day, August ,35, 1936 - TEA urk Candow, after spending a few days In trie city, sauea uy tbe Catala this afternoon on his return to Namu where he is running a boat for the B. C. Packers. w L. Stamford, agent for the Marine Department, sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Bella Bella, accompanied by his son, Gordon. an John :,E. Moody , of Port Simc- son was a jjassenger aboard the Catala :today .going through, .., on R trip to Vancouver. Obi. .W. T. Perkins of Seattle, who 'has beeni,on,a trip to; Stewart. In fconnection with his mining interests, arrived in the o'ty from the north on the Catala this afternoon. HIGH in Quality LOW in Price-- Our Children's Wheel Goods :Set The Pace JFor JSiggest Value WAGONS, SC0PTERSKII)D1K SAKS, WHEELBARROWS, ETC. All First Grade Material andConstruction COME IN AND BUY AT PRICES LOWER THAN EVER Our complete stock of Toys DollsGames, -Etc. reduced to the minimum. Priced to clear. and make room for' new stock. Keep up your Home It pays to paint and repair ! For Rest Paint Vnkics and Sound Advice, Consult GORDON'S HARDWARE McBrlde Street Phone 311 The Fish which made Prince, Rupert Famous "Rupert BrancP SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. r 8. LOCAL 1NEWS JSOTES Henry Skinner of Surf Point mine sailed this afternoon. on -the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. J. P. Adams of S,alvas sailed this afternoon .on thetCatala for a trip tovVattoouver.. .... . f Tonight's train, due from the East at 10:20, Is reported two hours late whlch .would .bring 4t inat 12:20 midnight. . , Miss Way and Mlss:01aIson sue registering students lor tall work?1 Piano, Theory, Harmony! etc. Spe cial attention given to Phone 45. ' ' Classes for beginners in . Oxford Music Course will be conducted at St, .Joseph's Academy, beginning September 1st. Early application Is urged. 200- Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Grant HoV llngworth, who have been spending a six weeks' vacation at Sana-spit, , Queen Charlotte .'Islands, will be returning to the city on the Prince ChaTles on -Thursday. ; Local Vimy pilgrims will be gradually returning -,to the cUy during he next few weeks. The first to .back was Jit. M.: Lamb last Friday night. The trip, he reports, was a memorable one. ' ;Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Hanklnson returned to Jthe city ,at the end of, the week. -Mrs. Hanklnson ha ? been on a trip to Ontario and was met at Jasper Park by Dr. Mr. and Mrs. C. ,V. t Evltt, who have been on a motor ;trlp to At berta and through ;Jhe southern interior, .are expected to return to the city on the Prince George tomorrow morning. Mrs.- S. G. McNeill arrived lnjtfce city on the Catala today from Stewart. Her husband "has be:n working out of here lor,some, time. Later they will be returning to Stewart. The charge; arising out of a recent brawl at Arrandale .cannery. M. Sushita, Japanese, was fined $20 and costsfby Stipendiary Mag istrate Andrew Thompson.,ln.prov-lnclal police court yesterday af ternoon for vagrancy. Moses Wilson, Daisy Shanoss and William Morris, Indians, lor drunkenness, were each fined -$IQ. with option of seven days' impris onment, In city police court ;yesV terday. Fred White, for having liquor in his possession, .was lined $25, with thirty days' option. Leon Shaw of the Billings, Montana, Gazette was among passen-. gers going north aboard the Prin; cess Louise yesterday to make the round trip to Skagway. .Mr. J3haw, Is a prominent Shriner, having formerly been potentate .of Al Bed'oo Temple at Billings. He is accom panied by Mrs. Shaw. George Berg has'been brought to the city from Port Essingtqi o serve a term of one months Imprisonment in the city Jail; for supplying liquor to Indians. He appeared before Stipendiary . Mvg- istrate Charles D. Pogson at Port Esslngton and elected to serve the. time rather than pay a fine ol $50 and costs. Announcements Bazaar for .Boys' Band Septem ber 19. Catholic Bazaar, October 7 and Canadian' Legion Bazaar, ,.15. - Baptist bazaar carnival, Oct. 24, L. O. B. A. Bazaar, November 19 AUGUST FURNITURE SALE SPUING FILLED MATTKESS .BY SIMMONS PricedvllS.OO, $20.00, $25.00 ,$J7.5Ond$42.50 MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE 1 'Prhice Rupert Important meeting. Rod,ind Oun Club. ( aty ' Hall, Wednesday, 7-3C p.m. (200 Mrs;;Nick Sutllovich sailed yesterday Con the Princess Louise for Mayo, Yukon Territory. Oscar Fultan-arrived,vin the city on the Catala this' afternoon from Premier. (AlantCarolah of Stewart is paying , a ..brief ,'buslness visit to the city, having arrived from the north on the Catala today. "Miss Patricia' McLeod, daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. J. IL McLeod sailed this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver. Music, Kindergarten and Commercial Classes will open at St. Joseph's Academy on September 1st. (200) ..Carl Culbertson. appeared Jui city j police court . this morning on' a charge of vagrancy by swearing in a public .place and was remanded until this afternoon. Mrs. S. ,V. Cox left on last eve ning' train r for a brief trip to Terrace. on Rebekah Lodge business. . , Frank Joseph pleaded guilty in city police court yesterday afternoon to .a charge of supplying liquor to Indians and was remanded until this afternoon. Tl Chow, one of a party of young students from China -whe have heen here studying the fish eries, sailed this afternoon by the Catala for Vancouver. Mrs. J. A. Clark and sons who have been visiting at Casslar Cannery with Mrs. Clark's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James 1 Lamb, returned this afternoon on the Catala to for Vancouver. Mrs; T. White,- whose husband is ..keeper of Ahe "lighthouse near Klemtu, sailed Saturday night by the Cardena on her return down the coast after a week's visit g the city. ;.Mrs. A. R. Holtby .and grand daughter, Miss Daphne Hemmel who. have been spending the pst few weeks with Mr. and Mrs Lionel Holtby, have left for Ottawa, accompanied by Master pwynn Holtby. JONES family Market PHONE 957 Pot Roast 4 lbs. ...... Roundteak v3 Jbs :.. Sirloin Steak 3 lbs. Hamburger, 3 lbs. & -l ib.. Onions T-Bone Roast of Beef per lb Rump; Roast of Beef per lb Specials Stew.Veal 3 lbs :... Shoulder of Vealr- per lb Veal Steak per lb. Leg. of .Veal per lb Veal .Chops 2 lbs PHONE 957 Stew Lamb . 3 lbS. n Boned and Rolled Shoulder of Lamb, per lb Loin Lamb Chops per lb. Fresh :Slde Pork , per lb. 35c Boneless StewB&.fjK .5. . OtZp 40 c 50c 25 c 20c 15c 25c 10c 20c 15c 35c 25c 20c 25c 15c DEUCIOU8 SUMMIT ICE CREAM i In -Gallons .and Gallona VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 57 ODDHANDS OF BRIDGE EDMOMTONAug. 25: CP) One in 50,OO04)00,0O0j000,000,0O0)00,OO0,-000, 000.000,000(000.000,00000, 000,-000,000,000,000,000-ror, more briefly, five .with 67 ciphers lifter it are the chances of -getting the freak' hands dealt four Edmonton bridge players the other day. Upiverslty of Alberta' mathema ticians studied the permutations and combinations, behind the deal and produced odds worthy of a; dally double. The players were W. W. Bridge, S. C. McLeod, .W. Gunn and R. St.' Denis. , Bridge received 'the ace, king. nine and live of clubs; .McLeod the same cards in diamonds, Gunn the same In hearts .and St. Denis the same In , spades. Bridge got theJack, seven and three of hearts; .McLeod the same three in spades, Gunn in clubi and St. Denis in diamonds. Bridge was .dealt .the queen, eight and four of diamonds, McLeod the identical values In hearts, Gunnln spades and St. Denis in clubs. Finally each received the 10, six and two in different .suites. -When they picked .up these . hands Im bi! lion billions, they found they each had cards numbering consecutively from two to the ace in different suits all round. Miss Evy Rlvett sailed Satur day night on the Cardena for a holiday trip to Vancouver. SACRIFICING' Factory samples. 10 piece Chesterfield Suites $72.50; 10-Piece Walnut Finish Bedroom Suites $69.50; ,38-Plece Breakfast Room Groups $21.00. Many, other bargains. Terms if desired. Julius i Shore Mall Order House. 14021' Beklns Bide- Vancouver. I! WANTED WANTED Second hand bicycle. .Apply Daily News. (300) MUSIC VIOLIN Tuition, theory and har mony. Miss N. Lawrence. Phone 580. Classes start Sept. 1. 204 PERSONAL MEN Get vigor at once. New Os- trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster invigorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted, maker refunds few cents paid: Call or .write, Ormes limited, tf. GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. YOU CAN MAKE MONEY FOR SALE j Home Permanent Wav ing and Curling Machine C.CT.D. 3oorweieetrt city or experience need ed. Will not harm the finest hair. Curls guaranteed to last seven months. All supplies for six heads. Postage prepaid. MARVEL WAVE CO., 1183 East 41st Ave; Vancouver, B.C. It Pays to Buy jFrom MUSSALLEM'S Our prices are always right .with the markets and we sell for less. Mail or phone your order and save FREE GIFT COUPONS or a Dinner Set and Rogers Silverware. Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU,-Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOM1" Rate 11.01 if SO Rooms Hot & Cokl Wter Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 SPECIAL Parke, Davis & Co. EUTHYMOL TOOTH PASTE A Trial T.ube.Free With'Each Regular Size Tube 25c Ormes Ltd. "Jim -Pioneer Druqgists The Kcxall BUrt Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From, 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till , 2 p.m., 7 pro. till, 9 p.m. Union Steamships, Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY- TUESDAY, 1 :30 PJ. Due Vancouver, , Thursday pan. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 TM. Due Vac3ouve.r, Monday am, ROUND TRIP FARE leaving Sunday .8:00 PJVI. caUlng Pt. Simpson, Stewart, Anyox, Naas River returning Tuesday, $14.40 Further information regarding sailings, and tickets from R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Airent, Third Ave. Phone, S63 Canadian Faeifie To Vancouver via Ocean Falls, and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday at 10 p.m. To Vancouver direct SS. "Princess Louise," Aug. 1st, 15th, 29th. Sept 9th. SS. "Princess Alice," Aug. 8th. 19th. SS. "Princess Charlotte," Aug. 22nd. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway SS. "Princess Alice," Aug. 3rd, 14th, SS. "Princess Louise," Aug. 10th, 24th, Sept. 4th. SS. "Princess Charlotte," Aug. 17th. For Information and Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. Used Furniture Divanette in solid oak. Double Beds, Dininy: Room Suite. Beds all sizes, Atlas Couch, Odd Chairs, Kitchen Ranges, Washing Machine water power and hand power, Singer Sewing Machines, Radios, Gramaphones, E. B. Saxophone, Bucscher Guitars, Etc. School Books Bought, Sold and Exchanged D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Third Avenue