PAG rouH m For - - COAL LUMBER Building Supplies Phone PHILPOTT EVITT & Co. Ltd. 651 and 652 FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY" Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 Don't Put a Dollar On Any New Car Until You See the'. . . New Chevrolet Solid Steel Turret Top Perfected Hydraulic Brakes ; Improved Six Clylnder Motor Fisher No Draft Ventilation Knee Action Front Wheels Kaien Motors Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS I Third Ave. Thone 52 m Hyde Transfer Coal Wood Cartage , Storage i PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue JONES Family Market UIONC 957 HEINZ KETCHUP large bottle riioNE as; SPECIALS Boneless Stew Beef 3 lbs Round Steak, 2 lbs. Sz 1 lb. Kidney Sirloin Steak per lb. Rib Steak per lb .'. Boll Beef, 3 lbs. 5 lbs. Spuds Shoulder Lamb Chops per lb Shoulder Veal Steak 2 lbs Veal Stew. 2 lbs. & 5 lbs. Spuds Hamburger, 3 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions Pot Roast 4 lbs. T-Bone Steak, 2 lbs. & 5 lbs. Spuds Boiling Fowl per lb : , Ayrshire Bacon per lb Pork Hock I per lb j Shoulder Roast of Pork per lb. 25c 50c 20c 15c 25c 15c 25c 25c 25c 35c 50c 20 c 25c 10c 15c For Quality Low Prices Quick Service try us. We carry all the nationally advertsed brands DRY PRUNES Small 4 lbs 25C ROAST MUTTON Globe Op 12-oz. tin w 1 pkg. CHIPSO, large; 2 cakes BIRK S CASTILE SOAP 97 a I All for I SAIR DATES, per lb POPPING CORN per lb '. 7c 14c CAL-SPA The famous mineral i water, a real tonic' I quart bottle $2.25 DAD'S BRIDGE COOKIES-In use-fuf round tins QQt each UUK, 21c 1 lb. Mixed Nuts FREE wjth each cash order $1.00 or over MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where, Dollars Ilave More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE FURNITURE FLOOR COVERINGS, BEDS SPUING MATTKESSUS All Kinds Phone 775 Third Avenue spell before Christmas may make ;hem susceptible to the frost. On :he other hand they had plenty of time to harden off and the mortality may not be as great as many sxpect. It Is, usually, the , spring frosts that do the damage. This year Phil Edgcumbe, who canvassed the city and sold close to two thousand trees last year, .is unable to carry on the agency. However, an even better deal is to be given this, year by Alfred Bayne, who recently, took over the Glennie business. He has the agency for Eddie's nursery and is advertising C. N. R. Trains For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays 10:20 p.m NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates 11.00 n .50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 188 "TILLIE THE TOILER" DAILY NEWS Tuesday, FebruarT l5 , named varieties at 25 cents each. While he will not canvass the city he Is prepared to take orders at his store which should be convenient for even-one. We suggest plac ing orders early as it may not be possible to get the varieties asked for later In the season. People who have ordered Eddy roses in other vears have hwn well satisfied with Many people are wondering now tnem M lt scems that thc IIorti. their roses are going to stand thecultural s-ty wm not import winter. Tne lact that me trees on u" """'""J " rosps thl. the ilternative will started to rrow durine the mUd ! .iA'"' !h! the Ladies' Aid held a pre-St. Val- w w ! u v k mpm mhi uiiii u uii liic low priced bushes to order through Dreaming of the Spring Time Even with the snow on the ground and zero weather outside, the gardener can enjoy his winter evenings before a cozy fire studying the seed catalogues. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Hockey Standings NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE W. Seattle 15 Vancouver .....14 Portland 12 The herring run stilj continues , Edmonton 12 In the harbor. On Sunday the Gam- Calgary ....12 D. L. F. A. P. 6 12 80 74 36 5 15 99 104 33 8 10 G4 50 32 7 13 79 77 31 4 15 87 94 28 mon & Watt selneboat Zenardi - made a catch of one hundred tons Mrjs- Fred Atkins of Queen Char-for the Tucks Inlet reduction plant lotte City continues to do well at j the Prince Rupert General Hospital Several local young men were following an operation which was signed on as members of the crew . performed a few days ago. of the steamer Prince Charles ; which was recommlssioried in ser-, vice on Sunday night when she sailed for Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands. Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Findlay, returned to port at 8:45 this morning from Stewart, Anyox1 and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon fori Vancouver and waypoints. x-iiiiniiiiiiiKiiiiiiHIiiiiiiiiiniiliilt-iiii I WAfJT TO EE MPg. MACDOUQALL OH,YE5, VOO'REI A fire old Liqueur whiiky, blended from thoroushlyiged Scotch milts, rich in bouquet ind flivouf . , , . $050 $0 26 Ots. 40 Us. WL. P-S l KltaHT COME TO SEE I .,f 'l-k I W .rittt I II ' J , Hk-i. x firy 1 1 about oute r ,3vs PrT 1 1 firml ,m Ladies' Aid Of New Hazelton Church Affair NEW HAZELTON, Feb. 18: A very enjoyable evening was held in Wednesday of last week when entlne's sale and tea as a result of raised, for the Aid which Willi,! $22.50 was Ui VllV Mr. , Bayne unless there is , someone! Conslderlng the co,d wea cue ui ine neia anei u auaic ui the business. This advertisement is given Mr. Bayne free because of his evident desire to co-operate with the horticulturists of. the city in providing them what they require at low prices. We still would like to see Prince Rupert a city of roses and the best way to secure this is to see that good roses are available to purchasers at lowest possible prices. H. F. P. ther, the temperature was more than 30 degrees below zero, the attendance was very good. The ladles were well gratified with the success of their efforts. Man in the Moon Good Day. Business Is rushin. restaurant dusted off his plate On beln A young man went to Australia against his fathers wishes. In one letter home he wrote: have bought a car. First feather In my cap." , In another he wrote: "I have bought a farm Another feather m my cap." This went on for some time and always the son's letter finished with "another feather in my cap." Later, the father received a letter which ran: ''Dear dad, I am broke. Please send passage home." The father replied: "Nothin,? doing. Take the feathers from your cap, stick them on your back, and fly home." Father Anthony Mehlenberp, parish priest of the Roman Catholic Church at Stewan, arrived In the city from the north on thc Catala this morning for a brief visit to town. jilpiilfl5:;:! p ij j 1 1 jj gj?, in pi m IlllilllllllHiijiiiii iilillHIiil i! ! ill H 'is Si iii lilii iiiiiiiiliyiliiiiiiiii :: k s :: ::: :ii iiiii ::::::iU:! k mi u i tmrn Mac Has a Solution I J' .,. ?' J m 1HI 'lIkJ LL-VT I 1 I 1 . 7 V I V iX . V- I'LL TAKE AUCXiK HUM - IT'S A MVeTER" 0M STUFF OUT 60 llllSf This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by thc Government of British: Columbia. Hoover Is Enigmatic (Continued from Paee 1 ver of optimistic 1928 campaign days. Not only have many persons been surprised at the new sparkle and the wit-shafted' sarcasm In the phrase-making of. the former Pres-I the United Church at New Hazelton jent but some radio llstenerj say they have failed to recognize his voice owing to a strange quality of liveliness, breezy informality and effective inflection. rSl.t1 -Rested in broad outline the Chris he apoliglzed, saying he was a baseball umpire and it became a habit with him to dust off the plate. There's a lot of talk about success these days but only a few people achieve it. Thc undertaker's very smart, He'll never need the dole, For he gets rich 'when other folk Are going in the hole. What Does He Seek?? Meanwhile, the politicians won-! der whether Herbert Hoover is seeking the Republican presidential nomination or is intend only upon Influencing the selection ot a candidate and the writing of a platform. He has been engaged in the most formal and co-ordinated attack on the Roosevelt administration of any of those by men suggested for nomination by the Republicans at Cleveland. In each nf flic mnlnr ertAAVoci Vio hoc rlr A rnnri iirhn otit lntn n Innol r on the "new deal," Hoover ha? substance of Republican platform planks he may plan to urge He has also made each of these speeches a vehicle for a persona defence of his policies and act as President. This has tended tr convince some antllloover elements I In the Republican party that th former president, even if he does jnot seek the nomination, Is in 'tent upon obtaining his own vln I dlcatlon in the platform. r Grotto Taxi 456 3 OAKS AT YOUR SERVICE Proprietors Urrt Morgan & ISud Uarrh Don't forget the number 45G CHEEEEQ BIG SHOW WEEK! LAST TIMES TONlGllT Claudettc COLHEUf -In - 'She Married Her Boss' - w!th MICHAEL BAUTLETT 'At 7:30 St 9:30) Coming WED., TIILks Dick Powell, uUby Ketj in "Shipmates ForevM" Comliiff Flu, SATl'R FREDRIC MARCH in "The Dark Anrtp with Merle Oberon REGAL SHOP Mrs. H. Ness, with a guess ot 2400, won the First FREE box of Wool In the Monarch gues-sing contest. This Week's Drsien xow eg Display Hinton Coal Phone 51 CENTRAL HOTEL Try a Dally News want-ad. Writing Pad Specials . . Fine Quality Writing Pads-lo Match -Willi Envelopes Ravine Vellum and Ravina Linen I'ads 1 pad and 1 pkg. envelopes , Ladies' Size . 1 pad and 1 pkg. envelopes While Wove Paper Ruled or plain, letter size; 1 pad and 1 pkg. envelopes . . . Et-CV'ATilrA Cm it OFF-fcfcy CQui om'T TROW OE CXJ-TA. OUflH Oris t MUST bB Hf.f. in ( j4 4 Wi T E31 By Wstover UE DAT AM1 VW AS GOOD Atj IM Y . mm i L U'ii! 35c 25c 25c JJridge I'ads 1 pads in cellophane XtfU IZp & 25C wrapper Scrap Rook Large size, good quality paper 1 Special value at