paqi roxm All the Vitamins of COD LIVER OIL i PLUS Bone Building MINERALS Cod Liver Oil when digested supplies many necessary elements for proper growth of body and bones. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and the Hypo-phosphites of Lime and Soda, prepared for easy digestion helps insure proper body and bone development, without the unpleasant taste of Cod Liver Oil. SCOTT'S EMULSION THE DIGESTIBLE COD LIVER OIL WITH THE PLUS VALUES For Sl h YOUR DRUGGIST COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS KDSON ALULKTA COAL MJ1.KLKY VAI.I.KY COAL VANCOUVEK ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 Beaver Pelts UP 20 I have large orders for Beaver Skins at highest prices. Also I am buying Rats or any other furs. Ship them In and cash will come back on next mall. GOLDULOOM The Old Reliable NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM DOME" Rates 11.00 np SO Rooms Hot & Cold Waler Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Hyde Transfer Coal Wood Cartage Storage PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Reach the most people In city and district with an advertisement ' in the Dally News. Died in Docks; Buried at Sea British Captain Asked To Have: Chance to Iass Like a Sailor ! PLYMOUTH, Eng.; March 31 :j (CP) "Let me die o sea, where ij have lived most of my life then 1 shall be happy," was a request made by Captain Thomas J. Henderson, master of the British India steamer Aranko"la, when in hospital at Calcutta he was warned that probably he would - never again see , his home at South Shields, England. , At the point of death Captaia Henderson was carried on board, the liner Modasa, bound for Plymouth, England. He died while the Modasa was calling at Madras The body was transferred to a tug which steamed out to ses, where the coffin was consigned to; the deep with the usual ritual of! ocean burial. Try a Daily News classltied advertisement for best results. You Arc Invited to the Economy Store Free Demonstration of llcdlund's Quality Products Canned Meats, Uaked Beans, Soups, Sandwich Pastes. Come to our store and try them. STEAK & ONIONS I s per tin STEAK & MUSHROOMS l's, per tin QUICK DINNER & MEAT BALLS l's, per tin BAKED BEANS l's per tin SANDWICH PASTES per tin BRUNSWICK SARDINES 4 tins : ROGER'S SYRUP 2'S per tin PLUM JAM Pure 4-lb. tin 35c 35c 24c 12c 9c 17c 17c 39c MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 I WATPU "T1LL1E THE TOILER" I WOMDP.fc WHO "SF.tfT TMESS- FELUOVM AT tVlE STyuE SHOW, I AJOMCta y pH, A L&TTEta Foe Mb" MAR.KED PERSONAL. AND M A iTPAMGE HAMO- VMfeTtU6,Teo- HOVM DAILT NEWS -uay March,. i Always Dolorous-Even After Winning 12 Prizes These two champion bulldogs remain the "deadpans of dogdom," despite the fact that they have won 12 first prizes at Croft's show at Agricultural Hall in London, At the left is grandfather "Dlnilo of Din" with his granddaughter, "Boo Boo of Din." You'd think they'd be happier with all the honors heaped upon thsm. But the English were ever modest. vvni Vii THIS PAGE i i . ; AIR PLANS FOR ITALY 11 Ducc Arranges to Spend $9(i,-000,000 for Hying Fighters ROME, March 31: (CP) A six-year, billion lire avlaiion program I ;queezed into three years Is giv ing Italy one of "Europe's foremost air forces, supported by a revolutionized Industrial organization-. In May. 1934, Mussolini announced he would spend a billion lire In six years to make over the! THIS WEEK ONLY Thursday-Friday-Saturday Home Remedies, Toiletries Kuhber Goods, Stationery Candy and Drug Sloro" Sundries AT HALF PltlCEI McCutcheons Drug Store national air force. Later he added 200,000,000 lire, bringing the total to about $96,000,000, and ordered the job done by June 30, 1937. The air force already had been getting 90,000,000 lire a year, equivalent to about $72,000,000. At the time II Duce announced his air program the Italian force consisted of 25,830-men, 1,380 of them pilots. There are now 1,750 commissioned officer pilots and 41.900 men, including 1,400 student officers in training: I Mussolini's expansion program also comprehends the training of 10,000 reserve pilots. This meana there are 3,000 actual or potential pilots already .flying or in train ing. Informed sources place the re sent Italian air strength at about i,9uu planes, of which betweca 450 and 500 are in East Africa. This number Is being augmented constantly, however, with new olanes produced by four bie avia tion trusts, six independent com panies and four firms manufacturing motors only. . Air force plans call for substi-ution of 80 persent of the old planes with new types. New bombers have a speed of 215 miles an hour, coristrasted with the 100 and 110 miles of the old ones, and cruising range of 950 miles, with a carrying capacity of 6,000 oounds. For the present Italy contlnuir, to use the hydro-plane bombtrf of the type used by General Balbo '.n his flight to America. But th: 1930 and 1931 land bombers were cent to Africa, leaving the mor! up-to-date planes at home for tbr ' iterner eventualities of possible European war. JATH, India, .March 31: (CP) A panther measuring more than .even feet was shot recently by the Haja Saheb of 'Jath. The animal had been preying upon cattle In ' nearby villages. ' WHIFFLETS Krom (he Waterfront Fred Ooodcy, well known as a relieving steward on the steam crs Catala and Cardcna on the northern runs, died in Vancouver last week at the age of fift; years. He is survived by a widow and daughter. Mr. Goodey wai here on several occasions durhr the past winter and showed nc signs of 111 health at that time. Union steamer Catala, Capt. ! James Flndlay, returned to port al ;9:30 this morning from Stewart jAnyox and other northern point. I and sailed at 1:30 p.m. for Van icouver and waypolnts. ! Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug ;Alglc, Capt. Reg Green, south-! bound from.Blllmor Spruce Mill (to Vancouver with a Davis raf of high grade spruce logs In tow was reported off Bella Bella a' 9 o'clock last night. The ves3c had left here last Friday night. Capt. Larry Thomson sailed by the Catala this afternoon on hi return to Vancouver after having come north with the Imperial 01 Co.'s tanker Albertollte which lef here at noon yesterday for San Pedro. The Armour Salvage Co.'. service boat Daly, Capt. Paul Ar mour, went out yesterday to Triple Island to pick up Capt. Thomson after he had piloted the Alberto-lite that far. The .American' boat Hazel H with 14,000 pounds, and the Canadian, Bum, with 2,000 pounds, are in port today with halibut; Both are holding over until tomorrow. The Dally News is an A. B. C. paper. NOTICE C. C. Ketchum Co. announce that on March 31st they will retire fjpm the coal trade. The business will be taken over by the City Transfer (Phone 950) which establishment will continue to give service and quality. C. C. Ketchum, In making their announcement, take this opportunity to cordially thank their many friends for past business. An Inquisitive "Male" I VMbW'S THIS ? My QUEEU-UE.. IF I COULD OML.V SLAV A Df2ASOM to P(ove My love foi yoo- ' -YOO ACE t-V LAXV FA((2 . I VJOESHll NCo TROM AFAtt rota you i coulo CLiKe." "THE HIGHEST MOOMTAIlvj OR. UIC DESCEND UI.OCUNO INIO INTO TIS IE BRUNO RICHARD HAUPTMANNj TO BE EXECUTED TONIGHT (Continued rrom page 1) her family, maintains that he was unjustly convicted. The wife was reported today to be deeply depressed but was stlil hopeful that the execution might be stayed. Hauptmann ate ho breakfast today and refused a request meni for his last meal. He said: "I'd like that last meal sent to Condon." Preparations Complete Preparations for the execution were all completed last night In cluding the laying out of the $10 suit in which Hauptmann's body will be dressed by the state' after he has been put to death. It Is likely hts wife will take over the remains to make family arrangements for burial. TENSE IN FAR EAST (Contlnueu irum Pane 1 In foreign wars during the last cen tury has left her leaders reluctant to pursue any course which might result In China having to throw herself upon the mercy of any vie-; tor. ! "We are resting precariously on the horns of a dilemma. Whatever, we do will be wrong." 1 That, In the words of one of Nan king's best-informed officials, Is why China gives the Impression that she is doing nothing to better her lot. LAST SllOWlVr.r One Show Xlehtlrj (Doors Open 7 is "NAUGHTY MARIETTA" with Jcancttc MacDonald Nelson Ktldy - PLUS SYBIL JASON - In - "LITTLE MG Slior - with Edward Everett llorton Glenda Farrell WORLD NEWS EVENTS Grotto Taxi 456 3 CAKS AT VOUIl SLKVICt Proprietors Berl .Morgan & Bud Birrii Don't, forget the number 45G AND KEEP FIT Remember Your Friends and Relations This Easter . . . EASTER CARDS An excellent and beautiful range, to suit your need Easter Postals, 2 for '. 5c Cards and Cut-Outs , .5c and 10c Folder Type Cards, 10c up Cards For Relations .20c to 10c See our splendid assortment and choose your requirements while stock is complete. ' Also Easter Novelties Chicks, Ducks, Baskets, Rabbits, Etc. Easter Serviettes and Decorations eMaeSmMd FOpt Youti LOVE 13 EVER. A. jUDIMS" 'STAJ&- OH ' "1 MB b EAREST T P.O. BOX.T06 -YOUflS IM By Westover I AMY MAIL f MIMD VtXJD THIS MOfcN- WjM BOSIMESS tilus?) r sMApry' y ' 1 PA.MTS v !l r BiaPEPATinu- II 7 DEEPEST DEEPEST PIT PIT . liCfKATlC ' t9W ' J HPj I HVSi EflrVMWJV' I OiZf- vrWlk Mill I 1 X prH tr Zkw? irwffeHi