Salada Orange Pekoe Blend has by tar ine rniesr flavour TEA It This Drug; Store jTHERMOMETERS- For taking baby's temperature. BORIC ACID SOLUTIONS For baby's eyes. RUBBER SYRINGES For baby's ears. SPONGES For baby's bath. . 114 Be Your Drug Store We Can Supply Everything thoUahy Needs !c Keep a Complete Stock of Various Makes of Baby Food LnNELS- For filling nursing bottles. GLASS GRAIJUA f or measuring mas. HOT WATER BOTTLES For stomach pains. NURSING BOTTLES For baby's food. lUBBER NIPPLES For nursing bottles. ABSORBENT COTTON For plugging nursing Domes. BOTTLE BRUSHES For cleaning nursing bottles. OAUZE For cleaning baby's face. 5UBBER SHEETING To prevent baby wetting bed. BABY TALCUM POWUKHSFor Daoy s aencaie siun. BABY SOAPS For baby's bath. SAFETY PINS For fastening baby's clothes. Our Baby Scales Are Always at Your Service his is the Store that gives SERVICE that SERVES Ormes Ltd. Ztfte Ptonecr Druqgists tit tttxall Btort Phones: 81 & 82 Open' Daily From 8 a.m, till 10 p.m. ndij ind Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m.. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. D. ELIO Furniture Exchange RW FURNITURE Floor Covering Stair Car. pets, Hath Mats, Beds, Springs, Mattresses APLES (New Goods) Blankets, Window Blinds, Table Oilcloth, Pack Sacks, Suitcases HOUSEHOLD GOODS BOUGHT OUTRIGHT Phone: Green 421 iefisi which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared' Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Eight Avenue East. Peter Solem, local manager of the Booth Fisheries Co., left on last evening's train for a business trip to Smlthers. Bob: Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Parker, sailed Sunday night on the Prince Charles for the Queen Charlotte Islands. Roger PowelU Indian, charged with having liquor In his possesion. was dismissed with a warning In city police court yesterday Announcements Varden Concert, February 19, Valentine tea, Oddfellows' Hall, February 20. C. N. R. A. Annual Dance, Elks' Hall, Friday, February 21. Sons of Norway Skuesplll and i dance, February 21. Catholic Social, February 24. Toe H. Bridge, February 26. Canadian Legion Whist, February 2G. Bridge and Sons of Norway leap year dance, February 27. 'I will! I won't!" Comedy, United Church, March and 6. ' Philharmonic Society concert Presbyterian Church, March 11, 8:15 p.m. Anglican Pageant, March 20. Presbyterian Sunday School Con cert,. March 27. Presbyterian Easter Sale, April 2 St. Andrew's sale, April 16. Cathedral Easter Catholic Spring Sale. April 23- MOOSE HALL Concerts RENTAL KATES ..$25.00 Dances 25.00 Public Meetings ..- 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetlncs Is now, available on the ground! floor, rental rate, $4.00. For engagements phone the Club Steward. 640 or Red 412. Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockcyc Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL I V mm Packed by the only. Salmon,' Canning Company with an all the year rqund payroll in Prince Rupert DAILY NKWB" LOCAL NEWS NOTES You can rent a car at Walker's ! Miss Ethel Meuse sailed this !as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c a afternoon on the Catala'for a trip 'mile. i St. Peter's tea, home cooking. to Vancouver. "Varden's" concert tomorrow Thursday, Mrs. Moorehouse, 1216 night at 8;30, Oddfellows' Hall. Ad (41) ! mission 50c. Welcome! Lien Recital 4l) Miss B. Svenson sailed this afternoon on the Catala, for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Owing to cold weather on the prairies and the Interior, tonight's train, due horn the East at 10:20 p.m., was reported this morning to be three hours and a half bto which would brine it in at 1:50 ajn. Ah Lee, Chinese, pleaded guilty n city police court yesterday after noon to a charge of supplying liauor to Indians and was find of two months' Print- Riiiwrc r.vm ffltih Pm-l$100, with option bers, at their 'regular weekly lun- imprisonment. He is serving the cheon tomorrow, will again be In business session to discuss activities for the coming year. Word was received in the city this morning from a reliable source stating that F. L. Buckley, who has been In England on buslnes? connected with the Canadian- American Pulp and Paper Co. Ltd., is now returning and Is on the high seas on his way back to New York. time. A. W, Llpsin, proprietor of the Acme Importers, has sold his house on Graham Avenue, Westvlew, to Gene Nickerson of Prince Rupert, It Is understood that Mr. Nlcker-son's father, Sheriff S. A. Nlckerson, will occupy the house. Mrs. D. li. Pitt and daughter, Elizabeth, and son, Bobby, who are leaving Premier for Australia to take up residence, were passenger aboard the Catala this morning bound for Vancouver where they will embark for their new home on Havlne been comDelled to take neave of absence from her duties account of illness, Miss Mar- Jorle Dlmock of King Edward Hipn School teaching staff sailed thi afternoon on the Catala for Van couver enroute to her home In the southern Interior. Aurora To Be Published By High Students The editorial board of the "Aurora" met on Monday afternoon to make further plans for the publishing of the annual high school ma gazine. The board aims to make the magazine self-supporting, the cost Much Enjoyefc? '-ti J Veins 1 About One Hundred "People Present At. Musical 'ireat -in tsi. 'an. . -ilrew's Cathedral About one hundred persons were present In St. Andrew's Cathedral Sunday night when a very acceptable pipe organ recital was ren dered" by Peter Lien, the organist of the Cathedral. Very Rev. James B. Gibson, dean of the Cathedral, acted as chairman and Mr. Lien was assisted by Leonard Crlpps as vocal soloist. The program of organ solos was as follows: Prelude and Fugue No. 6 from Bach's "Eight Little Preludes and Fugues." Paraphrase on a Norwegian hymn tune by R.M. Fonvald; "Cradle Song" by Iljlnskl; "How So Fair" from "Mar tha" (Flotow); Schumann's "Trau-merel" and "Torchlight March" (Scotson Clarke). Mr. Crlpps sang Sullivan's "Lost Chord" and Schu bert's "Litany." Hotel Arrivals Central W. Mlnch, Terrace; J. Jones, C. N.R.; II. Tolly, city. Knox C. Blair, Winnipeg; . G Boles, Hamilton; B. Milton, Jasper; J. Storey, Vancouver; P. Bamford, Ocean Falls; E. Smyth, Inverness. Royal Frank Johnson, city. SEEDS Our new stocks of flower and vegetable seeds Is arriving dally. Choicest varieties suitable to local climatic conditions. ARTHUR BAYNE Successor to Qlennie's Kaien Transfer For Coal and Wood of all! kinds Haulage & General Transfer Work Service is Our Motto PHONE 60 of production being met by the proceeds of advertising and sales. , Short stories, poems, limericks, articles, reports of class activities and amusing' class Incidents are be ing, handed in by the students and the editors expect to be kept busy making selections. ' I Molly Wlnslow Is editor-in-chief with Betty Parlow as assistant editor. Joe Naylor Is business manager with Allen JKergln as assistant. Other editors and reporters are Winnie Cameron, June Armour, Mary Orme, Helen Lakle, Emllle Christopher. Annie Peterson, Phylr lis Hill-Tout, Joe Landry, Dan O'Neill, Bert O'Neill and Robert Man- son. A. Sutton is supervising editor and staff representative. Mining Lectures Attract Crowds Di Mandy's Discourses Continue To be Centre of Interest Ore Formations and Deposits Discussed The mining lectures by Dr. Jos- ehp T. Mandy, resident mining ei- glneer for the provincial govern ment, at the city council chamber continue to attract considerable Interest and good crowds. Last night Dr. Mandy dealt with openings In the crust of the earth such as fractures, joints and fissures; the formation of ore deposits such as veins, fissures, replacements, shear zones etc.; min erals that form ore deposits; zonal ement owing to tempera the relation of values In to- the concentrations called pre shoots which are commercial mineral deposits that can be pro fitably mined. On Saturday night, Dr. Mand? had" discussed igneous and sedl mentary rocks and the folding of the crust of the earth. The next lecture will be tomorrow night when geology applied to prospecting will be A. H. Waddlngton of the Forest Branch staff left on last evening's train for a triR to Burns Lake on official business. tUssiFlEO FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished 4-room apartment. Phone 547. (tf' FOR RENT Clean, well-furnlshed modern apartment. Phone Red 444. FOR SALE FOR SALE Cary Safe. Apply Dally News office. Phone 98. (tf) FOUND FOUND Horn-rimmed glasses on Third Avenue between 6th and 7th Streets. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and paying for this advertise mpnt. tf WANTED WANTED Stenographer and book keener. Apply giving references and experience to Box 5, Dally News. (42) Trappers and Dealers Have to till my orders for all tinris rf furs and will nav ton market price. Ship your goods, as soon as received, money wired. Make your shipments and convince yourselves. G OLD BLOO Mi How to Keep Colds UNDER CONTROL Catching Cold?.. Vicks Va-tro-nol helps Prevent many Colds I At: the first warning nasal irrita-tioni sniffle or sneeze, use Vicks Va-tro-nol just a few drops up each nostril. Va-tro-nol is especially designed for the nose and upper throat where most colds start. It stimulates Nature's own functions in the nose to help prevent colds, and to throw off head colds in their early stages. Used in time, Va-tro-nol helps avoid many colds. Caught a Cold?..: Vicks VapoRub helps End a Cold Sooner Follow Vicki Plan for Better Control of Colds A helpful guide to fewer colds and shorter colds. Developed by Vicks Chemists and "Medical Staff; tested in extensive clinics by practicing physicians further proved in everyday home use by millions. The Plan is fully explained in each Vicks package. Come and See Oar NEW WALLPAPERS A large shipment of the newest patterns of "Sunworthy Wallpaper" has just arrived. The prices of these popular light resisting papers are now so low that they come within the reach of every purse. And, while It lasts, we are going to sell the balance of our last year's stock of wallpaper at 25 discount! Get it now while the selection is large. Gordon's Hardware TORONTO OTTAWA MONTREAL QUEBEC Coach $56.50 $56.50 $37.20 $60.45 . $72.40 i If a cold has developed, rub Vicks VapoRub on throat and chest at bedtime. VapoRub acts direct two ways at once: (1) By stimulation through the skin like a poultice or plaster; (2) By inhalation of its medicated vapors direct to inflamed air-passages. Through the night, this combined vapor-poultice action loosens phlegm, soothes irritation, helps break congestion. HOUSEHOLD HELPS Dusting Mops, from 75c to $1.50 Clothes Baskets, from $1.25 to 82.00 Galvanized Tubs, from .50c to $1.50 Furniture Polish, from 15c to 25c GLAS-KLEEN Ideal for Windows, Mirrors, Windshields and Tile 12-ounce bottle with sprayer : ' . .. ' -....-..65c THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. BARGAIN fARES FEB.29bMAR.J RETURN LIMIT 45 DAYS IN ADDITION TQ DATE OF SALE From PRINCE RUPERT and Return Tourlst $70.50 $70.50 $71.35 $75.45 $90.40 tStandard $84.45 $84.45 $85.50 $90.45 $108,40' TGood in Tourist S!errs on payment of regular berth rate. tGood in Standard Sleepers on payment of, regular berth rate. Children, 5 yfirt and nndr 12. Half Fare. StopoYtri allowed Fort William, Armstronf and Eit COIIUSPONDINCIY LOW FARES FROM OTHER WESTERN STATIONS. ALSO TO OTHER P01KTS IN EASTERN CANADA. For Additional Information, Ask Your Ticket Agent mrts UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FKOM PRINCE RUPERT 32,00 RETUUN' Al1 Mal3 FROM PORT. SIMPSON CQC QC RETURN. Berth $00,00 included. Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate points. Special'Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1935 and February 29th. 1936, inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, 1936. Children Half Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S, CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, p.m. S.S. VENTURE Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday, a.m. Tickets and All Information from rrlnce Rupert Agent - R. M. SMITH - Third Ave., Thone 568 or Pursers S.S. Catala and S.S. Venture. is i i m II t! I! '! !! II ' l ii t i if it I? !( ! I , '! ! !i tm i ' T I 11M . f.i r. -f-j 1 A 'H' ( ft lit .CI j ft