r PAGE TWO DAILT NEWS I The Family Shoe Store Ltd. YOU KNOW THIS RUBREU WEARING WEATHER IS HARD ON THE FEET . . . Try Bat "Dr. V erners" Comfort Shoe See these in Black pi: Brawn Kid Ties, Pumps and' Straps; Special Third Avenue- THE DAILY NEWS. FRLNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 357 Published. Every Atternooof Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News,. Limited, Third Avenue EL.R.PULLm Manaslng-EdTvor SUBSCRIPTION BATES city delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance By mall to all parts of British" Columbia, the British Empire and For lessor periods, paid in advance, per week By mall to all other countries, pw year r A VERTISrNG RATES Transient display advsrttil ag; per inch, per insertion . Classified advertising, per word, per insertion ; News Department Telephone .. 86 Advertising and Circulatum Telephone as Member, ol Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION li 9.00 1.1U .02 Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1936 DEFENCE QE C.N. R. The defence of the Canadian National Railwavs nub NEEDS DEFENCES Britain tried to set the -world an example in reduction of armed forces. The result was that neighboring nations took advantage . of the gesture to increase theirs and endangered the safety . of the British Emnire. With the dan ger of a general European, Svar confronting her, Britain ia uuw increasing ner armaments at a rapid rate ana lor doing, so she is beihg'criticized. There would have been no criticism if she had been defeated' in' war and much of her territory lost. When Russia arms she is doing so only in self-defence: When Britain arms she is simply arousing her neighbors to increase their armaments; All depends upon where the sympathies lie. V ' AN AMERICAN BLOC As an offset to the somewhat aertrressive nolicv of Janan ALABASTIHE 5000 Hardware, Paint and Depart-mental store ihi Canada' have it. Alabastine is a; household' word for low cost, and sanitary wall decoration. Ask your dealer. Gyp lumLimew Alabastine. Canada, limited . . fAVfc OfyTASJO, CANADA GROTTO IN HOOP WIN Defeated Lambie & Stone Night Other Results son, L. Llewellyn. Total, 7. Junior League Last Grotto defeated Lambie & Stone in senior basketball last night; by a score of 39 to 27. Half time score was 25 to 181n favor of1 the Qrott'. Murray, for Grotto, was sent to the showers In the first half and McPheein the second half. Lambk & Stone played a good game of ball but seemed to lose spirit when Lindsay was banished; Calderonl did not play, as well as usual. 1 Lindsay, for Lambie St Stone, netted fourteen points while-Morgan and McPhee got tweny-four. ! points between them for Grotto. Lambie & Stone Armstrong; (7), Lindsay (14), Calderonl lh John Junior game a score of 15 to 13. Half time score was 8 to 7 in favor of High. Houston, for Scythians, netted eight points while, for the High School, Fulton netted himself eight points as well. High Fulton 18), O'Neil (4),j Fitch, Yamanacka 13. ythlans Houston 8I, Roma (4), Antonclli (2), Montesano, 1 Murrav. Veitch (1). Total. 15. ! President Roosevelt is .tiying to arrange what is to beiorbttettes Known as an .all-Ame.nca. peace conference with a view to permanently outlawing af- ih, the Americas. While therq is no suggestion of this being a defensive alliance, it may easily become that,, onqe there is an established alliance between the American countries; The chief objection to it is the fact that in-som'erof the American countries there is a considerable Japanese; population and it is thought that in case of trouble between countries on this side of the Pacific and the people on the other, these settlers would side with the Orient , , . , Rangers-Bluebirds Rangers defeated Canadian tlonal Recreation Association 6 10 3 2 10 G 4 li 3 2 WininBowilfag to 999 and Bluebirds defeated Doo 1 Bowling-'em Over (By Onlooker) Just' to interest- you- folks-, let" us tell who won on Sunday, Why, it was the Lodge Men, of course. And did they play a sweet game? fll tell the world they did. -!-. ' 11 i t -A- J enn 141 .fiiPMir AtnAir fit TVifn 1 t tlOWn LilB ullrV WIIPTI. HP SIKXJLX 21I1U ' 27. I bawling his men out. As this Is Bill ; ! Grotto Morgan (14), RatchfordiGray, how about Nels Gunderson? I (7), McPhee (10), Murray, Gillies I He shoots a fair game but oh that' (2), Stalker (6). Total, 39. jsnoose he eats! He should get Intermediate League Scythians again took the Intermediate game from the High School with a score of 17 to 11. Neither of the teams seemed to be able to hit the basket. Half Itlme score was 6 to 4 in favor of Deli, Nayior; McMeekin (1), Munro don't let a punk team like Tommy 13), Hlrano 16). Total, 11. Morgan and his Moosers give them Ladles League such a bad licking again. Eva Morris stage da come-back for the Annettes team toy netting; . six points for herself in the ladles' i OliOVC-Rllf n PnAfC game to give the Annettes a over ... the ..... High . School girls, v . .. . .. win! I the. utsneu yesieraay provea very interesting to manv reauers score being 12 to 7. Biain. for the of this paper, it showed that the National Railways- has Hlsh. netted an of the points for; Deen paying its way ana more, Winch is all that most busi-; " ot nesses have been able to. do., In Prince Rupert any busi- '"ord, En'yd S ness that for several years past has been able to pay run- m, Eva Morris (6). Total, 12. ning expenses, and overhead and a very small dividend 1 High schooi-Bia:n (7), McLeod, would nave considered itself verv luckv. THf i-niKvnv h.isiE- Davis. T- Davis, Mussaiiem, wn- been doing that. It has paid; a 'small dividend, but not enough to cover interest on its capitalization. In nronor- tion.to the size of, it well! Scythians won the has the;business,.however, paid as from tne High school with uie i cau oi anaaian, Dusinesses. ! practice once in a while. Arid there's Knutsen. He's not bad but he forgot his skiis and just couldn't find his feet. Of course, we don't, expect much Scythians. If Hlrano fbr the High of Sonny Stiles. He's only a boy but School had made half the shots he he has the makings of a fair player. took, High would have come out : on top. instead of at the other i Last but not least comes Roy end. Wicks. He should, with. a few years' Scythians Dominato (0), Le- practice, do fairly well. tourneau (1), Montesano, Gillies i (1),, Beynon (2), Murray, Currie1 Maybe it would help If Skipper Oilers scored a two game to one victory over Canadian National Recreation Association in the Com- J mercial Bowling League-last night,; Rupert Butchers defeating Biological Station three games to nil In the second fixture of the evening, i High average scorer for the evening was Fred Rogers of the Canar dian National Recreation Associa tion with 148. The next games will be played Friday night as follows: lxareu 'nuw,a i ''"vm uiuiji, (1) LUndquist inree-M-wo mxi vs. ciikcis. DetatLs of scoring last night: C. N. R. A. 1st 2nd 3rd Rogers 113 Tha lcniino st.nnfllnire. tn rintu1 IDOnu - 11 Senioi League w. L. Grotto 4 3 Lambie & Stone 4. 4, Moose 3 4 Intermediate League-Scythians 5 I Canadian Legion 4. 3. High School 1 6 Ladies' League 5 2 High School 3 3 Annettes 2 5 Junior League' High School .-. 3 1 2 Moose 3. 2 Scythians 3 3 Boy Scouts 1. 3 West 100 I . r r .on pxviw-ieoa ioo 8Teng-... 3 .lie Total 588 OILERS- '.v 1st Bulger ..? 124; Roaf '...145i I Morris. 119' Hibbard McLeod U . .128 Menzies ...146 173 130 103 97 79 582 2nd 124 136 16G 132 153 Totals 6G2' 71L BIO. STATION 1st 2nd Large :... 131. 106 Sutton 67 Brocklesby 87 Carter 91 Sunderland 107 Totals 483' , Ri BUTCHERS 1st 1A. Astoria 108 Na-tMcLean 106 1764 iB; Morgan 104 Fisher 121 dads 1519 to 1361 in Ladles' Bowling jL. Astoria 108 Bluebirds Pierce, 360; Boulter, 276; Hartwig, 142; Keren, 261; total, Butchers 1519. Watts' Grocery. ... Doodads Clccone. 297;' Ingram, Biological Station 218; Parent, 255; F. Smith, 277; E. Smith, 314; total, 1361. High average scorer Raybone, 255. 70 99 98 84 457 2nd 131 102 99 122 75 ..7 ..7 ..6 .6 ' '4' 1. 1 159 103 i 153 140 81. 1 636 3rd' 120' 91 I 156 112 118i 597 3rd 75 82 80 114 84 435 3rd 122 103 League play last night. Rangers Armour, 329; Fortune,! Totals 545 529 562 357; Deane, 385; Montgomery, 209; The league standing, to date: Raybone, 484; total, 1764. ( W, L. C. N. R. A. Teng, 182; Rlvett, 104; Horton, 221; Munro, 242; Vance, 250; total, 999. Three Two Taxi Bankers ................ c. n; r: a. 339 Church 'Oilers Webster, 141; Kalen Motors LEGION IS Grotto Oddfellows : . 93 93 C. N. R. A. 100 1 124! 113! Reach the most people in city land district with an advertisement I in the Dally News. W. L. 100 89 .98 91. 93 91 96 93 96 . 92 97 91 98 88 101 1 HOCKEY SCORES Northwestern League Seattle 4; Vancouver 4. Portland 1, Edmonton 1. (7),. Total, 17. Gray and his brave boys wore their ham Hotspurs nosed out Bradford High School Davis (1), Camp-' gumbdots If they stick to it and two-to one yesterday In a replayed' VUVl O 1UIVUV1 o Defeated C. N. R. A. and Biological Station in Commercial League HOTSPURS DEFEAT BRADFORD ' IN CUP FOOTBALL MONDAY1 LONDON, Feb. 18! (CP) Totten-' game in the fifth round English Soccer Cup. of the LADIES' BOWLING LEAGUE Standing of teams to date: G, Ttl Aniaettes Annettes 4 4 3267 3267 . D ' W. III HI DOWlinff Angers 6 4552 TW.lnla Doodads jinn ......... ;, 6 4122 Bluebirds 6 4115 P. R. Grads .4 2661 Maccabees 4 2627 Brunettes , 4 2451. C. N. R. A; ,.6 3273 SPORT CHAT A I turning triumphant from a British Captures Second lUlt CribbRe Honors and Right .to May. Off With Grotto For Title ! Canadian Legion, althoush defeated 1G to 11 by Elevator last night, retained' enough of its lead in Uie standing, to win the second half of the season and the right to meet Grotto, winners of the first half for the winter's honors. Even if; the skipper has a; bald 1 Last night's scores were as 101- iip.iri It w.is a treat to see them lows. 'play. Those Moose are a fine bunch . Grotto, 14: Moose; 13: of men although, of course, the At-1 Elevator, 16; Canadian Legion, 11. lin bovs are not too bad if they! Canadian National Recreation would only try some times. They,' Association, 14; Sons of: Norway, ; 13i have about the best skinner in B, Oddieuows, u; Meat racKers, i h. if hfi'rt onlv. mitt- trotns half wav The final standing fonthe second nan: ir rTT i C tlvities of the cosmic ray during the voyage. Near it will be stored British Columbia's contribution to the Adelaide Centennial Exhibition. The exhibit, in tha form of a building 15 by 10 feet, demonstrates the almost unlimited uses of timber products of the province. Miss Peggy E. Gamble, five feat seven inches tall, weighing 120 pounds, the queen of feminine pulchritude, .vill add .a romantic touch to the 1 546 M m m . 1 m 8i7 Xfwy 759 IlOp V 686 Viy 1 Tuesday, February 18, 1535 $outhern voyage. The 19-year old girl's beauty" and personality have brought her nearly $5,000 in prizes. Several important chances- .in Top-notchers in sport and science addition to the reduction in the size oHha bull, eye already announced are on board and a beauty queen , , will be affected in the rules of . he Canadian-Australian motorship yew,. mectlng of the National orangl now enroute from Victoria lR1fle Association at. Blsley opening 10 Australia via Honolulu and the.: Monday. July 10. Instead of pUr. Islands. All Blacks, New zea-: chasing tickets which entitle them il I4 I lYAV I ..l i lands tamed rueby players, are re tour, and fresh irom victories against all-star teams of Victoria and Vancouver- The team from Down Under," before disembark ing at Auckland, will meet Professor A. H. Compton, well-known United States scientist, and "Miss to five not more than two practice snots oeiore any cumpeuuon, competitors will bo given the ammunition for two compulsory sighting shots. When these two shots have been fired the competitor may elect to. count either the. second or both as scoring shots. Owing to the increasing number of competitors, vmvuiia, jtitntu nttnikt aim uc uuwuuny iu uumining a beauty contest sponsored by the. larger supply of ammunition, all Melbourne Star. Dr. Compton's j the competitions in the Grand Ag-scientific equipment, a highly sen- gregate that have hitherto been 10. sltlve and costly research labora-, round shots have been reduced to lory, is housed in a special com- -even rounds. These include "The partment on the deck. He will con-1 Dally Telegraph" Cup, the "Times,'' duct experiments dealing with ac-1 the "Daily Mail," the Wimbledon Cup, the Duke of Cambridge at 900 yards, and tho Corporation of the City of London at 1.100 yards. The Alexandria, which is not in the Grand Aggregate, becomes a 10-shot competition at COO yards, and the Conan Doyle will also be a single-range shoot, 10 shots at 500 yards. In all these competitions those who make the highest possible score will Immediately shoot three tie shots. f lltjs'RY: "James, 1 on remember Dad tell 'ing;us thar, in his day, they used to thresh their grain.with 1 flail. We couldn't. get vlong that way nowadays; there's too much." JaMesI "You're right, Henry. We must have mechanical help to produce grain at a.profit . in .these days. But I'm in favour of employing i many men as we can" Henry: "That's-every sensible Canadian's point of view. Our local Bank of Montreal manager' tells me that, if the security is all right, his Bank is willing to lend money for necessary modern implements. By the- way, , our loan at the Bank has been paid off in full and the. manager has promised to ad CANADIANS AND THEIR INDUSTRIES-AND THEIR BAN.K GRAIN GROWING . vance money against the sale of our wheat to pay for harvest labour. We couldn't get along without the Bank's co-operation. It will be helping us, as usual, when wc need money in the spring for seeding and for that new barn we'll have to build one of these days." - ' . Some of the Bank's services to Grain Growers: Business chequing accounts; savings accounts; money orders and travellers cheques; the ashing of grain tickets and cheques; banking- by mail; safekeeping of securities; loans for planting, hatvesting and farm equipment, ' BAN. K OF MONTREAL . . tSTAULISIIKD 1H 17 II HAD OFFICE, MONTREAL ,- Prince Rupert Branch F. A.' MacCALLUM, ManaBcr X Strt Hranch: W. WRIGHT,, Manager HOntRN. miCUNT BANKING SIRVICE.. Tilt OUTCOME Or til YEARS- SUCCESSFUL OPFRATIO