Saturday, June .27, 1936 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for old gold. Bulger's (tl) June, Hazen, George and Lawrence Hanklnson are spending the summer at "The .Dunes," .Tlell, Queen Charlotte .Islands. Miss Mickey Skattebol and Miss Lillian Johnson are sailing this evening on the Prince George for Vancouver on a vacation trip. lFred McLeod of the city telephone department sailed last plght on the Princess Adelaide for his annual vacation trip to Vancouver. For drunkenness, Kathleen Morrison, Indian, was fined $10, with option of seven days' imprisonment, .in city .police court this morning. Mrs. H. H. Hodgson and daughter Nona, and son, Stanley, are sailing this evening on the Prince George to spend the summer vacation in Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. Rev. J. ,E. Blrchall of Terrace, transferred here as rector of St. Peter's Anglican Church in succession to Rev. Canon W. F. ,Rush- Third Avenue Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Davies sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs.,R. a.Macaulay and son are galling this evening on .the Prince George to spend a vacation visiting n Vancouver. Miss M. Laing of the .local school teaching staff sails this evening on the Prince George to spend the summer vacation in Vancouver. Mrs. Peter Lakie and daughters Helen and Peggy Lou, will sail next Monday afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver on a holiday trip. Miss Geraldlne Cade, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Cade, sails this evening on the Prince George to spend the summer vacation in Vancouver. Beverley and Jimmy, children of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barry, will sail, this evening on the Prince George for Vancouver. to spend the summer; vacation visiting with relatives. C. II. Orme returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide last eye- brook, arrived in the city on lasting from Nanaimo where he went night's train and will assume his j to attend the recent Masonic new ecclesiastical duties at the Grand Lodge convention, also vis- east end church on Sunday. llting Vancouver and Victoria. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE HAVE YOUR WINDOW SHADES RENEWED Bring your own roller Oil finished cloth, shadow proof, good quality only; 37 Inches wide; green only AOP per yard ?"V Prince Itupert SHINGOLEEN Phone 775 For shingled houses and all rough board construction Shingpleen is easy to, apply, and combines rich and lasting colors with absolute protection against all kinds of weather conditions. From $2.10 to $2.50 .per .gallon THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD, CANADIAN PACIFIC To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Princess Adelaide, every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct Princess Louise, Princess Charlotte or Princess Alice, every Saturday at 5:30 p.m. . To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skaway .Princess Louise, Princess Charlotte or Princess Alice, every Monday a.m. For Information and Reservations ,W. L. .COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B,C. Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJW. Due Vacsouver, Monday a.m. ROUND TRIP FARE leaving Sunday 8:00 PJVI. calling Ft. Simp-son, Stewart, Anyox, Naas Rl ver returning Tuesday, $14,40 Further Information regarding sailings and tickets Xrom R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 TheFish which made Prince RupertFamons "Rupert Brand" SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.t Ltd. PKINCE RUPERT, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leach "and 'family are sailing tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver Mr. and Mrs. .Nelson Allen- are sailing this afternoon on thej Princess Louise to spend the sum mer vacation at Vancouver. Mrs. James L. Lee and son, Forbes, will sail toh(ght on the Prince George to. pay a visit at Mrs. Lee's, home In jsTejw Westminster. Miss Marjprje Dfmock of the .local school Reaching staff is. sailing thl evening on the Prince George to spend the summer vacation n tie south. Miss Milne of yicorla, .who has been paying a visit .here with Mrs. George Ro'rie, sailed by the(Princess Adelaide last night on .her return south. Rev. S. Klnley, Anglican Church missionary at Alyansh on.tlie.Naas River, sailed last night ,on the Princess Adelaide' for Victoria for a vacation trip. Malcolm Wilding, son of Mr. and Mrs. T- C. Wilding, sails this eve ning on the Prince George to spend the summer vacation in Vancouver and elsewhere in the .south. Miss Edna Vickers of the teaching staff of .Borden Street School sails this evening on the Prince George to spend the summer vacation In Vancouver and Victoria. James Hutchinson of .the teaching staff of Booth Memorial School will sail this evening on the Prince George for New Westminster where he will spend the summer .vacations .Freddie Stephens, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Stephens, .will leave on the Prnce .Geprge this evening to spend the summer holi days visiting in Vancouver and Seattle. Miss Webb, school teaqher at Cassiar cannery, was .here aboard the Cardena last night .going through from the .Skeena .River to spend the .summer vacation at h?r home in Vancouver. Mrs. Williams of .Seattle, who. has been caving a visit here with her E. M. Wilkinson who will come here from England. Shower For Miss Patmore is Held Mrs. ,T. Fraser Hostess Monday Nia;ht at Affair For .Popular Bride-Elect Mrs. Thomas Fraser was hostess Monday .evening at her home on Fifth Avenue West with a delightful miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Dorothy Patmore. The fea ture of the evening's proceedings was the presentation to the bride-elect ,ln a beautifully .decorated basket of numerous pretty and useful gifts. Bridge playing was en- Joyed, the winners being Mrs. J. A Barry and Mrs. .Charles .Hayward, Delicious refreshments were served. The invited guests were Mrs. J. A. Barry, Mrs. Charles Hayward, Mrs. Otto Young, Mrs. William Rogers, Miss Joyce Edgcumbe, Miss Maisie Macdonald. Miss Evelyn Dalby, Miss Ella Steen,. Miss Lorna MacLaren, Miss Molly Delaney, Miss Lillian Lowe, Mlss Ruby Krl-kevsky, Miss Muriel Vance. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Sarelll, ProprletoT "A HOME AWAJ FROM HOME" JUttallMBf 60 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Hotel Arrivals Qeniral Miss K. Kurulock and F. Erye- frlthixlty; ,S. Martinson, Arrandale: C. Chrlstophersen and J. Letand, Claxton; A. .Hanson, city, Arthur MacDonald, Vancouver. ,Knqx S. .Burns and E. .Pilllngs, Montreal; F. it. .Bllnklnshpen, Hamilton; .H. Pennington, Guelph; C. A. Brind, Jloxth Vancpuyex; B. J. Rush, .Burns ,Lake; George ,R. Glob, city. .Prince Rupert . Angus Currle, .Giaxton; D. F Bpankle, A- C. .Knight, -R. H. John stone and G. Geary, Vancouver; A. C. Ballard, Sunnyslde Cannery Royal Dudjey ,G. Little, Terrace; Cyril D. Morgan, Vancouver; Mickey Maclsaac, Ted Yates, V. .Smrjii. Stan Qaksmlth jr., Charles Ron-qiilsti, .George .Northrap, .Robert Rupe, Norman MacDonald, R. E. Neisen, C. E. Emanuel, Leonard Saholt, W. E. Eastnam, V. J. ,Ho-ban, A. Enocks, ,B. Movin, Mr. and, Mrs. E. .A. iHume and Mrs. and Mrs. Seaton, Ketchikan. Miss Noreen Gibson sails this evening on the Prince George for Vancouver to meet her sister, Miss Eileen Gibson, who is coming I around via Jasper Park and Van couver from her school teaching, duties at Chllco In the Vanderhoof district to $pend the summer vacation at her borne .here. 26. 5, AmiQuncements Eagles' Picnic, Grassy Bay, July Presbyterian Bazaar, November Anglican Sale November 26. FOR SALE sister, Mrs. .Hartley, one of FOR .SALE 24 foot Pleasure Boat. VltW Wilt - - . here, sailed by the Princess Ade- qntlemeN Personal dxug sun lalde last night on her,xeturn. . . ii.heai Grade Latest. Del south. I ivered. 15 for $1. (olain wraDDer).' Miss Joyce .Edgcumbe of the teaching staff of Booth Memorial School sails this evening on the, Prince George for Vancouver en- route to Montreal where she will sail July 4 aboard the steamer Montclare .for .England. :Slje will teach in-Nottlnghamshlre,.England, Pacific Supply 751 Granville, Vancouver. FOR ,SALE-Four--room house with pantry and basement and five-room house with bath, pantry ' and basement, furnished. Lots 56 and 57, Seal Cove Circle. .Phone Red 481. (151) next year on exchange .with Mlss guglNESS Property on Third Av- enue for sale at snap. Cottage on lot pays the .taxes, ,1s In ,part of town where property is advancing In price. Value will easily double as soon as ,pulp mill pr big federal building commences. .Phone Blue 272 for price and terms. tf. FOR SALE TwOjfull fonts of llno- 'jiut atitJ' ii.v. i , type maus; a-puuKu ugui, ttiiu a. 1 tllllj. '.-J:' DOia, iOne aoni ,vei;y iniw iwcu.j .Half a font new 14-polnt bold Cheltenham mats, straight and italics; box of sorts, about 50 lbs.; font of 6-pqlnt.mats In good con-; itlon or ,good saw. .Dally News,1 Prince Rupert, B.C. (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT Rose summer cottage at Salt Lakes. Phone 572. (tf ) LOST LOST "Small black .silk purse con talnlng post office key .and .money. Return to ;Dally News, .Reward. (152) PERSQNAL I K LESSON from the depression Be a Civil Servant Postman,: Customs Examiner, Clerk, Stea-1 bgrapher, etc. Free Book'e "How to get a Qovernment Job." M.C.C. Civil Service School, Win. nlpii. Mrs. Jabour Is Shower Hostess Mis ,Dfrthy Patmore Gust Of Honor at De)lght(ul Affair Thursday E,ven(n; In honor of Miss Dorothy Pat-pore, whose marriage to Staveley Mellor of Digby Island takes place on Saturday of next week, Mrs. 3. J. Jabour was hostess ,Thursday night at .her home at.lxth Avenue and Taylor .Street with a handkerchief shower. The evening was happily spent in bridge playing at which prize winners were Mrs. J. A. Barry and Miss Joyce Edgcumbe. Delicious refreshments were served. In addition to the guest of Honor and the hostess the Invited guests were Mrs. J. A. Barry, Mrs. L. W. Patmore, Mrs. Thomas Fraser, Mrs. Jack Garrett, Mrs. Charles Hay ward, Miss Joyce Edgcumbe, Miss Maisie Macdonald, Miss Evelyn Dalby, Miss Gertrude McKenzie, Miss Maxine Hellbroner, Miss Ella Steen and Miss Lorna McLaren. A good many of the local bust nessmen are complaining that the circus Is taking much of the cash which they think they should get, They suggest that the circus should .either pay the full $100 a day license fee or pull up stakes and leave the city tnis weekend. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording District "of Range 5, Coast, and situate In Hudson Bay Pass midway between Bar-rai and .Dundas Islands, being one-nail mile south of trie most nortneny oi i NnrpK Islands. Take notice that .Robert I r vine, oi Prince Rupert, occupation Shell deader Intends to apply for a J ease of ta following described foreshore lands; Commenclne at a cost planted on ,a rock one-half mile south of the most northerly or the Nares islands, wence west .15 chains; thence south 15 chains thence east 15 chains; thence north 15 chain to' point at commencement and containing 1J acres, more or jet. Dated May 20th.' 1936. ,uxn ,r,x NnlUf of Intention to appply to Lease Land In Prince Rucert Land Recording Dis trlot of Range 5, Coaat. and situate front! m? on the north shore of the most southerly of the Nares Islands. Take notice that Robert Irvine of Prince Rupert, occupation .SheU dealer Intends to apply for a fease of the following described foreshore lands: Commencing at a post planted ,on a rock 200 .feet north cu the north shore of the most southerly of the Narei Islands Uience weat,J 5 chains: thence ;scuth 15 chains .thence east 15 chn; ' thence north 15 chains to point of commencement and containing 22.5 acres, more or lees. ltOHKHT OI.KN IRVINE D.itl May aoth. 1936. IN THE SITKEME COVKT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN I'ROBATE In the Mntter of the "Administration Art" 'and In the Matter of the Entate of Ben MverMMi, .Defeased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hla Honor, W. E. Flhr the 5th day of June. A.D. 1936. I was appointed Ad mlnlatrator of the estate of Ben Slver- ion, deceased, and all parties having claims aealnst the Bald estate are nere by required to furnish same, properly verified to me on or ooiore wie m day of July, A.D. 1936, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtednew to ,jne lorinwun. NORMAN A. WAIT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert ,B. C Dated the 5th day of June A.D. 193fl LAM, ACT Vntlre nf Intent lun to applj to I.eaVf Land In Prince Riuaert Land Recordlr District of Queen pharlotte Islands, .awl iuii stre imutjc .maiuuic, unsurveyed Crown land wwen la aitu little used. Might make trade for ated immediately south of Lot 45. Take notice that the Allison ixigguiK Comoanv Limited of Vancouver, u.u, Intends to apply for a lease of the iol lqwlng described fxwesnore ianaa:- commeiicins at a coat pignwra ai nvc 3. W. Corner of Lot 45. Q. C. I. thence 30 ohalna ;due South; thence 60 chains. due East thence due North to snore-line; thence West Along shoreline to point of commencement and contain-. ine 30 acres, more or icoo. AMBROSE P. ALLISON. Pres. Allison Logging Co , Ltd Dated April 21. 1936. LAND ACt Notice of Intention to apply to Ptir chase Land In Prlnoe Rupert Land Recording nuirint of Oueen Charlotte Islands and situate on" the North shore of Cumshewa Inlet immediately .bouw oi Lot ,45, Q. C. ,1, . Take aotloe that the Allison Loggl3 Company Limited of Vancouver, B. O. Intends to ;apply for permission to pur chase the ifoUowlng described lands: Commending at a post, planted at the PRIVATE Home 8. W. corner at Lot 45. Q. ,C. L thence We start yqu. The. Canadian Kin.', dergatten Institute, Winnipeg. (M) MALE HEM WANTED of Ixrt 45: theiue due South to shore - lino: thenc West alons shoreline to point of oommencement and contain Ing .40 aores more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON. Pres. Allison Logging ,Co. Ltd. Dated April 31. 1830. DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In -Gallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Lady Betty Special Lady Betty Wash Cloth Lady Betty Powder Puff Sterling Tooth -Brush Cuticura Soap . Quest Size Ipana Tooth Paste "Small Swan :Qown Face jPowder Small Special, all six items for , . . . . pads rsaja 50c Squibb Tooth Paste Special Three 25-cent Tubes Sciuibb ' Tooth Paste 50c The Latest in Bath Soaps Rexall Superfatted Finest Quality Hard English Bath Soap 20C per cake Ormes Ltd. "31 i ft Pioneer Drtuzgrists rheitexaLl Star Phones: ,81 &,82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 13 noon till 2 p.m., 1 p m. till 9 p.m. TJiE MINERALS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA British Columbia has produced .minerals .of ;an aggregate value of $1,425,000,000.00. The value of mine production -in -1935 was ' $48,821,239.00, an increase of $6,515,942.00 over the value for 1934. For authoritative information regarding the mining industry of this Province, apply to: THE DEPARTMENT OF MINES Victoria, B.C. NOTE: Following are some of the recent publications of the department: Annual Report of the Minister of Mines for the calendar year 1935. (There is a small charge for this publication). Bulletin: "Hotes on Placer-imlnlng In British Columbia." Bulletin: "British Columbia The Mining Industry." (This publication contains a synopsis of the various mining laws of the Province). "Elementary Geology Applied to Prospecting" a course of lectures. Our Window Display Starts tf Our Variety Increasing BUT m Our Prices Decreasing To Suit the Buyer So Don't Forget to Look At the Display At D. EL IO FURNITURE EXCHANGE We Buy Household Furniture Etc. PHONE GREEN 421