadian Legion vs. Elks. June 26 Elks vs. Sons of Canada. June -30 Canadian Legion v Sons of Canada. July ,3-Elks .vs. Canadian. Lesion, July 7 pons of Canada vs. Elks TUESDAY, JUNE 23 Canadian Legion vs. F.Iks FOOTBALL 'MONDAY, JUNK 22 Naval 'Reserve vs. 'Legion Babe Ruth Will Visit Maritimcs HALIFAX, June 20: (CP Baseball's' retired King of Swat. Qeorge Herman "Babe" Ruth, will visit Nova Scotia next month and try his luck as an angler. J II MacQuarrie, Nova Scotia's minister of lands and forests, announced in 'Halifax. The orphanage boy who rose to be the greatest batter In the world only to retire regretfully from the baseball wars last year will fish the pools of St. Mary's River for salmon. The Bambino will lend his presence to the Lobster Carnival to be held In Pictou -July 8. Trinidad will send a team to the Bisley rifle shoot this year and marksmen of the Island have been attending practices regularly A team of sx will be selected t. represent the colony UPS SPORT CHAT Art Michaels, former fust ha (ia man of the Boston Rovai nt:. ; baseball tourists, thinks that hU j new position as coach of the Dom-'lnlon Hawks in the Cape Breton jCollery League is "better than , playing percentage baseball. Michaels played In Cap;- Breton with the ever travelling oianu last .year. In poor health durln? the winter he gave up active com-petition and came east to guide the 1930 edition of the Dominion Hawks, eastern Nova Srotu champions last year. 'IfsTOP1 II This advertisement is not published or dismayed by the Liquor Control Board or by ... 6vTvim yj, unuju woiumuia.