I Vol " Today's Weather (g AM.) prince Rupert High fog, calm; barometer, 30.14; temperature, 62; sea smooth. . XXV., No. 200. Willi.; TWO FLIERS ARE KILLED Ifsa soup rog For Crash Held Responsible in California LIVERMORE, Cal., Aug. 25 soup iog, wvfc? w nconquered enemy, over the eok-end was blamed for the Iea eath of two army filers, when ieir training plane crashed tlx illes cast of here Friday night ictims were Lieutenant Antnony Curcio, pilot, and' Captain Ha KJ Brann, observer ootn or Mer it, near Sunnyvale, Cal. Wreck-e of the plane was found on a fcllside in the Golden Height:. strict, cast of Greenville, In the llamont Pass. REPEAL OF TRADE PACT imtrlcan Livestock Association Not j Pleased With Reciprocal Trade Treaty With Canada DENVER, Colo., Aug. 25: Claim-:g that It has had the effect of casing a decline in meat prices, .e National Livestock Association, i convention here, has demanded tpeal of the reciprocal trade taty with Canada. Each clause iider any such agreement should approved individually by Con- pa by two-thirds vote, the asso- ita declares. IVeedsmuir Is In Vancouver Jovfrnor General Completes Visit On Island and is About To Return East VANCOUVER, Aug. 25: Aboard M. S. Appollo, Lord Tweedsmulr. pernor General of Canada, ra- urned here this morning from lincouvcr Island. Accompanied y Ma ww n n Mcnwr iti fUency made an lnspccUon of the p City Hall In Falrvtew and Is piting the Cenotaph this atter- Na With his party he will board IIS SDecUl train t.hls pvpnlnff eparatory to leaving on his re-frn East, faith Day Of Jubilee Held PMial Observance on Sunday At Vancouver With Mayor McGcer As Sponsor VANCOUVER. Aug. 25:-Sunda as Youth Dav ait the Vancouver ubilee. There was a Joint gathei- ' oi various youth organization j f Brockton Point where Mayor O wcoeer gave an address. Miss D. O'Neill, whn has' brcn 'siting here wLth her brothcr-in- w and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. V.'. ONelll, sailed hv t Pntnla to afternoon on her return to icboria, 'HGH SCHOOL BOY PROVES SENSATION CLEVELAND, Aug. 25!-Bob JJtter, 17-year old recruit P tcher of the Cleveland In-Mans, who Is not out of High School yet, created a sensa-ln on Sunday when he ww out fifteen batters, a I record, to let down the . Louls Drowns with a sonrp PLOTTERS EXECUTED Soviet Carries Out Sentence With Dispatch Mercy Refused MOSCOW, Aug:. 23: (CP) Sixteen men convicted of plotting- to overthrow Dictator Joseph Stalin and the Soviet government have already been executed, it was officially announced today. An appeal foa mercy was declined following- their sentence early Monday to die before a firing- squad. The execution of the sixteen confessed conspirators against the Soviet state is the highest measure of social defence of the government and marks the first time since the Bolsheviks came into power that they have ordered the sentence of death for leaders who marched in the October rebellion of nineteen years ago. The condemned men, included Gregory Linovieff and Leon Ka-menev who formerly governed Russia with Joseph Stalin. They were declared guilty of plotting with the exiled Leon Trotsky to assassinate Dictator Stalin and others high in the government. Zinovieff and Kamenev had also been convicted previously of having brought about the assassination of Sergei Kiroff, first aide to Stalin, two years ago. J Today's Weather Robert Riggs Of She Triple Island Foggy, calm; sea smooth. Terrace Clear, calm, 54. Alie Arcm Clear, calm, 55. Stewart Clear, calm, 46. Hazelton-Clear, calm, 48. Smlthers Clear, calm, 50. Burns Lake Fog, calm, 45. BAR SILVER NEW YORK. (CP Bar silver was unchanged at 443,4c per ouncf on the New York metal market today. TRAIL AID TO MINERS Is Much Easier Now to Head Kootenay Harbor Property On Which Results are Proving Satisfactory The trail between Sewell Inlet on tne east cwusv, wj n-wai Mnrhnr on the west coast of Moresby Island, has been completed by the provincial Department of Mines' and the miners at the Halda Gold Mine at Kootenay Harbor are now using the trail to take over supplies which are delivered by steamers at. Lagoon Bay The trail saves a long and very rough trip by boat around tne west coast.' The highest elcva-the trail from coast to VV w - coast Is only 275 feet. Good progress Is being made on driving of the tunnel on the Halda Gold and the contractors, all of whom have worked at the Pioneer mine, are said to be impressed with the showing of pre. J. E. Crowe, engineer in charge, is also well satisfied. Los Angeles Win Invitation Tennis NEWPORT, R. I., Aug. 25:-Ro-hert. Rlees. Los Angeles, scored a '(surprising victory ovr 01 4 to 1. Fpfter I. , l J.n Bnrinff Lake. NeW amazine ahliitv f. ui. i.l-j,. win the Newport Irv .!..,. i snirles title 8-9, '6-4, 8-10. Frankie Jersey SIR EDWARD BEATTY VANCOUVER, Aug. 25: Sir Edward Beatty, president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and party of eight arrived here last evening, ln-the-course of-ran-inspection tour to the Pacific Coast and boarded the midnight boat for Victoria. Sir Edward will be back here to address a luncheon of the Vancouver Board of Trade on Friday. Government Is Staging Lewis Play WASHINGTON, p.C, Aug. 25: - Sinclair Lewis' novel "It Can't Happen" will be produced simultaneously In fifteen cities by the W. P. A. federal theatre project W. P. A. administrator Harvey L Hopkins announces. Theatrical production of the book, the flim version of which was recently cancelled, will be staged by 28 W. P. A. theatrical companies needj actors on October 15. 4 Change in Train Service Shortly Will Revert to Winter Schedule Next Week, it is Announced Train service on the local line of the Canadian National Railways will revert to winter schedule next week. There will be three trains a week in each direction. Mixed trains will leave for the east Mon day, Wednesday and Friday evenings at 6 o'clock and will arrive Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 10:20 p.m. EXPORT OF LUMBER UP British Columbia Sent Great Deal More Out This July Than ' ; Year Afo VICTORIA, Aug. 25: British Columbia lumber exports for the month of July this year showed an increase of sixty-five percent over the same month last year. It was announced yesterday by the pro vlnclal government forestry de partment. LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. m&ln Sir Oliver Lodge Says ventions are Grossy Many LONDON, Aug. 25: (CP) The time has come for science to call a halt to "things of the devil," says white-bearded Sir Olive: Lodge. J The celebrated scientist and psychlclst, sometimes called "The Darwin of Spiritualism," look back with sorrow upon these scientific achievements which, he believes, have brought terror to the world. "We know things that we never should have known things of the, tevll," he declared sadly. "Think of radio my first love. I never dreamed that electrical discovery of mine would ever bo used to send airplanes to bomb Innocent children. Yet that has happened. "And I feel responsible, eveni though other hands than mine' brought fulfillment of that idea J If that is the use science makes of new knowledge, then I wish the secret of wireless signalling' had never been made clear to mn "There is a surfeit of science '' he said, "the world is sick and tired of scientific achievements. Too many of our endeavors, those things which I and others have struggled to bring about, have been so grossly abased. "The time has come for stock taking. Science should consider what it has on hand and concentrate on that rather than on add ing to the knowledge of a world already ill with Indigestion. Too much knowledge has already ta ken the wrong path." Thinks Eleanor Holm Was Given Rather Raw Deal NEW YORK, Aug. 25: Charles MacArthur and his wife, Helen Hayes of screen fame, returned to the United States yesterday aboard the Queen "Mary from Europe after having attended the Olympic Games. MacArthur expressed the opinion that Eleanor Holm. Jarred had received a raw deal In being dismissed from the American Olympic swimming team. ROCK THROUGH SNOWSIIED Canadian National . Telegraphs lines were out of commission Sunday evening and yesterday morning as a result of a rock going through a snowshed in the Rocky Mountains near Tete Juane. Service was restored by noon. Stows NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1936 Hitler is Doubling Military Service Term and Increasing His Army to One Million Men On Coast Will Once Again Make Reich Europe's Largest Military Power Must be Done to Prevent Chaos of Communistic Catastrophe, Asserts Der Fuehrer BERLIN, Aug. 25: (CP) Chancellor Adolf Hitler is reported to be planning to convoke the German Reichstag to approve his latest major decision doubling the term of military service and increasing the German army to one million men. Hitler's decree will re-establish Germany's pre-war position as Europe's largest military power. The decree was passed Monday to the accompaniment df Nazi charges that the world is threatened by chaos of a Communist catastrophe. TOO MUCH IS KNOWN To Fight I To Finish I LISBON, Aug. 25: (CP)-Spain's rightist leaders will fight the Socialist government to a finish without truce Sr" treaties, rebel circles declared today. Denial was made of reports from abroad that Count Alvar Romanones, former Spanish Premier, had been charged with the task of seeking, a settlement. LADY KILLS BIG SHARK Combat of Marine Monsters In Skidegate Bay Broken Up News has reached the city from the Queen Charlotte Islands of a thrilling shark hunt in which three Skldegate laldes participated re cently with a considerable measuri of success. On Wednesday last two big sharks were seen engaged In com bat on the surface of the water in Skldegate Bay. The ladles pullet down an eighteen foot boat and went out to where the sharks were doing battle. One of the ladles raised a rifle of large calibre at close range and shot and killed one of the sharks. The other of the sharks disappeared. It-was found that the sharks had been flehtlns over the carcass ol a large dog which they had evi dently killed in the water. Over half of the dog's body had been de voured. At times during the battle the sharks would leap high out of the water. The one that was killed measured twenty feet In length. The lady shark hunters were I Mrs. George Chastenay, Mrs. C. Bruce and Mrs. E. C. Stevens. Joe Louis To Meet Al Atore Philadelphlan to be Next Oppon-ent for Detroit's Brown Bomber, It is Announced PHILADELPHIA, Aug. -Jee Louis and Al Atore have been matched for a fifteen round bout here on September 27, It Is announced, i MANDATE DECLINED Great Britain is Not Taking Over Territory in Western Ethiopia LONDON, Aug. 25: (CP) Great Britain has declined a League of Nations mandate for Western Ethiopia, taking the ground that to accept would be contrary to her declared attitude that she is seeking no material advantages in the East African dispute over a rich area offered by sixty Galla chiefs. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. John ton Oo.l Vancouver B. C, Nickel, .33. Big Missouri. .54. Bralorne, 7.55. B. R. Con., .05 2. B. R. X, .12 Cariboo Quartz, 1.90. nentonla, .17 '2, Duhwel,, .03. ' Mlnto, .37. Meridian, .08. Morning Star, .02. National Sliver, .02. Noble Five, .02. Pend Oreille, .75. Porter Idaho, .04. Premier, 3.15. Reeves McDonald, .06. , i Reno, 1.22. .. Relief, Arlington,, .33. . Salmon Gold, .10. Tayor Bridge, .10. Wayside, .09; United Empire, .02. Toronto Beattle, 1.40. Central Patricia, 4.00. Chlbougamau. 1.63. Gods Lake, 1.10. Inter'l Nickel, 53.00. Lee Gold, .07 Y2. Little Long Lac, 6.00. McKenuzle Red Lake, 1.91. Pickle Crow, 6.95. Red Lake Gold Shore, 2.03. Sari Antonio, 1.85. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.54. Slsco, 4.50. Smelters Gold, .10. Sturgeon River, .36. Ventures, 2.15. McLeod Cockshutt, 4.00. Hardrock, 2.80. Oklend, .32. Mosher, .45. Bousquet,:12. Bldgood Kirkland, 1.55. Gtlbec. .05. Jowsey, .21. Lake Rose, .64. Madsen Red Lake, 1.23. May Spiers, .42. Wlnoga Patricia, Sullivan, 1.87. Stadacona, .65. Green Stayballe, .32. .59 Vi. Frontier Red Lake, Francoeur, 1.90. .25. Social Credit Session Opens Vlberta Legislature Gathers Again Today In Edmonton With Minimum of Ceremony CANUCK DOLLAR DISCOUNTED , Tomorrow's Tides High Low . 8:35 am. 14.1 ft. 20:06 p.m. 16.9 ft. ... 1:40 a.m. 7.9 ft. 13:21 p.m. 10.6 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS MOT IS AT PRE-WAR STRENGTH VATICAN PLEASED Agrees With Roosevelt's Attitude As Anti-Isolationist VATICAN CITY, Aug. 25: The "Osservatore Romano," official Vatican organ, commenting Saturday, on President Roosevelt's recent speech at Chautaqua, expressed satisfaction that the president had defined himself as an antl-tsola-tlonlst. "Let no one delude himself that the ocean can truly separate two continents, thereby avoiding counter blows In various crises," "Osservatore" said. Such belief clashes with evident historical ON FLIGHT UP ISLAND Premier Pattullo Making Anothei Aerial Tour With Pilot E. C. W. Dobbin VICTORIA, Aug. 25: Premier T. D. Pattullo left .today by airplane for a two-day tour of various Van couver Island points. Eleven places will be visited. The Premier Is making .the flight In Pilot E. C. VT. iDobbln's Waco seaplane and is Accompanied by his secretary, Ben iJfcthe . .. . ; Independent Wins Seat in Manitoba Election of Oddur Olafson in Ru pert's Land over Conservative Is Conceded WINNIPEG, Aug. 25: ElecUo.i of Oddur Olafson, Independent, over W. W. Kennedy, Conservative, In the deferred election in Ru pert's Land seat was conceded iast night. This was one of he two seats in which polling was delayed from Manitoba's recent general provincial election. In the other deferred election in The Pas Premier John Bracken was the winner. Local Teacher Has Resigned Miss Margaret McLean of this City Is Taking Position at Terrace Miss Margaret McLean, who has been teaching at Seal Cove School, has resigned from the city teach ing staff and Is taking a position at the Kitsumgallum (Terrace' school. Her successor here has not yet been named. PARAGUAYAN DIPLOMAT HERE Dr. Roberto Levi, consul general for the South American Republic of Paraguay at Guayoquil, Ecuador, was here aboard the Princess . Louise yesterday going north to EDMONTON. Aug. 25; With make the round trip to Alaska. He :eremonies reduced to a minimum, is accompanied by his son and l special session of the Alberta daughter. 'legislature, called especially for- ;he purpose of enacting social . Credit legislation, was opened t(- FafllOUS DiattlOnd Miner Succumbs NEW YORK, Aug. 2& The Ca-' nadlan dollar was discounted at sir Thomas Gullinan Passes Away 1-16 on the New York foreign ex- In South Africa change market yesterday. , JOHANNESBURG, S. A., Aug. 25: Carl Hanson, who has been em- Sir Thomas Gullinan, Jounder ployed at the Nelson Bros. Fish- and chairman of the complnyjop-erles reduction plant here, sailed eratlng the field where '"the fa-this afternoon on the ; Catala for mous. Gull Ivan diamond, was Vancouver. ' 3 found, died Sunday,