THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert'' Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLKN Managlng-Edrcor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance J5 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and For lesser periods, paid In. advance, per week 1 By mall o all other countries, per year ; ' fl.oo ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lnco, per Insertion ; Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line . Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 "News Department Telephone gg Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION mm This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of BrltUh Columbia. 1.40 JD2 .25 Tuesday, March 31, 1936 HEALTH INSURANCE mi. I. Evidently, members of ihe. Provincial Legislature have l. Z II.. " I J . M-. . . .. P. .. ... . . wen given uie wuiesi jatiturie m discussing the Health insurance iiiJI now before them. The Prince Rupert ... "n i r s-i onamDer oi commerce opposed the measure on the ground that the time was not ripe for adding any expenditures to businesses that were already uurdened to the breaking point. Most people favor health insurance- and, doubtless, it will be a good thing. The chief doubt is as to its timeliness and its scope. A year from now the Prince Rupert advice in regard to it might have been quite different. Doctors opposed it because they thought it might reduce their incomes, while others opposed because they thought it might prove to be a collecting agency for the doctors. Within a few days the measure will be passed and then everyone will be asked to try to help it work out for the benefit of all. The discussion in the Legislature Saturday when Hon. George Pearson voted against a government suggestion seems to have been a very trivial affair, just an indication that the members of the administration and its supporters are not a bunch of rubber stamps. Evidently they think for themselves and vote and act as normal human beings rather than as thorough-going party men. It seems that the Legislature has entered on a new phase in which widest latitude is given individual members in the carrying out of their duties. It is something that has been asked by Liberals, Conservatives and Independents and especially by members of the late Tolmie administration although never allowed by them. MUCH TO LIVE DOWN Canada has much to live down including the stories of frontier days when in the east the wild Indians went on the warpath in naint and feathers, killing all and sundry and torturing their prisoners. Evidently a young reporter of the Glasgow Sunday Post must have read some of those stories and tried to build up a yarn about Mr. and Mrs. McColl of Port Simnson based upon those stories. To us the story published Saturday was a verv funnv effort and one not doing much credit to Scottish journalism. i Railwaymen And Bankers Win In Bowling League Bankers defeated Watts Grocery and Canadian National Recreation Association won over Bioloelcal Station in the Commercial Bowling League last night, the score being two games to one in each case. High average for the evening was 156 by Cull of the Bankers. Next fixtuies in the Commercial Bowling League Friday night will be as follows: Kalen Motors vs. Rupert Butchers; Three Two Taxi vs. WATTS' GROC 1st 2nd 3rd Johnstone 23 S7 113 R:nce .103 108 121 Hardy .... 78 122. 93 Copeland : 90 4 Haudenschikl :il5 107 .127 Watts 124 Handicap .131 . 131, 131 Totals ..605 689 BANKERS r -. vi 1st 2nd Allum SL.Z.:.' !....144k 76 Fyfe ...121 142 Scott 128 -123 Cull ..... . ...;1G1 139 Norris 69 124 Handicap r. 35 35 Totals '! .'.'.!: 658 639 BIO. STATION 1st 2nd Brocklesby 100 122 Allen .". 133 127 Carter 94 133 Large 94 122 Sunderland 99 135 Handicap 120 120 Totals 640' 759 C. N. R. A. 1st 2nd Teng .. 104 120 Rogers ill 109 McLeod 132 114 Rutter .156 152 West 146 155 Handicap 35 35 Totals 684, C85 Standing to Date The league standing to date as follows: W. Three Two Taxi J Oilers '. 2 Bankers ;.;., 2 N. R, A 2 Rupert Butchers .........I. ' Watts Grocery .1 Biological Station KJilen Motors 1 . 1 Annettes-Doodads 709 3d 152 137 144 169 137 35 774 3rd 120 115 103 131 80 120 C69 3rd 181 83 148 142 127 35 Win in Bowling Defeated Ranter and Maccabees In Ladies' League Play Last Nieht Annette's defeated Rangers 1593 to 1482 and Doodads won over Maccabees 1399 to 1188 In the lows: ' Annette's Stone, 31f; Skattebol, 361; Basso-Bert, 307; Oweri, 291; Johnson, 319. v Rangers Armour, 3ll; Fortune 307;: Letchford, 2861 Raybone, 336; low score, 242. Doodads-Ingram. 361; Priest, 182; S. Smith, 298; E Smith, 290; Ciccone, 262. Maccabees Scott, 280; Turgeon, 297; West, 253; Mrs. Armour, 176; low score, 282. The Icagjue standing to date: Brunettes .4 16 u. 'Til. 111. AY. Annette's :.18 13968 Blue Birds .16 11931 Rangers 18 12941' Doodads .Id 12858" P. R. Grids .10 11290 Maccabees ii... 18 11939 w 1U !U C. N. n..A.i...;...!.:.:i6 ' 9589 Baseball Scores 776 746 719 714 706 663 607 599 ; Pacific Coast League Portland, 7-2; Sacramento, 11. Missions, 8; San Francisco, 0. Seattle1, 8-2; Oakland; 1-4, Los. Angeles, 9; Sari : Diego, j), . PAGE TWO DAILY NEWS Tuesday, March 31 ' QDDIAirtl - - ! :ii it i 0 w i w f ii ii i You will need a pair of SHOES to match your new spring dress, or you men, a pair of OXFORDS to- go with the new suit. ....... Let us help you. Our name suggests what you can get from the tiny tots to Mother and Dad,. The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue Phone 357 BIUTISH COLUMBIANS GO TO HOCKEY FINAL CALGARY, 'March 31: f Kimberley Dynamiters over- 4 whelmed Fort William Wan- derers by a score of 7 to 2 here last night to win the right to go east for the final of the Allan Cup, emblematic of the world's amateur horkpv rhnm- plonship. Each team had me- vlously won brie game. It is the first time that British Co- lumbia has ever advanced past the waster n in Alia ... ........ j. , hockey. SP0RTCHAT Northern section, third division clubs of the English Football League will ask southern section teams to meet a deputation in London In June with a view to (stablishing an annual reDresen- tatlve match between elevens front the two sections. Winner of the Yardley Hurdle race at Birmingham, Banned, a well known steeplechaser, was once reported to the stewards of the jockey club as a dangerous horse.. In 1932 he resisted several attempts to ride him and on one occasion after throwlnz a loekcv from Uie saddle tried to roll en him. New York theatres are exDeri- mentlng with sports on their Stages. A regulation basketball game was played In a Brooklyn theatre recently and now thy are putUne on badmlntim nn- tests between the movie and the news reels. Joseph HardstafL voun Nnt.t. 716 lnghamshlr(rs)ayerY t. headed" the test batting averaaes of lhelfari'. is lebone Cricket Club touring team (that recently concluded a tour of LiNew Zealand. He had an average 0 of 67.25 for six Innings. In bowl ing, .11. D. Read, Essex, topped the bill with 17 wickets at a cost of 17.ll runs each. Ernest Needham, famous International, soccer player early in the century, died recently in a Chesterfield, England, hospital, after an operation. He was 63 years ol age. Needham playod for England Oh 16 Occasions. He r-iinl-ilnrd Sheffield United, and played In two English Cup finals. Players and spectators appeared to be suffering from unquenchable thirsts at a cricket match at Capetown. But it was all for a good cause, each cup of tea ordered meant another contribution to the H. B. Cameron Memorial Fund. Cameron, famous Australian wicket-keeper, died last year shortly after returning front England with There was a tie in high average 'me' curing Antipodean team. :ore ior me evening. SKatiebol of Annette's and Ingram of Doodads both making 180. Individual scores were as fol According to "GoU Monthly" big money 'matched between amateurs are . played practically every weekend on a golf course near London The stakes for these matches arc very high, the paper says, arid one amateur lost $10,000 in a month. The International Olympic Com mittee has officially the Bermuda Olympic Association, and an Invitation has been sent that body to nartlcinate In the summer games at Bernn. Members of the Arsonnl Pnnh- ball Club attended a special service at St. John's Church, lUgh-biity Vale, at which Air Commodore Rev. J. R. Walkey, Chaplaln-In-chfef or the Royal Air Force preached the sermon. His text was: "Ellsha said , unto him. 'Shoot,' and he shot.1 First of the big and field carnivals. lays, was hel dat March 2 7and 28. . V vputdoor track the Texas Re-Xustln, Texas, WEST TORONTO WINS TORONTO, March 31;-Play!ng In Toronto Saturday nicht West .Toronto defeated South Porcupine Dy a score or 7 to 2 in the Ontario Junior amateur hockey finals. - 4' tfa 1 PRIZES ARE PRESENTED Closing Exerfe. and Bean Feed Of Boys Club of St. I'ttefs Church The annual Bean Feed and closing' exercises of the Boys Club or St. Peter's Anglican Church at Seal Cove were held last evening in the Parish Hall with 'about, forty-five boys , participating. It. was a jolly affair, the feature ofj which was the presentation of tnt? season's prizes by Canon W. F.j Rushbrook, who presided, assis-; ted by George Vlereck. Canon' Rushbrook gave an inspiring talk . V. ....LI.., , Ti.i ... n 1 .. Into Subjection." The speaker stressed the fact that one could i not have a strong clean bodjj without a strong, clean mind. I The prizes were presented aj- follows: Silver cup for general profl ciency, Ole Anderson. Second. Prize Jock Watt. Third Prize Terrence Parsonj. Six boys, excelling In various departments, were tied for third prize, Terence Parsons winning on a draw. Mount Oldfield In Great Shape Now Skiing: There Will be Fnjoyed For At Least a .Month Yet Conditions Never Better Local skilcrs. wno visited Mount Oldfield skiing grounds over the week-end, found snow condlUons for the sport to be Ideal. With four or five feet of snow on the ground, skiing for at least another morjth is assured. At no time since the sport of skiing was Instituted .in,. Prince Rupert have conditions for Its enjoyment been better than they are today and, wiUi Easter holidays approaching; .ocal enthusiasts are looking forward to some glorious days. Tob ogganirig Is also enjoying much popularity-. 60 PHONE CO Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Orades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bone Dry Kindling always 'in stock. We also operate 60 Messenger Service Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuesday Catula 1:30 p.m. Thurs. ss. P. Rupert 10:30 p.m. Friday ss. P. Adeiaide....l0 pjit. Ss. Venture 10:30 p.m.' March 12 ss. Prin. Norah. 5 p.m. March 23 ss. Prin. Norah 5 p.m. From Vancouver , Sunday ss. Catala .:.:..,.4 p.m." Wed ss. Pr. George .10 a.m j Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 p.m.! Ss. Venture ,..,.. p.m,j March 8 ss. Prin. Norah .... a.m. March 19 ss. Prin. Norah am. j March 29 ss. Prin. Norah .... a.m. . For An) ox and Stewart Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. Wednesday ss. Pr. George 4 p.m, From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. CatpJa .... 11:30 a.m. Thursday Prince Geome 8 DJn.l For Naas Klxer anil Port Simpson 4 Sunday -ss. Catala 8 p.m. From Naas Kiver and Port Simpson Tuesday ss Catala 11:30 a.m. For Queen Charlotte Islamist-March 13 and 27--SS. P. John a.m. iFrom Queen Charlotte Islands March 11 and 25 ss. P. John a.m. FIND MISSING DOCTOR LINCOLN, Eng., March 31: (CP) --Missing for a month through loss of memory, Dr. Kempton P. "Hare of Lincoln, was found by a cousin wandering on Moor Park golf; course at Rlckman.worfh, CLASSiFlEO New Wallpapers FOR KENT FOR RENT Five roomed modern flat. Phono Red 128. . (tf) FOR RENT Modern four-room flats, bath and Monarch ranger Clapp Block, $12.50, $15 & $17.50. Helgerson Ltd. Ap 3) FOR SALE FOR SALE Cary Safe. Apply Daily! News office. Phone 98. (tf) FOR SALE 80 h'.p. Gulo.wsen Grpl! Semi-Diesel Engine complete with propeller and fittings. Can be In-' spected at Gulowsen Orel Plant. Cheap for prompt sale. Siinde & d'Evers Co., Seattle, Wash. (M-tfJ GENTLEMEN Personal drug sun I dries. Highesl Grade Latest Dcl-1 ivcred, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper'. Pacific Supply' 751 Granviila, t 1 Vancouver. WANTED WANTED--Export quality hemlock logs. For further Information Inquire Geo. W. NIckerson Co. (80) ALABASTINE 5000 Hardware, Paint and Departmental stores in Canada have it. Alabastine is a household word for low cost, and sanitary wall decoration. Ask your dealer. We are now showing a larger selection than ever before of the popular "SUNWORTHY" Wallpapers. The patterns are newer and smarter, and the prices are very moderate. Gypsum, Lime and Alabastine Cunada, imlied PARIS, ONTARIO, CANADA Gordon's Hardware rT.,'ms''", S. J..Jabour, who has been on a weeks business trip t0 pu. rn)rnr.A 41.. .11.. .. . M wn irom ... north on the. Catala this morning. THE CHOICE of WISDOM WHITE OWL in6shapes.. INVINCIBLE STREAMLINE Hinton Coal .Phone 51 CENTRAL HOTEL MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Window Shades 36-72, each Curtain Rods, extend to 4 feet each Rubber Door Mats ... Rubber Stair Treads 7x18, each 80c 15c 75c & $1 16c Phone 775 Third Avenue TRAPPERS AND DEALERS 50,000 MUSKRATS 5.000 ltEA.VF.IC Wanted at once for Immediate delivery HIGHEST PRICES PAID Also all your other FURS at full market value. Ship at once and convince yourselves. J. CLONES Buyer and Importer PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. SPECIAL Chevrolet MASTER SEDAN with Trunk Complete 1936 Licence Just Like New $950.00 Kaien Motors Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. Phone 52 Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockcyc Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Packed Jay the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the. year-round payroll in Prince Rupert.