ednesday, May 13, 1936 Miss Barbara Pettlplece and Mrs. h' McDonald arrived In the city from Steward on the Catala yes: terday afternoon. The former I3 here for medical treatment and Was Temoved from the boat to trw hospital In the ambulance. ; Mrs. Jack McColl was a passen-l ger aboard the Catala yesterday' afternoon enlnfr th ice arm to Vancouver enroute to TT.J1 4- 1 . cuicy 10 lane up residence, oin- lng Mr. McOoll who Is employed ln1 the mines there. j Banish Work and Worry on Wash Day EASY" Economy Washers welcome wash day every week. Let EASY do the work, that's what they're made for. Put an EASY in your home for the Best Washing with the least work. Easy on you Easy on the clothes. EASY means Easy, every way you look at it. Models and prices to suit every requirement. You can own a Genuine EASY Washer for as little as $ 74 50 'Convenient terms too. Phone 6 for full particulars and lowest prices L rfOOK further than just the price per gallon. Consider how well it covers, how far it spreads and how lonit lasts. Quality and economy can r 1 be judged only after the paint is applied and sub- ' jected to exposure. Cheap, short-lived paint is' costly at any price. You really save money by using PRATT & LAMBERT HOUSE PAINT It gives unfailing protection against rot and decay; it possesses maximum covering, beauty and service. These qualities far outweigh the price per gallon. For the outside of the house, for the interior walls, floors and furniture for everything in and about your home, there is a Pratt 5c Lambert Paint, Varnish or Enamel especially designed to do that particular job better to insure the utmost in beauty, durability and economy. Kaien Hardware PHONE 3 TheFxsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Canadian Legion B. HI S. L. meeUng tonight. (It) Mrs. William Selwood of Anyox was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon going through for a trip to Victoria. Edward Lipsett arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver, being here on one of his periodical visits to his local business. City Commissioner W. J. Alder will be the speaker tomorrow at the regular weeky luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club, his. subject to be: "Prince Rupert ane Its Opportunities.' P. G. Fraser, general baggage department, Canadian National Rail ways, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver, being here on official business. He will leave tomorrow night on his return south. The Women of the Moose, with Mrs. Charles Edwards in the chair, held a regular meeting last night at the home of Mrs. Peter Wing-ham,. First Street. Business was largely of a routine nature. It wa3 decided to hold a bridge party on May 22. M, S. Bryan arrived this morning from Vancouver to act as official recorder at the session of the Supreme Court Assizes here. Mr. Bryan was recently bereaved through the death of his, wife and is receiving the sympathy of local friends. Dr. J. W. Vosburgh, who has been practising medicine at Stewart for the past four years, has been appointed to the staff of the provin cial mental hospital at New West minster and, with Mrs. Vosburgn, will be leaving Stewart for the south In about three weeks' time. W. H. Tobey, C. N. R. divisional superintendent, returned to the city on last night's train from a trip over the line as far as Mc- Bride on official duties. M. A. Bur- bank, divisional engineer; H. E. Alton, B. and B. master, and F. R. Walton, roadmaster, also came In. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ritchie and. little daughter, who have been located at Dupaquette, Quebec, arrived in the city from the East oaj last night's train and will be re-j malning here Indefinitely. Mrs.j Ritchie Is the daughter of Mr. anrtj Mrs. J. A. Lindsay of this city. Mr. Ritchie was formerly identifiatl with the Granby Co. at Anyox. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham and family, who have been residents of Alice Arm for many years, were passengers aboard the Catala yes terday afternoon going through to Vancouver where they will embark for New Zealand in which country they plan to take up future resi dence,. C. W. Chesterton of Vancouver, superintendent of the British Columbia division of the Bank 0! Montreal, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from the ?outh and is proceeding through to Stewart. Returning here tomorrow evening, he will Temaln over until Friday night when he will return south on the Princes'! Adelaide. Announcements Saturday Night Dancing Party, Commodore Cabaret. Canadian Legion Spring Sate, May 13. Anglican Tea. Mrs. 3 II. Ormc May 14. Sons of Norway Independence Day May 15, Moose Hall. Social, Catholic Hall, Friday, May 15. Admission 25c. Presbyterian Tea, May 21. Elks' Kiddies Flag Day May 25. Norman Wllks is coming. Con cert June 3. P, T. A, tea, June 5, at Mrs. Win dow's. Eastern Star tea at Mrs. F. W. Allen's, June 8. DAILY HIW1 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Thomas Gosnell ofort Simpson was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver. . Norway's Independence Day, May 15, Moose Hall. Program 8.S0, Dance 10:30. Adm. Adults . 50c. Children 15c. Refreshments, lio John Steen of Wales Island cannery, who recently broke a leg. in an accident, arrived ,in the, (city on the Catala yesterday afternoon to receive further treatment. Mrs. Jack Woods (Annette 8tone), who has been spending the past few weeks in the south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning. WAKE-UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed in tbe ) Morninf Rat-in' to Co Tb. tlrrr should pour oat two pounds of liquid bil. into your bowel, daily. If this biU Is not flowing- freely, your food doam't digsat. It just decays In the bowels, Cu bloats np your stomach. Yoaset constipated. Harmful poisons co into the body, and you feel soar, sunk and the world looks punk. mars bowel saorameBi doeen'tarwaya ret at the cause. You need something that works on the liver a. welL It takes those rood, old Carter's Little liver Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing- freely and make you feel "sp and op". Harmless and gentle, they: make the bile How freely. They do the work of calomel but have no calomel or mercury is them. Ask far Carter's Little Liver Pills by pamol Stubbornly refuge anything; else. ffit. Ronald Pitcher returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Esquimau where hr has been taking a course of naval training. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hatton of Stewart arrived in the city, on the Catala yesterday afternoon, Mr. Hat- ton having been summoned here for Jury duty at the'Supreme ' Court i ia. it it j a, j . . .1 Mrs. D, Zarelll, , who has been visiting at Goldbridge in the Bridge River district, returned ,to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Edgar, who have been away since last fall at Harrison Hot Springs, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. J. A. Klrkpatrick. one of Prince Rupert's best known and 'popular pioneers, arrived on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancou ver for a visit and is busy renew ing his many old friendships While In the north, Mr. Klrkpatrick will pay a visit "to Stewart CI a s ? i fi 0 FOR RENT FOR RENT 4-room furnished flat, Monarch range. Phone 547. (tf) FOR SALE NEW 1936 Johnson ' outboard mo tors, Vancouver prices, W. R. Love Electric Co., agents. (124) FOR SALE Piano in excellent con dition. Phone Green 968. (114) WALNUT Dining room suite, lib rary table, Wilton rug, oak din ing table arid chilrs, electric sti mulator, vacuum cleaner, lamps and oddments to clear. Phone Blue 258. Vancouver, LOST U5) GENTLEMEN Personal drug sun dries. Highest Grade Latest. Del ivered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper) Pacific Supply 751 Granville LOST-Bunch of keys on ring Phone Green 603. 114 HOLIDAYS For Adults and Children on the f amous North Beach, Graham Is Fishine. Bathlncr. nnrfmlnton Picnics, Bcenlc Drives, Shooting in Season, Cottages fully furnished, also Tents and Dining Room. Onnrl nlflln rnnlHnrp nt. reasonable rates. Apply for full pmucuiars w MRS. DUNN, Sangan River, Near Massett, B.C. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert P. 5. Kenyon, Mr. and Mrs. R, L. Maltland, G. A. Donnelly and B.j Irvine, Vancouver; W. S. Anderson, Terrace; M. Allison, Vsk'r A, Watt. C.N.R.; Dr. C, Pitts, Fraser Lake: James Hargreaves, Victoria; O. M. Beirnes, Hazel ton; MrsM. E. Hip- plsley, Terrace. j Royal j S. C. McCleary and Ben Roberts, Burns Lake; John Bekerk and E. Anderson, city. Savy , F. T. Patterson, Surf Point; Rev. M. H. Lawrence, Kitkatla; N. H. Terry, Massett; E. J. France, Sml-thers; Karl Hellstrom, Vanarsdol. Mr. Justice p. A. McDonaJd' arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this mornlng.from Vancouver to preside over he session of the Supreme Court Assizes which opened today. George Bryant, whose tender of $29 per .suit was the lowest, has been given the order by the city for the supplying of seven uniforms for members of the fire department, it was announced todav. John Dybhavn, who is on a trip to Vancouver to attend a meeting of the Pacific sub-executive of the Biological Board of Canada, is ex pected to return to the city from the south on the Catala next R. L. Maitland K.C. of Vancouver was the speaker at the weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Club in the Boston Cafe today. President R, G. Large was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members with a few guests. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Queen Charlotte Islands, atl titu&te on Cumshewa Inlet fronting on unsurveyed Crown Land which Is situated Immediately South of Lot 4S. Queen Charlotte Islands District. Take notice that the Allison Logging Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C intends to apply lor a lease 01 the Jo.- lowlng described Foreshore ina CommenclruE at a post planted et the 8. W. Corner of Lot 45. Q. C. I. thence 20 chains due South; thence 60 chains due East thenoe due North to Shoreline; thence West along shoreline to point or commencement and containing 30 acres, mare or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON. Pres. Allison Logging Co , Ltd. rHtnd April 21. 1939. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Leatr land In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis trict of Range S Coast, and situate op Kalen Island close to Galloway Rapids Bridge. Take notice that I, Martin Miller 01 Prince Rupert. B.C, occupation Lumberman Intends to apply lor a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted ap- proxlmatley 3 000 ft. north of lota 115- 116, D. L. Z51, Range 5 coast thence 660 feet west; thence 760 ft. south thence 660 feet east; thence 260 ft. north thenoe following the shore line to post of commencement and contain ing ten acres, more or less. MARTIN MILLER Dated March . 103B LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lean Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis trict of Range S Coast, and situate close to Galloway Rapids Bridge, near Prince Rupert, B. C. Take notice that I, Martin Miller o Prince Rupert. B.C. occupation Lumber man Intends to apply for a lease of the following described Foreshore I alias: Commencing at a post planted ap proximately 3.000 ft. north of Lots IIS- lie. JJ. L. Kange o uoasi umac. thence about 500 ft. south to opposite shore thence northerly following the shoreline to post 01 commencement and containing ll4 acres, more or leas Dated March 8. 1038 I.AMI ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Pur chase iJtml In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Queen Charlotte Islands and situate on the North shore of Cumshewa Inlet immediately South of Lot 45. Q. C. I. Take notice that the Allison Logging Company Limited of Vancouver, B. C Intends to apply for permission to pur chase the fallowing described lands Commencing at a post nianxed at tne 8. W. corner of Lot 45, Q. C. I. Uience 60 chains East .Ion South boundary of Lot 45; thrrvte due South to shoreline; thence West along shoreline to point of commencement and containing 40 acres more or lees. AMBROSE P. AlliISUN, Pres. Allison Logging Co.. Ltd. Dated April 21, 1936. MRS. HALLWAY announces the reopening of the Modern Beauty Shoppe 530 Third Avenue formerly located at 210 4th St. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 There will be a special for one week of a free electric manicure with every shampoo and flngerwave or marcel. Bathing Caps Excellent Quality Popular Style's ' Prices: 10c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 60c, 75c . 7 V Audiphone Ear Drum Protectors For Bathers 25c each Rubber Beach Bags 25c and 35c ' Films and Kodak Supplies A COMPLETE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND Films Developed and Printed on new double weight paper will not curl. Excellent service all work guaranteed. Swimming Rings and Pads For Beginners $1.00 OrmesLtd. yfi! Pioneer Druggists The Kcxa.ll Star Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. FOR YOUR GARDEN We have in stock a complete line of Seeds Spades Nozzles Rakes Mowers Trowels Spray Rings Cultivators Hoes Forks Shears Fertilizer Garden Hose THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Union Steamships. Limited Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJU. ! Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJM. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and Naas River, Sunday, 8 p.m. Further Information regarding sailings and tickets from R. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 r. CI C FURNITURE EXCHANGE Used Fufmiure DINING ROOM SUITES BEDS All sizes STEEL BABY CRIBS TABLE and CHAIRS DRESSERS LIBRARY TABLE WRITING DESKS RADIOS SINGER SEWING MACHINES REFRIGERATORS KITCHEN UTENSILS KITCHEN RANGES WASHING MACHINES BOOKS, GRAMOPHONE BABY CARRIAGES, ETC. HAMMOCK Suitable For Your Verandah nTTTn Mr We Buy Furniture Outright PHONE GREEN 421 If you have something to sell, a "classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city.