rJuDrtfmbgr 19,:1936, , i cAit r11 kVehv seven CTORIA, uei. i: lurj At enC 01 UCluuci wiia jcai ngi- ions of passenger and com-vchfMn in British Col- j massed -'- 'the ' 100,000 mark lor I tlS6n IS OVERALLS TAX ARREARS DOWN TtEVtJE, Alta.. bee. 19: (CP) VANCOUVER, D. 16; (CPJ- Ttntbll. uastor oi United Wh2n Vancouver closes Its books V. ' "r . " fnf utf J. . h hef 1 manes practical sur- --- v" "ou wuwm m uut-7n oblilh sermon topics. He't-n"hg tak arrears since 1929 .a churih at Broftdvliw. win noted. Acting-city' Comp- . . , a m, I m or h'rn nir innaa n i 3d in OT2Taiis to una 11 -ut dmiia-eu. (,Tff jobless men woum De UA WW1 uiCar3 ana .'. .-vp.braw raisins." :mofe han. S300,()00 compared with sawvav, uiau 9uu,uuu in me tame month last year. BRONCHITIS KILLS FOLCKsV LfcTllBRlDGS, Alta.. Dec. 19 (CP) A bronchitis epidemic has killed many hens in southern A1- Dena, I curtailing v....& egg OO production Kl UUTJS, HUH first time in the province's ana Increasing market prices, one TMa is -pnii-il to oniv rnr f'rult nttnar of MiMmh onn rv. - "'- v I'tw.wiwi tiAj fVHy E veil jjtiauiis. .:i ins iao Diras. SEE The Knox Hotel For special rates on room and board to permanent gUests Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: Due Vancouver, Thursday pjn. ia, iiAJiibiin rmutiii av.v sail Due Vancouver, Monday am. , If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEVMAN, Prince Itupcrt Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. .rrAiiyvi nuiiuri vjiii isiiiius iiuhuuj uuniui. . CATALA to Vancouver via Wayppints: mi.G . I 7 1 1 1 It L 1 I irllil . . Ill l tttllA WW . .WW ..vwi.l . . . . . . 1 u IIJll. nfin n iv. fr,frinnv J:00 pm. arriving wince uuper. auuaay, p.m., auuai y nu. SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION FARE, $32.00 Please make your reservation early A. W. NEWMAN, Agent, Prince Rupert PAGE OEVEH THE DAILY NEWS iVr Think Mothers Retard Service Teache Says More Girls Would Gd Domestic With Encouragement MONTREAL. Dec. IB: (nPI Just possibly, a woman's place Is in the home, but, says Miss C, I. Macken zle. dotlne mnt.hrs In nlnft cases out of 10 prevent such domesticity tat the rising generation. The principal 6f Montreal High Sjhool for Girl$, speaking before the Big Sisters Association here, jave her opinion the modern girl :6uld not be blamed for less ihtet- 'ft In home-making than her ef-l fiCIent grandmother. Hlch school ttirR she said, would be happy to turn their interest to vocational work, including house keeping, but in many cases, mothers barred their way, Miss Mackenzie believed the most practical method of learning hnmp-mnlriniT uae thrnnoh Hnmpv U unpopular with-girls from fam liies of the poorer .clas?es be-, causa they are not fit for such work, To meet the situation, Miss Macr kenzle favored establishment In each centre of a house where schoolgirls would be taught house keeping which, she said, requires "a hleh order of Intelligence, neat- hess, conscientiousness and certain artistry.1' in such a school, young girls Could be "properly fitted for do mestic duttes" through practical appliance of theory as part of their school Curriculum. THAS IN GREENHOUSE1 CAtOARYl Dec. 19: (CP) Greenhouses are providing a novel ahd colotful setting Tor after hooh' teas held by the women's as oclatlons in Calearv. Ai florist had donated his greenhouse, now filled with flowers, for charity teas. , v vzhn-i m r JL & uav in A i Now is the time you will want to get a most ihiportant We step ..out oi a mans man. gift for a most important vnrt to CIVC you a mui- n ..r.r Trv "Arrow" I Pyj riced tip from $200 ft MMW I m "W T 11 .MV y X J amas Watch for that contented grin- when "HE4' receives a pair oi ARROW PVJAMAS in real masculine colors, Expertly tailored, smartly styled., comfortable,, with "Lastex" band replacing troublesome drawstring. We have ah excellent range of pyjamas for loUnghtg'us well as sleeplhg In Flannelette, Broadcloth, Silk Broadcloth, Silk and luxurious Trlcollnes. In smart new styles, gay new shades, Rich soft clear colors. Drop in and we'll be glad to show you something different" and pleasing in Pyjamas, also many, other timely, and suitable gifts. Listen in on ur noon broadcast for helpful suggestions. l.AMBIE & "TILLIE THE TOILER r-.. i,o -no TEL L VOU Aaoor -mis oi-o emMItS l-lfe'l-i. FAV , 3, ooo if i HIS B'W-D He I'M TELLING I'M tSOIMS TO BO ITU LlSTEW SMACK SMACK - -mm0, mm nhi, immmmmLsmmmmmx r-Tr- STONE "Clothes ot mstincuon 51" a LOCAL NEWS John May sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rnpert for a trip to Vancouyer. Miss Gudrun Welle sailed Thurs day night on the Prince Rupert for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Leslie Passmore returned to the ?itv on the Prince John yesterday lfternoon after spending a couple) jf weeks at Queen cnarioite uuy. William Gray of the Atlln Fish-:rles saff Is sailing this after-loon on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. D. Sigmund of Queen 'Charlotte Jlty was an arrival In town from .he Islands on the Prince John esterday afternoon. J. Holland, school teacher at Claxton, sailed yesterday afternoon oh the Cardena for Vancou ver to spend the Christmas and New Year holidays. tin ceruW iif. cVio nsH Hnmtii.' Mr. and Mrs. Normah P. Lahgford w ov f ivyi MUVj.Hiiv cvuvvt viujuvuny . - - service is frowned upon either by 'of Piemier were jjassehgers aboatd parents or the girls themselves and jtne .rrmce nupeu luuiouajr hlng going through for a trip to Vancouver, Mrs. H. R. Frost of Massett ar rived In the city on the Prince John yesterday afternoon from the Isl ands for a visit here over Christ mas and New Year's. Mrs. R. J. Slmonds arrived In the city Yesterday afternoon fol owinz a trlti to Vancouver and alls by the Prince John tonight on her return to tseagewicK nay, Queen Charlotte Lsiands. Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Smith are sailing this afternoon on the Prin cess- Adelaide for a trip to Van-Anvii 'Mr Smith ti Identified vWUfltj ' . with the staff ot the Royal Bank Of Canada here. . i ' itfrs William Hunter and. child are sailing this afternoon on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vahcouver. a 3 Prudhnmme. after Spend irtit tvio hast, few weeks in the p)lnce Rupert General Hospital receiving surgical treatment, was able to leave the institution Misses Jlorton and Klnley, Port .Simpson school teachers, sailed vestcrdaV afternoon on the Car dena for Vaiicouver to 'spend the Christmas and New Year holiday season. William Jones. Miss Sinclair and Mlis Tinker, Port Eslngton school teachers, sailed last night on the Cardena for Vancouver,, to spend the Christmas and New Year holi days. A Picture Proxy THIS THIM(3 HAS eoM. FAri feMOUsH I'M EUciAtSfeb TILU Akin I VAlOM'T STAMO POK IT THAT SE6ZEIi WON'T- NEED AMV HA)IL AiHeM I C3BT lilTH VIHER-E'S THIS V listen to this - "You call ours harrasslng legislation; of course, all progressive governments are harrasslng legisla tors; dau'otless when Moses brought down the law from Slnal, many stout conservatives present thought the Teh Coihmattdnuhts harrasa-f lng legislation." . Now don't blame this on T. D. PattuLc. or Mackenzie King, for. it was said by John Bright duite a while ago. And when you're at it, Just read these Ten Command ments over again, fof you khow y"bH couldn't say them off by heart now, a you once could. None of U4 keep them all. at all times, Vhich harrasses few of us, just because we fovcot the first ohe and the last one and maybe one of two In between. Of course, there is nothing to hinder maklne another command ment for yourself, Which might well be "Buy Albert & MCCaffery's Coal." By keeping this Command ment, y6u will be assured lrt tills wprld of the maximum heat wheni you want it. And the most heat for the least mohey. Just Phone 116 or 117 . to-Albert & McCaffery and order Nahalmo-Welllngtbh for furnace and heater; Alberta Boot less for the kitchen range. Yod deserve the best I Samaritan Club Will Disband Canada's Most Noted Philanthropic Organization Closing CALGARY. Dec. 19: (CPi Cal ary's most noted philanthropic organization, the Samaritan Club, for more than a quarter of a cen tury active in community service, will disband after the next ahi rual meeting in JanUaty. i cape tape ' ' unhurt, u.iiu.v but the cars werel at Ji Miss B. Webb of Osland sailed badly damaged, yesieraay aiternoon on me uar- , . ; vi ,auw! w "t"-"" "' I f, OIIliollullACIl Ul lyiuj Aoiaiiu, Christmas and New Year holidays. ; wn0 has beeh spending some time1. , Miss Webb, is school teacher at;at oUeen Charlotte City, returned, Oslarid, j to the cltv from the Islands on the laWfisraiteie . , - .' Alex Rogers, pioneer prospector and mining man of Lockeport, arrived, in the city on the Prince Prince John yesterday afternoon. ' ; Mrs. F. A. Taylor, who has been visiting at Massett, arrived in the' l.-itv from the Islands on the Queen Charlotte Islands and pro- j prince John yesterday afternoon ceeded by the evening train to and oalls this afternoon by the tin . . i .in . ..... . Aioany wnre ne wui visn wim princess aaeiiiae lor Vancouver a sister whom he has not met ln,2nroute back to her home In tfel-hiany years. 'owna, Claims Western Wtimen Smartest Alberta See rioneer Says He Did Not Their Like Anywhere I1IOII RIVER, Alta. Dec. 19; : nrtJi:rh6. 'Wifc h..is' it uvei the East in bnfc (resoect believes "E. A. Hayes, -pioneer of Okotoks. Thti West ha the femartesV women, nc claims. I 'i saw. notlJne in. all my travels o comnat with lh women fit the Weet, Tfte Jf &re. tit? srnaiiest locking to be; seen. Anywhere,", declared he galldrit, Westerner. Mf Hayes recently returned from A Visit to hii okl hom in Sussex, New Brunswick. It was his first visit homo' in 51 yrs. JUBILEE SERMON UllliiUniUI, AXwVI, - utv. w . ' ' -'Fifty years ago Ven. Archdeacon I I. W. Tims Preached Uio first shurch sei'viW In Glelchen iri a tent. On November S3 he preached it St. AhdiWs Church, marking :'ts Jubilee anniversary MAkfeS fcNGINE MODEL-CALOARYi Dec. 1.9 : (CPi A nitxlel tocomotlve Which has 50, 000 parts and took ;6,000 hoUr3 to make Is the work 'of Walter Walls, formei1 railway" apprentice. A work ing model six feet long It can de lilop a speed of 10 miles an hour JONES Family Market PHONE 957 PHONE 957 Saturday Specials nhrnrpri ftandltions In hahdllns! 1 lb. BacOn ..... ..... k . ! Vi.-kli '.velfars artd reaet proaiems navej.-a. ""f- brpught about th? decision to close out IW? 6rgianl7jtidri. Ah ah nouncement of the club officers s&ld: "ZY mglng social conditions of tce-nt ysars had diminished to a nsMcrable degree the opportuni ties of service of the club. A ihant e 'in the methods of ap- proirnlng thesg problems was. In announcing dissolution of the ciub, Mrs. William Hackney, presi dent, said the Junior Samaritan Club, organized In 1935, would "carry on and find fresh fields j Lor. its efforts." FINDS BROKEN HOME Ttin.NP.n VAtt.KV. Alta.. Dsc. 19: Dairtrt hell' drlestor of the local Qnin ti o waiin w.illn Wash ' riVivclnal erinpn t Inn nnH rppaation- rnnUii o m.fIsf nloAnn flenr 50 U,IJM.VM. . w W.W w v.w.. ' ' - . AUiiWS t k.V pigWU .... WW" dl ccntr.e will sail Tuesday after-, back to her home loft here ndon.oA the Catak for Vahcouver j to find her "hUsband" with a new to spend the ennstmas ana wew matc she battled the two off the Year noiiaay season at. nis nom-.. nest atl wa5 left in sole pos 'sesslcii. Miss Edna Wilkinson of Booth. : . Memorial School teaching staff rimbey, Alta., Dec. 19: ICP)'-- JtI1H vs"trH?iV afternoon on the A .n-jr a MiirmoH llfp frrnTM a v v J - - - 4 'J n vll Mi wm w o Cardfjna for Vancouver to spend j peacefully ; in Rlmbey district. Four the Clirtstma? and New Year' holl-liimfe,. she haa been' struck by day season. automobile's Each' time-' ishe csv BEEF aump Roast, .4 lbs.' ei 1 lb. Bacon' .'rime Rib Roll, 4 lbs. & 1 lb. Bafcon birloin Tip, 4 lbs. & Jio:i Bect-Li,- 4 lbS. :v,.: - tiamburger; 2 lbs. $ 2 lbs. Onions ., ' MUTTON and LA.MB j leg of Mutton ' ; . ' pet lb, Loin of Lamb .. - . per lb Shoulaef Lamb Rolled per lb; .:.:..u..i:i....i.A!Kx- .:.. VEAL' itolled Shouldfer of VeaV : per lb, ..'..: '?. .... Leg cf Veal.. , lb. '...'..li. per :;. ....v ' RUmp Roast. Vcal- ?lllet Roast of Veal: per lb', . pottk f ccr nf Pnrlf ne? .lb i.,.-.ni.-.:...i.t.i.i....., Shoulder1 of Pork ', er lb. . jVhltC Fish- v per ib.'' 75c 75c 75c 50c 25c 25c 18c 25c 20C 15C ISc 15c 20 c 20c 18c 15c ' YesWe Have. 1 Ton of No. 1 -Turkeys, putks-oi; Gecsr i,H in 1 . i " " I...1." Add a Personal Totich with a HAN t) MADE GlET Of Distiriction Mrs. J. Clark Fancjf Work f almlstry ' Suite 7 First Floor Federal Block By Westovej HE SENT ME- HIS PH0T06RAPHHACB.tjT HE'S T'l-L-BalD AFTB2. I KISSED IT naAMTEO TO GHT YoU rvv mmriC &l m -r- Tji mfi kvcp ajs , y r-e-i sz&zzgJmmmJSx,i i&n PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON. GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Kitiest Fink Salmon Picked the Wily Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll In Prlhr.e Rupert. II 111 ltttttmmmtmmamm wmmmmmt POll SALE FOR SALE General Electric hand Cleaner, 1935 model. Like new. Phone Mrs. Pullen, Black 272. (tf) FOR SALE Girl's C. C. M. Bicycle In first class condition. Phone Black 489. (tf) FURNITURE FOR SALE Including piaho cn view Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 21, 22 and 23, 3 to 6 p.m. at 400 Fourth Avenue West. Phone 233. (299) FOR SALE Beaver Bottling Works as, a going concern. (tf) A CHRISTMAS Present that will .i please, a Bunsen Oil Burner. Phone Black 461 or Green 106. (tf), LAST FEW DAYS Furniture Fac- - tory Samples mustbe'fcleAred b: sensational bargain prices. 10-plcce Chesterfield groups-, $02.-60r 3-piece Langhatn Cheeter-fIeldr-$84.50; 10-plece Bt:droom Suite; high-grade Eastern hardwood construction, Burl fronts $115.50; Genuine Walnut cedar ,chests-..$l4 50. Order today. Take Advantage of this splendid Opportunity to save Julius Shore Mail Order House, 801 BcJiips ,'Buildlng, Vancouver. 1 MALE HELP WANTED A LESSON from the depression ,B a Civil Servant Postman, Customs Examiner, Clerk, Stenographer, etc. Free BookW "How lo get a Government Job." M.C.C. Civil Service School. Wln- 1 nlpeg, LOST LOST In the C. L. D. L. Hall an envelope Containing the sum of $8.55. Finder please return to office of Dally News,- 2$3 ' PERSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. (tf) GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $lr Pacili. Supply, 751 Granville, Vahcouver. MEN-Get vigor, at once. New Os- trcx Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster Jnvlgorators and other Sjtlmulants. One dose peps up- or-gahs, glands. If not delighted, 'akcr tcfunds few cerits paid, oall or write. Ormes Limited, tr UVSU ACT Notlre nf Intention to Apply to .ra Land In. the Prlnw Rupert Land Recording , OUtHct of Range 4, Coast Lar.a District, iftnd situate approximately one mile In a- Southerly direction along the coast line oi Prlncens Royal Island from Red Ferh Polrti amid Red fern Point hetnj approximately four mllea In o Westerly direction from Barnard Cove. ; Take Notice that Hans Hansen ot Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation Tlsri Packer Intendi to apply for a lease of the following described lands. Com menclng at a post planted at hljn water mark on the ahore-line In the middle of a bay being approxlmaU-ly one- mile South of Red Fern Point thence three chains North-East; thence fifteen ohalna Bast thence five chain! South, thence fifteen chains West, thence Northerly to ,tl nearest point at low water, thence following low , water to a point opposite the initial post and containing five acres, more or less. I HAN3 HANSEN lotted 13th day of October, 1039