FAQ B TOUR ADVISED TO EAT BRAN FOR HER CONSTIPATION' Kellogg's All-Bran Helps Miss Hanson Read this enthusiastic, voluntary letter: "Just a line to let you know how much I appreciate Kellogg's All-Bran. I was troubled with constipation. I asked my doctor what to do. He said to eat bran. "I tried other brands but they weren't so good, so I tried Kellogg's All-Bran, and it is just wonderful. It makes delicious muffins, too." Miss Agnes Hanson (address upon request). - All-Bran provides mild "bulk" missing in the average meal. This delicious cereal also furnishes vitamin B and iron. The "bulk" in All-Bran absorbs moisture, and gently exercises and cleanses the system. It is often more effective than that found in fruits and vegetables, as it does not break down within the body. All-Bran also supplies vitamin B and iron. Isn't this natural food pleasanter than patent medicines? Just eat two tablespoonfuls daily. If not relieved, see your doctor. Sold by all grocers. All-Bran is much more effective than part-bran products. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Cot1pation dut to ituvfieitnt "bulk" in mtalt. Do You Return From Your Vacation 100 Percent Fit? SUKK. When You Holiday at 'THE DUNES' TLELL Write for literature and rates MADAME KAJAUT Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands WANTED Camp Run Hemlock Logs. Phone Green C87 or Write Stanley Bishoprick jr. Prince Rupert NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZareM, Proprletoi "A HOME AWAY KKOM HOME" Rates 11.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Walei Prince Rupert. B.C Phone 281 p.o. Box 198 Hyde Transfer Garden Soil $2.50 I a load I ' PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue GUIDE STARS ARE AWARDED Sixty-Eighth Company Girls Guests of First Company Arc The members of the Sixty-Eighth Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, Guide Company were the guests last evening of the First Prince Rupert Guide' Company -at a social held in St. Andrew's Cathedral Hall. Forty girls were in attendance and the evening was spent with games and contests. Service stars were presented as follows: First Company Six-year star Patrol Leader Honora Silversides. Five-year star Patrol Second Edna McLean. Four-year stars Patrol Leader Muriel Eby and Patrol Second Joan Baker. Three-year stars Patrol Leader Jean Watt and Patrol Second Aud- 1 rpv Wntklnsnn Two-year stars Patrol Leader Betty Wilkinson, Patrol Second Betty Borland and Guide Kay O'Neill. One-year stars Guides Betty Miller. Louise Bird. Betty Brem-ner, Helen Brown, Flora Leslie, Marian Sheppard, Eleanor Clapp, Delphlne Balagno, Doris Leach, Helen Doctor, Joan Squire and Nora McCaffery. There was also a second class badge and an ambulance badge presented to Joan Baker. One-year stars were received by Patrol Leaders Munghlll Storseth and Joyce Keilback, and Patrol Second Anna Johnson of the 68th I. O. D. E. Company. The First Company patrol challenge cup, won for the sixth consecutive season by the Sunflower Patrol, was received by the leader, Honora Silversides. Refreshments were served before the group was dismissed. Today's Weather (8 A.M.) Terrace Clear, calm, 50. Anyox Clear, calm. 55. Stewart Clear, calm, 47. Hazelton Clear, calm, 55. Smlthers Clear, calm, warm. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 44. ECONOMY SPECIALS keep the cost of living down. Phone or mall your order. BROWN SUGAR 10 lbs. GOLDEN BANTAM CORN Aylmer, 2's, 2 tins DRIED GREEN PEAS 3 lbs. QUAKER OATS large pkg. CHIPSO For laundry or dishes, large pkg PORK & BEANS LIbby's family size. 2 tins MOLASSES Sweet Adeline for cooking, 4'2-lb. tin 55c 25c 19c Mrs. Bowden Is New Chairman Of Labor League The future welfare of the organization was the chief topic at the regular business meeting of the Women's Labor League last night. The resignation of Mrs. W. H. Montgomery as chairman was accepted .with regret Mrs. Montgomery will be shortly leaving for Vancouver. Mrs. Bowden was elected to succeed her as chairman as well as financial secretary. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront On her way from Juneau to Seattle, the Seventh Day Adven-tlst Alaska mission boat Messenger was a brief visitor in port yesterday afternoon, tying up during her stay at the Canadian National wharf. She had on board a party consisting of Pastor and Mrs. H. L. Wood of Juneau, Pastor and Mrs. M. J. Jackson of Anchorage, Misses Wanda and Virginia Wood, Mrs. Albert Crosby, Miss Norma Crosby and Mr. and Mrs. Orval Roe of Juneau and Mrs. Charles Frederick-son and Mrs. Emma McCulloch of Ketchikan. From Seattle Pastors Wood and Jackson will proceed by t motor to San Francisco to attend i a convention of the Seventh Day' dventist Church. Pastor Jackson 1 has recently been at Palmer, the new colonist community in the: Matanuska Valley, where a Sev-j enth Day Advcntlst log church has been built. Last year he drove the first car from Anchorage to Palmer. Many Puget Sound and Alaska halibut salmon fishermen are plan-! nlng to engage ln salmon glllnet-l ting this summer ln the Bristol Bay district. j Six halibut vessels sold catches i totalling 125,000 pounds at Seattle yesterday as follows: Yakutat, 34,-000, Sebastian-Stewart, 7V4C and 7c; Bonanza, 23,000, Whiz, 7V4C and 7c; Lltuya. 27,000; San Juan, 7.1c and 7c: Addlngton, 24.000. New (England, 7'8c and 7c; Rosarlo, 12.- Albert Farrow, steamboat in-'000- San Juan 7'zC and 7'4c; Re-spector, arrived In the citv on the Peat. 5'50. Washington, 7?8C, 7c 'Prince Rupert this' morning from and 2c (cod)- , ( Vancouver, being here to inspect! the steamer Prince Charles which jis now being given her annual; overhaul at the local dry dock. I C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. H. E. Nedden, arrived in port at 10:15 this morning from Vancouver,. Powell River and Ocean Falls and sails at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. i C; N. R. steamer Prince Charlw has been taken on the pontoons a 1 the local dry dock for hull overhaul work preparatory to going Into commission June 6 on the run between here and Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands iu place of the steamer Prince John ! which will go tramp freighting for , the summer. The season for trout fishing in Skeena watershed which extends as far as Copper River will not be open until May 24, It Is announced "iQThls applles both to lake and XtC, stream fishing. 19c' Fresh Fruits and Vegetables arriving every boat MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Where Dollars Have More Cents P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 C.P.R. steamer Princess Louise,' gft JCaPl S. K. Gray, Is due in port at 4JC,3:3 this afternoon from Skagway land other northern points and will O C sal1 an hour later for Vancouver and waypolnts. REDUCED RATES ON AUTOS I t There will be reduced rates on automobiles between Prince Rupert and Terrace and Hazelton' again this summer as there were' last, it Is announced. The reduced rates go Into effect on June 1. Mail Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday and Friday -.5 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday . 10:20 p.m. For Vancouver - Tuesday 12:30 p.m. Thursday ...r., 9:30 p.m. Friday 9:30 p.m. May 4, 13 and 23 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday ju 4 pjn. Wednesday 10 a.m. daily news Wednesday, May ij, 193S Iowa Pastor Is Heard at Local Pentecost Meets Rev. Adolf Doupnik. pastor of the Pentecostal Church at Waterloo, Iowa, was a visitor here the latter part of last week on his way to Alaska on an evangelical cam- nolfrn Ifo rnnrtiiMert tVirff TTlPpt- week in the Prince Rupert General Hospital, ifiok place this afternoon from the chapel of the .B. C. Undertakers to Falrvlcw Cemetery. Rev. L. C. Jensen, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, officiated. Radio .Station KOL at Seattle will be on the air between midnight tonight and 1 a.m. with a nrngram HpHlpntprt tn Prlnno T?n the local station will not Interfere SOUTH SEA FILM HERE "Last of Pagans" With "Love on a! Bet" Being Shown at Capitol Theatre fng at the lo a Assembly. Pastor .J"? "mantle m . . . Rft." Ret" enmnriso rnmnrisp n n double rinnhlfi bill bill nro- Dro- L. J. North was in the chair ana there was a fair attendance at the meetings. IS BUUIEL TODAY The funeral of the late Ben Sev-erson. well known local fisherman,- whose death occurred earlier in the ' An absorbing drama of life on the Polynesian Islands entitled "Last of the Pagans" and a whirl- TERRACE After visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith, for some weeks In Terrace, Mrs. Mcllroy has gone to Edmonton to Join her husband in that city. The Board of Trade held a special session on Monday to draw up a letter urging upon the Premier, while he is in these parts, to give his best consideration to the Job of finishing the highway connect- gram at the Capitol Theatre hcrelnS Terrace with Hazelton and the ot th miHHio nf thi Mpif Tn ad.1 outside world. Harry King pre- dltlon to the two feature pictures, !sIded and there. was, a fairly well Julius Welle appears on the stage in accordion solos. auenaea meeung. Captain J. Bowen Colthurst gave nnrl -nn nllnstiv cart. "Last of th- hU TerraCe Ir,ends a Peasant SUr Pagans" shows In detail the inti mate lives of the Polynesian na tlves. It is a gripping and roman tic love story of a boy and a girl in the island paradise; of their separation through the work of rascally white traders, and their triumphant reunion. The action Is yuac uu iviuuuuy mgm wnen ne stepped off the train from Prince Rupert. The Captain Intends to put in some time at Terrace and Lak- eise and while here he plans to hold some meetings In the Inter ests of the Social Credit League. cor ncrnlncr o rnnpcrrv it ! ri li i jv-v "(j""-" " "rvu" j jjvu4- oiarwng oui irom Mew York in a esque nauve dances, glorious tro- pair of shorts, Gene Raymond Is to pic sunsets, blue lagoons and gor-be In Hollywood In ten days with a Bcuus i-cciuc ueiaus. j SUitj m ln cash and a beautiful wve on a uei' is ua.-ea Dasea on on a aiDionae. i blonde. Thp'rp Tnere nr are many mnnv vmim.. r . r v- - - f "vuuj WU14 1, itOO tilC up a lively romantic comedy, romantic lead opposite Raymond. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES All Cold Sil Conjtoleum. hrtber in Run form or Bythe-yjrd, hat the Gold Stil hoo above affixed 10 itt (urface. Thit teal it your guarantee from a manufacturer located bert in Ctudtn& ready to back it tiff immediately it tart and nteana 'Satisfaction ... or Your Mooer Back". Refute inferior jubtututeil CONGOL E CAN Contohum Gold Slot Rut "MING" N. 414 No other invest ment you can make will give greater returns than n few dollars spent on brightening your home. . . Start idtli the floors fresh, cheerful colour there will bring a new charm that you ami all your friends will enjoy. Do as thousands of modern-minded, thrifty housewives have done: use Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs - you will get greater beauty at less cost and these flat-lying, casy-to-clean rugs will save you countless hours of tiresome housework. Attractive patterns are now ' being displayed by most good housefurnishings stores. A I) A L I M I T E I) - mont n v a 1. 1 1 1 GORDON'S HARDWARE We carry a large stock of the newest and most popular patterns in Congoleum Rugs McKENZIE FURNITURE Sells Congoleum Rugs and Yard Goods TONIGHT & TIIURSDA? Last Complete Rhm,, ,. Triple Feature Bill! 4 ATTIt ACTION 1 Novelty feature length Travel Picture of the South Sei Islands . . . made doubly in eres ng by means of terestlng love story uiS lng characters are Mala and Lotus of "Eskimo- fame dialogue Is native made tm derstandable by use of sU?- Imposed titles in EngiishT t I V an WITH Mala AND LOTUS and Cast 0 5,000! You'll love this screen adven lure with the thrills o( Trader Horn", d romance and drama o "White Shad-ows," A great film torn from the heart ol a primitive people) At 8 30 One On.. ATTKACTION 2 A Coast tn Coast Giggle! GENU RAYMOND in "Love on a Net" S'arting from New York pen-n'loss and dressed .' 1 shirts he bal to b:- In Callfor n'a fn days laW tf b a new suit, a hundred dollar and engaged to a bpautifui girl ... or eke 1 t With WENDY MKKIU At 7:03 fi 9 ATIKACTIOX 3 On the Stage JULIUS WEIXK And lib Accordion At 3 20 Or f-lr DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICR CRKAM In '-(ial'.ons and Gallons VALENTIN' lIHY I'll ONE 657 GO PHONE 60 Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Grades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bone Dry Kindling always ln stock. Wc also operate CO Messenger Service Rats and Beaver We have, a big ordr lor both and In order to induce trappers and dealers to -ship their skins wc are offnrins more than market prtce Snip them ln and wo will wire the money Immediately C, O L I) II L 0 0 M . The Old Itellable PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON SEAL Fancy 1 Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only iBatag w with Canning Company the year round payroU i'nnce ivuf""