3RC Vf" 'AL LI3RAHY Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (8 AM.) prince RupertFoggy, light westerly High .. 1:00 a.m. 23.1 ft. wind; barometer, 29.72; temperature, 13:54 p.m. 20.3 ft. 50; sea smooth. Low .. 7:41 a.m. .,0.0 ft. 19:45 p.m. 6.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER . AA.. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1936 PRICE: S CENTS ILALhlS BECOMING INDEPENDENT VOL 'JIMMY' n:j w ir, LTiu nut luiuw cuiu imu Never Heard Before Of Men Who Report of Judicial Inquiry Leakage is Expected to LONDON, May 20: (CP) Rt. Hon. James H. Thomas, Colonial Secretary, denied before a judicial inquiry today that he had been in any way responsible for premature disclosure of budget secrets. He flatly repudiated the suggestion of three men who mentioned his name in connection with the leakdge, I The inquiry started whcrwlt was disclosed that persons took out Insurance against an increase In Income and tea taxes which were provided for In the budget. Mr Thomas, who previously said he was "so anxious to clear my honor and the honor of my son" who was also Implicated by witnesses, said he did not know and had never before heard of the witnesses who connected him with the revelation of the budget secrets. i The report of the inquiry is ex pected to be .made next week. J Dr. Townsend Is Heard by Probe Father of Old Age Pension Plan Makes Unexpected Admissions "But is Able to Explain Them WASHINGTON D.C., May 20- -Dr Francis E. Townsend, father of the Townsend Plan,, was before the congressional committee Investigating the plan yesterday and will continue under examination the better part of the week, it Is expected, Dr. Townsend made some unexpected admissions yesterday but always had a logical explanation. BUILT FINE NEW HALL Community Building at Skidcgate Cost $20,000 Designed by Local Man SKIDEGATE, May 20 The Skl-degate Cammunlty Hall is completely finished, beautifully painted, body deep cream color, trimmed with white and black root. The hall cost well .over $20,000 and s ono of the finest community halls in this proylnce; a credit -to the Skldegate Mission people. It as designed by a resident, of the vlllage, James McKay. ELECTION DATE IN virvrnnm iffVI? ft A .,4 OTTAWA, May 20: (CP) Tlie federal by-election in Vic- torla to fill the seat made va- cant through the death of the late D'Arcy Plunkett, Conser- vatlve, will be held June 8 with nominations June 1, It was announced yesterday. Hon. S. Tolmle Is prominently men- tloned as Conservative candl- date with the probability that Liberals and C. C. F. will also be in the field. T THOMAS i Made Charg es in British Budget Secret be Made Next Week BUDGET BOX Neville Chamberlain, the British chancellor or the exchequer, smiling as he left No. 10 Downing Street for the House of Commons to present his fifth budget to parliament. The little case he carries Is 'the famous "budget box from which a leak is said to have occurred. Hindenburg Is Across Again Giant German Eligible Tics Up At Lakehurst After .Second North Atlantic night I LAKEHURST, N.J.. May 20: The clant new German dirigible Hln- "ince Kupert. He nas soia nis re-denburg was moored here this sldence on Eighth Avenue East morning after her second crossing near the Seal Cove School to Tim of the Atlantic Ocean from Ge'r- MUler. United States. The many to the , great balloon passed over New York Would Clip Wings during the night. She had been de- qc Sunreme Court layed by head winds on the. Ilignt across the ocean. The Hindenburg. which had ta,' ken 78 hours and 27 minute, for Its second commercial westward ( crosslne from AAUl.lwv.v w ........ to the naval station here , will take , off late tooay u.. '"'ted States Supreme Court invali Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, May 20 (Canadian Press) Wheat was quoted at 74c. on the Vancouver Exchange REITERATES HIS JOIN iniN with WITH UNCLE SAM New York Congressman Proposes Canada and States Get Together to End Idleness WASHINGTON, D.C., May 20: Going so far as to suggest that Canada might voluntarily annex itself to the United States Congressman William I. Sirovich, Democrat, New York, proposed In the House of Representatives that Canada anl United States might co-operate to work themselves out of unemployment and the depression. Canada, declared Sirovich, was the logical point of expansion for the excess industrial population of the United States. NEW JERSEY FOR LAND0N Kansas Governor Favored Over Idaho Senator Rhode Island Strong For Roosevelt TRENTON, NJ., May ,20: In the Republican presidential primaries lor thesta"te of tfeTjersey yester- day Governor Alfred Landon of Kansas was last night leading Senator W. E. Borah of Idaho by a VOte Of fOUr tO One Roosevelt Favored ' PROVIDENCE, D.I., May 20: Ihode Island Democrats yesterday ; Instructed their delegation of 18 to h3 Democratic national conven- Ion In Philadelphia to vote as a! unit for President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Leaving Here To Make His Home In Gloucestershire John A. Wynes, who has been lo cated in this district since 1913, having spent a large part of that time engaged In ranching in the Naas Valley, will be leaving here on May 29 fo rhls native home In Gloucestershire, England, to resume his residence. He will go east from here by rail and will embark from Montreal on the steamer Montrose on June 6, Ills final destination is Weston-super-Mare. Arriving in Canada in 1910. Mr. Wynes spent a summer at MacLeod, Alta., coming on to this coast in the fall of the same year. He spent three years In Vancouver and moved to the Naas Valley. In 1019 he had the misfortune to lose his arm in an accident In the Prince Rupert Lumber Co.'s sawmill at Seal Cove. For the past ! three years he has been living In r United States Labor Interests Press Fof Constlttonal Amcndment As EIectlm Issuc WOtfTMnTAM T" Ort FqUq declslon the Un) dating the Guffey Coal Act, Labor Interests are continuing to press tal of a year ago. Market value of Storage, for the making of constitutional 24 utilities declined $42,000,000 and Thrasher. 6,500, 6 4c, and '-. 5c, Ro-amendments to curtail the powers 1 17 oil stocks lost $34,000,000. yal. -i or the . Supreme Court over legls - lation an Issue In the following el - ectlon campaign. LETHAL CHAMBER FOR CANADA IS 'PROPOSED OTTAWA, May 20: (CP) A . Parliamentary committee will be established at the next session of the House of Ccm- mons to consider "the advlsa- blllty of substituting, the lethal gas chamber for hanging In murder cases in Canada, Hon. Ernest Lapolnte, minister of justice, Informed the House last night. r U 4 BUY SILVER FR0MCHINA United States Trying to Help Oriental Nation to Stabilize Her Currency WASHINGTON D.C., May 20 (Canadian Press) The United. States has agreed to buy targe amounts of silver from China to Provide dollar exchange to hjelp China sti blllze her currency, it is announce by Secretary of he Treasury Henry Moreenthau. i To Take Largmount y ianacuan; Pres3,A hlgh authority of theX.C.F. Leader Take Part Per. ""c Buvernmeni, waay saiu ai "'c new ouwuiuicu aiara nnanciai agreement provided loyf the purchase by the United States j of 75.000,000 ounces of Chinese sll-j ver at average prices. Ihls would I give China about $25,000,000 of gold credit In the United States. PASTORS i ASSIGNED Kcv. C. D. Clarke Returning to Unl-Church ted Here Changes In District VANCOTVER. May 20 (Canadla i Press) The Conference of the United Church of Canada, at Its concluding session here last night, adopted the report of the settlement committee transferring ministers to various Presbyteries. Tne following were among as signments made In' Prince Rupert Presbytery; Anyox and Stewart (for one year) Rev. Evan Baker. Hazelton Rev D. W. More. Queen Charlotte' Rev, W. j.i Selder, B.A. Terrace Rev. Adam Crisp. Rev. C. D. Clarke remains Prince Rupert. Base Metals Low On Stbck Mart TORONTO, May 20: (CP) Quoted values of stocks listed on the Toronto' Stock Exchange dropped $117,837,203 in April to $4,712,799.-705. Aggregate value was still $954,-705,161 above that of May 1 of last year, the statistical department of the Toronto Exchange reports. The heaviest decline of the month was In the base metal stocks. These were down $77,652, - 292 in the aggregate from the to - l Two groups, the golds and , the . textiles, opposed the general trend and moved ahead.i ; . DEMA&roposed to I ma NAMU Mii pctc GETS NEW PLANT B. C. Packers to Utilize Cannery Offal There Operation Of Shannon Bay Confirmed VANCOUVER, May 20: (CP) ; Confirming announcements already published In the north, the British Columbia Packers announced here today that the salmon cannery at Shannon Bay in Massed Inlet which has been I idle for six years is being put in shape for operation this year. I The company also announces that a new reduction plant is being built at Namu in Fitzhugh 1 Sound to make use of offal from i the salmon cannery which will be converted into oil and cattle food. Another plant at Esperanza Inlet on the West Coast of Vancouver Island will also be put into operation and new boats built to supply it. , C0NNELL TO COME NORTH sonauy in umineca campaign uuumii itnuiuaic VICTORIA, May 20 (Canadian Press) Rev Robert Connell, C.C F. leader, will take part personally 'in the Omineca by-election cam- palgn, It was announced today. Mr. Conneil expects to be In tho district about June 18, speaking at various points of Importance1 in the north. Godwin Candidate BURNS LAKE. May 20 (Special io Dally News) At the Co-opera- Mve Commonwealth Federation convention here last night, Sidney Godwin, formerly editor, of the Burns Lake Observer and now a resident of the Nadlna River district, was, after several elimina tions, unanimously nominated as C.C.F. candidate for the Omineca provincial by-election. He Is pop 'ir in the district and Is believed by his supporters to have a good chance of being elected. A. M Ruddy has withdrawn is Liberal candidate following' his nomination last week. M. M, Con-i nelly, Fraser Lake sawmill operator, Is again being prominently mentioned as Liberal candidate, Halibut Arrivals t 4 Summary American 84,000 pounds, 7,4c and 6c to 7.7c and 6c. Canadian 6.2c and 5c to 8.4c and 5.4c. American Summit, 15,000, 7.5c and '6c, Cold Storage. - Baltic 17,000, 7.7c and 6c, Booth Betty, lb.000, 7.6c and 6c, Pacific. Blanco, 11,000, 7.4c and 6c, Atlln. Condor, 11,000, 7.4c and Pc, Booth. Star, 12,000, 7.6c and 6c, Pacific. Wabash, 4,000, 7.4c and ,6c, At- lln, I . Canadian ' ! Unome, 6.500, 6.2c and 5.2c, Cold Maurice H., 8,000, 6.2c and 5.2c, i Cold Storage. I Gony, 10,500, 6.4c and 5.4c, Atlln. it,.. imports Entirely 01 Sanctionist Nations Ruthless Mass Executions of Ethiopians Are Reported In Addis Ababa Only Bandits and Murderers Put ' To Death, Say Invaders ROME, May 20: (CP) It was stated in authoritative quarters last night that Italy would ban importation of all goods from countries that imposed any forms of sanctions against her in connection with the Italo-Ethiopian war. It is more than ever essential for Italy to struggle for her economic Independence, it wasE. Mass Executions IfVA " S NO I FTl ADDIS ABABA, May 20: Tt is "M llVlJUll said here that the Italian Invaders i are conducting mass executions of Ethiopians following their occupation of the capital. As many as thirty and forty unfortunate na tives are lined up at a time. It isl said, and shot, thpn being burled !" alongside the roads. Prisoners who' come before court-martial have no!, tVIR" ,tit,t,. w May j,. TT?6 late B C' NlcnoIas- Polisher h of the chance of escane It is claimed Victoria Times, who died suddenly "that The Italians state. In reply, his only bandits and murderers are being put to death. Thnucrht Destitute: Lett I t D ' P Big tortune James Kelly, Found 'Dead cago "Flop House," Had $140,000 ' , CHICAGO. n May 20-James Kehy who was found dead In a local "flop house," apparently a virtual destitute, was found yesterday to ' have left a fortune of $140,000. TODAY'S STOCKS Oourttsy 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, 22. Big Missouri, .64. Bralorne, 7.35. B. R. Cons., .0434. B. R. X .14. Cariboo Quartz, 1.38. Dentonia, .17. Dunwell, .042. Oolconda, ..13. ' Mlnto, .69. Meridian, .07. Morning Star, .02 Y2. National Silver, .03'4.. Porter Idaho, .043i. Premier, 2.36. Reeves McDonald. .05. Rano, 1.25. Relief Arlington, .25. Salmon Gold, .081$. Taylor Bridge, .10. Wayside, .13. Toronto Beattle, 1.32. ' Central Patricia. 3.35. Chlbougamau. 1.60. God's Lake, .91. Inter. Nickel, 46.00. Lake Maron, .07V'2. Lee Gold, .04. Little Long Lac, 7.05. ' Macassa, 4.00. McKenzie RedLake, 1.07. Noranda, 54.50. Perron, 1.53. Pickle Crow, 5.85. Red Lake Oold Shore, 1.17. San Antonio, 2.30. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.12. SIscoe, 3.45. Smelter Gold, .15. Stadacona, .36. Sturgeon Rtvert .55. . Sudbury Basin, 3.70. Teck Hughes, 4.70. Ventures, 1.98. Granada, .19. MacLeod Cockshutt, 4.20. Hardrock, 2.65. Oklend, .58. Mosher Long Lac, .60. Bousquet, .16.' Cut Off JOURNALIST B. C. Nicholas Was Outstanding Commentator and Personal Newspaperman In office yesterday afternoon of heart trouble, had been feeling un-lwell since his return from a recent I trip to Eastern Canada. He was un-iwell when he came .to his office yesterday morning but he stayed at hla desk He collapsed suddenly In the early afternoon and medical Mr, Nicholas was born in Virginia City, Jfevada. In 1879 and came to Victoria as a small boy w,th hls parents He tarted WQrk wth the Times In 1900. He was secretary to Hon. William Temple-man while the latter was in the Laurler government from 1907 to 1911. Then he returned to the limes and became its editor In 1917. Mr. Nicholas was a bachelor and lived with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Nicholas, who survives him. A great personal journalist, Mr. Nicholas was one of the outstand ing newspapermen and commentators on Canadian events in the Dominion. Made Fortune In North; His Body Claimed by None . CHICA.60, May 20: The body of ( Charles Huntley, aged 87, who was found dead in this city, lay unclaimed in a Chicago morgue last 'night. He was a colorful figure of the Klondyke Gold Rush days. As a miner and gambler, he made and lost a fortune of a million dollars. Today's Weather Terraced-Cloudy, southeast wind, ! temperature, 50. Anyox Light rain, calm, 48. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 48. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, warm. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 47. .Stewart-rCloudy, south wind, 47. '. BUILDING BOOM ON AT TERRACE TERRACE, May 20:- There is something of a building boom going on in Terarce at the present time. George, .Little is building a large barn and other buildings to care for , his cattle and hogs and there 'are two residences in course of -construction In the village, Also on Lazelle Avenue exten- slve additions are being made tq Swains' Garage and re- pair shops. yv' .