PAGE FOUR f'TiilrTi J 2KINDS CHOOSE WHICHEVER fyOU PRETTR TOR A CLEAN.) SMOOTH SMOKE BLACK COVER - Thin Papr BLUE COVER - PurWTut i i Automatic Book. 100 Leaves Do You Return From Your Vacation 100 Percent Fit? SURE, When You Holiday at 'THE DUNES' TLELL Write for literature and rates MADAME RAJAUT TIell, Queen Charlotte Islands COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT PEED COMPANY ' PHONE: 58 and 558 Rats and Beaver We have a big order for both and in order to induce trappers and dealers to ship their skins we are offering more than market prices. Ship them in and we will wire the money immediately. GOLD BLOOM The Old Reliable NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot St Cold Walci Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 190 Hyde Transfer Garden Soil $2.50 a load PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue ARSENAL GETS GOALKEEPER BRADFORD, England, May 20 j (CP) George Swindln, clever goal? keeper of Bradford Cily, Football League second division club, has been signed by Arsenal. The transfer fee Is believed to be ed in every match for two months. KENYON SUCCEEDS ALLISS LONDON, England, May 20 (CP) Percy Alllss, noted professional golfer who left the Beaconfleld Club at the end of April to go to Leeds, will be succeeded by E. W, H, Kenyon of Blundellsands, well-knnwn Liverpool course. COVENTRY'S FINE GROUND COVENTRY, England, May 20 (C P) Coventry City, English Foot ball League third division team, battling with Luton Town for pro motion, possesses one of the finest playing pitches in the country. It is said the groundsman almost sleeps on the ground. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lean Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Range S Coast, and situate close to Galloway Rapids Bridge, sear Prince Rupert, B. C. Take notice that I. Martin Miller o Prince Rupert, B.C, occupation Lumber man Intends to apply for a lease of thi following described Foreshore lands: Commencing at a post planted approximately 3.000 ft. north of Lots lull 6, D. L. 251. Range S Coast District thence about 500 ft. south to opposite shore thence northerly following th shoreline to post of commencement and containing H4 acres, more or lea MARTIN MILLER Da tod March fl. 1930 LM ACT Notice of Intention to apply to I'ur thaf 1-nml In' Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Queen Charlotte Islands and situate on the North shore o: Cumshewa Inlert Immediately South ol LOt 43. t;. c. I. Take notice that the Allison Logzlns Company Limited of Vancouver. B. C intends to apply tor permission to put- the following described lands:- unmmencmg at a pt planted at the 8. W. corner of Iot 45. Q C. I. thencf 60 chains East along South boundary of Lot 45; therae due South to shore line: thence west along shoreline to point of commencement and containing 40 acres more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON. Pres. Allison Logging Co. Ltd. Dated April 21. 1938. 1 LAN I) ACT Notice of Intrnllon to apply lo l-eawr IJHHI In Prince Rupert Land Recordirs District of Quren Charlotte Islands, crsl ltuat on Cumsriewa Inlet fronting on imsurveyed Crown Land which Is situated Immediately South of Lot 4? Queen CharloUe Islands District. Take notice that the Allison Logguii uampany Lininoa ox Vancouver, li.C Intends to apply for a lease ol the fol lowing described Foreshore Lands :- Commemclrtz at a Dost Dlanted at the S. W. Corner of Lot 45. Q. C I. thence 20 chains due Smith; thence 60 chain dtve Ea6t theuce due North to Shoreline; thence West along shoreline to point of commencement and containing 30 acres, more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON, Pres. Allison Logging Co. Ltd rWM Anrl! Jl Itm LA Ml ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leur I .and In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Range 5 Coast, and situate or Kalen Island close to Galloway Rapid Bridge. Take notice that I. Martin Miller of Prince Rupert, B.C, occupation Lumberman Intends to apply for a lease 'of tile following described lands: Commencing at a post planted ap-proxlmatley 3 000 ft. north of lots 115-116, D. L. 251. Range 3 Coast thence 660 feet west; thence 760 ft. south thence 660, feet east; thence 260 ft north thence following the shore llw to post of commencement and contain Ing ten acres, more or less. MARTIN MILLER Dated March 6. 1936 DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In -Gallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 60 PHONE 60 Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Grades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bone Dry Kindling always ln stock. We also operate 60 Messenger Service MRS. IIALLIDAY announces the reopening of the Mod ern Beauty Shoppe 530 Third Avenue formerly located at 210 4th St. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 There will be a special for one week of a free electric manicure with every shampoo and finjerwave or marcel. SPORT daily ntyn Wednesday May 20( 1J3J Lindstrom Asks (TIGHT RACE To Be Retired! CONTINUES - Veteran Dig League Baseball Star ! Makes Application To Commissioner NEW YORK, May 20: Freddie "... Lindstrom veteran Ma or League j baseball player, made formal ap plication yesterday to Judge Kene-saw Mountain Landis, Commis sioner.of organized baseball, to be placed on the voluntary retired list. Lindstrom, who Injured his leg a few days ago, broke into Big League baseball with the New York Giants In 1924 and this year Is with the Broo'klyn Dodgers. CHINESE STARS AT TENNIS Rain Rain caused caused the the postponement postponement o of LONDON, May 20 CCD-Tennis but one ln Natlonal critics itlcs exDect expect bie big thines things of M.M game Qeni Hoahlng, diminutive Chinese girl attracting crowds to early tournaments. Frank Poxon of the News Chronicle calls her "the 'Lady Precious Stream' of the courts." OLD ESSEX PLAYER DIES LEYTON, England. May 20 (CP! Bert. Tremlin, medium-pace bowler' who played for Essex County Cric-. ket Club early in the century isj dead. He was 58. Before ne retired ii 1919 he took 452 wickets at an average of 26.05 runs. rOM SBNHY SOITU AFRICA fliiHr.Mi ii i i i 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 ii Wotid-fmo;i products ol llie Co-optNtivc Winegrower' AstocUtion, Ur$ctt producer of win in South Afric. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Doard or by the Government ot Hrltish Columbia, ECONOMY SPECIALS Compare Our Prices We Save You Money FLOUR Purity $1.82 49-lb. sack Alberta Rose $1.72 49-lb. sack Eskimo $3.25 98-lb. sack BAKING POWDER 21c Malkln's, per tin ROYAL YEAST CAKES 7c per pkg BLUE RIBBON COFFEE Q7 ner lb. Oil CANADIAN CHEESE 19c per lb PURE STRAWBERRY JAM Qn 4-lb. tin 1311 FAMILY SODAS Christie's Cp J.OU per pkg CLASSIC CLEANSER -f Qn 3 tins LUX, VEGETABLE SOUP 4ffp Aylmer, 2 tins Xul Fresh Fruits and Vesetables At Low Prices MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Have More Cents-P. O. Box S75 Phone 18 Bost(m Re, Sox Both Won Games Tuesday In American League tjLiiviLANiJ, May ZU. iri york oyer the Indians here vesterdav while the Boston Red Sox were defeating the Chicago White Sox at Chicago to leave unchanged the standing In the race for American League pennant honors. One game still separates the leading Yanks from the second place Red Sox. The lowly St. Louis Browns won their second straight victory over the Philadelphia Athletics at St. Louis. League Yesterday's Big League scores: National League Chicago 5, Boston 6. American League Boston 4, Chicago 2. Philadelphia 4, St. Louis 8. Washington 2, Detroit 4. New York 10, Cleveland 4. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. Pet St. Louis 18 9 .667 New York 18 10 .643 Pittsburg 14 13 .519 Chicago 14 14 .500 Cincinnati h.. 14 16 .467 Boston 13 15 .464 Philadelphia 12 19 Brooklyn 11 18 .379 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. Pet. New York 22 9 .710 Boston :. 22 11 .667 Cleveland 17 12 .587 Detroit 16 14 .533 Chicago 12 14 .462 Washington 15 18 .455 Philadelphia 10 18 .357 St. Louis 6 24 200 TITLE BOUT SET M M-d)Mdf 1 Wl M a. 3 Km M 1 mt? 1111 V tmtu mmuA A MIJ M Ml That Date Chosen for Meeting of Babe Risko and Freddie .Steele TACOMA, May 20 July 10 hasut, tio, r., -j. , been set , as the ..... date for the title bout between Babe Risko and Freddie Steele. The fight, It ls ex pected, will be staged in Seattle. RAFFLE , CUP FINAL TICKETS ijmjuiN, May 20 (rjpi While thousands eargerly sought tickets . . for the u- English ii., Cup Final some of the precious Dasteboards wero made orizes in a three-rent ram by by an an amateur amateur soccer soccer rJnh club which applied for 80 tickets and received 16. whirhi61056.10 slx feet ln helSht they STRUCK BY DISCUS PHILLIPSBURG, Kan., May 20 (CP) Two high school girls were knocked unconscious when struck by a discus at a county high school '.rack meet here. A wild throw sent the plate spinning into the crowd. EXTEND FAMOUS COURSE EDINBURGH, May 20 (CP) The King's Course of Gleneagles Goli Club has been lengthened by 250 yards to 6827 and the area was used in the match between women golfers of the United States and Great Britain May 6. CHINESE AT OLYMPICS BERLIN, May 20 (CP) China will send a team of 100 to participate ln the Olympic track and field events, soccer, basketball, weight lifting and boxing competitions, according to German officials. SCOTTISH TRAINER DEAD DUNBAR, Scotland, May 20 (C P) J. N. Boyd, trainer of racehorses ln Scotland for 10 years, is dead at 54 after an Illness of some weeks. Had Wazlr AH been playing for India against Worcestershire ln the opening match of the visiting cricketers' tour fn England tne Sauce County's three wickets' victory might have come, harder. One of the best bats on the team, he was unable to playthrough In-Jury. .... J- ... GRADS FACE STIFF PLAY Will Tackle Team of Six-Footers in EI Dorado Oilers EDMONTON, May 19 (CP) By the time J. Percy Page and hi Edmonton Grads depart in mid- June for Europe, the Olympics, an exhibition tour and much sightseeing, they will pretty well have earned the holiday. Not many champions recognize all challen gers as the Orads do. Because of this, it Is barely possible the world's women basketball champions will start overseas without a title. They open p best-of-flve series at home May 28 against El Dorado Oilers, and this is the most Important sertes Grads have ever engaged In TJ you don't think so, Just ask them The Oilers, it must be under stood, were known as the Presby - terlan College team of Durant Okla.', three years ago. They went Into Edmonton and defeated the Page girls, ln a series played half under girls' rules and half undci men's. It marked the only Urns Grads have been beaten in a series since their organization ln 1915. Important Series So you see how Important this coming affair is to Edmonton. This time they will play men's rules and the Underwood International Tro phy, held since it was donated ln 1923, will be at stake. Grads will start thinking about the European trip when they are finished wl?h the Oilers. The El Dorado girls are playing this season for an oil company. Two years ago they moved from the Durant Presbyterian College and they moved bag and baggagt. coach Included to Oklahoma Cltv. where they were sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. Last yeai they represented Holdeijville, Okla. .387!wlin expenses paid by a wealthy Indian. It's the samp Holdenvilie which bred Dizzy and Paul Dean Grads have already beaten teams ranked No. 1 and No. 3 'n the United States. First It was the Ani?rican Institute of Buslne&j Oirls teams from Des Moines, Li. No. 3 outfit, and then the, 1936 U S. champions, Tulsa Stenos. Those Stenos, Page asserts, were a great team. "It will be hard for Edmonton fans to picture stronger competi tion than that furnished by Tulsa. ne says- "but-,f anV ls t0 e found ii t WHJ win p, prooaoiy come irom the Ll Dorado quintet. "To explain this statement, it should bi pointed out that In six I a uwa aim Ul UUIUUU Lea 1X15. . the sixth. Whether it was the law of averages or Just hard luck ls h matter of opinion, but the fact remains that ln the final game o; the American tournament the hitherto unbeaten El Dorado girls " " . , . , 'irfped a one-Polnt vision to their their ooDonents opponents from from Tulsa." Tuls.i" Very Tail Girls . Anese " uoraao laais average live for basketball. They are- th No. 2 ranking team in the United States, but Page fears they may De the uncrowned champions Grads, win or lose, will leave Edmonton June 19 and visit England Scotland, France, including Nice and Monte Carlo; Italy, Switzerland, Oermany, Holland and Bel-glum Women's basketball isn't on the Berlin Olympic program but Orads htfpe to play an exhibition during the games. They will be away until September and maybe by that time h won't seem important how they made nut against those Oilers. SPORT CHAT Plenty of accommodation will be available in Berlin for visitors to the Olympic Games this sum-mer. Officials say 210,000 beds have been arranged for but it ls likely 40,000 more will be needed, Bristol Rovers, 'third division English Football club, should be strengthened next season by the transfer of II. Watson and T. Raven, halfbacks, and L. Sullivan, outside-left, from Brentford, leading first league side. If expense funds can be obtained India will be represented at the Olympics ln Germany this summer by track stars and wrestlers who will train" at Sattal under E. Mumby, well-known Indian sportsman. , GOOD FILM BILL HERE ! "I Live My Life," With Joan Craw- ford, and "Her Master's Voice," With Edward Everett Horton Starring Joan Crawford In a powerful story, "I Live My Life." comes as the feature offering to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this mid-week. Miss Crawford Is cast as a spoiled debutante whose love for a penniless archae ologist redeems her. Brian Ahernc plays the part of the archaeologist. Frank Morgan and Aline Mc- Mahon are Important members of the supporting cast which also Includes Fred Keating, Eric Blore, Arthur Treacher and Jessie Ralph It Is a fast-moving picture with easy comedy and dramatic punch. The second picture on the mid- ' week double bill is "Her Master's Voice," a simple comedy of "Jusf plain folks" with Edward Everett Horton, Peggy Conklln. Laura Hope Crews and Elizabeth Patterson in the leading roles. The story deals with the troubles of a family man who has just lost his iob ln the office of a radio broadcasting sys tem. Complications with a nagglr-s mother-in-law and a rich aunt ensue and are an important part of the action of straightforward believable comedy which is well written and excellently acted. Toe H Meeting Sees Experiments Entertained Last Night by Dr Brocklcsby and Kenneth Hardin? The regular weekly meeting of the Prince Rupert group of Toe H was held yesterday evening in the club rooms on Second Avenue. Dr. H. N. Brocklesby of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station staff assisted by Kenneth Harding, entertained with a very Interesting series of chemical experiments. The thanks of the group was ex pressed by the president. Nell Lang, visitors inciuaea Major Lahlff, W. H. Smeeton and J. Allan, SCOTCH WHISKY UXLUJJJLLP! TONIGHT & THimsnTT Last Complete Show 8:40 0 UWI him M 1 with BRIAN AH ERNE FRANK MORGAN A LINE MacMAHON (At 7:00 & 9 lo Plus Edw. Everett Horton in 1 8C1' At 8:40 Once On.v LONDON, May 20: CP Thirty young men between the ages of V and 25 described as m. flta," will be established in tte first or the 'Q' (que ' camp near London, rani This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Cqlumbla. Radio Reception is only as good as your receiver The Superb New R. C. A. Victors incorporate sensational major radio improvements. For summer or winter reception, all time, all wave It. C. A. Victor gets it the ONE BEST RADIO. Insist upon the Magic performance of R. C. A. VICTOR with MAGIC RRA IN Breath-taking realism MAGIC EYE For tonal precision and silent tuning. METAL TUBES Quieter, more uniform and ' better performance. ' 1 See and hear these marvellous developments in your own home. No obligation, we shall be glad tbdemonstrate. There is an I'll. C. A. Victor to suit every taste and pocketbook. Easy payment plan