PAC3B FOT7B FLAVOR! A New "Multi-Bean" Blend COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCK RUPERT FEED COMPANY rilONE: 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU, Proprietoi -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 up 60 Rooms Hot & Cold Wa"i Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 19ft PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red tLfi.!-.. Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Jasper Coal All Kinds Of Dry Firewood PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue OPEN DOOR PERIL LONDON, Aug. 24: (CP) It was disclosed 'here recently that more , , , than 2,000 people were injured during 1935 through the opening and closing of railway train doors. In the same period 14 were killed and 1,495 Injured attempting to board or alight from moving trains. Synopsis of Land Act PRE-EMPTIONS "TfACANT. unreserved, lurreyed Crovn lands may be pre-empted by British subjects over 18 years of age, nd by aliens on declaring intention to become British subjects, conditional upon residence, occupation and improvement. Pull Information concerning Prt-emp-tlons Is given In Bulletin No. 1. Land Series. "How to Pre-empt Land." copies of which can be obtained tree of charge by addressing the Department of Lands. Victoria. B.C.; Bureau of Provincial Information. Victoria, or any Oovernment Agent. Records will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes within reasonable distance of road, school and marketing facilities and which Is not tlmberland. I.e., carrying over 3.000 board feet per acre east of the Coast Flange and f 000 feet per acre west of that Range. Applications for pre-emptions are to be addressed to the Land Commissioner of the Land Recording Division In which the land applied for is situated, on printed forms obtained from the Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and Improvements made to value of 110 per acre, Including clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Grunt can be received. Pre-emptions carrying part time conditions of occupation are also granted. i PURCHASE OR LEASE Applications are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland, for agricultural purposes. Minimum price of first-class larablel land Is 13 per acre, and second-class . (grating) land, fl.50 per acre. . Further ((formation Is given In Bulletin No. 10. Land Series, "Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." As a partial relief measure, reverted lands may be acquired by purchase in ten equal Instalments, with the first payment suspended for two years, provided tatea are paid when due and improvements are made during the first two years, of not , less than 10 of the appraised value. Mill, factory or Industrial sites on timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the conditions Including payment of stumpage. Unsurveycd areas, not exceeding M acres, may be leased as homesltes, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In. the first year, title being obtained after residence and Improvement conditions are fulfilled and land has been surveyed. For grazing and Industrial purposes areas not exceeding MO acres may be leased by one person or a company. Under the Grazing Act the Province Is divided Into grazing districts and the range administered under grazing regulations amended from time to time to meet varying conditions. Annual grazing permits are Issued based on certain monthly rates per head of stock. Priority In grating privileges Is given to resident stock owners. Stock-owners may form associations for range management. Free or partially free permits available for settlers, campers and travellers, up to ten head. It Pays to Buy From MUSSALLEM'S Our prices are always right with the markets and we sell for less. Mall or phone your order and save FREE Q1FT COUPONS for a Dinner Set and Rogers Silverware. Prfnce Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE AUfiUST FURNITURE SALE SrRING FILLED MATTRESS BY SIMMONS Priced S18.00, $20.00, $35.00 $37.50 and $43.50 MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Prince Rupert Hotel Arrivals DAILY NBVfS Monday, August 24, TV ; Savoy S. M. Capon. Fort William; Mr. and Mrs. John R. Brown and children, Mrs. A. H. Perkins and son and. Mrs. O. W. Davis and son, Port Esslngton; Abel" bakes, Mr. and Mrs. George Ross, Miss : Myrtle Ross, David J. Grocrtn, M. J Grodln. Roy Morgan, Ambrose !Sampare and Peter Stewart, city; Mr. and Mrs. Simon Fowler, Ced-arvale; Mrs. William Spalding. Sunnyside Cannery; Getta M. Greeney, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. J. Loen and son and G. Wilson, Terrace; Brian Peal, Wales J Island; M E, Barr, Victor' Johnson and C. Hansen, Vancouver; Kojl Uchlda and Tokuzo Suzuki, Seattle;; Mr. and Mrs. George White, T. Gosnell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wesley, Port Simpson; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leighton, Carlisle Cannery; Mr and Mrs! G.. Haldane. and Mrs. Cecil Ryan, Oceanic Mr. and Mrs. P. LeRoss and Miss Betty LeRoss Pacific;1 Thomas H. Bubb, Port Edward; 'Mr. and Mrs. Matt Leigh-ton, Inverness; William H. Hansen and 'Joseph Bennett, Jap Inlet. J Royal M- Kelly, M. McKay and J. ""J80"- ' A 'n .Hays- Port: R. Fanning.. L. Marshall, C McPhee p R Vancou. Ter; Alex J. Angus, Naas River; E. Pearson, Port Belmont;. Fv M Son-ert0". PtN-P-J E- Richardson K'k"ig; A J. Kervack, Edmonton . Prince Rupert i. J. Mine, Edmonton; H. V. Mills Victoria; A. M. Ross, Atlln; R Douglas and E. M. Beatty, Van-couver," 'Thomas H. McCubbln, Pacific; W. T, Reld and J, M. Forbe? Prince George; Bertha O, Fowler, Armstrong; J F, Adams, Salvus; L. H. Cripps, Sunnyside; E. Harness, Harmony; Minn.; J. Lmd- teney, LeRoy. Minn.; J. O. BJorn- stad, Minneapolis; L. E. Ostrandsr Winnipeg. "MATRIC." TOO HIGH OXFORD, Eng., Aug, 24: (CP) Masters were agreed the standard demanded by a matriculation exa mination was too high and the suojects unsultaoie for the av- crage boy, the British .Medical conference here was told. I m. m. uunen, cmei new en gineer for the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Cq A. J. MacDonnell, superintendent of transportation jfor the company; O. H. McKay, construction engineer, and A. L. 'Johannson, another official from 'Trail, were here aboard the. Prince Oeorge Saturday evening ret'urn- Ing south after having spent the week at Stewart in connection with ithe Big Missouri mine. Mrs. Mac- oonneii ana Airs. McKay accompanied their husbands. Overwaitea Ltd. Cash or C.O.D. Phone 843 Preserving Peaches Arriving Wednesday, first price, not more than crate $1.00 Italian Prunes Not more than crate $1.35 Jam Jell 99. ner bottle kUf Certo 9Cn per bottle v attDl Jelly Glasses fKo 031 per doz Perfect Seal Quarts flfl ec per doz'. ?XDD Perfect Seal Pints Qj" per doz. ..'.;. ?M.00 Jewell Jar Rings ' QOr per doz tttl Parowax -m jjj 1-lb. pkt ,..,.... IDC Jar Rings A 2 doz; lut " Sugar- v a'b -ft 100 lbs JtlOV 10 lbs 57c Place your orders now, for delivery on arrival Orders $2.00 or over delivered free DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In -Gallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PnON'E 57 WHIFFLETS ' - - - - From the Waterfront Many Conors Caught by Trollers But Gillnetters Getting Few- New Steamer Being Built On Yukon. From the trolling grounds around the .mouth of Portland Inlet come reports of one of the biggest coho runs in years. With 6c .a pound be-. ing paid for the fish, it is said that the boats are averaging $20 per day while some are making as high as $40. A marked falling off In the coho run is" reported from the Skeena River today with gillnet boats averaging only 6 or 7 fish. Fishing would be better for cohoei if the weather were duller instead of so bright, it Is said. Union steamer Catala, Capt Tames Findlay, arrived in port at 8:45 last evening, from the south and sailed at 10 p.m. for Stewart, Anyox and other northern points whence she will return here to morrow southbound, The vessel had a falr-ized list of passengers. C. P. Ri steamer Princess phar- lotte, Capt. W. Q. ' Palmer, which was In port Saturday" afternoon southbound from Ska g way to Van-couver, was a crowded ship. She had 271 passengers In, ail on board. 'he large-majority being round trip tourists returning south. Twelve, nersons disembarked from the vessel here; There was no accommoda. tlon for passengers from here. Dr. L. W. Kergin left Saturday afternoon in his, power cruiser Ale-dor for a week-end angling Jaunt to Lake Khtada, the trip being; arranged in connection with the visit 0t Misses Edith Kergin and Irene Davis from Toronto Return to tywn is to be made about Tuesday evening. The Olympia power yachts Ven-dovl and Chalice, which have been on an Alaskan cruise as far north as Petersburg, were again at the floats of the Prince Runerl Rroirtnir yacht Club over the week-end southbound. They had been here iuur wecitu previous- -on. tne way north. Arriving on. Saturday morn Ing,. they left yesterday In contin uatlon of their southward "journey- On board the Vendovl were Mr. and Mrs. A. C. St, John and Mr. anJ Mrs. Frank Lipscomb and on the Chalice Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyn ton. Also here at the week-end was the John Barry of Seattle with Mj spears and party on boards arriving irom Alaska Saturday evening and leaving this morning. Southbound after her first vbyr ige of the season on the Alaska -oute, c. N. R. steamer Prince Ru pert, Capt. Nell McLean,; arrived in .iort at 9 o'clock this morning from Skagway and sailed at 3 o'clock this afternoon for.' Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Powell River. A :apaclty list of passengers consis ted largely of round trip tourists returning south. The vessel had in ill 206 aboard Including ten disem barking here. Home Oil Distributors tanker Dinamac. Capt. J. McCulloch, was n port yesterday on her way from Queen Charlotte islands to Van couver. The vessel had been held up' on the Islands by rough weather. Having on board a large list of round trippers, c P. R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray. arrived in port at 9 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and sailed a couple of hours later for Skagway and other Alaskan points whence she Is due back here Satur day afternoon 'southbound. The Princess Louise will make one more voyage ten, days hence on the Al-aska tourist service before revert ing to fall schedule. She had 208 passengers on board today. Four disembarked here and seven went aboard at this port. Frank Waterhouse freighter Northholm, Capt. A. W. Ogden, was in port last evening to dis charge a parcel of local cargo from Vancouver. The vessel Is taking south a full' careo of canned sal mon on this voyage. The freighter Salvor. Capt. Al bert Georgeson, was in port Saturday afternoon with general cargo irom Vancouver. Construction is now well under way at Whltehowe of a new river steamer for the Yukon and White Pass Route' which: lost !two ships this season in the Yukon River the Klondyke and Casca. More lumber to be used in the construction of the new boat was going north on the Princess Charlotte this morning from Vancouver. No boats were in here with hali but either Saturday or today. Consequently, there has been no isale on the local Fish Exchange since Friday. The plaudits of millions of film ;oers were nothing to the thrill Shirley Temple experienced on a recent holiday visit at Victoria when she caught her first salmon at Brentwood. "My arm Is getting kind of sore now," she admitted af ter landing the 11-pound fish.. The only thing she didn't like was watching the fish being killed. Effective next week the fall schedule of Canadian National Steamships, giving weekly sailings between ' Prince Rupert and Van couver, will go, Into effect. The steamer Prince Rupert will, leave Vancouver on Monday evenings at 9 o'clock, calling at Powell River ano Ocean Falls, and -arrive here at 10 o clock Wednesday mornings. She will sail at 4 p.m. Wednesdays for Anyox! and Stewart, returning here a 8 p.m. Thursdays and sailing at 10:30 p.m. for Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Powell River, being due in Vancouver at 1:30 p.m Saturdays. The sailing of the steam,et Prince George from Van couver next week on summer sche dule will terminate on her arrival hpre Friday morning when she will be withdrawn and tied up in the local dry dock. The Prince George wH be here, Wednesday of this week northbound on the company's final voyage, of theseason to Skag way. Starting after September : the Prince Charles or. Prince John will sajl from here alternate Fri day Instead of Saturday evenings lor Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, arriving here over the same route alternate Wednesday mornings. FAILED TO EXPLODE JOHANNESBURG, Aug. 24: (CP) Forty-five, cases of gelignite fell 400 feet to the bottom of a mine shaft on the' Rahd, and none of it, exploded. No one was hurt. I7TII CENTURY PORTRAIT LONDON, Aug. 24: (CP) A fine porwan or sir Isaac Newton painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller in 1702, has been obtained for the Rational Portrait Gallery. Dr. R. o. Large sailed thfs af ternoon on the Prince. Rupert for Vancouver where he will spend a Couple of weeks on work preparatory to the opening of the tuber culosis service centre which is about to be. instituted here by the Provincial Board of Health. JONES Family Market fHONE 957 PUONE 95? Specials tsn. 35c Boneless Stew Beef OCn 3 lbs Atll Round Steak 1An 3 lbs. iyi; Sirloin Steak eh 3 lbs Vt Hamburger, 3 lbs. it 9C 1 lb. Onions T-Bone Roast of Beef 20C Rump Roast of Beef "i'SjA per lb Shoulder of Veal J An per lb yl' Veal Steak 9 An per lb Leg of Veal -i gn per lb. 1V Veal Chops 2 lbs. ODK, Stew Lamb QC 3 lbs. Boned and Rolled Shoulder nn. of Lamb; per lb . . Loin Lamb Chops 9C per lb. Fresh Side Pork 4g0 per lb. XOL NEW CHILD STAR HERE Bobby Breen, Sensational lounj Vocalist, Featured in "Let's Sins Again" Starring the sensational child vocalist,, eight-year old Boooy Breen, well known on the radio but whose first picture it 'Is, "Let's Sing Again" comes to the Capitol Theatre screen here at the first of this week as the first feature if a special Carnival Week billing list which culminates in a four- day run on Wednesday of "Rose Marie" with Jeanetto MacDonald ind Nelson Eddy. Bobby Breen shows in "Let's Sing Again" that he not on y possesses a golden voice but thst he Is also a splendid little actor In addition to Its young star, "Let's Sing Again" has other exciting features to offer. Henry Armetta, the Italian comedian, gives one of his funniest performances. George Houson, young American opera and stage stn.r. is prominently cast as well as Vlyienne Osborne, Grant Withers and other favorites. The story is filled with laughter and an undertone of pathos and emotion, The drama of the runaway orphan who attaches himself to a travelling tent show and, is befriended by a broken down opera star ends" in a pulsating climax. Also featured on the first of the week program is "The First i Baby," an uproarious romance ofj two kids with a brand-new baby and a. bad case of In-law trouble Johnny Downs, Shirley Deane Dixie Dunbar, Jane Darwell, Mar-Jorle Gateson and Gene Lockhart are the principal members of the cast. THOU SHALT NOT COUGH WOLVERHAMPTON. Eng., Aus 24: (CP) H. Pearson, Tettenhail College headmaster, forbids cough ing during lessons and says tht standard of health among the boys has been better than for many years. Is One Write Thousands M Uoler I ana west HASTINOS BUY DISRAELI'S HOME LONDON, Aug. .24: (CPl-Huih enden Park, historic Buckingham shire estate- which was the hom! of Benjamin Disraeli, has been bought by High Wycombe Bor uusn council as a memorial to King George. Harold Wrinch, who has been paying a visit at Hazelton with his father, Dr. H. p. Wrinch, arrived in the city from the interior on Friday night's train and sailed Saturday evening by the Prince George on his return to Ocean Falls. TONIGHT and TUESDAY Last Complete Show. 8:22 Thrillinfj All Rupert With His Amazing Voice . . . BOBBY BREEN The "Bobby" of Eddie Cantor's radio program in the laugh studded picture drenched with song . . . "Let's Sing Again" (At 7:i3 & 9:52) PLUS JOHNNY DOWNS The First Baby (At 8:22 Once Only) WORLD NEWS (At 7:00 At 9:39) Beaufy Culture of the World's Most Profitable Professions today for full particulars regarding our courses. have succeeded ,hy our methods. Why not you! HAIKDRESSJNG School plsEYfc7789 1937 RCR UICTORJ f " London, Parti, airplanM, 1 I . police, etc. 1 I Scientific rurdng wiih no I I effort. I Rich, luzurknu cabinet. V $167-50 J Superhtierodyne wiih rtvoluiionary MAGIC VOICE, which eliminates "boom" from low notes and allows only desired "con trolled" notes io reach the ear. Bull! for people with expensive iasies but modest pocket booksl