Prince Rupert-r-Clear, light northerly wind; barometer, 30.28; temperature, 38; sea smooth. Vol.X- GI&NBY . IS Famous Mining Company Decides to Liquidate And To Divide up Its Capital Allcnby Properties Will Not be Sold at Present Time Distribution of $5 Per Share to be Made Soon-Liquidators Are Appointed NEW YORK, Jan. 24: (CP) Stockholders of ihP nn. by Consolidated Mining, Smelting & Power Co. of Van-' corner today approved voluntary dissolution of the company's affairs at a meeting here. It was decided at the same time that the Allenby properties in the Similkameen district would not be sold without further consideration - Hand approval. These have bwn NO MOVES J ON METAL I resident Roosevelt Has Not Heard of Silver Revaluation Or j Currency Stabilization I WASIIINOTON D. C, Jan. 24; (CP) President Franklin d. Roosevelt said that he had not ; heard of a rumored government move to revaluate silver which I would Jump the coinage value of the metal to $1.29 per ounce. "The chief.- executive. -offered ytj comment on the rumor of the possible establishment of a free gold market and .did not think any conversations were going on In connection with International currency stabilization. Late King Is Honored During Air Program Tribute to the 'memory of the late King Ocorge V, was paid last night on the regular weekly radio broadcast of the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Col. S. D. Johnston, of ficer Commanding, First North D. C. Regiment, 102nd. Battalion, gave a sketch of the late King's career Mrs. D. V. Smith recited "Recessional- and Piper 8. O. Leslie played two laments. The air program also included quadrilles by a Scottish orchestra consisting of James L. Lee, James Watt, John Bremner and J. B. MacKay and vocal solos by Mrs. II. N. Brocklcsby. W, M. Blackstock, new president of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, also made a speech In connection with the birthday of Robert Burns, and J. C. Ollker, Sage of the Junior Chamber of commerce," was as usual heard. Lcc (Jordan, president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, acted as announcer. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Jan. 24f (CP) Wheat was quoted at 803,4c on the local exchange yesterday and at M'aC today. IS DESIGNATED "QUEEN .MOTHER" T LONDON, Jan. 24: (CP) King Edward Vni today des- 'snated widowed Queen Mary as "The Queen Mother," thus ending a controversy as to her proper title. closed since 1930 and maintenance charges on the shutdown basis approximate $30,000 annually. Liquidating value of the com pany's quick assets as of December 131 equalled $10..0C per share and It was said there was possibility of a .distribution of the capital of at least $5 per share being made next month. Nathan L. Atnster, chairman of the board, and A. S. Balllie were appointed liquidators at a salary of $12,000 each. TODAY'S STOCKS (ttourtwy S. D, Johmtou Co.) Vancouver B.C. -Nickel, ,18.- ,; Big Missouri, .72. Bralorne, B. R. Cons., .04. B, R X. .11. Caribou, 1.24. Dentonla, 2-2G'i. Dunwell, 03 i. Georgia River, .01. Oolconda, .15. Indian, .01 34. Meridian, ,11. Morning Star, .023,4. National Silver, .02S8. ' Noble Five, .033,4. Pend Orielle, 1 11. Premier, 1.87. . Reward, .01 '2. Reno, 1.13. Silver Crest, .00', 2. Salmon Oold, .12. Taylor Bridge, ,12 Wayside, .16. Whitewater, .04 y2. Toronto Central Patricia, 3.05. Chlbougamau, .40. Granada, .20. Int. Nickel, 48 50. Macassa, 3.95. Noranda, 49.50. Sherritt Gordon, 1.09. Slscoc, 3 31. Ventures, 1.73. Lake Moron, .04. Tcck Hughes, 5.30. Sudbury Basin, 3.50. ' Smelters Gold, .00. Canadian Malartlc, 1.17, Little Long Lac, 7.40. Stadacona, .22 Vi. Pickle Crow, 4.61. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.58. Gods Lake, 1.31. Sturgeon River, .43. Red Lake Gold Shore, .77. San Antonio, 3.30. Today's Weather Triple Island Overcast, light northerly wind; barometer, 30.20; sea smooth. Langara Island Cloudy,- light to moderate easterly wind; light swell. Dead Tree Point Overcast, calm; barometer, 30.30; temperature, 46; sea smooth. Terrace Cloudy, calm, 32. Anyox-Clear, calm, 22. Stewart-Clear, calm, 23. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 32. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, mild. Burns Lake Fog, calm, 18. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides She NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1936 muce; 5 cents GOING OUT OF BUSINESS STARVATION THREATENS Where Lindberghs Have Found Sanctuary in Wf les It Is at this house at St. Bride's, are now living. The house was Lindbergh. A strange aspect of Lindbergh found so ubiquitous MINISTRY IS FORMED 1 Sarrault is New Premier of France; His Cabinet Is Anti-Italian PARIS, Jan. 24: Albert Sarrault, who was Premier of France In 1933, today completed the task of form ing, a new cabinet for France to succeed the ministry of Premier ' Pierre Laval which was overthrown this week. ! The new cabinet, a left centre coalitlon, Is entirely sympathetic to the League of Nations and In fa vor of an anti-Italian policy as far as the Italo-Ethloplan conflict Is concerned. Former Premier Pierre Flandln Is the new foreign secretary In succession to Laval. After having resigned, Laval de clined the invitation of President Lebrun to form a new cabinet and then Sarrault was called upon and accepted. Electric Eye Explained And T J! UCfflOIlSirateU , . . The work of the electric 1.1 eye t ,T. was explained - and demonstrated , . at tne DMnx, flnVi llinPllPOll VeStertlaV w. - afternoon by J. J. L,i"ie ana ii- was.000Q00 ln bonuses, shown how It might be applied toi a number of businesses, or tne j mcmuvio, eojjvwoiij r against burglary, for traffic lights and other purposes. The principle depended upon the conversion of radiant energy into eiectncai en- ergy, I Mr. Little explained how It might be possible to start or "stop the whole operation of his power plant by flashing a ray of light on the electrlc eye ln the banquet hall, isioner W. J. Alder, the Prince Ru-Walter Blackstock presided and pert Ministerial Association Is mak-vlsltors present Included Gunnar lng arrangements to hold a public Anderson. Paul Kazoolin, Hubert Ward, Inspector T. W. Hall, J. H. Waterman of Seattle, Dr. R. Large and S. J. Jabour.. near Cardiff, Wales, that Col. and Mrs. Lindbergl! and son, John, formerly occupied by Capt. Aubrey Morgan, brother-livlaw of Mrs. the case Is the fact that the came amen and reporters' who Col. In the United States are still with him in Wales. They have laid a veritable siege to the old mansion. GENERAL HOLIDAY All But Essential Activities Will Close on Funeral Day Of King: George VICTORIA, Jan. 24: (CP) Liquor stores and beer parlors will be closed in the province next Tuesday, the day of the King's funeral, and theatres have decided to close until 6 p.m. This is in addition to the gen- cral proclamation of a public holiday as a day of mourning which will close legislative buildings, courts, public buildings, schools and stores. Generally, only essential pub lic facilities will operate in the province. VETODOES NOT COUNT House Passes Soldiers' Bonus Over President's Head Senate Expected To- Do Likewise WASHINGTON D.C.. Jan. 21' ,CP)The House Representa tives ttaay voteu uli to oi to ui:r-Irlrlo Prpslrlpnt. Prnnlrlln Ti Hnnrp-. " ' I . t, f th Pnmnrnmls( ... , , . " ,bonus bul Dr0vidine for ! - 4. 11 ine paymeni, 01 inoxe inau ,uuu, The overriding vote took place shortly ...41.. after .4-4... 4V.. the vetoed , 1 measure .,..' ; uiaa ueen icluiul-u iroai wie vviiibs House. The vote was overwhelm - 1 ingly more than the two-thirds necessary to override. The bill now goes to the Senate ;wnere it is expected ,tne veto win also be overridden. I MEMORIAL SERVICE , At the request o( City Commls- memorial service on Tuesday next, iTral day of the late King George G.'V. Rev. Dr. F, W. Dafoe will give the address. COMMITTEES OF CHAMBER President W. M." Blackstock Make; His Selections For Year Standing committees of tlr Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce for 1936 are announced a? follows: Civic G. A. Arnold, R. Gordon and W. J. Aller. Entertainment C. V Evltt, F. A. MaiCallum, W. H. Tobey, F. W. Wesch, P. M. Ray. Finance F. A. MacCallum, F. E Robertson and S. D Johnson. Fisheries J. Dybhavn, O. W Nlckerson, R. M. Wlnslow,. W. E Drake. Freight Rates G. W. Nlckerson, S. E Parker, C. C. Mills. Grain M. P. McCaffery, O. Woodland, M M. McLachlan.-Highway S. E. Parker; V. S Moore. C. II. Orme, C. G. Minns. Legislative W. O Fulton, J. T Harvey, G. P. Tinker. Labour J. J. Little. H, A Breen, John Currle, G. E. McMillan. Lumber W. R McAfee, C. V. Evltt, S. Darton. Membership O, A. Bryant, J. G Johns, P Lakie, R. Moore, '444414ii 1.4, l.tllMlUIIWII U 4 ti... ,. mvih 1, tjn,ovL . w , , . u . . imrihuvivii vtj ivii .j u . ...... T0Dey, w. L. Coates, w. a. Middle- ton. W. P. Armour. ' Peace River Pacific Outlet--C. II. ... . ... ... . Orme, W. H. Tobey, G W, Nicker son, T. UOllart, H. J. fUllen. rort P. M Ray, C. H. Orme, W. jo. MIddleton, W. P. Armour, j public Works G. P. Tinker, P .Lorenzen, F. W. Wesch. Publicity H. F. Pullen, F. Dlb'j, A. McRae. Radio D. C. McRae, F. Dlbb, J. J. Little, J. Boddle. Real Estate and Insurance S D. Johnston, G. A. Arnold, T. Collart, T. McClymont, G. P. Tinker. Retail Trades F. Dlbb, G..Bry- ant. D. C. McRae. C. G. Minns. Trade and Commerce J. W. Nlcholls, P. M. Ray, W. Jl Alder, P. Lakle, T. N. LePage.. High Low ONTARIO TOWN Intense Cold Wave Over Area in Canada-United 'Eighty-Four Are Estimated And Destruction Heavy Fire, Losing FORT FRANKS, Ont., Jan. 24: (CP) Hunger and starvation threaten the sixty inhabitants of this tiny village which is isolated by snowdrifts seven feet deep blocking all road and rail communication with the outside : world since Monday. Food supplies are exhausted. There was no bread this morning and a call for aid has been sent ' to Toronto. - - . 1 Death TH Heavy ' NEW YORK, Jan. 24: Death toll 'as a result of the severe cold snap 'which Is continuing today through- out the East and Middle West with no expectation of re.ief within 24 1 hours was estimated this morning j at 84. Four below zero was recorded iln New York this morning while (Chicago reported 15 below with 24 below registered In certain suburbs of that city: International Falls, Minnesota, with 65 below zero, was the coldest point tnv the entire country to report. Storm warnings covering the en tire Atlantic seaboard from Maine to New Jersey were still being issued today. Last night a sixty-mile frigid wintry gale was reported to have torn the Nantucket lightship away from Its moorings. Highways througTiout the. coun try are blocked witn snow. Huge drifts even In West Virginia are reported. Trains In the Middle West are running hours behind schedule ind aerial transportation Is seriously Interfered with. As a result of the Intense cold, here have been serious fires at many places. The worst Is reported from Pittsburg where two buildings were destroyed by a spectacular conflagration which resulted in five persons losing their lives while several are In hospital. It was one of the worst fires in years for Pittsburg. A number of paint barrels xploded during the height of the blaze, me severe coia ana snow made it difficult for the firemen to fight the' blaze. At Swift City, Indiana, a school was burned down. Chicago had 176 fire alarms. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Paul Kazoolin Asks Support of Members of Rotary Club In His Work Here At the Rotary Club luncheon yes- terday afternoon ln the Commodore Cafe, Paul Kazoolin, the recently appointed physical Instructor here for the provincial government, spoke briefly of his work ln the city. He mentioned the need of physical recreational activity In a city such as Prince Rupert and asked for the support of the mem- bers of the club ln his work. He thought they would soon come to realize how valuable the work might become. BAR SILVER NEW YORK, Jan. 24: (CP) Bar silver was unchanged at 4434c per ounce on the local metal market today.. 2:07 a.m. 20.7 ft. 13:56 p.m. 22.7 ft. v.... 8:01 a.m. '5.7 ft. 20:31 pm. U ft. Eastern States Dead With Many Injured Pittsburg Has Bad Five Lives OTTAWA APPROVES WESTMINSTER SPAN r OTTAWA, Jan. 24: (CPi The Dominion government has approved of plans tor the proposed bridge across the the Fraser River at New West- 8 minster. This will enable the British Columbia government V to make an early start on orstru(aicai4a)trthei.hrldse. . FIVE DEAD FROM FIRE Fatal Conflagration In St. John's, Newfoundland, Early This Morning St. John's, Nf Id., Jan 24: CP--Mrs. Anthony Noas and three children, Davis, aged six, Robert 4, and Angeloa, 3, and Zlfleld Shep-pard, maid, were suffocated today when an early morning fire destroyed their three storey home here. Anthony Noah, father, was the only member of the housemold to ae4Tu Wo fiicrtrH t.n fplonhnnp t.hrv. ' . . ' discovered the fire. PERISHED IN BLAZE Ottawa Woman And Daughter Met Death When Fire Destroyed Their Home OTTAWA, Jan. 24: (CP) Tht body of Gwendolyn Gladman, aged 20, was recovered from the ruins nf Vir Vinmo hprp Inrinv Rhi niirl her mother had met death when flames destroyed te building last night. A sister, Helen, and two neighbors were Injured. BRITISH MINERS' WAGES RAISED SO THREAT OF GENERAL STRIKE ENDS LONDON, Jan. 24: (CPJ ine mreatenea general coax v 1 strike was averted today when British miners' national dele- sate conference voted to ac- 1 I cept the mine owners' offer of wage increases, ranging up to a shilling per day.