If TEA you are not already a customer of ours Phones: 81 Xe 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till. 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Used Furniture Dining Room Suite, Odd Chairs and Tables, Beds, Springs Mattresses, Kitchen Table and Chairs, Kitchen Ranges RADIOS 1935 Victor 5-Tube 1930 'Victor Battery Set Washing Machines A.B.C. Playmayd, Hand Power Machine,- Monarch, all in first class condition, and at most reasonable prices. D. E L 1 0 FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone: Green 421 There is a Reason Why Our Coal Business Has Grown In Rriifo nf Keen Competition We deliver promptly. 'U7 WK We have cou rteoua driv-. its tvortA . II Qj Ova if tltftf C .V ,UHS. iUl 11 iUl:U 0r" r n.iuunil I.U.nanlllll.dllJ uer of our coal wuiiinmmMim- v 1 PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. 651 PHONES LOCAL NEWS NOTES Trades ii Labor Council Thursday 8 p.m. 7l) j Mrs. F. M, Crosby sailed by the Catala this afternoon on a trip 'to Vancouver. Tonight's train, due from ihe east at 10:20, was reported this morning to be on time. Mrs. Frank Fitch sailed by. the Catala this afternoon for a holij day visit to Vancouver. Mrs. Oren F. Hill of Hyder, Alaska, was a passenger aboard the Catla today going through on a Anglican Pageant, March 27. Presbyterian Sunday School Concert, March 27. ' S. O. N. Ski Club whist drive and dance, Oddfellows' Hall, March 27. Presbyterian Easter Sale, April Z Free public mass display of physical education program, Saturday, April 4. Exhibition Building. Baptist sale, April 8. Orange Ladles' Spring Sale, Oddfellows' Hall, April 9, "Rich Young Church, April 10. Ruler," Baptist Queen Mary Daffodil Dance, Monday. Hospital Charity Ball, April 15, Moose Hall. Premier Orchestra. . St."' Andrew's sale. April 16. Cathedral Easter Dancing display, Oddfellows' Hall, April 17. Catholic Spring Sale. April 23 Cambral Chapter Dance"- April 24. "Leap Year St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 7. MOOSE HALL RENTAL KATES Concerts $25.00 Dances -25.00 Public Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings is now available on the ground floor, rental rate, $4.00 For engagements phone the Club Steward. 640 or Red 412. TRAPPERS AND DEALERS S0.000 MUSKRATS 5,000 HEAVER Wanted at once for Immediate delivery HIGHEST PRICES PAID , Also all your other FURS at ,full market value. Ship at once and convince yourselves, J. CLONES Buyer and Exporter PRINCE:.r.EQR(.E,.B,q., . L. Lubett, representing Old Country finance' which has be come Interested in the Dunwell mine at Stewart, was a passenger aboard the Catala today returnl ihg to Vancouver. "The property as a result of theiew flnancliig, Is shortly to be re-opened for pro ductlon. Charles Nystrom, who went to Juneau with the intention of visiting for a couple of months with two brothers in the Alaska Capital but who remained there for two and a half years, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon on his way back to his home in San Francisco. Mr. A Nystrom, a retired San Francisco business man, having been a resi dent of the city of the Golden Gate for fifty years, is quite frank in observing that Alaska climate was a little too rigorous for one who had made his home in California for so long. Notice SALMON TKOLLERS A meeting of salmon trailers the auspices of the P. R. Fishermen's Coop. Ass'n., with Mr FJnstoss as principal speaker, wil' be held in the C. C. F. Hall, Ful ton St., tonight at 8 pjn. Please attend. (71 1 CUSSIHEO FOR RENT FOR RENT Five roomed modem flat, May 1. Phone Red 128. (tf) The regular monthly meeting of che museum board, which was to have taken place this afternoon, lias been postponed for a week as several members are down with ;he influenza and others are out of the city. Archie Shiel, president of the Pacific American Fisheries, who has been on a brief visit to Juneau jn business in connection with his Alaska cannery interests, was jassenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday aftenoon return ing to Bellingham. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. White, who have Just been married in Juneau, were passengers going south on joard the Princess Norah yester-Jay afternoon bound south. They plan on going to the Orient to re side. Mr. White is a newspaper correspondent. E. Chisholm of Victoria, who went north recently to lnstal radio- telegraphic equipment at Stewart fcr the Government Telegraphs and who has been spending the past few days in the city, sailed by the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon oh his return south. Hotel Arrivals Central J. Hadland, Oona River; H. D. Gray, Prince Rupert; W. Schosevel and O. Hunt, C.N.R. Knox A. Clarke. Terrace; C. Olson and W. Trltes, city. Prince Rupert Mrs. Agnes Niemen, Port Essin?- ton. Royal J. Menara, city; Mrs. O. Evind sen and Ronald, Alice Arm. l,AM ACT Notice of Intention to opply to Lfa I .and In Prince Rupert Land Recording DiB trlet of Ranse 8 Const, and situate or Kalen Uland close to Galloway Raplda Brldee. Take notice that 1, Martin Miller of m ii-rm.ee kiuxti.. n,., wwura run itciMi ivujircrn lour-iuom ,,, , t nnnlv for a lease of tilt flats, bath ana Monarch range, following described lawu: Clapp Block. $12.50, $15 & $17.50. LSKOMrt " Helgerson Ltd. FOR SALE FOR SALE Gary Safe, Apply Dally News office. Phone-98. (tf) FOR SALE 1 CO-pound babbit an chor and 10 ft. galvanized chain $7. Phone 572 after 6 pjn. (tf ) O ENTLEMEN Personal drug sundries. Highest Grade Latest, Delivered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper). Pacific Supply 751 Granville, Vancouver. WANTED WANTED Export quality hemlock logs. For further information In quire Q eo. W. Nlckerson Co. (80) IAD ai 1116. D. U 381. ltanee a uoun wcoci 1660 feet west; thence 760 It. south thenc 660 feet east: thence 380 It, north thence following the shore line to post of commencement and contain ing ten aorert, more or irsa. DnW March fl. 1936, i..n ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Iae Ijiml In Prince Rupert Land Recording District ot Ranee 3 Const, and situate close to Oolloway Rapids Bridge, near Prince Rupert, B. C. Take iUce that I, Martin MUler o Prlnoe Runert. B.C.. occupation Lumber man intend to apply for a lease of the following described Foreshore lands: Commenclnz at a post planted ap proximately S.O0O ft. north of Lota 116-116. D. L. 331, Range 3 Coast District thence about 500 ft. south to ojpolt shore thence northerly following .the shoreline to pout of commencement. arnd containing H4 acre, more or less MARTIH MILLER Dated Much 6, 1836. The annual general meeting' of Municipal Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters .of the Empire, was held last evening following a, ban-f V '? March U. m ' Tuesday- DAILY KWI ' P ACHE -THREE " ".. . You'll like the rich, full flavour of Salada Orange Pekoe Blend AlAM Smiles fn Chuckles aia Easter Novelties naaaannann SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR COMPLETE DISPLAY ' 4 We will gladly reserve any item for you 5 Prices from to 85 Ormes Ltd. "Jftft Pioneer Drvtqgiats th Keull BUre ! business trip to Seattle. Rev. Jonas Amundsen, who has been on an evangelical tour of Alaska for some time, was a pas: United Church Tea, Oddfellows' Hall, March 26. Boys Band Bridge and Whist, Le- ,glon Hall, March 26. You an rent a car at Walker's as low as $150 a day, plus 7c a mile. Canadian Legkm. Women's. Auxiliary annual banquet, March 25, 7 o'clock. (71) See the display of snappy new shoes for $3.95 atlthe Fashion Footwear, (tf) Mrs. W. 8. Kerglri sailed by the Catala Sunday evening on her return to Premier after a brief visit to the city. LOD.E. meeting United Church Hall, Wednesday 8:30 p.m. Speaker, Mrs. P. E. Corby. Members and friends invited. (71 1 Mrs. Charles Hamilton "and Mrs. senger aboard the Princess Norah Mary Casper, sisters from Atlin, yesterday afternoon returning to were passengers aboard the Prln-Seattle. cess Norah yesterday afternoon go- ;ing south, being bound for a two Mrs. Ole Evindsen and son, Ron- months' trip to Wisconsin, aid, arrived in the city on the v-aiaia inis morning irom Alice Capt. and. Mrs. Edward Bach of Arm for a brief visit to town and Juneau -were passengers aboard the are guests at the Royal Hotel. Princess Norah yesterday after-Mrs. Evindsen's daughter, Alma,noon going through for a trip to ua3 WCJ. a pauwii m uie rrace Seattle. Capt. Bach operates a Rupert General Hospital. Having not received all her spring goods in time for the le-cent fashion show at the Capitol Theatre, Annette is taking the op portunity of showing the lads of Prince Rupert the latest in spring coats, suits, hats and i dresses as well as the 1936 wed-idiftg ensembles at the United Church tea In the Oddfellows' Hall, Thursday afternoon at 3:15. (72i Announcements small boat out of Juneau. Nick Kuprosky appeared in city police court this morning befora Magistrate w. D. Vance on charge of vagrancy by gambling. which was dismissed. Kuprosky Is being held in connection with another case. L. H. Johnstone, agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway at Skag-way, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through for a vacation trip to Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. Here's Real Help In Avoiding Many Miserable Colas Unique Medication Designed to Aid Nature's Defenses in Nose and Throat, Where Most Colds Start. PROVED IN USE BY MILLIONS In the exclusive formula of Vlcks Va - tro - nol has been found a unique and success ful aid in preventing many colds winter's threat to our comfort and health. Va-tro-nol is especially designed for the nose and upper throat where most colds start, It aids and stimulates the functions provided by Nature in the nose to prevent colds, and to throw off head colds In the early stages. Used In time -at the first nasal Irritation, sniffle, or sneeze Just a few drops up each nostril Va-tro-nol helps to avoid many colds. Where Irritation has led to a clogged-up nose (a stuffy head cold or nasal catarrh) Va-tro-nol reduces swollen membranes clears clogging mucus brings comforting relief. For Fewer and Shorter Colds Note to mothers who guard the family's health: Vlcks. has developed, especially for you, a practical Plan for Better Home Control of Colds. This guide to fewer and shorter colds has been clinically tested by practicing physicians and further proved in everyday home use by millions. Full details of Vlcks Plan in each Va-tro-nol package. William T. Hale, who has been on a trip to Wrangell on business In connection with cannery inter ests, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday after noon returning to Seattle. 0FI.0.D.E. Municipal Chapter Elects Officers Mrs, Corby Victoria -Speaks quet In the Commodore Cafe wlthl? Mrs. P. E. Corby''of - Victoria,, provincial organizing secretary of the order, as guest of Tionor, There were about sixty members present and Mrs. D Orchard Mc-4 Leod, regent of. Municipal. Chap-1 ter, presided over the meeting. Re-j, ports from the. secretaries and! treasurers of the 'four chapters; Municipal, Queen Mary, Hill 60 and" Cambral were read, giving? a very Interesting and useful account of 1 the year's work of the order which concentrated its energies list yeafj more especially upon child wel fare and relief work, much needed help and assistance being given along this line. - ; ' The officers for Municipal Chap- er this year are as follows: Honorary- Regent Mrs. J. C. Mc Lennan. Regent Mrs. D.' Orchard Mc- Leod. First vice-regent Mrs. . 6: F. Tinker. Second vice-regent Mrs. J, A. Teng. Secretary Mrs. H. L. Landrey. Treasurer Miss Helen McLeod. Educational .. secretary Miss Dorothy Patmore. Echoes secretary Mrs. J. R. Morison. Organizing secretary Mrs. J. Manson. Standard bearer Mrs. S. V. Cox. Following the business meeting Mrs. Corby gave a very interesting and instructive address, which was vety much enjoyed 6y all present. It is quite a number of years since a representative from provin clal headquarters has visited here and every member was keenly in terested in all that Mrs: Corby had to say. A continuation of her talk; in a more general way, will be given on Wednesday night at the United Church., . Mrs. J. E. Boddle, regent of Queen Mary Chapter, on behalf of all present, thanked Mrs. Corby for her talk and hoped she would enjoy her visit here, this vote of thanks being seconded by Mrs! J; A. Teng. The program included vocal solos by Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby ana'Mrs: Ernest Anderson, accompanied by Mrs. C. E. Cullin, and a piano duet' by Mrs. H. B. Rochester and Mrs. William. Brooksbank. Mrs. H. L. Landrey, regent of Hill 0 Chap ter, moved a hearty vote of thanks to those taking part, which was seconded by Miss Muriel Morris, regent of- Cambral Chapter. Mrs. McLeod, on behalf of the Prince Rupert order, presented Mrs. Corby with a small token of remembrance. The meeting was opened with the singing of "O Canada" and closed with the National Anthem. . Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Corby was guest of honor at :a luncheon at the home of Mrs. ,S. V. Cox and In the afternlon met the executive of the local Municipal Chapter at a tea at the home of the regent, Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod. "(JOVERN'MENT LltJtOR ACT" (Meotlon 23) Notice of Application for a. Deer1 Lk-etM-c NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that On the 35th day of March next 'the under- signed Intends to apply to the liquer control Board for a licence .in respect or premises being part ol a ibulldlnt; known as the Spruce Creek Hotel, situ ated tn the Atlin Mining District In the Province or British Columbia, upon lands described as the VSaUy Mine Claim." situated on BDruce iCreek. la the said .District, Tor the sale 'ol beer toy the elans or -by the bottle for -con sumption on the premises or elsewhere. ;j untca uus jui aiij m rvDruary, A-U 1936. MILT O. OASWEtL, Applicant in f in ' n nil ml ill' ii i IN THE SlTKEME'Cm'BT OT IIKITI9II COM'MMA IX I1MMUTC In the Matter of the "JKmlnlstratlvnl Act" And In the Matter of tlie tate of Margaret I .iiarmtoMi. Teceaeu. TAKE NOTICE that t torder ol Hlit Honour Judge W. X. risher the SSlhl day or rwruary A D. 1936 I was p- polnted Administrator of the, Estate ot Margaret Macintosh late d Atlin. Bri tish Columbia, Deceaned, and ail parties naving oiaimi alnst the said Estate ' are hereby required to Xurnlsh sam properly rerliled to me on or before the 5th day of April A.. D.: 1938 and all. persons indebted to the Estate are re quired to pay the amount, of their In- ' aepieaness to me lortnintn. OmCIAL ADMINISTRATOR ATLIN, B. 0. Dated we act tfat ot ntiruiry 1939. (Uar. SI) ROYAL LUNCH thf best place In town to eat WHITE COOKING HOME BAKING 'Try 'our-'Sandwiches it Coffee ' Phone'867 719 Third Ave.. Latest Novelties . . in Seeds : ARTHUR BAYNE Successor to Ofenhle's ' Second Ave. Phone 6J5 .... , SPECIALS Mi Lady Beauty Shop Offers Beautiful Permanent Wave We -are rioted for our lovely .curls Free Facial with Rose Marie B. Ct PRODUCTS Phone 655 MACKENZIE'S 'FURNITURE Window Shades- RClr ouc 136-72, each Curjtairi Rods, expend 1K to' 4 . feet, each Rubber Door 75c & $1 Mats Rubber 8tair Treads 1 fie -7x18, each Phone 775 Third Avenue NEW ROYAL HOTEL li Zarelli, Proprietor , "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Ratei L00 up ID. Rooms 'Hot. 61. Cold Water Prince Rupert,, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 Beaver Pelts UP 20sj I have lplrge orders for Beaver Skins' at highest prices. Also I am buying Rats or any other furs:- Ship 'them In and cash will come back on next mail. : GOLD BLOOM The OW Reliable Hyde Transfer Coal Wood Storage PHONE 580 Orfice 315' Second Avenue