PAQB TWO Regreti will never rectify mliuW once made In fitting. your child'i foot The visible ilxe-findins ihoei Every refinement In miking children' ihoes . Third Avenue Sizc-findins shqes tell the whole story mtke no mlitilcn. m JTackLandJilU HEALTH SHOES for boys end sin The Family Shoe Store Limited Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. T. PTJLLEN - - - Managing-Editor AI) VLItTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per incn, per xnserUon . Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per Insertion, per line , SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrler. yeany period, paid In advance $5.00 By man to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and For lewsr periods, paid In advance, per week By mall to all other countries, per jrear , . Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98, News Department Telephone , 86 Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Id Wednesday, May 13, 1936 PLEA FOR FISHERMEN Hanson Would Have Government Lend Them Money With Which to Purchase Boats. The following Is from Hansard of April 28. MR HANSON- I want tn asso ciate myself with the hon. member j for Gloucester Mr. Venlot) wheat he describes the fishermen's griefsi and also the inequity of the bill: passed last year in connection witnj assistance to fishermen in building their boats. "Especially I should like to call the attention of the minister to the recommendation which he ha received from the Pacific coast, from the deep sea, fishermen there. The act passed last year allowed a fisherman only $1,000. In order to get tnat they had to mortgage their boats and real estate. But for the deep sea fishermen on the Pacific coast it is impossible to do anything with $1,000. Their boaU In t.hlA first rilaAa M-ict all IKa vnu ;bla coast. For Instance, the port I represent, Prince Rupert, brings In each year five or six or seven million pounds of halibut. This 'fishing is all done In deep sea waters outside the coastal areas. A i .i V .i' i X Y V. , ' cucldl guveiiiiiieiit Arthur P. Legerton Sells Drift. duimib mat uriusn uoiumma nas a case hut pret.ers am wood Ranch to New Comer independent commission to deal with it. That is one bene- 'nm Switzerland fit and a very important one resulting from the visit of Premier Pnttnlln tn rttrriwn Tt id W W l,nn !,; SMITHERS, May 13-One of tht for some time but only how has it been Granted. In any confederation it is necessary for all parts of it1 to be satisfied. In the past the Maritime Pi ovinpps hnvpl Uey Valley has laid down his tool3 'and retired. Arthur P. Legerton, who came to been able to exert so much influence at Ottawa that thev Smlthers. ,mmedlatefy after the have secured almost everything thev asked. The west hn Zk"?n ln. ?rI i i cl , i ,t i , v .r' .. . . . . wwu uistrici, ana nas Deen larm- been left out in the cold. Now it that seems British Colum- ing there since that time, has sold nia has some chance of securing a more just settlement. ,hls holdings to Fritz iiuriimann, a TRAIN SERVICE IMPROVED new arrival from Switzerland. Mr. Legerton had one of the fi- The train sprvino nn thp If oncf V D.,!nest. Iarms ln tne Bl,lkley Valley .. w..,w ivm.. i -winter imicii,(but last he had is to be improved considerably this year. The Friday tune to trains, it is understood, are to give a fast, t. tU fully V eailinnpfl equipped . mor more or or the mlsior- break a leg and has been less disabled since that service, and through passenger tourists will be advised to tlme- IIe found u imPssie o take them as they connect with the Vancouver trains at SidtJlTtnV?! ?' Jasper with only few minutes to wait. Last year there TL"Sl t Sttfi was no train of this class. Three mixed trains and two full the interests of the Driftwood du- passenger trains will be only one train in all less than in!tr,ct dur,ne nls residence there. the nalmv davs. If conditions pnntinnp tn immvwa tWn Deln secretary of the Farmers In- should be another imnrnvpmpnt in th nn Qvf ,fno., secretary of the Drift " " ""k juai. wood Sehftol Tin-irrt ftf TVnot.o. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board 6r by the Government of British Columbia. - w l9t. V 9t He has always been very popular with the people of Driftwood and of Smlthers and he will be greatly missed ln the Drlftwod district. , Mr Hurlimann, the new owner, jls a new comer to this district but he has lived In Canada before and was manager of a large farm at Mortlach, Sask. He should have no trouble fitting In in the Driftwood District. The transaction was handled by a local realtor, L. H. Kenney, and is the first movement of real estate In the valley this year. Mr. Hurlimann with his wife and small son are already ln possession of the property. 'S PO RT GIANTS ARE Murray Patrick MOVING UP! NewChamp.on Improve Position by Close Victory Over Chicago Cubs Yanks And Red Sox Lose NEW YORK, May 13: (CP) New York Giants defeatefl Chicago Cubs In a close game yesterday and assumed exclusive possession of third place In the National League standing. The two teams had been previously tied lor third place. Brooklyn. Dodgers defeated 'Dizzy" Dean and the St. Iouis Cardinals. In the American League, both the leading New York Yankees and the closely running up Boston Red Sox suffered shut-out defeats the from $5,000 to $20,000. some up to 1 I a a a 1 I I m 11.. I ...I.. $40,000 and $50 000 The flshlne In- lon"er at " anu " me "'w' LouLs Browns anrt the latter b Wldustry out there Is the back-bone !of business on the British Colum-ithe woxld champion Detroit Tigers who took fourth place exclusively ahead of the Chicago White Sox. The Washington-Chicago gama was called on account of rain at the end of the second with the Senators leading three to nil. The Phila- loan of $1,000 to build boats of delphla-Cleveland game was called ;that kind Is no assistance at all. at the end of the second with the Representation has been made to Indians leading two to nil. the government and to the minis- National League iter that this amount should be Pittsburg 6, Boston 6 (called in 10 1.40 1 raised, and there is no doubt In Innings on account of darkness). ,02, ray mind that this could be done! St. Louis 2, Brooklyn. 5. j5 for the fishermen the same as It , has been done In this housing, scheme. The fisherman Is required! to give security on his boat or his real estate, and I do not see why the department should not extend 9.00 to the fishermen the same privil eges as they are doing under the nousmg scheme which In my opln-' Ion is a good idea and should be extended to everybody. We hear this plea not only this afternoon but year by year. I "I say, give the fishesmew all the '.assistance that Is coming to them. These men are the back-bone of ivyuijui wvuiuir. the country and must be given tho Yesterday we recorded the sudden and unexoected assistance thev need. The farmers Chicago 4, New York 5. Cincinnati 6, Philadelphia 4. American League New York 0, St. Louis 7. Boston 0, Detroit 5. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L St. Louis 14 Pittsburg 12 New York 13 Chicago 12 Cincinnati :.; 12 Brooklyn 11 Boston 9 death of Kooert Cromie, an outstanding man in the life of are provided for; it is not right to PhiiadPiohia . .7. 10 jus nome cuy, Vancouver, Doubtless he had many faults "c ulurr P"mary maus-but disloyalty to his home town Was not one of then,. In TXTZ season and OUt Of season he Worked in ttie interests of presentation he has received from British Columbia's metropolis. Even when on his periodic the deep sea fishermen, i know tours he looked for information that would be ot acivan- some consideration is required by tage to Vancouver. For years he fought an uphill battle Si shorf "shfme. but they have with the object of placing the Sun newspaper on its feet leTon SM? coasttS tinancially and the fact that he has been able to carry on had very little if any considTa-its publication in face of fearful odds indicates that his n" policy was generally right. Mr. Cromie will be missed in Vancouver. ADMITS CLAIMS By the appointment of a Royal' Commission to examine into British Columbia's claims for a chance in her fin.m- Bulkley Valley Farmer Retires 8 .030 9 .571 10 .505 11 .522 13 .480 13 .458 13 .409 16 .385 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pet. New York 17 8 .CP.0 Boston 17 9 .051 Cleveland 15 9 .625 Detroit 12 11 .522 Chicago !0 10 .500 Washington 13 14 .481 Philadelphia 8 15 .343 St. Louis 4 20 .167 RIVER OPEN TO FISHING PORTLAND, Ore., May 13:' The Oregon State Fisheries Commission has decided not to close the Umpquah River to commercial flr.hlng this season. Son of Lester Patrick, Well Knoun Hockey Manager, Takes Catholic Heavyweight Wrestling Title NEW YORK, May 13 (Canadian Press) Murray Patrick, youngest son of Lester Patrick, manager of the New York Rangers National League Hockey Club, Monday night won the Catholic Youth Associa tion's heavyweight title, taking a decision from Bill Gould of New York In the three round final. SPORT CHAT Sandy Somerville, the champion, tops the ranking of Canadian ama teur golfers as the 1936 season opens, according to the magazine Canadian Golfer, whose first official rating list was published In the April Issue. All the other top- ( flight amateurs In the country come after Somerville, who won the ' Canadian amateur for the fourth time last season. But some brll-' llant performers are at the heels of the London, Ont., veteran, not-4 ably Bud Donovan' of Winnipeg, ' who was ranked second. I Following Is the ranking list: C. Ross Somerville, London, Ont.; Bud Oonovan, Winnipeg; Jack Nash, London, Ont.; Gordon Taylor -Jr.. Toronto; Stan Leonard, Vancouver; Stuart Vickers. Vancouver; Oordon B. Taylor, Montreal; Bobby rteith, Winnipeg; Fred Hoblitzel, jToronto; Ken Black, Vancouver; i uii:k. mutire, Vancouver: Jim Thompson, Hamilton; Phil Farley, 'Montreal; Frank Corrigan, Ottawa; 1 Hugh U. Jaques, Montreal. HASKIMLL SFASON OPENS May 27 Rink No. l 'vs. Rink No. 2; Rink No. 3 vs. Rink No. 4, May 29 No. 5 vs. No. 0; No. 7 v.1 Mo. 8. June l No. 9 vs. No. 10; No. I vs. No. 3. Julie 3 No vs. No. 7. June 5 No vs. No. 0. 1 vs.,Nrr. 4; No; 5 1 SMnilEHS, May 13 The base-j -all season was officially Inaugua- j ated at Smlthers on Sunday after- ( noon when two of the teams of( the newly organized league clashed j i their first game. A large num ber of fans was on hand. HOWLING SCHEDULE ON SALE This TWO-BURNER HOT PLATE Light meals for hot days! Cook them SO quickly, easily, comfortably and ECONOMICALLY on a Two-Burner Hot Plate that saves fuel and fuss and keeps you cool and cheerful. Get yours NOW to start the summer season. For only Wednesday, May 13, 143) Jfnqpr ",,iw - "''ipryjm It's Hit! A joy-drive right where it counts in smoking pleasure! Yes, sir that's what Ogden's Fine Cut gives you every time it steps up to a light. Satisfying! Man, a homer in the ninth with the bases full has nothing on Ogden's Fine Cut. And now that times are better, Ogden's with "Chantecler" or "Vogue" papers, is the team to bank on for full enjoyment in rolllng-your-own. The purple easy-opening ribbon on each package is mighty handy for removing the cellophane wrapper. OGDEN'S FINE CUT P.S. Your Pipe knows Ogjen's Cut Plug. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE PHONE 775 24 Only Simmons All Felt Mattresses Third Avenue All Sizes from $7.50 MAIL ORDERS SHIPPED SAME DAY Prince Rupert .99 (Regular Price if 4.25) COMPLETE WITH CORD Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited Phone 775 6 vs. No. 8; No. i i It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News ' that the people of the whole district are doing the same.