PAQ3 form WH1FFLETS From the Waterfront Strange Cruiser Sighted off Queen Charlottes Baffling Reef 01 1 Cape St. James Located. Salmon trailers coming home from North Island to Sdlgeate last week reported seeing a large cruiser quite near the shore of Hippo Island. It had a single funnel and a clipper bow but was not Identified. The hydrographic survey steamer William J. Stewart, after having spent the past summer off thn west coast of Queen Charlotte Islands, arrived In Skidegaata Inlet last week and, after a brief stay, continued to Rivers Inlet. For years craft of all sort have en deavored to re-locate a reef some A large run of silver chums on West Coast of the Queen Charlotte Islands is reported. Owing, however, to a shortage of papers... the . .seiners . did not catch much of the fish. " The United Church mission boat Udal last wck took fire between Queen Charlotte and Sand- spit. Rev. Mr. Selder, missionary In charge, and Mrs. Se'der, however, stayed plucklly with the ves rel and extinguished the flames which were caused by a defective exhaust pipe. Capt. Claude Duval of Queen Charlotte City has taken out a party of timber cruisers from there with the power booat Dot They iwil; make their headquarters at Thurston Harbor. Capt. Vernon Douglas of the roller Cupid of Skldegate is the high troller of the Queen Charlotte Islarils -oiling fleet for this year, according to word1 re ceived here. Coho trolling on Skid-1 egate Bar and at Cumshewa Inlet! U now reported to be poor. 1 C. N. R, steamer Prince -Rupert, j Capt. Nell McLean, with a fair-1' sized list of passengers, arrived in I port at 11:45 a.m. today from Van-i couver, Powell River and Ocean'' Falls and sails at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. The Fairway was the only boat selling halibut on the Seattle market yesterday, disposing of 16,000 pounds at upwards of 13c to Sebas- tian-Stuart Fish Co A Notice to mariners Just Issued gives official advice of the telephone and power cable which extends from the Department cf Marine -wharf across-Cascy Cove, Dlgby Island, to the beach bplnw the wireless station. Mariners are requested to use caution when anchoring n the vicinity of this cable LEMONS IN MOSCOW MOSCOW, Sept. 23: (CP)-A hothouse citrus industry, developed f-om plants brought from Florida, is getting started near Moscow. Lemons are unkonwn In present-day Moscow markets. It Pays to Buy From MUSSALLEM'S Our prices are always right with' the markets and we sell for less. Mall or phone your order and save FIIEE GIFT COUPONS for a Dhv ner Set and Rogers Silverware. Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE HARVEST FESTIVAL HAZELTON, Sept. 23: The an nual harvest festival was held at Of Pofor'c AntrllMn PVmrih TT17.I 12 miles out from Cape St. James, weather. The rector, Rev. B. Shear- which was reported by Capt George Vancouver In 1793 but without success until this summer when It was found by the William J. Stimart, hydrogtaph'c survey work from which is In charge of II. D. Parlzeau. It is believed that this ls the reef on which, the Canadian Government steamer Galiano met her doom In the fall of 1918 with all hands, The position of the rccharted reef Is officially given in a notice-to marl-J ners as 12.8 miles 136 degrees from! Cape St. James lighthouse latitude N.n 51 degrees. 43' 35," longitude W. 130 degree?. 46' 50." The height is approximately five feet and the reef, extends approximately half a mile in a southeast and northwest direction. man, led the prayers. W. Wale, native, read the lessons, and Rev L. J. Hales, (Rural Dean), gave an Inspiring address. He spoke on the abundant gifts given us by God and that He always carried out his promises. Though crops DAILY MBWB Wednesday, Septtmbtr 23 1931 help to .those suffering. In spite of failures In many parts of tne prairies, worshippers: still held their thanksgiving services, thank- ling God that He had provided (abundantly. If not to them this i year to others who would serve land distribute to needy ones This was the essence and piin- M oi Jesus 10 previous ?toe" elton on Sunday. The day thus out Gods goodwill, the church had been beautifully j carrying decorated with fruit, vegetable.? j The singing of hymns was and flowers. Many friends had sent heartily and earnestly carried out. these gifts and it was said never! Miss L. Andersen acted effic-before had there been such an gently as organist during the ab-abundant display. Worthy of no- sence of Mrs.'Myros who was ab- tice were vegetables given by the "sent tnrougn sicicness. native Indians The arrangements. On Sunday afternoon a most tastefully carried out, were children's service was held, conducted as follows. Altar, .Mrs. .Sealy; pulpit, Mrs Shearman; font, Miss Flick; win- dows, Mrs. Turnbull, and the rest of the Church- Jointly by these ladies. Their efforts were greatly appreciated. On Sunday morning the Church was crowded In spite of very bad Terrace Couple Wed Last Week Miss Mary Maxam Becomes Bride Of Eric Loreen Honeymooning in Vancouver TERRACE, Sept 23: (CP) A nrpttv aprtrtiniT took Dlace at Ter of worship .will, bring rain to end the drought. LIGHTNING KILLED ENGRAVER BURSLEM, Eng., Sept. 23: (CP? ADVENTURE TALE HERE "The Return of Sophie Lang" At Capitol Theatre Also Bing Crosby Musical A fast-moving story of adven- ras nn ti9v ct last week at the ture, intrigue and romance is pre United Church Manse. Rev. Adam ksentcd in the picture which opens Crisp officiating, when Miss Mary tonight at the Capitol Theatre, Maxam became the bride of Eric , "The Return of Sophie Lang." with Loreen. Foliowlne the ceremony. Gertrude Michael playing the title the couple left via Prince Rupert role. It Is a successor to the film of speol A, . .,. t.n warn nen "Thp Nntnrinnx a noneymoon uip m vauwuici j -o-, - i 1 ... n. iu Rnnhlp T.onir" Tt. nlrlfs nn thp vnrn i n 1 . ii v .-' ana eisewnere in me auuin. "t"'"- r -r - j " c i UriA K . ,n TYr. of the lovely lifter of jewels and Mrs. colllson of aaitMrs, were 1" " " " Burns of bazooka fame, and Fran-surprised date af- hearts at seven ar here nere. The me a j years Irace ana a ls vei7 Popular at the lusty and hearty ces pv,rm-,r Farmer, "Rhvthm "Rhythm on on thp the singing of the many native child- groom ls In the service of the Ca- ier ine cose 01 u u. ry. t- ren present. At 3 pm Rev. B. Shearman conducted a festival service for the Indians. Rain had fallen persistently through the day(i yet there was a large muster of the natives. Those assisting were Chief James White, Willie "Wale Sam Jones and Frank Wilson, The fruit, vegetables and flow-era were sent to .the Hazelton Hospital, and also to. various Indians who had. lost their gardens failed In places and disasters oc-; through, the curred, duty was plain, to render, rrier. flood in early sum- jnadian National Railways. IMMERSE GOD FOR RAIN MALEGON, India, Sept. 23: (CP) Hindu citizens and agricultur alists haye Immersed the god Mali- phie Lang, believed dead, In reality Is in hiding. She has given up her light-fingered ways and has become the trusted companion of an elderly, wealthy collector of gems, Elizabeth Patterson, Her former com- adev In water, belevlng this act panion in crime, Sir Guy Standing, has returned to his old ways after spending several years in prison. Sophie and her wealthy friend sail for America, having lh their possession the famous Krueger diamond. While working at his bench with Sir Guy sails on the same boat. He a copper plate, Fred W. Dale, C2, recognizes Sophie and Insists that was struck by lightning and killed, she aid him In the theft of the rare stone. When she refuses he takes the diamond and manages to throw suspicion on her. Meanwhile, Miss Michael has met Ray Milland, foreign correspondent for a New York paper. The romance that begins is ; carried through the rapid-fire events which follow. At the close, romance has triumphed, the stone ls back with' Its rightful owner and Sir Guy ls nabbed after the principals have been led through an exciting series of adventures, with police and press balked at every turn In their search for Sophie, and with the diamond passing from hand to hand until lr lands back in Miss Patterson's Featuring Blng Crosby, Bob Range," the other end of a double bill, provides a rollicking story garnished with' high comedy and hit tunes. The plot itself is unique and well fitted for the tempo of the romance and melody it DIES EATING COOKIES CALCUTTA, ScpU 23: (CP) A law student of Dacca Bengal bet a friend he could eat four cookies while swimming under water across a large tank. He dived under and died of strangulation. x - -W 2 r ' I 5 J, , ;.. -1 rJl ;; mm 1f EZ-T . t':-r) MiiuoNplius MdM lbServetfou 'fx '; M? M. V- -1 In the Yukon's barren wastes, a Idog'team crawls across the bleak landscape, a day out ofAklavik. . . 'Way up in Northern Quebec a silvery 'plane glides to rest on a sparkling lake in front of a new gold camp ... And on Cape Breton's rugged coast, within sight - r and sound of the pounding surf, a small car jogs and jolts along a little-travelled road ... each carrying an Imperial man on his appointed round. You want your "smokes" when you want them, and Imperial salesmen see that you get them whether you live in the wilds of the frozen North, on a deep sea trawler, or at an exclusive city club. That is the saga of selling tobaccp products. On blazed trail or boulevard, by Mackenzie River steamer or airconditioned train, our men are on the road travelling each year more than a million mile3 throughout the length and breadth of Canada, Visiting the nearly 60,000 outlets for Imperial Tobacco products. Picked, experienced and wise in the likes and dislikes of smokers, this sales and advertising staff of ours numbers 219 men. .Facing hardships cheerfully, they meet the events . of the day with a smile whether they be thrilling or prosaic, routine or extraordinary. And ' though dealers' problems differ, all call for assistance so these men must be resourceful in reaching solutions, because the answers can't be found by looking in "the back of the book"! Wc like to think of. our representatives and the dealers as ambassadors of goodwill to you. On their efforts and sympathetic understanding of your wants and preferences depends so much of our success in pleasing you. IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED '2 1 1 1 11 nn III 1 H : I 1 1 h JTrl vatMBJ (Last Complete Show, 8:28) IheReturabf LANG" r . 1 .... wenruae Michael Sir Guy Standing Roy Milland. tAt 8:28 Once Only) PLUS Swing Time in the Wild and Woolly West "RHYTHM ON THE RANGE" A whirlwind rip-roaring cyclone of rhythjn and romance hits the wide open ' spaces-Vith B1NG CKOStfY FKANCES FARMER BOn'RURNS. (At 7:00 & 6;32 DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CKEAM In li-Gallons and Gallon VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye n PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll to Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Jasper Telkwa and Black Diamond COAL Dry Wood PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue