'v.. I VICTORIA, B.C. I " ' - J Mmln Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (S AM.) 8Jhe prince Rupert Rain, northwest High . 7:55 a.m. 14.9 ft. wind, 6 miles per hour; barometer, 19!21 p.m. 10.7 ft. 29.92. Low 1.... .. 0:55 a.m. 7.4 ft. 12:56 pjn! 10.8 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER M. XXV, No. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1936 TRICE: 5 CENTS URL SPIES DURING WA i . , .1 1 rr On, Was Tabn Another, Where? Ruthless Work (read of Secret Agent Activities Recalls Careers of Women iEW YORK, Sept. 23: (AP) ipo names stand supreme In the story of women spies in the war stories which read so much like Blow-backed fiction that they are Ill-nlgh. unbelievable. Both, were fcnts in the highly-developed and ) iborate secret service of Ger- ny Recent development of spy items in the capitals of world vers recalls their adventurous leers. "hey are "Madamolselle Docteur" Mata Harl Mile. Docteur, le Biona uemon" wno was per Ips the greatest of her kind for time and was feared by many Ittons; Mata. Harl, "The Red ticer," a courtesan whose sensual iuty robbed men of reason and Iced In her, lovely hands the arts and secrets of scores of per- ttages, including even royalty. Hie. Docteur. as the was called Ithe French secret service, was a traan, Anne Marie Lesser, daugh- of a widely-known Berlin art ller and an Italian-born mother. girl was about 20 when the war out -a striking blond with nagnlficent mind which worked Ih such cold and remorseless pre- lon that she could kill without a ver in carrying out her duties. Inne Lesser was only 17 .when ! discovered by accident her ex- ne talents1 for secret service it Willie on a visit to St. petcrs- wlth her father she became Bualntcd with a Oerman officer told hqr he was trying to get Isesslon of the plans of a new Bslan gun. he papers were In the hands of Russian general with whom ne's father was doing business. ivlng access to the general's Use- the elrl cot hold of the vlngs and copied them perfectly hout discovery. great was the thrill she got this spying that she decided ake espionage her profession. was coached by German of fers and secret service operatives quickly developed the master h. Icr unusual intelligence and her pwledge of foreign languages a great asset. She progressed Rell that she was made director py training. When the war Ike out she was put In charge of Oerman spy. organizations In pee, Belgium and England. She Shot at Sight Hie Docteur made numerous PS to Britain nnri Franr and Came such a menace that she! eagerly sought by the secret) ice of both countries. Manv - ' es . she barely escaned caoture. ... I est would have meant the firing "Q. i "ring one trip to Paris she re- valuable documents1 which decided to take to Berlin her- vla Switzerland, although the ch were seeking her every- We. When Rhn arrived at. (hp ss border she was stopped by a ' u. bhe shot him dead with her' whether the murderer was musk-! The next day when she ar)- rat. cathead-owl or Just plain stray d over the line in Switzerland! rl".r guard was found dead. Ille. Docteur was ruthless In her lllngs 'with those who worked for and they feared her. A illns- Mon, her punishment of a young plan secret service t. Ic olferl had outsmarted her something I t rarely happened to the blond Bon and had so Insnlrerl her JWence that she had actually fn him Into her employ. maae the mistake of betray- onc of her spies on the strength "urmaiion porsessed only by Docteur and himself H nne 'had to add UD two nnri tum fnr 'She called the votm man Into Continued on page three) Late Telegraphs Great Boxer Dies JOL1ET, III, Patrick (Packy) McFarland, 48, one of the greatest lightweight boxers of all time, died today. He was once considered the uncrowned champion. Radio Managers OTTAWA Appointment of Major W. E. Gladstone of the British Broadcasting Commission and Dr. Augustin Frigon, chairman of the Quebec Utility Commission, as general manager and assistant general manager respectively of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has been suggested to the government by the board of governors. Martial Law SHANGHAI Commanders of a Japanese naval landing party declared martial law tonight in the northern section of the International settlement where three Japanese marines were shot, one fatally, earlier In the day. House Opens October 27 VICTORIA The Legislature will open October 27, Premier Pattullo announced today. French Train Wreck LOURDES, France Fourteen persons were killed and thirty injured today when a train telescoped Into the rear end of the Avlgnon-Lourdes Express. Two Men Hanged DORCHESTER, N.B Arthur and Neil Baninster were hanged today for the murder in January of Philip Lake at Pacific Junction. Goats Misjudged; Can be Real Pals Breeder Says No Family Shoull Be Without One VANCOUVER. Sept. 23: (CP)-Bc a pal to your goat if you have cne and if you haven't, get one That is the advice prof f erred by Donald McLean, veteran bree'de and Judge at exhibitions here Ooats, generally, are misjudged In his opinion. "People do not take goats seriously," he said. "They should be considered not only as a source o: milk but as pots They can be al most human, you know," he con tlnued. "No family should be without a goat. City dwellers as well as far mers should keep them. They arc inexpensive and their milk test for children or grownups." DRIl V'WOOn LAUNCH VICTORIA, Sept. 23: lCP)-Otto Miner, unemployed carpenter, built a 30-foot boat here In his time, constructed of drift- it" ' - i Uwrf He whiosawed every Inch of' ' Inlankine. decking and celling. T r.ron the frlmmines rame from the same source. : PERHAPS TWAS SCAPEGOAT WOLSELEY, South Africa, (CP) Farmers hunting Jor some marauder Kullty of heavy killings of chickens and ducks are undecided dog. Weather Forecast (Furnished through the courtesy of the Dominion Meteorological Bureau at Victoria and Prince Rupert). Pressure has risen over' this province nnri rain is falling on the nnri :t. Prince Rupert district and Queen Charlotte Islands increasing east and south winds, cloudy and im with occasional rain. West rnsst Vancouver isiana, fresh winds, east and. cmith- rloudv and cool with scat-, 7,howers. ' Can Now A British army recruiting offlc -r explains to some young recruits he New idea of His Majesty's army. The new idea is the army's supplementary reserve trial scheme. A recruit mayjoln the supplementary reserves for -ix months. If he likes military llf j, he may Join the regular army. If he does not, he may return to civilian, life, but is require 1 to come up for 14 days of training for the next five years. He Is paid a bounty of six pounds x year and pay while training. Medals Galore For Coronation LONDON, Sept. 23: (CP) Ir coflhebtldri "Wlth the'Coronation of King Edward VIII three classes o; medals are to be struck the of ficial gold and silver medals whic will be designed by the Mint, medals designed by the individual medallist and a medal in silver or bronze with oris side designed by the Mint and the reserve side leit o!ear. for municipal coats of arm? or other required designs. . .u,- . Tbday's Weather Terraced-Raining, calm, 45. Alice Arm Raining, calm, 48. Stewartt-Ralnlng", calm, 45. HazGlton Cloudy, calm, 40. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, mild. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 39. Victoria Barometer, 30.26; fair, northeast wind, 4 miles per hour. Estevan Barometer, 30.24; southeast wind, 8 miles per hour; cloudy, Vancouver Barometer, 30.26; east wind, 4 miles; fair. Prince George Barometer, 30.22; calm and clear. ODD DEATH OCCURRENCE 'PEACE RIVER, Arta., Sept. 23: (CP) Death of two sisters, living thousands of miles apart, at ap piuAinuiicij proximately the nio 3 same j me iiuui hour was waoi ' rfj .t,u yv, u.. I , Willi WIC .UCltUl Ul WIS. ' tj. reached here. Mrs. Julia Robertson of Peace River, the. sister, was be ing buried LEAVES NORTH FOR SCHOOL EDMONTON, Sept. 23: (CP) De-: sire for further education brought Miss Owen Carruthers all the way from Wrangell, Alaska, to Edmon-. ton, a distance of 1200 miles. She j plans a business course. Her par ents, Brigadier W. J. Carrutherj and Mrs. Carruthers of the Salva-1 tlon Army are stationed at Wrangell. I SCHOOL INSPECTED KITZEQUClX Sept. 23 :-Last Wednesday Captain C G. Barry, '.' the T-..l .u, Indian School Inspector. Paid;whatand' how a vi&iy. 10 me vniaQa, ucuuiuiiuintu by; Captain O. C Mortimer, the Hazelton Indian Agent. Tire lnspec tor exnressed himself as as belni being! fairly well satisfied with the pro - gre of the children. i Join British Army "On Trial" I Employment Most Since Depression I VICTORIA, Sept. 23: (CP) A total of 68,690 relief in British Columbia during the month of August, a drop of 5,179 from July and a reduction of 10,967 from August last year, provincial authorities announced Tuesday. It is a new low for unemployment in the province since the start of the depression. t 4, 4. GIANTS WIN PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 23: Carl Hubbell and the New York Giants defeated Phillies 5 to 4 today. The Giants need but one more win to cinch the pennant. One more defeat for the Cardinals would also give New York the flag. St. Louis and Cincinnati were rained out today at St. Louis. Chicago Cubs dropped out of the running by losing a 7 to 6 verdict to Pittsburg in 10 Innings. Brooklyn brat Boston 8 to 6. In the American League New York beat Philadelphia 12 to 5. Washington beat Boston 3 to 2 and St. Louis Browns won 10 to 1 over Detroit. Chicago and Cleveland each had one run at the second inning in the second game of a double-header, Chicago having won the first. TEACHING ROAD MANNERS LONDON, Sept. 23: (CP) Mo-j bile metropolitan police, equipped wibh tos with loudspeakers will It""., Z urZlJ. .1 " . .traffic breakers to . tell them whats V. Mrs. J. Bremner returned last night from Terrace, where she had 'been viritlng forJthe . past" w eek with Mrs Corlett,f; TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy 3. D. Jobrukxn'Oo.) Vancouver B. C Nickel,- 8.; jBig MSesouri. 53. Bralome, 8.25. B. R. Con . .04?i. B. R. X.. .13. . Cariboo Quartz, 1.98. Dentonla, .15. -Dunwell, .03 Vi. Golconda, .10, Minto, .26. . Meridian. .06 ' ' . " ' Morning Star, .02 4. National Silver, .03. Noble Five, .02 Vi. Porter Idaho, .04. Premier, 3.40. Reeves McDonald, .05. Reno, 1.23. Relief Arlington, .41. Salmon Gold, .09 Vi. Taylor Bridge, .10. Wayside, .10. United Empire, 024. . Toronto Beattle, 1.33. Central Patricia, 4.05. Chlbougamau, 1.38. Gods Lake, .91. Inter'l Nickel, 60.00. Lee Gold. .07. 'Little Long, Lac, 6.00. McKtnzle Red Lake, 1.81. Pickle Crow, 6.60. Red Lake Gold Shore, ill). San Antonio, 1.73. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.74. SLsco, 4.60. Smelters Gold, 09. Sturgeon River, .38. Ventures, 2.39. McLeod Cockshutt, 4.60. Hardrock,' 2.50. Oklend, .33. Mosher, .71. Bousquat, .10. Bldgood Klrkland, 1.53. OUbec, .0412. Lake Rose, .56. Madsen, 1.00. May Spiers, .52. Wlnoga Patricia, .42 Sullivan, 216. Stadacona, .68. Green Staybell, .61. Frontier, .20. Francoeur, 1.01. Mamdtoba & Eastern, .i&Vi. Perron, 1.85. South Keora, .13. Moneta Porcupine, .62. Sladen Malartic, 1.10. New Augarlta, .45, 1 VANCOUVER, S?pt. 23: (CP) Wheat was up again on the iVan - couyer Exchange today, advancing to $1.073,4, Madrid To Fall Soon Loyalists Not Expected To Last Out 'Much' Longer In Spain Italians Take Mallorca MADRID, Sept. 23: (CD-While fresh government forces were being rushed to Torrijos to stem a major rightist advance, Madrid was in a desperate position last night as a result of the rebels' smashing victories. Early fall of the capital, now in grave danger, is predicted. Every able-bodied man in Madrid has been called upon by the government to - "itand ready for immediate ser-' vice. The insurgents are now only 23 miles off. With the Fascist forces only 16 i miles from Todelo, final endeavors were being made last night fb save the last defenders of AN ' vuar fortress before arrival of General Franco. Insurgents, apparently sensing that they were on the verge of a decisive victory, stormed the roads to Madrid and Toledo today. Government forces both on the Toledo and .Madrid fronts were being hurled back. Reports are current that the Madrid government is debating the advisability of surrendering, ITALIANS GRAB ISLAND An Italian dictatorship has been established in the Spanish island of Mallorca, the newspaper La Vox charged yesterday after the arrival of eleven seaplanes rommanriett hv n 1tUnivf , il J u tenant Rossini. "Mallorca has actually been made an Italian colony," the newspaper said. Canadian Club Hears Report Trs. F. W. Dafoe Tells Local Or- ganization of Convention In South W!.th Miss Lillian Ha'llwell, the iresldent, in the chair, the Women's Canadian Club met yesterday afternoon In the City Hall o hear a report from Mrs. F. W Dafoe on the twenty-first confer- m:e of the Assoolated Canadian 'lubs held during tha summer in Vancouver, Chllllwack and Victoria. There were three Prince Rupert representatives at the conferenceMrs. Da'foe, Mrs. J. D. Thurber and Mrs. S. P. McMordiev The conferense wa3 opened by ; non. W. liamoer, Lieutenant ' ' Governor of British Columbia, anc Mrs. Justice A. K, Dysart, the pres ident, was In the chair. Mr Justice Dysar.fs address on the natural- lzatlori of aliens and the alms Canadian Clubs was a feature cf ithe whole proceedings. The conference expressed hope .that it would be possible to send at least four speakers annually to ithe. more outlying clubs whlih would choose their own topics before speakers were appointed. ; There will be another meeting of the local club next Wednesday to deal with the constitution. Will Preserve Milton's Home Generosity of Vi3tonnt Wakefield Of Hythe Makes It Possible LONDON, Sept. 23: (CP) Through the generosity of VI i-count Wakefield of IIyithet the am enities of John Milton's cotUg tat Chalfont St. Olles, Buckinghamshire, "will be preserved foi the nation. I. He is purchasing an adjoining 'piece of land which has been i'threabsned fby builders and pre renting It to the trustees of the poet's cottage. DANGER TO FISHERIES Sillier Freeman of Seattle Fearful Of Japanese Invasion SEATTLE, Sept. 23: Miller Freeman, publisher of the P'aciflc Fisherman and former member of the International Fisheries Commission, writing in the Seattle Times, Of the rumored encroachment of fishing waters off the Alaska and Brltlfh Columbia coasts, suggested that Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska be declared military strategic waters in which case all foreign vessels could be kept out. lie uggested Canadian co-operatton. Mr, Freeman referred to the danger of Japanese Invasion of the, fisheries of this coast, asserting that it might prove devastating". 4MY WANTS T0GET IN Vsjis' Permission, to Fly Campbell B'ack's Plane in London To Johannesburg Race LONDON., Sept. 23: (CP) Amy Tohnion Moll'fon, British lon'g dis-ahce filer,- today asked the, or-sanlzeM of ithe London-Johannes- jburg alx race for permission trt usa he craft in which Campbell Bla:k was killed last Saturday, in th race next week, Black, himself, had Intended entering the race. Halibut Arrivals Summary American 100,500 pound3,., iriH'Vc to' &?'&m6; ' 5W-",- Canadian none. American Tahoma,38.P00, 9c arid 7c, Cold Storage 'V- .. i Chelan, 25,000, :'$jc and; 7c, ' ' Booth. .-.-v. Sherman, 14,500, 9c and 7c, At- lin. Zerembo, 12,000, 9 7c and 7c, Atlln. Betty, 11,000, 9.7c and 7c, Atlln. Local Man Is Impressed By Farm Country After making hi? first trip into the Bulkley Valley beyond Smithers, W. J. Raymond returned to the city on last night's train from a ten day vacation trip Into" the central interior. He was agreeably sur- prised with the appearance of the . . rnuntrv 1 Tnripprl I 1 It 1. . urn a relation ..-I-.! to him. He found that Bulkley Valley farmers were hoping to do well this fall with their timothy seed ii-h now m stnok. Mr. Rav of!mond reports roads In fairly good r,,,,a a,nua rot inc aA snow. The snow has not remained on the ground. At some points road widening Is in progress. WANTED ANOTHER BURBANK SANTA ROSA, Cal., Sept. 23: (CP) Ten years after the death of Luther Burbank, his world- famous experimental garden here . 'inds practically unused a chal-'enge for someone to step Invo the plant wizard's place, BAR SILVER NEW YORK, tCP) Bar silver was unchanged at 44c per ounce on the New York metal market 'nday. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT NOTICE LAST CHANCE to consolidate your taxes. Tax Sale September 30th. CITY COMMISSIONER