paoh raum PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SMptraOders and Engineers, baa mnd Braaa Outlay. Beetiia and Aeetylena Welding. SpodalUta Sawmill and Mining Machinery. Afl Typa a Caa Enginea Repaired and Orerhanled. DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In -Gallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A DOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 a? 50 Rooms Hot St Cold Waei Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Do You Return From Your Vacation 100 Percent Fit? SURE, When You Holiday at 'THE DUNES' TLELL Write for literature and rates MADAME RAJAUT Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL pa asm Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Card Tables and Chairs For Rent Graham Island 3X and 5X SHINGLES PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Waterfront Whiffs American Landings Week Movement Long Route to American halibut landi HP'S O WA UUilVCV VU Vllb UiU peanng point at Prince Rupert during the past week, but uu ueneveu to nave peen American landin tie-up at Prince Rupert. Landings at Seattle during the , .... . . . 1 ! 1 j in i I wectt. were also iiem. aiinoup 7 O flt. PrinrP Pnnart PHnnc nl CAnftU - - - ...ww mjviv. a. 4V.VO lr UCAktlC! nZrt ULTTVly f i PriT'ln a being transported, corn-Rupert there was little change in,lng the , &rod fa . """-"itlie boats landed catches at Prince Rupert this week. The catches tot- rJL ' T . , , r- lk, auu 7.3c and 6c. Canadian landings for the week totalled 228,300 pounds from eighteen boats. The grand total of halibut landings at Prince Rupert ud to and includ ing yesterday was 4,766,000 pounds of which 2,555,500 pounds was from Canadian vessels and 2,210,- 500 pounds from American. Halibut landings in Seattle yes terday totalled 160,000 Dounds. prices being 8c and 6c arid upward. The movement having started yesterday with the arrival nf im. wards of one hundred aboard the steamer Prince Rupert and about a dozen or so last evening on the Princess Adelaide, the migration of Indians from Hazelton and Kit-wanga Indian villages via Jasper Park and Vancouver to the canneries at the mouth of the Skeena River for summer employment is tlflll' imrtnr t.. .. .11 1 i .. w. u.iuvi waj. mi uuaus ar- -" - riving from the south during thelslde a directlonal aerial. It Is en- next week will be carrying all the ! natives they can handle. About 700 1 We Serve Coffee made in a glass Thermex Coffee Brewer from freshly ground coffee beans Try a cup when you are down town. Comfortable booths for your use. Just received a shipment of: Robertson's Brazil Fudge Chocolate Brazil Fudge Cherry & Walnut Fudge per lb. 35c MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY 319 Third Avenue a SUMMER PRICES FUR COATS Five dollars will hold any coat until fall. Make money by buying now! GOLD BLOOM ' -ji - "TILLIE THE Very Light This of Indians By Canneries On "fpll nff almncf in fVio licar aue to a general scarcity of - n a frnnrl riPn hPnviPi than ' O vaw aawit Vlaa. railway tie-up due to flood da mage on the lower Skeena. The steamer Catala is bringing up a Wy of ab0t fifty whom she will rtron at fJIaxtnn nnrt Pneslar nan neries before arriving here from the south tomorrow evening If science has Its way, Nova Scotia saltbankers will no longer enter port with their flags at halfmast for dorymen strayed from etheir ships and offshor fishermen will have no fear of being lost on the wide wastes of the Atlantic. It Is all because of a new radio device, little bieeer than a cigar box. , The invention is patterned after the "homer" used to guide airplanes to their destination, With accuracy that is almost uncanny, the "homer" placed in a dory will Instantly point to the mother ship in fair weather or foul. Each year, schooners report dorymen lost at sea after a sudden blizzard or fog bank came up and hid their shio from them. The dory "homer" is a four-tube radio receiver, which, with Its batteries, is contained in e ln a waterProof wooden box and ls for use 11 a sudden snow Mjuai ur xog diois out signt ci the mother ship. The ri picks up his "homer," snaps the lid back, places the receiver to his ear and begins to tune in. Immediately he hears the transmitter on the schooner. He dials until the sound of the transmitter can be heard no longer. When he has reached that position, an arrow fixed on the ton of the "homer" points directly to the shio. The apparatus also enables the men aboard the schooner to comuni- cate with the dorymen but the latter cannct answer. The Invention has already been demonstrated to Nova Scotia fishermen. A fishing record is claimed for B. the Newfoundland banker Ethel M. Petite which has brought in more than 4,000 quintals since she commenced her first season early In March. The fishing srhnnnpr Is skippered by her owner, Cap tain jerry Petite, jr. Southbound from Skagwav tr Vancouver with tourist oassenffprs on board, C. P. R. steamer Princess Charlotte, Capt. William Palmer, ls due in port at 3:30 this afternoon from the north and will sail south couple of hours later. Lawn Bowling Dave MacPhee's Rink is Now In Leadership of League o hijjw went into the leadership of the City Lawn Bowling League last evening by scorlnz a 2n tn m t Jack Watson's rink ln a regularly scheduled fixture. In the other Angus Macdonald's rink won eas- wta wauit rrews 28 to 10. TOILER" HAUI . U4 mm, ri Fnlw THE DAILY NZJTfl CARDINALS WINAGAIN Defeated New York Giants Yes terdav to Take Twn flame Lead NEW YORK. June 20: (CP) St. Louis Cardinals downed the New York Giants 7 to 5 at the Polo Grounds yesterday to Increase their margin of National League leadership to two games over the Chicago Cubs whose scheduled game with Brooklyn was rained out. In the American Leasue. the New York .Yankees defeated the Tigers 5 to 2 at Detroit to in crease their leadership to a sub stantlal five full games over the Idle Boston Red Sox. The Cleve land Indians won 9 to 6 over Washington Senators at the west em city and the Chicago White Sox won from Philadelphia Athletics 5 to 4 in a close game at Chicago to move Into a tie for fourth place ahead of the Detroit Tigers. Yesterday's Big League scores: National League Cincinnati 8, Boston 4. St. Louis 7, New York 5. Chicago-Brooklyn and Pitts burg-Philadelphia, rained out. American League New York 5, Detroit 2. Philadelphia 4, Chicago 5. Washington 6, Cleveland 9. Boston-St. Louis, postponed. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet St. Louis 21 21 .638 Chicago 33 21 .611 Pittsburg 33 23 .589 New York 30 26 .535 Cincinnati ..... 29 27 .518 Boston 27 33 .450 Philadelphia 20 38 .345 Brooklyn .....; 19 39 .328 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pet. New York 40 18 .690 Boston 35 23 .603 Washington 31 29 .517 Cleveland 29 29 .500 Chicago 28 28 .500 Detroit 29 31 .483 Philadelphia 20 28 .357 St. Louis ;.18 36 .333 Hotel Arrivals Knox W. A. Seney, John Benson. A Byman, N. Bentley. P. A. Anton. son, P. Jackobson, R. M. Good and Russell, Prince Rupert: J. An derson, Massett; S. M. Reid, Van couver. Central Hans Mickelson, John Johnson and Miss B. Pollock, city; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pemberton. Burke's rails, Ont. Prince Rupert William B. Woods, J. L. Helll-well, D. C. Robertson and J. Bal-kln, Vancouver: James bshnrnn Noranda, Quebec; W. J. Gallagher. Seattle; L. F. Griffin, Arrandale. Royal Harry Boyd. Vancouver: K if a. kamura, city. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 1 ! h m I Pastor Ellenwood An Apology With Pleasure m . I . v.. . . 1- VOll Anne trtutent. Int., WmM rtrtn ntnti Concert Sunday At The Capitol The following program has been arranged by the central committee of citizens ln charge of raising funds for the re-habllltation of Prince Rupert Boys' Band, and will be presented Sunday night next, June 21, at the Capitol Theatre at 9 pjii. Admission by program 25c now obtainable at Capitol Theatre. The program is as follows: "O Canada." March, "Fraternity" (Hayes), The Boys' Band. Selection, "Cossacks' Revel" (Tschakoff), Junior Symphony Orchestra. Trombone solo, "Asleep in the Deep," John ONell. Selection, "Operatic Mingle" (Berry), The Boys' Band. Vocal solo (a) "Where the Bee Sucks" (Arne), (b) "Wales" (Folk Song), David Jones. Novelty, "The Clock" (Welles). Junior Symphony Orchestra. j Clarinet duet, "Liebestraum" (Liszt), Messrs. Johnson and Hicks. Vocal duet, "Waters of Minne- tonka" (Lleurance), Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Large. Overture, "Golden West" (Mac- kie-Beyer), The Boys' Band. Instrumental trio, "Selected." Messrs. Brocklesby, Cameron and Walker. Vocal solo, "Little Bateese" fin character), Dr. R. G Large. March. "Fort Royal" XHoff). The Boys' Band. Xylophone solo, "Polly" (Zamec- nlk), George L. Rorle. beiectlon, "Ole South" (Zamer- nik), Junior Symphony Orchestra. ' God Save the King." Conductors R. Greenfield. Dr H. N. Brocklesby. Accompanist C. p. Balagno. IX THE 81 THEME COI RT OK l!HIT!M COLL'MUIA IN PRORATE IN THE MATTER OK THE "ADMINIS TRATION ACT" A Nil IN THE MATTER OK THE ESTATE Of juy, Drtrasrd. TAKE Mfmm f,o k r-j -- xuagr rtsner. Local Judge of ouprane uourt of BrttUh Columbia uioue utr jnn n a v nr in., t Administrator of th' EUte " . """" "). j-woeasea intestate, late of ""vc ivurt, u j , who died on th M ,l April. 1938. All person having claim galnt the aald estate are hereby required to furnish game properly verified tn m. r., .Si. ... ' "uiK "J; omerwtee dls-E01? ot Estate wU1 be made "iwjwuk L-Knrn LJirravrm All vatflu clebted to the said Estate are required to pay the amount of their lndebtd-neas to me forthwith. DATED thta 22nd day of May 1938 NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Don't Throw Away That Old Cooking Utensil Trade It In We Will Allow You 50c For it on the purchase of a New Stainless Steel Cooking Utensil Start a Set Today This offer for a few days only Kaien Hardware A Satisfactory Place to Shop PHONE -3 OH, SO LAJJSH THAT WALLV'S OP TD OME OF MIS QAME3 OFF tC sj . C Closing Mission Pentecostal Revival Here Succeeds In Drawing Good Crowds j The special services held at the' Pentecostal Assembly for the pastl three weeks conducted by Rev. FJ-1 lenwood have been very successful ln drawing good crowds and creat ing great Interest ln the things of God. The week night services were of a spiritual nature. On Friday night the speaker spoke on prophetic truths, dealing with the "Five Horsemen of Revelatlpn." Sunday night Rev. Ellenwood give his closing address. He will will leave shortly for the interior of British Columbia where he is book ed to speak at the Pentecostal camp meeting to be held In Kel owna in July and August. Try a Dally News want-ad. CHURCH PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY Fifth Avenue East Pastor E. J. North Sunday. 11 A.M.. Subject: "THE OVERFLOWING LIFE Sunday, 7:30 PJM Subject: "WALKING WITH THE LORD" At this service Rev Ellenwood will give his closing address A hearty invitation ls extended to all. Special singing Semes next week, Tuesday and Friday at 8 p.m. The Pastor will preach. Summer Toys Help the children to enjoy themselves outdoors. Summer Toys arc inexpensive Sand Pails, with-metal spades Sand Sets, boxed 5 pieces . Watering Cans Sail Boats, a variety of sizes, Wooden Model Boats . Wooden Model Boats, in sets Steam Boats, the real thing Z Candle Power Steam Boats, large size . Extra Candles, dozen Gliders, new shipment Just in, each . inuucj nupimie ruts jj,. 50c " ' ' Water Balls, multl colored, 10-lnch ' IT .35c Rubber Balls, from 15c to SUO Sponge Rubber Balls 5c, j0c, 20c and 25c Rubber Return Balls 5c """""""" " Water Pistols 10c Windmills Z'll 1 ZI 10c Cap Guns,' 15c and 25c; With Leather HoUter" .95c Footballs, complete .' .$2.00 and $2.75 Picnic Balls ;... ... 50f and -5c Sunshades, very colorful 35C and 50c Picnic Baskets, large and extra large size $1.60 and $2.00 We carry a complete line of Picnic Supplies Paper Plates. Paper Cups, Kodaks and Kodak Film Bring your Pictures here for expert developing- and printing eMaAs.Ml PREPARED ROOFINf, Holidays will soon be here and that cabin may need repairs. Ready Roofing is made in rolls 36 Inches wide, complete with nans and roofing cement. It ls especially suited for summer camps. One roll covers one hundred square feet of surface WE DELIVER THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. OH.MACWALLy THAT MlrSTACMt - 1 EVE r4r dcmcii j THAT'S TOO Bad, WALxy I AP0L06IZE. II... ...... ruxvJ - HAW J t. ' ' ' 1 " III LAST TIMPO JU!! all Z J UMGIIT r i Last Comn1Pn c FifSt D 10SNe!vUSiCal ' TECHNICOLOR' - ! "DANCING PIRATE" - with -FRANK CHARLES MORGAN COLICS On STEFFI DUNA and cast of hundreds (At 7:00 ic 9:48) - PLUS - A Tonic of Love and Laughs "Brides Are Like That" - with Ross Alexander, Anita I Louise (At 8:41 Once Only. i.vwu .icws u 8:25 Only NOTICES 15c and 25c 30c I 30c from , 15c to $1.25 15c 10c .$1.50 "T" 30c 5c 10c ttsi By Westover C1DMT SlVm YOU rir -rmt ' . I I : i AWtWT-.M -Al A til