PAGE TWO LOW HEELS ! ! ! The Low Heeled Sandal Type of Shoe is the Vogue Smart for all occasions We are showing a wide variety in WHITE, BLUE, BROWN, GREY and BLACK The materials are such that they will SUIT ANY COSTUME Suede, Patent, Calf or Linen The- idal shoe for the well dressed lady. Third Avenue Priced from $Q25 The Family Shoe Store Ltd. THE DAILY NEWS. rBIKCX RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 357 published fcrery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLErt - - - Managing-Editor ADVfcUllSLNG UATKS Transient display advertising, per men, pet insertion . . . 1 .40 Claislfled adrertlilng, per word, per Insertion - - -, m Local readers, per Insertion, per line. , ,, , - n - - - 25 SUBSCRIPTION KATES Cttyxlfcllwj, by mall or earner, yeany per loo, paid In advance By mall to all parta of British Columbia, the British Empire and For lessor ptriods, paid In advance, per week , . ' 10 By mall to all other countries, per year , ... B OO Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone ... , DAILY EDITION 98 86 Wednesday; May 20, 1936 LOSS TO BRITISH COLUMBIA j The death of 13..C. Nicholas of Victoria is a distinct loss . to British Columbia. As mentioned a few days ago he was a -man of- butstanding personality.: and was spokeir of as the most likely candidate to' contest the constituency in ' the by-election there. f One of Mr. Nicholas's hobbies was advising and coaching young mem Bruce Hutchinson, one of the cleverest writers in the west, was helped during the early days of his career by Mr. Nicholases were a number of other young Victorians. When a high school boy was preparing, for a debate it was not uncommon for him to ask Mr. Ni-' cholas for help. Hours of his time would the Times editor give to coach the lad and prepare him to present his case properly. Politicians and financiers would be kept waiting so that the Schoolboys could have the guidance which was considered necessary. Having no family of his own Mr. Nicholas took the keenest interest in other people's, boys and numbers of these can point back to the inspira-. .tion received from this source which has stood them in good stead throughout their lives. A FRIENDLY GESTURE As a.friendly, gesture, one of the United States congressmen is proposing to, suggest to Canada that she throw in her lot with the Unite'd States. It is said that forty United States senators are back of the movement to invite Canada to join therri. We appreciate the good-will gesture but we think Canadians generally are not ready to change their allegiance just now. What the future will bring forth no one can say. Conditions may change in Canada, United States and Great Britain, Nq one knows what the future will do for any of us. JUst nbw, however, we do not think Canada would be receptive to such a proposal. Mother's Day Service Held At Essington PQRT ESSINGTON, May 0: ml i - .1 it and Irene Bolton and Florence Starr. I Five Evil Spirits, the arch'de-stroyer of homes. Fannv Snaldlnc: isplrlt of falsehood, Lauta Brown; spirit of neglect, Martha Wesley; spirit of angry tempej-, Grace Brown; spirit of selfishness, Francis Heavenor. ! Songsters, Esther Spalding, Jean nits Mouiers uay service ai inci,, " -,..a, United Church here was carried Hev5nor and MW Spalding out by the use of the oixler of serA Red and wnlte carnations, made vice programs supplied by the He-ry, Indlan ladies of lhe conere-llgl'ous Education Council at Van- i0" Tre used ,n oration, couver with a pageant closing the lth tullps and .,are dogwood service which was much enjoyed blosoms rom Mn & the church by the large congregation present, Vancouver, being of interest on ' The pageant, entitled "The Spirit Mr!Pe1l0C,Ca5l0n . . 1 of the Home." was give very W- Wfesley was "WW. Md dltably by the following young Bll5 f U people or the chutrh: fhe servke f Spirit of Religious Educalldn In "' ' ' I the Home, Miss Grace Spalding. Mrs. John Mitchell returned this Interlocutor Miss Hosa Spalding, morning on the Prince John from1 Family of Five, Master Ben Bol- Massett where she has been visit-ton, Miss-Hazel Heavenor, Ambrose lng her daughter, Irene. C. N. R. steamer Prince John, Capt. Dan AIcKlnnon arrived In port at 8 o'clock this morning from DAILY NEWS Wednesday, May 20, route. Capt.- Albert Rlppon arrived In the city pn .the Prince: George this morning from Vancouver to act as pilot 1 of the freighter Hartlngto.i which Is due from the Orient on Friday to load timber cargo. Capt. Albert is well, known here as a former master of Canadian Paeifli". boats, having been appointed to the pilotage about a year ngo. Both whaling stations of the Consolidated Whaling. Corporation at Rose Harbor 'arid Naden Harbor are now In full operation, according to word received from tue Queen Charlotte Islands. Members of the Skidijate Trol-lers Association with fifty trolling boats, are busy getting their boats In shape for the summer's fishing at North Island. Some six or seven boats left last week, and abou. half of the fleet will get away soon after the 24th and the last bunch will clear from here about the firsi nf June. At that date their packer, the Ogilen, Capt. Sam Simpson, will bq on the grounds ready for business. Surprise Party At Skidegate Mission Music and Dancing: For Mrs. W. II. Itiiss at Queen Charlotte Island Village SKIDEGATE MISSION, May 20: A surprise party was given Mrs. W. H. Russ In her home; on her birthday, May 16. About forty people were present. Each lady brought good eats and at 12:30 p.m. delicious refreshments were served. After 'upper Charlie Williams, Ernest Wilson and Blllle Young- with his guitar, entertained by singing and dance music was furnished by Mrs. I. G. Mclntyre, piano;. Edmund Calder. violin, and Percy Gladstone with hts sax, .while the older people played cards. Mrs. O. G. Mclntyre and Mrs. C. M. Mclntyre and daughter, Kathleen of Skidegate, were also down for tho evening. Just before the partv broke up at 3:30 a jn. Mrs. Susan Gray, mother of Mrs. Russ, thanked the people for giving her daughter the party. Mrs. G. C. Aneneau sailed yestci-day afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver District News TERRACE The High School presented a fine program on Saturday In the Oddfellows Hall when four short plays and two very charming Items lyere performed by the talented j young people. A folk dance In costume by four boys and fbur girls, and a chorus and dance from the "Pirates of Penzance" by four girl. Were exceedingly well done and reflected very creadltably upon students and teachers alike. WAR CHANGES PLAN'S ma 1 1 1 I ,WHIFFLETS I From the Waterfront On a month's charter to the A. P. Allison Logging Co. for use In transporting logging- railway equipr nient from the mainland to the logging camp at Cumshewa Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands, the Armour Salvage Co.'s big power tug jAlgy, Capt. Reg Green, left at the end of last week for Alert, Bay. The Algy took with her" two' large scows: Locomotives, cars and other equipment are to be taken across Hecate Straits from various mainland points Including ( Alert Bay and Bella Coola. Back on the run In place" of the Prince Rupert, C. N. R. steamer Prince George, Capt. Edward Mabbs, arrived in port at 11 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls with a fair-sized list of passengers ami will sail at '4 6'clock this afternoon for Anyox and. Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. Vancouver vla'the- Queen Charlotte j Islands and will be here until 10 ' o'clock Friday, when, she will sail j on her returnjsouth- over the same PORT OF 8PA1N. Trinidad, Mav 20: (CP)-A total of l.lsts, the largest number in the hi," .jr Ui uic uiana. passed thr.K Info &u -4 ..-1 to statistics released heie The In. grease 01 3.W0 over the previous Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sparkes ar-' record, established In 1934, wa', at rived at Terrace on Monday's train, tilbuted to political development Mrs. Sparkes went to Prince R11- In the Mediterranean, m. pert a week or two ago as Miss steamships having changed their Irene Walte and Mr. Sparkes asi cruises to the West Indies and young bachelor. The happy cele? South America bratlon took- place In the Coas; City and has already been reported "IMZZY" HAS NAMESAKE in Prince Rupert's Daily News. ; ATLANTA. Ga., May 20 cpi v - "Dizzy- -Dean, no relation to the A shower In hoh&r of Miss Lois Cardinal moundsman. m a pikhe. for the glet"rpe Doney, who Is shortly to be mar- University team, tied to Lloyd Cramer, was held at the home of Mrs. II. A. Swain terday. Many useful arid pretty gifts were added to the young lady's "Hope Chest." I WAKE-UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out r,f Be4 lo Ut Morning Rarin' to Co 1 J!H !honM ?n' wo DounJi erf liquid bih lata ywirbowU itj If u tut U not flowing f rwljr. your food dona't ditnt. It jut dmn in tb bowtla. Gu fcluata u your itomath. You ret eonttipatrt. HarmliS pultoni 0 Into tin fcodr, and JOB fed im, tank and th world looks punk. ' A mm boweJ movement dont ttwtri lei at the cmuM. You need aomtlhlng tint work! on th liver aa well It Ukei Oxm roud. tM Carter'! Little Uver Pllla to ret tbine tin pound of bile flowing freely and make Joo feel 'p end Bp", Harmlesa end gentle, tier make the bile flow freely. They do the work of calomel but have no cakmwl or mercorr lo nw i-ivrr miafir . - v , viwuwiiuf reiuse auyuung ewe. ZSc. fit 5 4.1 MODERN MAGIC s Those perfect cigarettes you smoke, made by the Imperial Tobacco Company, fully and evenly packed, firmly rolled not too loose, not too tight arc produced by modern machines, which turn out thirteen hundred and sixty cigarettes every minute of the working day, approximately twenty three every second. And this is modern magic. ' , . 'I fit .; TJ- -1 ricre is the way it is done. First, various types of time'mellowed tobacco leaf arc blended according to the exact formula of the cigarette being produced. The tobacco is humidified, stems are taken out and the whole compressed into a solid "plug" for cutting. After sharp, flashing knives hayesliced the plug into fine, golden shreds, any loose scraps are removed under forced draft. Then, following a period of further conditioning, tlic tobacco is ready for the cigarette machines. Hour after hour, batch after batch of the fragrant tobacco goes into the machines. There it is again' cleaned by suction, fluffed into a soft carpet of uniform thickness and showered onto the cigarette paper, llapidly uiv winding from the whirling bobbin, the strip of paper is printed with the, name of the cigarette, passes on to receive, the tobacco and then into a tapering device which iohns the cigarette. It comes out at the other end, rolled into an endless cigarette and passes on to the cutter, where it is clipped evenly, cleanly into cigarettes of the required length by a circular, rasorkeen blade revolving at milca-minute speed. A series bf careful inspections follow, and. there, at last is your perfect cigarette. IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED tfbf