esday Sepwmoer " m n.iQ RlavinkV' 'Brothers . St. Peter's Ten nnriii. u n.iMAa Piirwr. this mnrtt - - - - rri . . L - M rmhirned to -the citv.omthe iilf.lttn 4svi itva cli1 iwwi Albert & McCatfery Lid. and Mrs. Norman Dagllsh eturnlng to the city on' the 6 Unancs njiiijiiw ttiici;ewcuur ( lUlMi IUUU1CIU1 nCCIkd.tthiillC Beach of 'Graham" Island. Beatrice Hunter of the, on a vacation, trip, 10 ranee r iiiiu mivrf - vvwvv. ity from the south ;on the Rupert ,this.;mornJng. iient of the iprovinclal pol- tv nn KrincA- KU im. T.m n nnt 1 nr hn fi nn, Vrtn rni 1 v p . Decree Cretehton of Reelna. FOR SALE OAicr une eiecinc micnen aaii uaDy s nign cnair, class condition. 216 4th Ave. FOR RENT PERSONAL (224) need, .the space. 10-Piece -Pillow-Arm Chesterfield m i mi ins kii men-prune it . nociron itiui crnrn crn BeklnstBldg. Vancouver. RENT Furnished '.bedrooms, heated with or without (224) iun wanteij oiri wants Box 2, Dally News. 1! lUN WnntPrl Alter OClO hla Onw o 11.. 1 f 900 have ijolned iour group. $1000 protection for loss of from any cause, up to 60 rs of age, accepted without . 1A . II. M per.'.year. wnve lor uver the Top" drive offer particulars, vWestern Mutual fflf A ir , .a t ; mi rtau r - at) iu v 11 1 ir "J i , nnnn ivi nnr id. DWA MW UllbC. 11CYI j Tonic Tablets contain ;iaw ...Qwtuvvtg ailU w vllvl UUSC UCLIS UU Ul" . o-.v4j. 4A 1UL lUBilUXlLCU. Mr VaVkhJ. M . i a -iUO I UtV tXULB UU1U or writer Ormes .limited, tf. LEMENS Sanitary Sunnliea. t'.r ... jB ... duv tui acme ilOme Permaiipnt Wav ;l?ind.Curlln8 Machine v-y u, w.oo. Noelectrl CUV nr Mnn tnu nurf o" rr." . flair, Curls guaranteed to last inonin.t an ...n n'.-" iUf 5lA rn B,V;?rePala' MARVEL vI18i "st Ate. U224) Joseph .Naylor returned .tn .th city ,on the iPrhice .Rupert . this moindog Jrom .a ,trjp to William Balagno... who L tn h heard lq recital -soon, ls.a member of the Seattle Svmnhonv but .not Its. leader. Jack Flint returned to thp on i thee Prince Runerfc Ing lifter .having made the .trip overseas recently .with .the Vimy Pilgrimage. Jle was met in .Van. couver and accompanied home by Mrs. Pllnt. Mrs. J. M McCormick arrived in he city on the Prince RuDert thl morning from Agassiz and wm proceed on this evening's train to tort Fraser to Join Rev. Mr. Mccormick who: has been airoointed Anglican clergyman there, Low prices ,on lumberthree cars just arrived rough cedar,, cedar shiplap, D. D. clear at iAlbert & McCaffery'juWhone 11C r 117. (224) Olof Hanson, MP. for Bkeena. arrived) In the city irom Smithers on last night's train. He was ac companied iby Aastin Ooodenough, spperlntendent of the Hanson Tim ber & Lumber Co. as far as Ter race. Mr, Hanson iwlll return to Smithers on this evening's train. Jack Graham and ;Murdo Mc Donald of Porcher ;Island cannery are leaving on this evening's .trala for Montreal where they wlll embark on October J2 .aboard the steamer Letltla. for a . visit to .their native homes at Stomoway, Charles R. Hunter, -.well -known Colleymount jancher, is expected to arrive in the city .on 'tomorrow nights train from;the. Interior with a carload of stock for'P.jBums Co.'s local abattoir. Three carloads of stock from the Charles 'Barrett; ranch In the Bulkley Valley .arrived last Friday for the Otto Young, of the mechanical engineering department of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, was the speaker today at tthe regular weekly -luncheon of the Prince Rupert Qyro Club. He described a recent trip across the continent with a new type of refrigerator car designed by the local station. Dr. R. Q. Large, president of the club, was;ln the chair. Try a Dally News classified ad vertisement for best results. j Announcements Canadian Legion Bridge and Whist September 23. ,c .,. Presbytetlan Tea, September 23. Orange dance, September 25. Vlmy Pilgrimage, Inspector Hall, Presbyterian Church, September 25. Queen Mary tea,- Mrs. Hell- broner's. September 29. Violin Recital, William Balagno, Presbyterian Church, September 29, tickets at OrmCs. Junior Chamber of Commerce Dance, October 2. (212) .Come to Bazaar, Catholic Hall, October 7 and 8. (United Church Supper, October 9. I Ladles' Music Club Tea Musleale, Oct, 14. i Canadian Legion Bazaar, Octo ber 15. Hyggas Bazaar, October 23. Baptist bazaar 'carnlyal, Oct.,:24 Gyro Hoedown, :Moose Hall, October 30. St. Peter.Church!1Bazaar,.Uoy. ember 12. Noreaiber 1 L.O. B. A.,Baar, Newlflinister Is WelcQmed Banquet at'Kitzepicla In Honor Of Rev. -Bishop IBlaek KITZEQUCLA, Sept. .23: Last Saturday evening a - very , pleasant time was spent .In the Community Halhwhen a banqneUwas arranged or 'Rev. Bishop Black, the newly appointed missionary teacher. The event had been 'delayed .until all the men were home. , Seated at the head table with the i minister were the chief s .blithe Frog and Whale Clans .together wlthitheofflclals of "the .United Church. A. delicious Abouklr, Is expected shortly. NATIVES 'ILLEGAL SHARERS LICHTENBURG, South Africa, Sept. 23: (CP)--Cnntrary -o South African law, P. M. S. 'Barnard worked a gold claim on .a share basis with colored natives 1 and was fined $90 or six .weeks in Jail. WOULD REGULATE GARAGES, ADELAIDE, Sept. 23: ICP) Art critics' of the South Australia's centenary stamps are writing the papers as .uxe a jam label." Mrs. J. iBremner has J ust' received word that Miss. MargaretiEasson of Rosetown, Sask., daughter-of a cou sin of Mr. Bremner, recently won the golf championship of 'Saskaf- chewan province. . Hotel Arrivals Savoy 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. Leask, .Metla-. katla; J. H. Jones, Surf Point Mine,' J. M. Miller, Mr. and :Mrs J. Shunthe" and O. Anderson city. Mr. and Mrs. George (A. IDavls, Port Esslngton; Joe Sankey and Mr. and Mrs. David Musgrave iand daughter, Port Simpson; ;Mr. and Mrs. J. McMillan, Kamloops; "Mr and Mrs. R. L. Brash, city; D, T Greene, Quick; W, M. Munro, Premier; J. A. White, Vanderhoof, Royal .-Charles Douglas, yic Glraud, p. J. A. Humphries, Calgary; C. ' Moore, Port Esslngton; Fred ". Nash, Terrace; iB. Shearman, ,Usk.; IN THE SI'FKKMK COWtT 'OFT IJKITISII COI.l'MIHA IN IMIOUATK llir Muttfr of the "AdmliilMradoii Art" And In tlir Mattrr of the K(tmfIer mlt4ir. '.liwMwtl TAKE NOTICE that bv i order tf aim Honor, W. E.- Flshr the 21t day 16), September. A. D. 1988. I wa ap- uolntd Administrator with will . an nexod of 'the tentate of Petr DaBc(r.' Indebted to the estate are' requlrd"UJ pay the amount ot , lmlewttinesfl to me forthwith. 'NORMAN A. WATT, Official AdmlnltraUr, 'Prince mupert.iB.C. Dated thla ,21st iday ol Stptembtt, A. D. 1030. MacKiENZI!SP FURNITURE Card ;Tables.tfrom '75 Ash 'Trays i can i be;a ttached ito , anyiOf;.these.'tables:. Just iarrlved.;a 'full jshlpment of 'Spring -Filled .Mattresses "from 9t0tiup Abo a mew lot .flf Omtpeie ijust tutrrived. 327 Third Ave. "PhorfiTW 1 DiSL? asm GIRL SPIES ' DTJRIN'G WAR "Contlned-firomPage 1 hep office, took pistol from her. desk and kllledhlm. " After the war TMlle. Docteur dropped from sight: The last heard of jier.iy the,publlc she was living In seclusion .in Switzerland. She came Into a large:.fortune from her parents, which was taken as evidence .that .her spy Avork was not done-for monetary-gain but because she loved the. adventurous life and Intrigue. Led Crimson Life Mata 'Harl was .an entirely dif ferent type. She was a .lovely ani mal, .possessed of a .sinuous, grace which made her a favorite dancer In the music-halls .of Eurppe. Art ed by .the . ladles .asshted by .Moses ravedabut the beauty of her oones and other :men. After the dinner speeches of welcome were tendered In the. native tongue, which for eloquence ,and humor were .equal . to. .any English production. Rev. iB. tBIack then replied in a suitable and genial way thanking his hosts and hostesses for their splendid reception. MAYE BE EARLIEST STAMP JOHANNESBURG, Sept. 23: (CPi Discovery- of three faded postagi stamps used In 1832. eight years before the famous British' blacks, has encouraged South African philatelists to bellsve the world, llrst adhesive posiage stamps were issued at the Cape. FRENCH STUDY OLD WRECK ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, Sept. 23: (CP) A French; expedition' to investigate sea erosion on the remains of the Napoleonic fleet, scuttled by Admiral Nelson at Uigure, especially her arms .and shoulders. An Oriental cast of fear tures and a slight duskiness of skin1 added to her fascination. And she .was supremely , clever. Princes, statesmen, diplomats and other personages vied with one another for her favors. She smiled upon them all, 'and one by one she wrung from them thesecrets .which , useful to Germany. When, ilnally.she came .to the ,bltter..end Jf iher crimson, ilife. oiot even she :ould have given a close guess as to the total number of her lovers. .Mata-Harl' claimed to be. a'Hlndu. 3he.sald.she had been reared as a sacred : dancer in a temple .of the iod'Siva In India, and by the tlm she was 13 she. already was swirling her slim figure before the image of the great.deity. .'But , along came ia handsome iBrltlsh-off leer i and carr ried to, marriage. Ultimately she arrived iln .Europe. "The rRed Dancer", actually established .herself ias.asort of .high priestess of , a ' Siva cult .which practised all :orts of licence. It was 'easy to ibeliev? Mata aiarl's story, for she ihad a hypnotic : persuasiveness, iand -she possessed that; Oriental appearance, Actually;! however, she wasDutch, and born In Holland. There Is no record iof hertever having ibeen dn the iFarlEast.- Mata . :Harl Awas iborn In 1876 andwas.already ,ln the'.Oer- man.secret-servlee ' with. headquarters iln:Berlln, .before the vWorld War. iBoth France and :Brltaln :had spotted'iher .as ;a .spy, but It was long .after the mar started .before, they' obtalned enough 'evidence; for action, against her, When at home she lived Jlke a Princess In, a palatial residence where she entertained ilavishly -the men.who could. serve iher.Some- to'.her .will .and sent-fout to their' deaths .as spies. She travelled a great ;deal,;too, anrUalllthe capitals knew her, ifor she continued the 3nGrass Hockey VANCOUVER, JSept. ,23: (CP) Some.30,of Vancouver's best,women grass .hockey .players have .been practising assiduously in preparation for a game here, October'3 with a representative Australian women's team. The Australians . will .meet the Vancouver All-Stars while enroute to .the International tournament at Philadelphia In which 14 nations will participate. Many parts of the British Empire wllLbe represented In the tourney but Canada ,1s not sending a team. The world tournament .was first Geneva in. 1930. and 4t is planned to hold .It . every three' years. The .last- event was: staged fh .Cppenhagen in .1933, ManimiheMoon The Dally -News Is. one of the few printing and publishing! establishment, twithout ?a devil. That ac-counts -forlhe quality of :the Prince Rupert's plea to Mr. Buckley is "Will v you sno' come' back to me." As a guide .In ihls. apprehension. rushed i six different pictures of the fugitive to the chief of poJ lice in a ;nearby city. A few hours later they received this telegram 'Have arrested flve.of the men; ex pect to: .have the. sixth within a few hours." You have ! heard .about the girl professional , dancing -which .notpotIR(jast of5Beef omy iDrougntinex-iiie uuuiaiiuu sue ..iw. loveo loui'was ia us.eiu.junnu.iur her real '.work as spy. Wherever she, went she: lefta wake .of fluttering male j hearts. Dramatic Execution After the .war Jiroke .outlMata Harl,devoted.tmuch of her '.tlme.ito espionage ,ln "France, arhe iFrench authorities watched her" closely but she covered her trail so well they could not arrest her, for she had powerful frQnds'ivfJng the admlr lng We'nfiibiwwifflijilly. Over tPrince Rupert a auaacuy, wnen sne laciuany-ap plied lor work .In the.French secret service, and ', cepted-Sheigave the French-some useful Information (with .the iknowledge of 'her superiors in Berlin), but her real purpose of course, was to be In. a position iwhere she could serve the fatherland 'better. The French were not fooled, and bavtagiher underdose observation,' they ilrially (managed to .'get .hold, of some, of, her, secret . messages to:! Berlin. Then came court martial and .sentence of death. They exe- dece&sed, and ail .panic .having iatm cuted ;Mata"Hail near ''Paris. "Pro-' nrtrfuhrovejmlnent tmen who had loved 'her! tied to nve or or before the ;3iit day stood weeping openly iamong the se veral thousand .spectators, at this last act of d 'great humarnUrama. True to her penchant for the theatrical, and exhibiting the bravery which had carried her through o many dangers, 'the 'iRed Dancer" refused to have her eyes bandaged when she faced the fir ing squad. She stood smiling across rtHeygrtensward toward herf friends.' As the order was given she kissed her hand to them. UOHtOKENB (fOOME tWOME ', ircuiiBAOH, .rji.&tpi.m : acpy -UDrunkenneas in 'the colored community nwos one of tlie industry's problems up tfor.discusslon . at n nirreeting -of -the "WlneFarmers Association In the town hall here. who threw. awayr her lipstick -and washed her face in-order to disguise ;herself . "What , we -.want, my friends, is not .abstract sympathy, but con crete ;plum puddinsts," pleaded the Salvation Army officer in making a plea 'for Christmas Cheer. 30NES (PIIONE957 I C 1 tlmesi .they .were Xreigners whose OpeciaiS secrets.she .sought; sometimes theyiHamburger 3 lb5 & ... , . .., , , i tin Ayimer soup Boneless Sfew Beef. 3 lbs. & 1 bunch Carrots Boiling Beef, 1-4 lbsA; 1 bunch :Carrots Hump Roast of Beef per lb Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs 1 tin Aylmer Soup Round "Steak 3 :Ubs Sirloin fS teak PHONE 957 & 3 lbs. : Ju T-Bone Roast of Beef ' per lb '.. Lamb Chops . . , per lb ........'.... Veal Chops UU111 ,i-.uiiw V11V1JC per lb Spare Ribs "2 lbs - Good Corn Beet-; per ib. 25c 25 c 25c J5c 40c 50c 20c 25c 35c 25c 25c !5c CO AL TO PLEASE IEVERYBODY ;Satlsfactlon Guaranteed , FAMOUS EUSON ALBERTA COAL ABULKLE Y V ALLEY COAL VANCOUVER JISLAND COAL TRINCE RUPERT JEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and. 558 NEW ROYAL BOJSL JZarelll, Proprietor "A1IOME ,'AWAY;FR0M II03IE" Rates .'$1.00 ittp 50 tooms Hot Cold Water i Prince 'UDert,'JB.C. i Phone 281 P.OBo 1D6 D Stop that Cold with : Ik. Domimon jB Q TaMets Laxative Gascara Bromide 'Quinine Compound 25 tablets . . . . 25 cents Ormes Ltd Pioneer Druggists rtte'Kexall 8Ur Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p-m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 1 p.m. till I, p.m. Union Steamships, Limited Sttamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJM Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJVI. Due Vancouver, Monday ajn. ROUND TRIP FARE leaving Sunday 8:00 P.M. calUnK Pt. Simpson, Stewart, Anyox, Naas River returning Tuesday, '.$14.40 Further Information regarding sailings, and tickets from LR. M. 'SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 588 Canadian Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver i direct SS. ''Princess Louise," Sept. ,9th, 17th, 25th, Oct. 4th, 16th. SS. "Princess Norah," Oct. 25th, Nov. 3rd. To Ketchikan, Wraneell, Juneau and Skagway SS. "Princess 'Louise," Sept. 4th, 13th, 21st, 30th, Oct. 12th. SS. "Princess Norah," Oct. 21st, 30th. For Information and Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. Used Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged HEATERS BEDS Of all sizes KITCHEN RANGES SINGER SEWING .MACHINE; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, -Tenor Banjo, good make; 'JB" Flute, Guitars, Etc. RADIOS, GRAMOPHONES BARBER CHAIR in good condition 4g NATIONAL CASH REGISTER D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Third Avenue