STEVE KING Next Qrmes, Third Avenue) Spring Time is Here. C. N. R. Cambridge Clothes in New Tweeds and Worsteds KEEP IN STEP WITH THE SEASON English Blue Serge Two-Pant Suits $24.50 $27.50 - Leave the Heavy Overcoat at Home. Step out with a new SPRING COAT $17.50 10 $25.00 in smart, all wool tweeds, etc. THE DAILY NEWS. MUNCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published. Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - -1- Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES city delivery, by mall or earner, yearly period, paid In advance .. $5. By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and For iesr periods, paid in .advance, per week ; By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING KATES Transient display advertising, per incn, per insertion . Classified advertising, per word, per insertion . Local readers, per insertion, per line . , Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations SEEMS LIKE -BIG BUSINESS 98 86 This advertisement Is TioV published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or 'by the Government of British Columbia. U 9.00 1.4U .02 .25 Tuesday, March 24, 193G ' ItfCH LIKE NEW YORK , New York attained; a good deal of its greatness as a . v-.ij -j, in uifiiuiiuuiiuiiig luuiijuijjcuiiies anu dis tricts. Vancouver did the same a few years ago when it included almost everything between the Fraser River and Burrard Inlet within the city limits. Now comes Ketchi- When you drop an '0x6 cube into your cup and stir it into a cup of delicious beef tea it is difficult not to ro- member the words of Sir: Follett Holt that this cube is one olbjllions of similar cubes produced by a British company from half a million head of cattle pastured on five million acres of land and manufactured in a dozen different factories. That sounds like big business. HOUSEHOLD HELPS 'Tea Kettles, In various patterns, from J25c to 50 Galvanized Tubs, -scluare'or ibund, from 50c to $2 00 'Wash Boilers, copper tin, or galvanized; from l.C5 to $3.S5 Garden Seeds for flowers andj vegetables, pkgs. 5C and 10c We Deliver THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. . . VICrOKIA DOMINOES TAKE HOOP SERIES VANCOUVER, March 2'4: (CP) Victoria Dominoes de- . feated Vancouver Province 34 ' to 27 here last night in the j fifth and deciding game to j capture the British Columbia Men's Senior A bastatball championship for the second 'straight year. Each team had previously won two games. Annettes Beaten By Doodads In TOURNEY FINISHED Finals Played in City Badminton Open Series Tor Championship Trophies The local badminton championship series was completed on the Armory courts last night with Miss Frances Cross, Miss Margaret McKay, Mrs. George Mitchell, Miss Evy Rivett, Miss Joan Cross, Miss Dot Patmore, Wizner Bryant, H. J. Horton, C. J. Norrington, Walter Cross, William Murray and Donald. Blake emerging victors after sev-j eral hard fought struggles In the? different events: Results of the games were as' follows: J. Murray and E. Rivett beat B. Cross and M. Lawrence 15-9, 4-15, ', 15-7. Miss M. McKay beat Miss F. Cross 15-8, 15-7. J. Horton and J. Norrington beat P. Mcintosh and R. Bartlett 18-16, 13-15, 15-11. Miss E. Rivett beat Miss D. Pat-more 11-2. 45-U. 11-8. J. Murray and D. Blake beat O. Young and E, Wilding 15-12, 15-13. Mrs. G. Mitchell and Miss M. McKay beat Mrs. Horton and E. Davis 17-1G, 17-14. J. Murray beat R. Franks 15-9, 15-9. Miss D. Patmore and J. Cross Kan annexing the Charcoal Pomtdistiict in that city andibeat Miss e. Rivett and g. Palmer increasing 11s population irom 3U4y to 4168 and making i18"17- I51Z- it the largest city in the territory of Alaska, Juneau, the) w- Bryant beat J- Horton 18"13 PnnJfnl tinvinrr 11 Yirvinilot inn nf AfMO 5-15, 15-9. Ketchikan is gradualy catching up to Prince Rupert .which has a population pf slightly over six thousand. AN AMERICAN VIEW OF KING me oiiuneMuuu-ivtjviuw oi opoKane recently published the following in regard to King Edward VIII: "King Edward's Sunday morning broadcast was admirablein substance, tone and spirit. There was not a false note in it. It attested 'the young King's sagacity. If he wrote it he was a wise man. If his ministers wrote it for him, he showed wisdom to. adopt it." Miss P. Cross and W. Cross beat Mrs. Horton and W. Murray 15-6, 15-11. T Play Ocean Falls As a result of this tournament the following players will repre sent Prince Rupert against Ocean Falls on Wednesday night at the Armory courts: Ladies' singles Miss M. McKay and Miss E. Davis. Ladles' doubles Miss C. Mltclrell and Mrs. G. Mitchell. Mrs. Horton and Mrs. W. R. Overend. Men's singles W. Bryant and J. Horton. Men's doubles P. Mcintosh and R. BarUett, W. Murray and G. C. Mitchell. Mixed doubles Miss F. Cross and W. Cross, Miss B. Thompson and J. Norrington. Ladies' Bowling In the Ladles' Bowling League last night Doodads defeated An nettes ana Maccaoees won over Rangers as follows: Doodads Ingram, 282; F. Smith 394: Parent, 302; Clccone, 303; F. Smith, 352; total, 1633. Annettes-Skattebol, 310; Basso Bert, 259; Owen, 312; Johnson 3G8; Stone, 297; total, 1540. Maccabees Colussl, 331; Tur- geon, 281; Beale, 302; Pettenuzzo 287; Scott, 294; total, 1495. ' Rangers Armour. 335; West, 244; Fortune, 248; Letchford, 241; Raybone, 255; total, 1323. High average scorer was F Smith Doodads) with 197. The league standing to date O. Ttl. Av Annettes 16 12375 773 Blue Birds" 14 10351 739 Wanders 16 11585 724 P. R. Grads 14 9853 704 Doodads 1C 11459 71C Maccabees 16 10751 72 ' Brunettes 14 8424 6fc C N. R. A. , 14 8324 595 i PAGE TtTO DAILY NEWS Tuesday, March 24 'SPORT' GROTTO IS VICTORIOUS Defeated Moose Last Nitht to Win Second Half and Right To Play Off Angus MacPhee and Severlno Dominato blasted any hopes of the Moose winning or tying up the Second half of the Senior League basketball season last night when the Cigar Store crew won over the Lodgemen 47 to 29 before a small crowd of fans. The Grotto htcl things their own way throughout the whole game. Half time .sere was 16 to 7 with the Grotto on the big end. The-Grotto won the second, half and will meet the Moose, who won the first half, lor the; championship of the' .senior league.' Canadian Legion tlefsated the Scythians 29 to 37 in an inter-' mediate tussle, The Scythians had a three-point lead at half time, score being .17 to 14. In the second half Brown and Bryant went on a shooting spiee to put their team ahead. . High School smeared the Boy-Scouts in the Junior League game 26 to 11. Half time score was 20-3 in favor of the Students. Individual .scoring: Junior League High School t26t-r-Fulton 1I), O'Neill (7). Yamanaka (4). Fitch (1), Lundquist 131, Kanaya. Boy Scouts f 11 ) Eastman, Mon- tesano 45), Brown. Llndseth 2), Roma 3, Hale, Montesano. Intermediate League Scythians (29) Dominato (),' Beynon (14),,ltouston, Murray 2), Roma, Currie (5), Letourneau 2), Montesano. Canadian Legion (37) Brown (13), Bryant UO), Palmer (4), Sue hiro, Eby '(2), Hale. Campbell (8), isasiman. Senior League Grotto 47) Stalker; Morgan (3), W. Murray 1) Ratchford (8), Murray, MacPhee (20), Dominato (15). Moose - 29) T. Morrison (1), Stiles (6)i Mitchell -9), Smith, R. Morrison (10), Brown, Campbell (3). SERIES IS EVENED UP Vancouver and SeatUe Have Jfcuh Won One Oaine in Northwestern Play-offs VANCOUVER, March 24: (CP) Vancouver Lions defeated Seattie Sea Hawks by a. score of C to 4 here last night to even un Ins Northwestern H 6 c k p y Leigue championship play-offs at two games each. Ladies' Bowling March 26 Brunettes vs. Blue birds.C.N.R A. ,vs. P, R. Grads. i March 30 itangers vs. Annettes. Maccabees, vs. Doodads. April 2 Bluebirds vs. P. R.' Grads. Brunettes 'vs; 'ON.R.A. April .6 C.R:A. vs, Rangerx Doodads vs. Bluebirds. April 9 P.R. Grads vs, Annettes. Brunettes vs. Maccabees. April 13 Rangers vs. Bluebirds. CJIJl.A. vs. Doodads. April 16 Annettes vs. Brunettes. Maccabees vs. P.R1 Grads. April .20--CN.R.A. vs- Annette'. Maccabees vs. Bluebirds, April 23 Rangers, vs, P. R. Grads. Brunettes ,vs. Doodads. April 27 Maccabees vs. An nettes. Bluebirds' vs. CN-R-A. April 30 Doodads vs; Rangen. P.R. Grads -vs. Brunettes. May 4 Maccabees vs. C.N.R.A. Bluebirds vs; Annettes. May 7 Pit. Grads vs. Doodads Rangers vs. Brunettes. TEN, PN STANDING Rose, Cowan LatraL..L4 w. ..22 .0 Power Corporatlon'J.i.X..'.. 17 Knox Hotel 17 Canadian Legion' ;;.!..';..."...'..!.16 Moose .'.i.,.....i....l3 Atlln Flsherie.4 12 Elks u TRIPLETS ARE SMART ) Larger Multiples of Babies Have I Advantage, Says Expert BERKELEY, CAUL. March 24: (AP) Babies who come in the higher multiples triplets; quad-ruplest and quintuplets have a considerable advantage over thos-j that arrive singly or as twins. This Is the conclusion of Miss Rosemary Smith, pre-school ex pert, from a general study of-the subject, and from observation of the Hall triplets Robin, Laurel ami Roger. These children, of Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Hall were three years old a few days ago. Hall Is chief naturalist oi ihe national parks service. Here are some of the things he triplets have learned to do In the University of California's educational play school, according to Miss Smith, the director. 20 17 18 22 Lace their own shoes; set their own foods; sleep alone fear In separate rooms; roller skate; draw recognizable pictures, in color, of cats, trees, men, flowers, bananas, geraniums, fish, turtles, boats and airplanes; call colors correctly; put together simple Jigsaw puzzles faster tha.i some adults. he sees the others eating It and soon follows suit." In spite of their marked similarity, the Hall children already are showing some divergence In tastes and aptitudes. ''I can't recommend twins from an educational standpoint," says Miss Smith. "The tend to be cither all wrapped up in each other or to quarrel." BOYS' BOWI.INO LEA ft HE - p. ru Av. Trojans G 4573 762 j Tigers 11 8346 759 Squirts 11 7881 7KJf Punks 10 6784 678 Big Five 6 3751 625 Bombers 11 C677 607 Cubs 11 6015 547 Wolves 10 5199 520 JONES Family Market PHONE 957 SPECIALS Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs. & 1 lb. Bacon PHONE 951 PRIME STEER BEEF Sirloin Tip, 4 lbs. 1 lb. Bacon T-Bohe Roast, 4 lbs. & 1 lb. Bacon Rump Roast of Beef, 6 lbs. Si i lb. Bacon Shoulder Roast of Veal per lb - Leg of Veal 6 lbs Round Steak 3 lbs Sirloin Steak 3 lbs. Leg of Mutton About 6 lbs each, per lb Shoulder of Lamb 4 lbs Lamb Chops 3 lbs Veal Chops 3 lbs - Shoulder Roast Pork per lb. Leg of Pork per lb j3Loln of Pork 13 Per lb lc .Ayrshire Bacon per lb Side Bacon By the piece per lb. $1 $1 $1 $1 10c $1 SOc 50c 18c SOc SOc SOc 15c 20c 20c 25c 25c COMING OF - LORD NEAR So British-Israelites are Told M Meeting Last Night About thirty members and victors assembled last evening in the Toe 11. Rooms for the semi t monthly meeUng of the local British-Israel Society Vice-president Sam Massey presiding. The speaker for the evening was P. H. Linzey who gave an InspL-ing address on "The Coming King," a subject of paramount importance to all Christians. The return of the Lord to take over the rulershlp of the world was referred to In the New Testament 318 times. The Old Testament was also full of the subject. Yet then were those who sneered and scoffed and asked "where Is the promise of His coming?" "We believe we are at the mld- night hour "of this present 1.- ipensation ," ideclared Mr. Llnzc: . . . . . table correctly and carry In their:,.,,. ... J WlthOflt t vvaiwi5 via iiic wail vail iu cieany seen ana we wouia do. un- faithful stewards if we held ouc' peace when the signs of His com Ing are- so manifestly apparent. "The BJble clearly teaches that ere the King returns, there is to be witnessed on this earth tne most desperate struggle of armetl I frces th In hls- Tho. nnrt othrr aphlPvPm " precedent orv- Armagcfldon is the ancient stamp the triplets as definitely I superior to most children the'rhU1 nncl vallev of Meglddo west age, Miss Smith says. f tne Jordan. In the Plains of "The fact they are triplets is the 'Jeareel. The purpose apparenUy chief, and possibly the only rea-;wn' be confiscation of the for their natural resources of Palestine. Li son, rapid development," she explains. The three minds are better than one. It's the group idea. When one Of the triplets eral plan. They imitate each other. What one learns to do, the others learn and thus their abilities are more varied and multiplied. One result ireuiuy, u win oe ine lasi, sup-Ireme effort of the powers of dark-(ness to destroy Christianity and suggests something, the others de-lthe Unlted Israel Qt God- The a?e" vrirm ihp irion nnri mpVi nrtrit Viuilong battle between good and own original thought to the gen- evil, truth and error. '"The near approach of the Prince of Peace to take over the rule cf this world should give us intense Joy and we should be the most hopeful and Jubilant of all people of the Imitative Instinct is that the !as we lae lnto mT a ne triplets eat everything. While oneworlcl "berated from the dominion may not care for a dish at first.;01 sm ana Brea A social half hour was spent after the meeting, welcoming visitors .jandi-converslng-ron the ab- 'sorblng topic. The Dally News is an A. paper. B. C 1038 Vii' nil v mih rnna vn'ut FOR COOKIKC1 I l&fJUU. VVVMRk n m WDIRECTU ON THE FUME i mm W Nr btfart wtit dnhn VIS1BU COOKlNC-i. tl, dtKUtur of grow oid. BOIL-BAM-StRVf-STOII-ui UntMprlieii mining it.,, 4 IlIMOVABlI HANDU-0,.1,4, kiith.a-S.ip, of, a, ,h, IfTTrt fOOI-hl looki ml mm Wnur, ujl k kHI.f. , "PYREX" TOP Or STOVE Gordon s Hardware I'hone 311 McBride Street NO HOT WATER IS NEEDED When Mixing Grotto Taxi 456 3 CARS AT VOUK SEKViCl Proprietors Bert Morgan it Kud Barrlr Don't forget the number 456 GO PHONE CO Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Grades . of Coal and wood, at mum prices. Bone Dry Kindling always in stock. We also operate CO Messenger Service Have beautifully-tinted walls with just one coat! Goes on easily, quickly, smoothly no brush marks. Many shades. Beautiful color effects and stencil designs. Gypsum, Lime and Alabasline. Canada Canada, Mimitrd J'inlHrri PARIS, ONTARIO. CANADA Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver; T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 P.M. Due Varu ver, Monday a.m. . Weekly sailings , to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and Naas Bli-.Sunday, 8 p.m. Further Information regarding1; sailings and tickets from It. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phont The fish which made Prince Rupert FamoM "Rupert BrancS,, SMOKED BLACK COD J Prepared Daily By Canaiian fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.