January 24, 1038 KM is delicious (Town) MURESCO Puts h'3WOnj,n Walls and Ceilings A RICH FLAT FINISH that Wit not rub off. crck,ch!p or Dee 'Md in Nl ANTOINE GUIOT OLIVE OIL No finer grade on the market, four sizes 25c, 40c, 75c, $1.25 Paragon Brand Long- Fiber Hospital Grade Absorbent Cotton 35c per Mb. roll PHARMAL HOT WATER BOTTLES British , make. Guaranteed for two years Special price, $1.25 DOMINION HOT WATER BOTTLES Guaranteed for two years . Special price, $1.25 VACUUM BOTTLES Will kee) hot liquids hot for 24 hours. Excellent for keeping baby's food hot. Price, 50c Ormes Ltd. "3iie. Pioneer Dru.qei3ts The Kexall BUr Phones: 81 St 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p-m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. ' '' 1 T Tt A DOLLAR'S WORTH Clip thii wupon tnd mail It with J! for !i mttW trial wiicriftit to THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR PublUhtd by Tn Cnurui Serines Ptoushin Bocirrt Boston, Maaiachuaetu, O. 8. A. I It tm IH and ttta dmllj tood newi of world from Hi too ipaclat wrlttrk nlu OrputDienu dnotcl to lomn'i and -nlldrta'a InKmu. porta, aiuua, tdiKttion. radio, ete. You will ba tUd to walcoma mi. jour homo aa haflm in tdTont. or prat and prohibition. And don't mlM B-uba, Out Doe. a IM Sundial and tbi outer leaturea. Im Chiutuh Bamtn Monrroi. Bick Bar8tatlon, BMton. Man. Plnii wnd mi a all weeks' trial aasaciletloa. I .nclow on. dollar (I. (Nama, plrtw print) (Addrni) (State) A - . a.a.a.a, a it 75c per package 10c Half package Gordons Hardware Phone 311 Mcltride St. TheFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lti PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. If you have somethingto sell, a classified advertisement this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in e eltv. .... - LOCAL NEWS Yod can rent a, car at Walker's as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c a mile. I Robert Tobey sailed last night on j the-Prince George- for a trip to Victoria where hewlll.take military training. O. Maddill of the Cut "Rate Shoe Store staff sailed last nlgh on the Prince George for Victoria, where he will take a course of military training. Lieut Trevor Johnston of the First North R C: Regiment sailed, last night on the Prince George for Victoria where he win take a course of military training. A. J, Webber, manager of the Family Shoe Store, sailed last night on the Prince George for a three weeks' combined business and 'holiday trip to Vancouver. . All ft. a W ff,,"t.tN" I a Mrs. Alex S. Mitchell, 232 Fourth Avenue West, will be at home Saturday afternoon, January 25 from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock. (20) A charge against Chin Yeng of keeping liquor for sale was dis missed by G. H. Mun.ro. lustlce of the peace. In city police court on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Beckwlth, who has been re siding here for some time with her daughter, Mrs. A. R. Nichols, sailed last night on the Prince George for overhaul'of the steamer Prince Rupert at the local dry dock, sailed last night by the Prince George on his return to Vancouver. Many lo;al places of business in- DAILY NEWB UNITED IN MARRIAGE I Miss Nessie Brown and William Utnna. lrinInal at Rpailtlflll ' Weddinff A beautiful wedding took placje last evening in the Oddfellows' Hall When Miss Agnes Darling (Nessie) 'Brown, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, became the bride of William Frederick Stone, only son of Mrs. Annette. Woods and Alfred Mark Stone of Chicago, 111. Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth, pastor of First" Presbyterian Church, officiated. The hall was beautifully decorated with pmk and white streamers forming a canopy overhead and. with large white bells strung from different points. At one end of the hall, with a background of pink and white streamers, stood an arch in tertwined with pink and white rose's and small silver bells. Three lighted pink tapers in silver sconces were standing at either side of the arch and baskets of flowers, ferns and palms were placed about the room. The bride, beautiful in a gown of white Chantllla lace, cut on Princess lines, with a train and wear ing a lace pearl embroidered Juliet cap, witn a veil or suk lace ana orange blossoms and carrying a shower bouquet of pale pink chrysanthemums and snapdragons and fern, entered the hall on the arm of her father, by whom she was given in marriage. The Wedding March was played by Charles The bride's attendants were Miss Pebbles Stone, as maid of honor, who looked lovely In a gown of powder blue Gallant Lady crepe trimmed with sliver lame with hat to match and carrying a bouquet of blue Iris, pink and white carna Vancouver where she will stay with Uons and f and twQ brid?s. hpr her other ntnpr nnnohtpr Mrs A. f ! . .. Manson. Mrs. A. T. Hewson, whose husband teaches, school at VanarsdoL sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver. Albert' Farrow, steamboat inspector, after having been here for the past week in connection with the maids, Miss Ruby Krlkevsky and Miss Nancy Brown, -charming In dresses of white Princess Marina crepe with clusters of pink roses and pink picture hats and carrying muffs of white satin and lace; mounted with pink carnations and satin streamers. Little Miss Maresa iWlndle was a dainty flower girl dressed in pink chiffon with hat to match and carrying a basket of pink rose leaves. Joe Scott supported the groom and ushers were William Lamble, Walter Smith, Benny Wmdle, Lee Gordon and Tommy Fraser. During the signing of the regls- ... . . . .- ,. i.'ter Mrs. William Crulckshank sang """'5 I'"' . u.w ...... i ! r ,,IJ K tween the death and burial of the j " late King George V by draping their show windows in black and purple. One of the most notable arrangements Is that at the Canadian National Railways city ticket and telegraph offices. I.AMU ACT Notice of Intention t apply to l.fae land Following the wedding ceremony the bridal party stood under the arch and the bride and groom received the congratulations and best wishes of those present. Mrs. Brown, mother of the bride, was attired in a black transparent velvet gown with hat ta match and wore a corsage of gardenia; Mrs. Woods, mother of the groom, wore In PRINCE RUPEKX Lara uecorami, . . . Mf if ,imm0rt District of Range 5 Coast, and situate Diaea. uaiuicn. ...v v....v bout 1-3 mile south of the w. a twitrt silver lame with hat to match Brown Homeslte Lease on Stlakl Bay, I , Stephens island. and ermine cape and also wore .nrB n a Take notice that William Anthony i corsage of gardenia, cation XLJTr f A delicious supper was then ser-tends to apply for a lease of the follow- TWjf jne bride and groom and party rLXZt tpun7ed on .iseated at the top table. Mr. Hoi- mall Island within an Inlet of Ski- ..jingworth proposed a toast to the boith'oe.h2?. TocateltpproxSIIbrlde which was responded to suit- ately 3-4 miles south of the w. A. . ajjy jjy the grooil urown nomesixe mnu.-- , . . nntro t.200 Fet- thenc. North 900 Feet A lovely three-tier wedding cake thence East . . . 1,800 Feet; thence South - ?wai brought In and was cut by the Ann n MA - - 9n point of commencement and containing ' Wiae, ; Thirty acres, more or 1ms. Following the supper dancing WILLIAM AN I tiVIW X BBUIC .1. r Datwt Novemher th. IMS Was enjoyea to- Uic sirains ui 04- -: lagno's Orchestra continuing until Grotto Taxi 456 3 CAItS AT YOUR SERVICE vPrprietors Bert Morgan M Bud Barrir Don't forget the number 456 Hinton Coal Phone 51 CENTRAL HOTEL midnight. 31. During the evening the young couple left aboard the Prince George for a honeymoon trip In the south, and a large and enthusiastic crowd was at the wharf to give them a send-off. Miss Pebbles Stone caught, the bride's bouquet. The bride chose for her golng- away costume a dress of grey waffle crepe and a grey broadtail coat trimmed with squirrel and with hat and accessories, to match, On their return to the. city Mr. and Mrs. Stone will take up resi dence? In the Summit Apartments. The couple will recelve-the hearty congratulations and best wishes of numerous friends. They are widely known and very popular. 9. D, Maedonald, president of the board of directors of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital, and W. M. Brown; vice-president will leave tonight for Victoria where they will Interview the pro vlnclal government In regard to the possibility of having a new hospital building erected here. "DEMERS" JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUES WOOL DRESS HOSIERY BLOUSES SPECIAL SPECIAL Crepe de Chene Reg. $11.50 to $16.50 Semi, reg. 85c, now 70c . ' Reg $2.50; now Flom $5.00 Crepe, reg. $1 now 90c . 25 & $1.50 L Chiffon, re. $1, now 90c v VA COATS HATS " DRESSES Sizes 16 to 44 To clear at Exceptional $10 to $28.50 $1.00 , y WOOL SWEATER SKIRTS SHOES Now $1.25 $2.95 20 off Announcements Norkap basket social, January 21. Jlggs supper, February 4. Prince Rupert Badminton Club dance. Elks' Hall, Friday, Feb. 7. Moose Legion anniversary novelty dance, February 7. Anglican Girl's W. A. Tea, TinkeVs, February 8. 13. United Moose Hall QIMUTY L MfATS 1 Mrs, Valentine Tea, February Cambral Valentine ruary 14. Dance, Feb- Valentine tea. Oddfellows' Hall, February 20. - - Due to an error a dance was advertised to take place In the Moose Hall on Friday night. All such entertainments are cancelled so far as the Moose Lodge is concerned. IIS THE SITREME COl'RT OF MUTISM II COLUMBIA In Probate I In tli .Matter of the "Administration Art" and In the .Matter of the KM.it e of William Duncan, Unrated, Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order or His . . , . . . ! Honor W. E. Fisher, the 11th day of Lantern lecture on Russia by ; January, a d. 193a. 1 was appointed Ad- Wlllson Woodside Of Toronto, ' minUtraitor of 'the estate of WUllam Duncan, deceased, end all .parties hav- Rnnth Bootn Kr-hnnl bcnooi, Jannarv January 2Q a. lDg caln) the saW wttite hereby required to furnish same, proper- Junior Chamber Snowball Frolic, ir verified to me on or before the 13th January 31. Sons of Norway masquerade Jan, day of February, AX). 1936, and all par ties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness ' to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert B.C Dated the 13th day of January, AX). 1938. (23) IN TIE SITKEME COI UT OI' MUTISM COLl'.MMA In 1'rolKite-In the Matter or the ".XilnilnMrutlmi Art" And In the Matter or the Estate Of Ollvre I'eliMulii, otherwise known ai Oliver I'eloqiiln. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of H1 Honor, W. E. FLsher, the 17th day ofi January, A. D. 1938, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Ollvre Peloquln. deceased and all parties haling claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 18th day of February. A. D. 1938. and all oartles Indebted to the estate are re quired to pay the amount of their i indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator, . Prince Ruvert. B. C Dated the 18th day of January, A. D: 193S. TRAPPERS: Have bif order for all furs especially MINKS AND MARTENS Ship your goods as soon as received we wire valuation. If price not satisfactory goods returned at once. Express paid both ways. No. 1 Ranch Minks as high as $15; Interiors $15; Martens, as high as $49; Lynx, $45. In the market for good Silver Foxes. Make a shipment and be convinced. GOLDBLOO M is the best man The Old Reliable mum STEER REEF Pot Roast, lb 12c Cross Arm, lb 15c Rumps, lb. 18c ,oeuv(RyJ A GRADE MEDIUM EGGS, in Cartons perdoz. 27c 4 doz. $1.05 LAMB Shoulders, lb. 17c Loin Roast, lb 25c Breast, lb 10c SHAMROCK BACON, Back or Side, J pkg. 19c Fresh Ox Hearts 25C yrs"re acon 28C Breakfast 9f Burns Bakeasy "fl ftp Sausage, 2 lbs. . . "0" per lb COMET BUTTER- 3 lbs. . . .88c Whipping Cream 20C I Boston Bukts Ullit I al BAPC0LITE ENAMEL 22c The highest quality colors selected for their brilliance, ,and permanence are combined with Bapcolite Varnish to produce Bapco-lite EnameL Made In fifteen attractive colors, it is especially suited for automobiles, canoes and boats. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. NEW ROYAL ' HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19S FURS FURS We have orders for . Mink, Marten, Lynx, Foxes, Weasels, and we are prepared to pay you highest cash prices. Also all your ether furs at full market value. Trial shipment will convince you. Ship now to J. CLONES PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. IVv w4 A..-, f . For - - COAL LUMBER Building Supplies Phone PHILPOTT EV1TT & Co. Ltd. 651 and 652