PAOE I OUR YOU CAN Save Money! When You Deal At MUSSALLEM'S ; PRUNES Santa Clara, 2's QCn 2pkg DRIED APPLES Sunbeam LIB3YS SPINACH-2b's A'V IQfl per tin PINK SALMON l's, tall 35(J QUAKER OATS Cup and 07C Saucer, per pkg . NABOB ORANGE 4f?f ALRMALADE, 4-lb. tin .. . BEEKIST HONEY 2-S" QQ 66L per tin OVALTINE QO lG-oz. tin TABLE PEARS Light 9.1 0 u 1 . Syrup. 2 tins V LIBBVS ROAST BEEF A Hp l's, per tin ROSBDALE ASPARAGUS 1 2-UVy Qp CUTTINGS, 2 squat tins GRAPEFRUIT 25 C LEMONS 1 7p A 1 per 6m . SUNKIST ORANGES 1 C per doz Out of town orders receive prompt and personal attention at no extra cost. Send in for prices. WE DELIVER j MUSSALLEM'S; ECONOMY STORE' "Where Hollars Hare More Cent' P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 CEKTIlICATtS OF IMPROVEMENTS SILVER KINO No. 1: SILVER KINO No. 2; SILVER KINO No. 3i SILVER KINO No. 4: SILVER KINO No. 5; SILVER KINO No. 6; SILVER' KINO No. 7; SILVER KINO No. 8; BLUEBIRD No. 1 it BLUEBIRD No. 2 MINERAL CLAIMS. Situate in the AUln Mining Division of Ca&fiiar Mstrtct. Where located: Whitewater Creek, Tlfteequah River. TAKE NOTICE that D. C. 8harpstone. acting as agent for Raymond L. Walker, Free Miner's Certificate No. 64891-D; Daniel H Holler. Free Miner's Certificate No. 64877-D; Harry C. Bracken, Free Miner's Certificate No. 61876-D; Arthur Hed-ntan. Free Miner's Certificate No. 64890-D: AUska Juneau Oold Mining Corporation. Free Miner's Certificate No. 98026-D; Walter Barron, Free Miner's Certificate No. 64888-D; D. J. MacDougalL Free Miner's Certificate No. 64889-D, Intends sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for Certificates of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining Crown Grants of the above claims. And Further take notice that action, under section 83 of the Mineral Act, must be commenced before the Issuance of such Certificates of Improvements. Dated this rim day of December. 1935 FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY PhoRe 657 Hyde Transfer Coal Wood Cartage Storage PHONE 580 .Office 315 Second Avenue Want Ads FOR RENT. FOR RENT Furnished apartment. Phone 547. Phone "5 FOUND 4-room (tf) FOUND Bunch of keys in leather case. Keys rusty, evidently been lost some time. Apply Dally News. (tf) IX THE M I'KEME COl'KT OF BRITISH tOLl Jl HI A In ITobate In Ihr MjtCrr of the "AdmlnMratlun Act" and In the Matter of the Estate of (irur;r Macklin, TAKE NOTICE that" by order of HU Honor W. ,E. Fisher, the 11th day or January. AD. 1936. I wai appointed Administrator of the estate of Goorge Mac kiln, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are tereby required to furnUh same, properly virilied to me on or before Uve 13th day of February. AX). 1936. and all parlies Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert B C Dated the 13th day of January, AD. 1936. (23) MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE FURNITURE FLOOR COVERINGS, BEDS SPRING .MATTRESSES All Kinds Third Avenue WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived In j port at 2:45 this afternoon from the FOR RENT Five-roomed furnished 5011111 and Ml1 at 10 Pm- on house. Eighth East Phone 741. her return to Vancouver and way- (21), points. FOR SALE FRESH Fish for sale aboard Helen II, Cow Bay. (tf) FOR SALE Electric Panatrope Brunswick Gramophone, complete with loud speaker. First class condition. AddIv Box 2. Daily News. (23) Union steamer Cardena, Capt. J. E. Boden, is due in port at 3:45 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10:30 pm. on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. Presbyterian Tea And Sale Enjoyed The. home of Mrs. Samuel Mas-sey was the scene yesterday afternoon of a very successful tea anc sale of home cooking by the Ladle Aid of First Presbyterian Church The attendance of ladies at th affalr was large and the guest-were received by the hostess and Mrs C. G. Ham, president of th Ladies' Aid. The rooms were attractively decorated with spring flowers and tlw tea table, which had a handmadi cloth, was centred with a love! basket of daffodils. The tea room was in charge oi Mrs. J. Slmonsen. Mrs. D C. McRa ind Mrs John Walker. Mrs. L. W Kergin, Mrs. G. H. Munro, Mrs. W D. Grant Holllngworth and Mrs W M Blackstock poured. Serv'- teurs were Mrs. E. J. Smith, Mrs. H. M Foote, Mrs. O. C Mitchell and Mrs B. R. Rice and Mrs. J. R Morrison was cashier. In charge of the home cookin table were Mrs. M. McRbbbie a no Mrs W. L. Sandison. CITY OF PRICE RUPERT NOTICE As a token of respect and regard for our lately departed sovereign, King George V, I do hereby declare Tuesday, the 28th day of January, a day of mourning, to be observed within the limits of Prince Rupert and would request that all stores, offices and other places of business be closed during the whole day. Signed: W. J. ALDER. (22) Commissioner. The Rupert Peoples Store Ltd. We invite you to come in and see our latest shipment of PRINTED CREPES In the very Newest Styles $ at the popular prices of 3.95, $4.95, $5.95 "TIME THE TOILER" LET'S SEE THIS KiEMrt aiim Tpi i THE BOSS VME HAVE iuniiu rii w- ur CCK TO DltESS ALL THE HAMCxArtlMS IN V.MINA . T . . r- 1 l.fvl.'7i DAILY NEWS Friday, January a J HERVOICE VERY FINE Dame Clara Butt was Great Singer And Great Personality NORTH STOKE, Oxford, Eng-lan. 24: (CP) A great singer and great personality was one of the tribute paid to Clara Butt, Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire, who died yester- lav. Her contralto voice was con- gift to others for their enjoyment.1 During: the War During the war both she and her husband devoted themselves to war work. She organized concerts to relieve distress among artists poverty-stricken as an Indirect result of the national emergency. She helped supply funds for needy women in general in Britain. She sang for the Red Cross. In 1920 her services to her coun try were recognized when she was1 made a Dame Commander of the' Order of the British Empire in the J New Year's honor list. When wire less began to be developed, she expressed a desire to sing to the whole world. Aware that eventually some singer's voice would sound, right around the world, she hoped' that voice would be her's. "I want above all things that that voice shall be mine ... I would like my voice to do something to bring to pass the glorious day when war shall be no more," she said, according to Wlnnlfred Ponder ln her book "Clara Butt." Dame Clara went to Canada in! 1922 on a concert tour, her husband j accompanying her. She was in the Dominion again the following year. At Toronto the latter visit coincided with that of David Lloyd George,' Britain's war-time prime minister. ; Amusing: Incident An amusing incident occurred at 'Calgary ln 1923. Dame Nellie Melba, jthe great Australian soprano, was lalso touring Canada. Their agents , booked them for the same night in Calgary, intentionally It was said, because of keen local rivalry. The principals were unaware of their coincident dates, however, and a I'M- TOVT TELUM THE AE'ME GOT EMOUGH 'SlLk.TO MAKE AH AV4NIMS TO KEEP HNE.-SUM OFF THE STATE OF TEfA3 r More Clothing And Fuel is Requested Unemployed Claim They Are Hit By Limiting Wood Supply At a largely attended meeting of unemployed married men in the C C. F. Hall last night, it was decided to send a delegation to wait upon City Commissioner W. J. Alder in regard to the issuance of adequate clothing and fuel allowance. This action follows the claim of the un- Udered bv most music critics sineu- employed that, as a result of city '.arly wide In range and strong ln'Plic court prosecutions in regard e cuumg hi wmuw. i ne. -Ballad and oratorio singing W9mp hPr fnrtP now impossible for them to see- Besides possessing the character istic attributes of a great singer, :hp was IntAncpltr human simnlp In City and the dvic head promised consldera her tastes, easily approachable and , .v, ,. i tlon of the request. her country and to the world and! then of herself. I World-acclaim of her talents as SMITHERS, Jan. 21: Thi i singer did not alter or diminish; weather in the Bulkley Valley ha her interest in home life. Her loy- entered its regular January thau My found wider expression than In an he past few days have beet mere patriotism her outlook on mild witn considerable rain ana life was international In character. !wct snow- weather- Is verj spring-like but the roads are slip By nature she was gentle, grave and deliberate. Her voice Impressed W an talking Is difficult, critics as low an dbell-like in qual-'. !ty. Her rendering of the lowest ones in the scale was characterized as awe-inspiring in its richness and fullness. Her statuesque figure ure suitable wood supply. ! The delegation met the Commissioner this morning S.MITIIERS WEATHER MILD reporter Interviewed them, chat ting over tea in Dame Butt's pri vate car. We heard with horror that seemed a contradiction to her -iMelba . iWas going ln Calgary entlal simplicity of manner. Found Voice at Twelve Born in Southwick, Sussex, Eng., February 1, 1873, Clara Butt "dls- the same night as ourselves and oi course we knew at once we would get her overflow," said Dame Butt. No you do not," replied Dame covered" her voice when she was mpIs o.-- dm vn.,r nrfw, only 12. She won a scholarship atj Botn houses were sold out at top Bristol where she sang at "penny prices with alj standing room taken concerts" and small gatherings. The- and hundreds turned away, scholarship gave her three years' Another incident which was less training at the Royal College of iamUsing and might have b'een ser-Muslc in London. lous occurred in London as Dame uaier ne saia a senes oi scnoiar-1 Butt was singing the hymn "Abide ships paid the cost of training her voice. She made her debut in 1892, singing in Gluck's "Orfeo" with R. C. M. students. Ih 1900 .she married Kennerley Rumford, also a singer of some dls- Wlth Me," in the Albert Hall. It was a concert given for blinded soldiers. An insect lodged in the contralto's throat. Tears poured from her eyes but she struggled on and managed to finish the piece uncuon. Her ambition from an ' u,-ithnut rhnkintr early age was to be a great singer, she toured in many parts of the Aware of the qualities of her voice, J British Empire, Including Australia sne was anxious 10 pass on me i and South Afr rn Dame Clara's husband, one son and one daughter survive. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE $ 58 and 558 Don't Put a Dollar On Any New Car Until You See the . . . New Chevrolet Solid Steel Turret Top Perfected Hydraulic Brakes Improved Six Clylnder Motor Fisher No Draft Ventilation Knee Action Front Wheels Kaien Motors Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. Phone 52 Starting From Scratch? Anglican Woman's Auxiliary Affair Tea and Sale of Home Cooking Yes terday Afternoon at Home Of 'Mrs. W. II. Tobey The home of Mrs. W. H. Tobey was the scene on Thursday of a successful tea and sale of home cooking by the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Cathedral. Mrs. C. V. Evltt, president of the auxiliary, assisted Mrs. Tobey in receiving. Mrs. Thomas Andrew was In charge of the tea room, assisted by Mrs. E. W. Tucker. Mrs. C. H. Orme and Mrs. P. M. Rayner poured and servlteurs were Mrs. A. E. Par-low. Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls, Mrs. H. L. Alexander, Mrs. J. O. Johns and Mrs. H. O. Kennedy. Csshler was Mrs. F. A. MacCallum. In charge of the home cooking table were Mrs. W. J. Nelson and Mrs. Charles Ellison. The tea table was attractively decorated with bronze LAST SHOWINGS Wallace Beery Lionel Uarrymore In - "Ah The health protection of COD LIVER OIL P I IC ADDITIONAL BONE, r i-WO BUILDING MINERALS Vitamins A and D, concentrated in Cod Liver Oil,' build up reserves of health-protecting strength and I vitality. Quick, easily digestible SCOTTS EMULSION ,of Cod Liver Oil is rich in these ntamins PLUS 'additional bon. building Hypophosphitcs of Lime and Soda. PLUS i pleasant taste. SCOTT'S EMULSION THE DIGESTIBLE COD UVER OIL WITH THE PLUS VALUES FOR SALE Y YOUR DKUSOKT m Wilderness1 The Greatest Heart Storj J iime - with -ALINE MACMAIIOX (At 7:39 & 9:58) Coming Saturday Onlj "WINGS OVER ETHIOPIA-Plus "Millions in the Air" Reach the most people lnj ,and district with an advertised in me uauy News. UNION STEAMSHIPS, LIMITED Special Low Winter Excursion Rates effective November 1st, 1935 to February 29th, 1936. Prince Rupert to Vancouver and return $32.00. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CAT A LA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 IM. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY. 10:30 1M. Due Var auver, Monday a.m. Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart. Anyox and Naai RJ?er, Sunday, 8 p.m. Further information regarding sailings and tickets lrora I R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 561 j Monday Washing Day To the Ladies: You know that time,, lahur and expense of washing clothes is cut in two by using I Washing Machine. We offer you this special price, good until Saturday, January 25. 1 Northern Electric A. IJ. C Price ... ' 1 Hand Power Machine Price 1 Water Power Machine Price ;.;;...!;. ...:vT;.'j. $37.5(1 $8.00 $6.00 D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Green 421 -By W.stov VAH.VLL 5,TOP 1 1 THESE NOTES TBLU ' J this Mcrre