Ly, NQVfKibfT 14, 1938 (for an Eary Morning H2 An Headache -DO THIS tcrnNDS BY STOP WH nt.t.tanrate and GO to Work bottom of lUrt'W"10. . ..... . ;n thltllost jie moment .yon get up before Urn start dressing. illy the time you've, finished dress-W nine chawes in ten, youll eel efief coming. You'll meet the day kith a clear head instead of sutler- 'if for hours. "Aspirin" provides this quick diet because js raieti among uie iiiiltst metLods for relief science j yet discovered. And because Demand and Get eaters and furnaces. pone us for prices. 1 ASPIRIN Writer is again with and as usual we arc Is t your service to assist ou solve your fuel roblems. We have toals for all stoves. n;oy Rei? Beore You've Finished Dressing vou wake up with a headache. ist do this: Try two quick-acting, pick-dissolving "AM'UUIS" tab-4i with a little water. Take them "ASriRIN" tablets are ready to start working almost the instant you take them. (Note illustration.) So, next early morning headache you have, try this way. "Aspirin" tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company, Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look for the name Bayer in Hie form of a cross on every tablet. Winter- TRADE-MARK RIO. windstSoAjni -nna your' codlbirt needs refiWnj. rsss ... 'HILPOTT-EVlTT&Co.Ud. ,651 PHONE 652 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 1ADI0 27 Third Ave. GOOD Condition, Splendid Tone, For Sale at Less Than Half Price. See jt at Our Store Phone 775 Union Steamships, Limited 8teamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: r8 S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 VM Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. 8.8. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:39 PJtf. Due Vataouver, Monday ajn. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 50 iefisi which made Prince RupertFamoas "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Co., Ltd, .interestinrr tn know whr-n readinc the Daily News rlhfpopla of th whole district are 'doing the earne. ritK.: m-t-j.. LOCAL NEWS Cash for old gold. Bulger? (tf ) Bridge and whist for Boy's Band. Canadian Legion Halt Monday, JB p.m. (267) 1 Nice assortment j60 inch tweeds ;for $1joo at the Dollar Store. If. Mrs. Roy Fisher sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Van jcouver. M. Llnstad sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver eriroute to Chicago. vj Dr. rived from visit. A. E. Perry and party ar-ln the city at noon today Port Simpson for a brief Emll Makilia, who was arrested last-night, is appearing in city police court this afternoon on a charge of drunkenness. G. W. Cripps, provincial asses-or, will sail on the Catala. tomorrow evening for a trip to Anyox on official duties, Mr. and Mrs, W. Thomey and A Thomey, who have been visitors in the city, will sail by the Catala tomorrow evening on their return to Stewart. TENDERS WANTED Tenders are requested for clear' ing stumps and constructing path' way at Morse Creek. Particulars may be had from J. J. Little. Bride-Elect Is Honored Shower Held Last Night For Mis Inez Pettenuzo Last night at the home of their parents on Fifth Avenue West the Misses Grace and Margaret Clark were Joint hostesses at a miscel laneous shower in honor of Miss Inez Pettenuzzo, whose marriage to Leonard Griffith takes placer..prii jjecemoer 3. Mauve and pin& lor med the effective color scheme and the table was jcovered with an embroidered linen cloth and centred with a silver basket of .chrysanthemums. The bride-to-be received many attractive and useful gifts In a oeautuuiiy aecoratea box. The evening was spent in making a book of the bride's .future in which contest prize winners were. Mrs. Pettenuzzo, Misses Alvlne Tur-geon and Margaret Cooke. Refreshments were served about midnight. Those pouring were Mrs. Pettenuzzo and Miss Aivina Turgeon, while servlteurs were the Misses Genevieve Schaeffer, Angelico Co-i lussl and Lydia Pettenuzzo. Those present were Mrs. Pette nuzzo, Misses Inez Pettenuzzo, An gelica ' Colussl, Lydia Pettenuzzo,' Yolanda Dominate, Rose Monte- sano, Margaret Fritz, Aivina Tur geon, Margaret Cooke, Viola Shee-han, Jenny Sheehan, Carrie Whlfr flnrt Emma Whlffln, Jessie GlUIs; Genevieve 'SchaefferYbslen Plerc, Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Clark. Announcements L. O. B.. A. Bazaar, November IS Entertainment Cabaret' 'Style, Catholic Hall, November 25. 26. Cathedral Christmas bazaar, Noy; C. C. F. Bazaar, December 2. United ber 3. Church Bazaar, Decern- Lutheran Bazaar, Metropole Hall. December 4. Cambral Christmas. Spinsters' Spree. December 11. 'OOVKIINMKNT l.iaiOB ACT" ' .Vollcr of Ai)liutloij for rtt IJrtnr NOTICE la hereby Blven th.t ou laf PLftetnlh day of December :nltt, Hit undesigned lntnd tp apply tn jthV Liquor conuol Doard lor a iiarnct in renpept of the premlaes, bclna purt of in puiiamg mown ss ivwrmwuri Hotel, situate on ColJlson Aven, Nw MaMttt, B. O., Uipoti the landa decrUfd aa UW No. 1, 3, end 3. In 9Uc . Map 16, Maaaetit Tovmtlte,. In tli Prince Rupert Land Regit rtatlon Dl-trlat In the Droylnce of ,BrttUh Colum bia, for the aal of beer by the glatt or the bottle for cotuumptlon pn the pretnlflea or clMwliere. Dated thU SUi day of November, A D 1936. -CARL UBUIv ApllCUiT. WORK OF SERVICE Continued from Page 1 Then there was the problem of the people of the dried Mat agrU cultural areas of the prairies. In Saskatchewan some districts hai had crop failures for five, six or seven years. Last year this had spread to twelve townships in Manitoba and In the southern part of Alberta. Many of these peppa- had to be re-settled, In more pro- quctive areas py uie, government The Woman's Auxiliary of tne churcfy In five years bad distributed bales of clothing by the hund reds among these people The sum of $6000 bad been collected this year or the work and J6Q carload? of fruit and vegetables had been brought from British Columbia. Travelling libraries constituted another valuable social service. The Druf Problem Turning to the drug problem ur. jupd stated mat tnis was something that co.uld not be dealt with by any one country. The nations and the churches mut unite for concerted action. The hurch must work, Dr. Judd asserted, for the eradication of evil upon earth and the establish ment of God's rlehteousne&s. It was the function of the Christian religion, to do good and to est ablish a reign of Justice, love and Drotneroood. The church should take an Interest In political, ec onomlc and industrial affairs. The .social service council was enda vouring to study present day proh- ems in the light of modern science. The religion of Jesus Christ was most practical. The speaKer exnorted his listeners to pray to God, think about God and work for God. in opening Dr. Judd reviewed the history of the Church of Eng iana in Canada. It began when the first church was formed in Nova Scotia In 1788. Since then It natt increased until today there were twenty-seven dieceses man ned by 1600 clergy. It operated In aemocratic manner throueh Its general synod. "We believe In ml by the bishops," said the speakes out ine people have a say In all decisions." . The general synod 'worke tnrough three great boards ml slonarjU education and f social ser vice, bocjai service represented the Gospel in action. Dr, Judd then went on to describe In some detail the functions and activities of the social: service council. JONES Family Market PHONE 857 3 lbs. Haumburger, 3 lbs. ft 2 lbs.. .Onions FORK Legs of Pork per lb Loin of Pork per lb. w Spar Ribs 2 lbs. PHONE 957 Specials MILK FED VEAL Rump Boast Veal per lb Fillet Roast Veal per lb Leg of Veal per lb Boned ti Rolled Shoulder per, :1b. Veal .Cjlops 'flibs. i. B'fSw Veal, il. lbs. it i l'tjn of Peas . . BEEF Prime Rib Roll : per b Pot Roast 0 lbs. : T'Bon.e Roast . per lb. . Slrjoln Steak 3 lbs, .. .. Round Steak Shoulder Pork per lb. ,.. LAMB Si MUTTON Leg pf Lamb per lb v..-..,, Shoylder Lamb Rolled per lb t Leg of Mutton ,per lb Lbln of Mutton f per lb ., , Qunnybrook Butter (Wih meat only) per lb. 3 Mm, the Jlmlt i5c 20c 15c 15c r35c 25c 15c . 50c 18c 50c 40c 25c 20c 20c 25c ISc 25c 20c 18c 15c Advance Ages In 25c Fishing Hamlet Clarke's Harbor, Nova Scotia, Has D, Unique Record YARMOUTH, N.S., Nov. 4: (CP) Apparently the modern commo dities of large cities are not neees-; sary to enable a person to fxlst healthfully for an unusual length of time. Clarke's Harbor, a small fishing village near Yarmouth, .claims a unique record of longevity for its residents. James L Nkkr-rson, $g(. his sister Mrs. Matilda Colqhoun. 87, Jiving in this little hamlet and their brother, Thomas N. lllckerson, 85, now living In California, have a total age of 2fil years for one family. There are at present at Clarke's Harbor, 26 persons whose ages ag gregate 2,262 years, an average age of 87. They all voted at the last federal lection. REAL DEARS THOSE DAYS LONDON, Ont., Nov. 14: (CP) , H. Porter, London auctioneer, claims he bagged one of t-he larg est bears ever In the Lindsay district "when he killed a 378- pound animal near Argyie In September, 1906, with a shotgun. FOR SALE' FOR BALE Three Goats. Apply Seal Cove Post Office. (270) FOR SALE Victor Combination ten-tube .electric radio. Perftpt condition. Phone 564. (269) TOR SALE Buy the best. Bunsen Oil Burner. Phone Black 461. FURNITURE Factory samples must go this week. Three-room groups, 60 high-grade pieces, guaranteed the most sensational bargain ever offered In Western Canada f, $160.00; 10 piece Chesterfield Groups $65.00; genuine Walnut Cedar Chests $14.50. Terms If desired. Free storage. Write to; day. Julius Shore Mall Order House, 801 Bekins Bldg Van- couver. LOST LOST Will the gentleman who took the black Stetson hat with initials O.B5. inside from Moose Hall last night return to Dally News.Reward. (267) FOR RENT FOR RENT Four-room modern flats. Pantry, bath, Monarch range and watr. $12.50 to. $1750. Helgerson Ltd. (tf) WANTED WANTED Leather Baby carriage. Phone Red 801. (269) MALE HELP WANTED 'LESSOfrHrorri the' depression-- Be a Civil Servant Postman, Customs Examiner, Clerk, Sten ographer, etc. Free Book'e "How to get a Government Job." M.C.C. Civil Service School, PERSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. (tf) GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific. Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. MEN Get vigor at once. New Os- trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up or gans, glands. If not delighted, maker refunds few cents paid. Call or write, Ormes limited, tf wms i Ira 1 I M M I) WDER afAMeWI FLAVOR! A New "Multi-Bean" Blend - j Remember Today is the Last Day Ve Accept Nominations For the Rexall Boys' and Girls' r2 CONTEST Nominations Close, at 10 o'clock Tonight VOTING STARTS 3IONDAY MORNJNG OrmesLtd 77he Pioneer Prtuzff tats rbeReuU ltac Phones: 81 & U Open Dally From s ,.m.: till JP p,nv. Spndays iod llolldart From 2 noon till t p.m 7 pa till I f.m. CHINA and Drop in and inspect our (Crockery Department. We have some very beautiful open stock dinncrware patterns at very reasonable prices. , Our display of Royal Albert Chirtaware, consisting of cups, and saucers and tea ; sets, as wel as the many ojther interesting .china and crockery items we carry, are well worth seeing. A small deposit will hold any article until Christmas, GORDON'S HARDWARE McBride Street Phone 311 . Canadian Pacif ic To Vancouver vty Ocean Falb and Way Ports S3. "Princess Adelaide," every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct S3. "Princess Norah," Nov. 3rd. 19th, Dec. 3rd, 17th. TO Ketchikan, Wranfell, Junean and Ska'rway SS. "Princess Norah' Oct. 36th,, tioyk 15th. v 29th, Dec. 13th. WINTER EXCURSION FAKES CQQ A TO VANCOUVER AND KETUUN Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1935 to Feb, 28th. 1937. Final return limit March 31st, 1937. For Information and Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Atent, Frlnce Rupert, B.C. i it fill 1