PfiO ' Li.r Today's Weather (8 A.M.) Tomorrow's Tides prince Rupert Raining, strong High . 3:22 a.m, 20.5 It. southeast wind; barometer, 29.50; 15:19 p.m. 222 ft. temperature, 52; sea smooth. Low 9:17 a.m. 5.8 ft. 22:05 p.m. 2.1 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XV,N 233' " r ..." .JZ, SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 1936 pricTcentT Fasits Plan For Yankees One Up In World Series; Tough on Giants National Leaguers Outhit Their Rivals Eleven to Four Rut Lost by Score of Two to One Freddie Fitzsimmons Did Fine Pitching YANKEE STADIUM, New York, Oct. 3: (CP)-De- spite Freddie Fitzsimmons' superb four-hit pitching, the Yankees edgdd out a two to one victory in the third game of the World Series today to take a two to one game lead. The Giants outhit the Yankees eleven to four and it was a heart-breaking game to lose. There were no errors. The Yankees scored one In the second and the Olants avened up the count in the fifth. The American Leagu ers put over ine w nmnit run in ni spvpmv innii- cinn ranx in Lnp nerican League via nnvi v vttv Freddie iiilii b a. i win nlavpti lomor. Fitzsimmons IW MI 111 LI1C 1I1LII I'll IV1IIIU1MV. Ratteries Olants Fitzsimmons and Man- . v.nt.K.. TT II ! m.i Yankees took the lead in the se- nomer inio me rigni ueia, sianas. (Continued on Page Two) AS SAILED FOR CANADA ew Kan n iifan i.pnTf ann Today to Assume Post Given Luncheon by Fleet Street LONDON, Oct. 3: Major W. E. Ion. On Thursday he was tendered . . fiA...At1 I i i m i n ith managers and editors of the rtnclpal newspapers as well as the anadlan High Commissioner being i attendance to honor him. Today's Weather (Clovcrtvment Telegrapha) Triple Island Raining, fresh utherly wind ;sca choppy. Angara Island Part cloudy, ewr, 29.44; temperature. 52: light, TerraceRaining, calm, 46. Hazelton-aalnlng, calm, 46. Smltherscioudv. calm. mild. Burns Lake-Ralnlng heavy, 42 Stewart -lutm m A Prince George Cloudy, calm-urometer, 29.88. Victoria Cloudv. southwest nn . ,. --, hu per noux, Vancouver Cloudv. easterly wa. 4 milci v.-.. Estevan Ralnlntr. snuthwest 7 miles per hour; barometer, Weather Forecast Pressure is quite low off the north UUC Coast anrt n-ol lo "g there Prince Ruiyrt. aH n. islands-stronK southeast to -"west wind ,to gales, mild witn ct Coast Of Viuirnnvpr Tsl- . "rail W) Stronir riihwpst flowery, local fog In the v 1 . JfK CHINA IS RESTLESS Sentencing of Two Chinese To Death. Resented General Chiang Kai Shek Is Holding Out HANKOW, China, Oct. 3: Danger of serious rioting by Chinese In various parts of the country in protest at the sentencing to death yesterday of two Chinese for the slaying of Hideo N'akayama, Japanese naval pf-rteef; lodmedlattfnlghitUTaddto the general tenseness of the situation. It was reported today that General C h i a n g Kai Shek. China's dictator, had refused flatly to hurry to Nanking to negotiate with the Japanese In regard to their demands. This was taken to mean that Chiang had assured himself of a new solidarity in his country. Meantime, there is a general expectancy of armed conflict, as Japanese continue to land reinforcements to the heavy forces already on patrol in China. Plans for fiie evacuation of British women and children and other foreigners from the troublous sections continue. Former Secretary Of War Addresses Hospital Meeting CLEVELAND, Ohio. Oct. 3: Former Secretary of War Newton D. Baker was the principal speaker at a dinner in connection with the convention of the American Hospi tals Association here. He spoke before eight hundred delegates on the Peace." Regina Dentists Refuse to Treat ,D Relief r c Patient p . . REGINA, Oct. 3: Regina dentists have refused to treat relief cases until a definite arrangement has been reached with the city in re gard to fees to be paid. BIG FIRE FRIDAY IN CENTRAL ALASKA TOWN FAIRBANKS, Alaska, Oct. 3: (CP) Fire virtually destroyed an entire business block at Nenana, sixty-five miles south nf here vesterday. Fanned oy a breeze, the blaze levelled a rate, pool hall, two. stores and a warehouse before it was brought under control. The ex- tent of damage was not esti- mated. NO DANGER IN FRANCE Government Forbids Extremist Demonstrations and Post Thousands of Mobile Guards To Streets PARIS, Oot. 3: (CP) France's Popular Front government announced last, nlgiht that it was ready to deal with any trouble which might develop this weekend between Communists and Fas cists. Both extremist groups had announced that they planned public demonstrations on Sunday The government promptly forbade either and, in order to ensure that order is maintained, has posted the holding of demonstrations by five thousand extra mobile guards to all main boulevards. In some quarters fear of civil war In France has been suggested but the government assures that It has the situaUon completely In hand and there is little. If any. danger, Husband of Dolly Gann Passes Away WASHINGTON. D.C.j Oct. 3: Edward Gann, husband of Mrs. Dolly Oann, sister of the late For-mer Vice-President Charles Curtl and prominent in the life of the national capital, died,' yesterday. He I was the victim of a heart attack in his office after having felt unwell fof&' few days. - j.. CLEARING UPJEBRIS Fire Menace Over In Southwestern Oregon Bandon Prepares To Rebuild MARSHFIELD, Ore., Oct. 3: Foggy weather of the past few days permitting the devastating forest fires which levelled the towns of Bandon and Prosper on the south coast of Oregon and took a death toll of eleven, to be brought under control, thousands of fire fighters were enabled to turn from the fire lines to the task of clearing up de-' bris. The dense fogs have now ended the danger of further spread of the fires which have been gradually burning out. Relief of the homeless Is now well in hand and plans for the rebuilding of Bandon are already under way. Insurance adjusters are on the ground. Four Persons Die in Crash Chartered Plane, Carrying Newsreel Men, Comes Down Near Napierville, 111. NAPIERVILLE, 111., Oct. 3: Four persons were killed in the crash of an eight-passenger Lockheed-Vega airplane near here. The plane had been chartered by newsreel men taking pictures of the new Zephyr streamlined train. The plane came from Los Angeles. . Fish Butchers Go on Strike Skilled Workers Said to be Getting Less Than $25 a Week In San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 3: Fish butchers and truck drivers have gone ori strike here in demand for a closed shon. Skilled workers, it is 'said, -are getting less than $25 a week. and are working long hours INSURING SECURITY Chancellor of Exchequer Tells British Conservative Party Of Powerful Air Force TALKS OF TRADE Revision of Ottawa Agreements Necessary Question of Mandated Territory Discussed LONDON, Oct.j 3: At the an-nual-f onference next week of the British Labor Party a' resolution will be presented supporting the general British rearmament program but reserving the right to criticize the government's plans. MARGATE, Eng Oct. 3: Chief speaker yesterday at the annual sident Herbert Hoover will take the conference of the British Conser- stump in support of Governor Al-vatlve party. Rt. Hon. Neville Chamberlain. Chancellor of the Exchequer, dealt Svlth the lmpor- tant subject of defence and re- armament. He deolared that Great Britain was developing an air force vhich would bs sefcond to none, and Ahlch would be the most forml-i Jable deterrent to war which could ; be devised. Adequate naval strength as also being provided and the rmy, while trifling in comparL'onj ith the strength of some of the European nations, was most mo-lernly equlnced. ' The Chancellor mphaslzed that , the policy of htsl vernment -ww arVfor peace and security andnot for aggres- ? , """T Z -d7, Zr no r KJwoull be given a free hand in the party to support the government's rearmament program and policy of defence. Mr. Chamberlain also pressed the view that regional pacts with European neighbors would i ilso be an aid in preserving peace, j Turning to the subject of trade, the Chancellor said that the Oti tawa agreements had not worked jut In every way as had been expected and, when the time came for renewal, there would need to be some. rtTfslons,i.They;had, however, given a new starting point for In terchange of views between the various parts of the Empire. He believed lri the policy of Imperial preferences. Mr. Chamberlain spoke in place of Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin who Is resting in the country. The Chancellor stated that the Premier expected to be in shape to cope with the huge problems which fac ed him by the time Parliament reassembled. For some time there has been talk of Mr. Baldwin retiring and being succeeded by Mr. Chamberlain. Mandated Territory At Thursday's meeting of the party conference, the government was asked for a definite statement on what Its policy might be In regard to mandated territory. Sir Samuel Hoare, the principal speaker that day, Intimated that the government considered the question of ceding Its mandated territory to other nations a non-discussable matter. . Wenatchee Apple Packers Strike Trouble is Localized When Yakima Labor Council Refuses to Join In Walk-Out WENATCHEE, Wash., Oct. Apple packers and warehouse men went out on strike here yesterday, ferred to, was tnat which provided j suited in the recovery of the bodies, SEATTLE, Oct. 3: Owing to un-i Some of the warehouses continued what debts should be' paid ami of Joe Cameron and Jack Perrin certainty on account of the possi-ln operation, however, with strike- how they should be paid In th from slit In the bed of Slough Creek blllty of a local waterfront strike, breakers and men who refused to province of Alberta. ' where an automobile and the two 'only two ships arrived in Seattle Join the strike. ,other victims of an accident sup- j yesterday to load cargo, others be- There is no trouble in the Yakima ! NEW YORK, iCP-Bar silver posedly last Sunday were found the lne diverted elsewhere, it U h (Valley, the Yakima Labor Council announcing that it was not msym - pathy with the Wenatchee strike, Spanish Control 0IT PSEDTO ROOSEVELT Al Smith Swings Over to Republicans in Fight Against New Deal TOPEKA, Kansas Oct. 3: mentlng upon a speech in New York In which Former Governor Al Smith. Democratic, candidate for President in 1928, intimated that he would support Landon as against Roosevelt In the presidential election campaign, Governor Alfred M. Landon, Republican candidate, declared that he welcomed the support of Smith who was "a C great American and a great Democrat." Hoover on. Stump CHICAGO, Oct. 3: Former Pre date In the present campaign, when he speaks at Philadelphia on Oc tober 13. Passing through there last night enroute east. Mr; Hoover said he would d?al with "several of President Roosevelt's inaccuracies." - Antfo-Russifn Naval Pact Has 1 Been Agreed On LONDON, Oct. 3: Delegates are,' siaica 10 nave arrived at farms ion a new Anglo-Russian naval treaty I ' s r "ms llmlta- Japnan f I ' i V YlMlT Vi 1 JLi X v JLJ FINISHES Scott and Guthrie Plane' Alone Completes Course To Johannesburg JOHANNESBURG, Oct. 3: Vp to last night, C. W. A. Scott and his companion, Giles Guthrie, were still the only ones who had finished the course In the Southampton to Johannesburg air race. Other planes, forced down for var-'. lous causes, were feverishly endeavoring to get into the air In time to finish within the time limit and thus share in the prize money but It seemed improbable that they would be able to do so. The time of Scott and Guthrie for the 6000-mile course was 52 hours and 56 minutes or an average of 123 miles per hour. Delays Action Against Alberta Chamber of Commerce Refers To A Committe Request For Local Action At the meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce la evenmg, a letter was received from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce asking the local Chamber to back it in representations to Ottawa' against the financial legislation of the Aberhart Govern- ' ment and asking an immediate re- ! P1?. h wl1? It was decided, on motion of C. V. Evltt, to refer the matter to the Legislative Committee of the chamber for a report the next .regular meeting oi me onamDcr, The particular .legislation re- was unchanged at 44c per ounce j on the New York metal market today. . . (Dictator Franco Commanders For Finish Of Drive Upon Madrid 4 SIXTY-FOUR DROWNED WHEN JAPANESE SHIP FOUNDERS IN" TYPHOON YOKOHAMA, Oct. 3: Sixty- K four persons were reported last night to have been drown- ed in the foundering of the Japanese steamer Kashlma Mam in a typhoon off the coast of Korea. Sixty passen- gers and four members of the' fr crew were lost in the foun- V"'"" xiy-iai V""1"4"""8 dering of the Kashlma Maru. fo the insurgent armies' fl- The typhoon, beating a path nal drive against Madrid. of death and destruction over Franco also discloses the ( the Japanese Islands, tonight setting up of a technical passed out to sea, leaving a councn 0f state or junta in. total death toll of approxi- i,.j: matelvSeventv.twndKtrPd;cludl.nff Commissions steamers and many injured, The German steamer Ursula Rickmers asked aid, reporting that it was on fire off Yoko- nama. Search For Mrs. Gravlih's Slayer Still Continues VICTORIA, Oct. 3: As police continue the search for her slayer, "uneral service was held here for Mrs. Victor Gravlin, the supposed victim of strangulation, whose body was found under a pile of wood near Oak Bay the body being '.ater taken to Seattle for cremation. Her husband, former Victoria sports editor, has been missing for ten days. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Oct. 3: (CP) Wheat advanced to $1.078 on the Vancouver market yesterday. The Winnipeg price on Wednesday was $1.078 and on Thursday $1.07'2 for October delivery, advancing to $1.098 yesterday. Vancouver price today was $1.08 V. Pound Sterling And Canadian Dollar On New York Exchange of devaluation In-British NEW YORK, Oct. 3: (CP)-The 'Plon moves pound sterling closed at!Gtlu!edubyra!?ct, nd c-pe Grea Brltaln and the $4.93 V on the local foreign ex-l';11! IK ates wward move change market Thursday, down! lc. The Canadian dollar was stlll'bf an ursy hwhHen J!00'?01 hands with in- at par on Thursday but advanced J . . , . , , , dustrlal average closing at 168.12 to a premium of 1-16 yesterday. In M fi f-f 5 Rnd Montreal the British pound sterl- UUes at 39 36 39 Tnere WM ng was at $4 9334 having advanced 'a further declded advance yestcr. In two days from $4.92 31-32. Iday ' i Montreal and Toronto marke's D J V DOUieSOI 1W0 Others Found Remains of Joe Cameron and Jackj Pen-in Dragged Out of Silt In Cariboo Creek Bed QUESNEL, Oct. 3: (CP) Drag ging operations late yesterday re day previous. The other victims were Ben Hanaf in, -Stanley hotel proprietor, and Miss Olive Kewan. Names Technical Council of State . Set up to Govern Country Socialists Claim to Have Gained an Advantage At Toledo. BURGOS, Spain, Oct. 3: (CP) General Francisco r ranCQ, dictator - designate pf the Fascist provisional jrovprnmpnr. in Knnin tnrlav ' ' ' Mn1Qri j i1? taKe control of al the na tion's affairs. Meantime the leftist government declared martial law on all its troopS in Mad rid and, according to reports from Mora village,, the So cialist army made a surprise flank movement against the Toledo, fortifying a semi circle and strengthening the defence essential fdr food supply routes to .Madrid. 1 here was another t ascist air raid on Madrid yester day. The capital was thrown into a panic but little actual damage was done. STOCK MART IS RALLIED Some Issues Hit New Highs For Five Years Following Devaluation Settlement NEW YORK, Oct 3: The stock market yesterday continued its upward rally of the last two dayi with some Issues reaching new iilghs for five years. After weakness earlier In the week, owing .to the uncertainty of the European monetary situation pending com- als0 contlnued the "dly yesterday including the Toronto mining market. Strike Imminence Hurting Seattle Ships Not Going There to Load Cargo on Account of Uncertainty of Situation smallest number of ships to arrive' here in a day since a; the strike! trouble of the spring "otHm: .0